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Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
WIDOWS . —SUCCESSEUL . Mrs . Mary Ann Swain 4 , 946 „ Rebecca Iiammett 4 , 825 „ Mary Ann Osborne 4 , 590 „ Sarah Crow 4 , 357 „ Ann Slater 4 , 113 „ Jean Rule 3 , 981
UNSUCCESSFUL . Mrs . Margaret Dale , 3 , 853 ,, Ann Butler Lawrence 3 , 759 " " „ Ann Isabella Tisoe 3 , 701 „ Elizabeth Wilkins 2 , 293 „ Elizabeth Dickinson 1 , 707 „ Mary Marson 1 , 653
„ Ann Harmer ...., 1 , 519 „ Ann Kinnear 1 , 254 „ Mary Ann Harper 1 , 227 „ Martha Dixon Brown 1 , 156 „ Betty Partington 1 , 085 „ Rachel Mayoh 886 „ Mary Ann Johnson 762 „ Sarah Dixon 365
„ Sarah Buxton ..., 269 „ Mary Rickards 246 „ Sarah Kauffman 36 „ Elizabeth Mott 12 „ Elizabeth Lyon 10 „ Elizabeth Greenhalgh 0 Votes of thanks were given to the Scrutineers and Chairman for their services that day , and the result of the election i rdered to be advertised in tho usual papers .
BERKS AND BUCKS . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Loclge was held in the Town Hall , Avlesbury , on Tuesday , tbe 23 rd inst ., for the transaction of the business of the province . The Right Worshipful Bro . . / Eneas J . Mclntyre , Grand Registrar of England , and Acting Provincial Grand Master for Berks and Bucks ied the chairThe
, occup . attendance of Masons was not so large as was anticipated , owing , doubtless , to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxford being held on tho same day . The business of the lodge having been transacted , tho brethren attended divine service at St . Mary ' s Church . The sermon was preached by the Rev . and Very Worshipful Bro . Simpson , P . Prov . S . G . W . Durham , Prov . G . Chap , of Berks and Bucks ;
at the close of which a collection was made , amounting to £ 6 5 s . Gd ., which has been handed to the Treasurer of the Bucks County Infirmary . The service over , the brethren walked in procession to the County Hall , where some further lodge business was transacted , the Prov . G . M . installing and investing the officers for the ensuing year . The brethren then proceeded to the George Hotel , and sat
down to a sumptuous repast prepared by the worthy host , to a number of nearly seventy , ' under the presidency of the Prov . G . M . At the conclusion of the repast , the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given from tho chair , and heartily responded to , the musical brethren present singing the National Anthem with great feeling . Then followed the toasts of "The Most Worshiful Grand
p Master , the Earl of Zetland ; " "The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , the Earl De Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the Grand Officers , " which were received with Masonic honours . Bro . R . J . SnrrsoN , P . Prov . S . G . W ., then proposed "The Health of the Right Worshipful the Acting Provincial Grand Master . " He eulogised the ability and firmness with which he governed the provinceand paid a well-deserved liment to
, comp the courtesy and consideration whicli every brother met with from him in the discharge of his Masonic duties . Bro . MclNTi-RE , in responding , thanked the brethren for the cordial and truly Masonic manner in which his health had been received , aud expressed the pleasure it afforded him to meet so many brethren of the province in Aylesbury . He hoped this
might lead to other equally fraternal meetings , and in concluding a most able speech , proposed "The Health of the Provincial Grand Officers , " coupling with it the name of Bro . W . H . Hole , P . M . 414 , and Prov . S . G . W . Bro . HOLE briefly responded on behalf of himself and brother officers . The toast of " The Visitors" brought this agreeable and successful meeting to a rather speedfinishthe non-resident
y , brethren present having to leave hy train at seven o'clock , which was rather unfortunate , inasmuch as the musical brethren were also obliged to retire at the same time , and could not , therefore , go through the whole of the programme prepared for the occasion .
