Article MASONIC FACTS. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Masonic Facts.
Fig . 55 . —J . D . 1150 .
Fig . ST . —A . V . 1200 .
Fig . B 9 . —A . V . 1250 ,
Fig , 62 . —A , !) . 1370 .
Fig-. 61—A . D . 1470 .: : "
i'ig . 58 . —The Choir , commenced in lloi
Kg . G 3 . —Xave , A . D . 1201
1 ig . 50 . —Tha Church , commenced in 1154 . -
Pig . fil . —North Transept , 12 J ]
Eig . CO . —South Transept , A . D . 1227 ,
with the houses within the Close of the said Church which William de Hoton , mason , inhabited while he Hved . It being provided nevertheless , that the said Eobert shall well and faithfully attend to the works of our said Church , and shall not employ his time upon any other operations , to the delay or hindrance of the said
works . And if it shall happen that the said Eobert shall undertake any works elsewhere , and apply himself to them , neglecting , delaying or leaving undone , the works of our Church , and after being a third time admonished on behalfshall not return to
our , our said works , and diligently occupy . himself about the ^ vfu' ^ *" ^ oresa id salary shall cease , until he shall return to our works and duly make up for his tailures herein
" And if it shall happen , which God forbid ! that the said Eobert shall be smitten with blindness or any other bodily infirmity , whereby he may he disabled from bestowing his bodily labour upon the said works , then so long as the aforesaid infirmity shall continue , he shall receive ten marks only by the 3 ear , atthe aforesaid terms with the houses aforesaidbestow
, together , - ing his counsel and advice , as far as he is able , in this matter . And in the event that the said Eobert , being unwilling to labour , shall withdraw himself altogether from the said works , then our grant aforesaid shall from that time forth ceaseuntil he shall
freelwith-, y , out fee or reward , return and attend to our works as is aforementioned . In witness whereof our Seal is appended to these presents . —Given at York , in our Chapter House , the 5 th day of January A . D . 1368 . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Facts.
Fig . 55 . —J . D . 1150 .
Fig . ST . —A . V . 1200 .
Fig . B 9 . —A . V . 1250 ,
Fig , 62 . —A , !) . 1370 .
Fig-. 61—A . D . 1470 .: : "
i'ig . 58 . —The Choir , commenced in lloi
Kg . G 3 . —Xave , A . D . 1201
1 ig . 50 . —Tha Church , commenced in 1154 . -
Pig . fil . —North Transept , 12 J ]
Eig . CO . —South Transept , A . D . 1227 ,
with the houses within the Close of the said Church which William de Hoton , mason , inhabited while he Hved . It being provided nevertheless , that the said Eobert shall well and faithfully attend to the works of our said Church , and shall not employ his time upon any other operations , to the delay or hindrance of the said
works . And if it shall happen that the said Eobert shall undertake any works elsewhere , and apply himself to them , neglecting , delaying or leaving undone , the works of our Church , and after being a third time admonished on behalfshall not return to
our , our said works , and diligently occupy . himself about the ^ vfu' ^ *" ^ oresa id salary shall cease , until he shall return to our works and duly make up for his tailures herein
" And if it shall happen , which God forbid ! that the said Eobert shall be smitten with blindness or any other bodily infirmity , whereby he may he disabled from bestowing his bodily labour upon the said works , then so long as the aforesaid infirmity shall continue , he shall receive ten marks only by the 3 ear , atthe aforesaid terms with the houses aforesaidbestow
, together , - ing his counsel and advice , as far as he is able , in this matter . And in the event that the said Eobert , being unwilling to labour , shall withdraw himself altogether from the said works , then our grant aforesaid shall from that time forth ceaseuntil he shall
freelwith-, y , out fee or reward , return and attend to our works as is aforementioned . In witness whereof our Seal is appended to these presents . —Given at York , in our Chapter House , the 5 th day of January A . D . 1368 . "