HAMPSHIRE . WINCHESTER . —Lodge of Fconomy ( No . 76 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the lodge took place at the Masonic Rooms adjoining tho Black Swan Hotel on Wednesday evening , the 31 st ult ., when the following brethren were present : —Bros . E . Sheppard , W . M . ; Joseph Rankin Stebbing , Pdst Senior Grand Deacon of England ; J . Naish , R . S . Hulbert , A . Smith , C . SherryP . M . 'sW . BestII . HugginsSec ; H . Newman
, ; ; , , T . Stopher , Rawlins , W . Whale , Gibson , & c . The lodge having been opened with solemn prayer , the minutes of the last lodge were read by the Secretary and confirmed . The business entered on the agenda paper included the raising of two brethren to the sublime degree of Master Masons ; but the united brethren unanimously resolved to postpone the regular business in order to show their sympathy with the Most Worshipful the Earl of ZetlandK . T . the Grand Master of Englandunder
, , , the circumstances of his lordship ' s late sad domestic bereavement . —Bro . J . R . STEBBING made an eloquent introductory speech , and then moved the adoption by the lodge of an address of condolence to the Earl of Zetland . He said it was his painful duty as the Immediate Past Master of the lodge , to move a vote of condolence to the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England , under the heavy bereavement he had lately been subjected to , having had the deep misfortune to lose his amiable
Countess , with whom his lordship had lived so long in the blessings of married life . The Countess of Zetland had taken a great interest in Freemasonry , and particularly in tho welfare of the Masonic Charities , always making herself deeply concerned in the management of the Girls' School , and by her assistance rendering it more perfect through her knowledge and experience , and peculiar qualifications as a lady . The noble earl and brother had for twenty-one years heen the Sovereign of their Order , and any event affecting his lordship affected the
Masonic body . In the time of his lordship's predecessor in office , there were greater vicissitudes happened—the late Duke of Sussex had lost his sight , and suffered other misfortunes , and that bad called forth deep expressions of sympathy and kindness from the united brethren to his Royal Highness and his family . The Earl of Zetland was very dear to the Masonic Order as their Grand Master , and by this expression of our deep sympathy and condolence they might hope , in tho midst of the
noble earl's affliction , to assuage to some extent his distressed feelings , and , therefore , he anticipated a general support to the address in this sad hour of bereavement . They would , he knew , bo glad to have the honour of being the first body of Masons to sympathise with his lordship as their Grand Master , theirs being about the first lodge meeting after the deplorable event . He had a melancholy satisfaction in proposing the addresswhich he would read . —
, [ It will be found under the head Obituary in another page . } Bro . J . NAISII , P . M ., experienced a melancholy satisfaction in seconding tho motion . They must naturally all condole with the noble earl and brother in this his sad hour ofj bereavement ; it was a blow his lordship would feel to the end of his life . He ( Bro . Naish ) had himself lost a partner in life , and by experience he could tell what were the feelings of the noble earl ou the present occasion . —The motion was put to the lodge by the
W . M ., and carried unanimously . The lodge progressed to the second , and then to the third degree , and Bros . E . Rawlins and W . Whalo were admitted and raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons , tho ceremony being worked by Bro . Sheppard , assisted by Bro . Smith , P . M . Subsequent to the ceremony alluded to , Bro . SMITH , P . M ., rose to address the lodge on another subject . He said he was informed that the present night was the last occasion of the lodge ' s meeting on the present premises . Bro . C . Sherry , P . M ., their worthy host , had , over a period of a great many years , been a strenuous supporter
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
WIDOWS . —SUCCESSEUL . Mrs . Mary Ann Swain 4 , 946 „ Rebecca Iiammett 4 , 825 „ Mary Ann Osborne 4 , 590 „ Sarah Crow 4 , 357 „ Ann Slater 4 , 113 „ Jean Rule 3 , 981
UNSUCCESSFUL . Mrs . Margaret Dale , 3 , 853 ,, Ann Butler Lawrence 3 , 759 " " „ Ann Isabella Tisoe 3 , 701 „ Elizabeth Wilkins 2 , 293 „ Elizabeth Dickinson 1 , 707 „ Mary Marson 1 , 653
„ Ann Harmer ...., 1 , 519 „ Ann Kinnear 1 , 254 „ Mary Ann Harper 1 , 227 „ Martha Dixon Brown 1 , 156 „ Betty Partington 1 , 085 „ Rachel Mayoh 886 „ Mary Ann Johnson 762 „ Sarah Dixon 365
„ Sarah Buxton ..., 269 „ Mary Rickards 246 „ Sarah Kauffman 36 „ Elizabeth Mott 12 „ Elizabeth Lyon 10 „ Elizabeth Greenhalgh 0 Votes of thanks were given to the Scrutineers and Chairman for their services that day , and the result of the election i rdered to be advertised in tho usual papers .
BERKS AND BUCKS . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Loclge was held in the Town Hall , Avlesbury , on Tuesday , tbe 23 rd inst ., for the transaction of the business of the province . The Right Worshipful Bro . . / Eneas J . Mclntyre , Grand Registrar of England , and Acting Provincial Grand Master for Berks and Bucks ied the chairThe
, occup . attendance of Masons was not so large as was anticipated , owing , doubtless , to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxford being held on tho same day . The business of the lodge having been transacted , tho brethren attended divine service at St . Mary ' s Church . The sermon was preached by the Rev . and Very Worshipful Bro . Simpson , P . Prov . S . G . W . Durham , Prov . G . Chap , of Berks and Bucks ;
at the close of which a collection was made , amounting to £ 6 5 s . Gd ., which has been handed to the Treasurer of the Bucks County Infirmary . The service over , the brethren walked in procession to the County Hall , where some further lodge business was transacted , the Prov . G . M . installing and investing the officers for the ensuing year . The brethren then proceeded to the George Hotel , and sat
down to a sumptuous repast prepared by the worthy host , to a number of nearly seventy , ' under the presidency of the Prov . G . M . At the conclusion of the repast , the usual loyal and patriotic toasts were given from tho chair , and heartily responded to , the musical brethren present singing the National Anthem with great feeling . Then followed the toasts of "The Most Worshiful Grand
p Master , the Earl of Zetland ; " "The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master , the Earl De Grey and Ripon , and the rest of the Grand Officers , " which were received with Masonic honours . Bro . R . J . SnrrsoN , P . Prov . S . G . W ., then proposed "The Health of the Right Worshipful the Acting Provincial Grand Master . " He eulogised the ability and firmness with which he governed the provinceand paid a well-deserved liment to
, comp the courtesy and consideration whicli every brother met with from him in the discharge of his Masonic duties . Bro . MclNTi-RE , in responding , thanked the brethren for the cordial and truly Masonic manner in which his health had been received , aud expressed the pleasure it afforded him to meet so many brethren of the province in Aylesbury . He hoped this
might lead to other equally fraternal meetings , and in concluding a most able speech , proposed "The Health of the Provincial Grand Officers , " coupling with it the name of Bro . W . H . Hole , P . M . 414 , and Prov . S . G . W . Bro . HOLE briefly responded on behalf of himself and brother officers . The toast of " The Visitors" brought this agreeable and successful meeting to a rather speedfinishthe non-resident
y , brethren present having to leave hy train at seven o'clock , which was rather unfortunate , inasmuch as the musical brethren were also obliged to retire at the same time , and could not , therefore , go through the whole of the programme prepared for the occasion .
HAMPSHIRE . WINCHESTER . —Lodge of Fconomy ( No . 76 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of the lodge took place at the Masonic Rooms adjoining tho Black Swan Hotel on Wednesday evening , the 31 st ult ., when the following brethren were present : —Bros . E . Sheppard , W . M . ; Joseph Rankin Stebbing , Pdst Senior Grand Deacon of England ; J . Naish , R . S . Hulbert , A . Smith , C . SherryP . M . 'sW . BestII . HugginsSec ; H . Newman
, ; ; , , T . Stopher , Rawlins , W . Whale , Gibson , & c . The lodge having been opened with solemn prayer , the minutes of the last lodge were read by the Secretary and confirmed . The business entered on the agenda paper included the raising of two brethren to the sublime degree of Master Masons ; but the united brethren unanimously resolved to postpone the regular business in order to show their sympathy with the Most Worshipful the Earl of ZetlandK . T . the Grand Master of Englandunder
, , , the circumstances of his lordship ' s late sad domestic bereavement . —Bro . J . R . STEBBING made an eloquent introductory speech , and then moved the adoption by the lodge of an address of condolence to the Earl of Zetland . He said it was his painful duty as the Immediate Past Master of the lodge , to move a vote of condolence to the Earl of Zetland , Grand Master of England , under the heavy bereavement he had lately been subjected to , having had the deep misfortune to lose his amiable
Countess , with whom his lordship had lived so long in the blessings of married life . The Countess of Zetland had taken a great interest in Freemasonry , and particularly in tho welfare of the Masonic Charities , always making herself deeply concerned in the management of the Girls' School , and by her assistance rendering it more perfect through her knowledge and experience , and peculiar qualifications as a lady . The noble earl and brother had for twenty-one years heen the Sovereign of their Order , and any event affecting his lordship affected the
Masonic body . In the time of his lordship's predecessor in office , there were greater vicissitudes happened—the late Duke of Sussex had lost his sight , and suffered other misfortunes , and that bad called forth deep expressions of sympathy and kindness from the united brethren to his Royal Highness and his family . The Earl of Zetland was very dear to the Masonic Order as their Grand Master , and by this expression of our deep sympathy and condolence they might hope , in tho midst of the
noble earl's affliction , to assuage to some extent his distressed feelings , and , therefore , he anticipated a general support to the address in this sad hour of bereavement . They would , he knew , bo glad to have the honour of being the first body of Masons to sympathise with his lordship as their Grand Master , theirs being about the first lodge meeting after the deplorable event . He had a melancholy satisfaction in proposing the addresswhich he would read . —
, [ It will be found under the head Obituary in another page . } Bro . J . NAISII , P . M ., experienced a melancholy satisfaction in seconding tho motion . They must naturally all condole with the noble earl and brother in this his sad hour ofj bereavement ; it was a blow his lordship would feel to the end of his life . He ( Bro . Naish ) had himself lost a partner in life , and by experience he could tell what were the feelings of the noble earl ou the present occasion . —The motion was put to the lodge by the
W . M ., and carried unanimously . The lodge progressed to the second , and then to the third degree , and Bros . E . Rawlins and W . Whalo were admitted and raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons , tho ceremony being worked by Bro . Sheppard , assisted by Bro . Smith , P . M . Subsequent to the ceremony alluded to , Bro . SMITH , P . M ., rose to address the lodge on another subject . He said he was informed that the present night was the last occasion of the lodge ' s meeting on the present premises . Bro . C . Sherry , P . M ., their worthy host , had , over a period of a great many years , been a strenuous supporter