Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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of Masonry . He had drawn up a form of resolution without consulting Bro . Sherry , and he now , with considerable pleasure , begged to move as follows : — " That this lodge , having been informed that Bro . Sherry is about to retire from the management of the Black Swan Hotel , records its thanks to Bro . Sherry for his zeal and energy in advancing the interests of the lodge , and his generous and obliging disposition in promoting the comfort and convenience of the brethren during the eleven years
thoy have assembled there ; and it cordially wishes him prosperity and happiness in his new undertaking . —Also , that this resolution be entered on the minutes of the lodge , and a copy be sent to Bro . Sherry . "—Bro . STEBBING seconded the resolution with a vast deal of pleasure and satisfaction . Bro . Sherry , to his own knowledge , had done some excellent things in regard to Masonry ; he was now getting in years , and , as men get older , they were gratified to see anything like an open
recognition of their past services . This was put to the lodge , and was carried nem . con . —Bro . SMITH then proposed Bro . J . Snary as a joining member of tho lodge , and this was seconded by Bro . Sherry . —Bro . SHEPPARD , W . M ., then proposed Mr . Charles Gamblin , professor of music , of Winchester , as a candidate for initiation in Freemasonry , which was seconded by Bro . Naish , P . M . The brethren then adjourned for refreshment , and on their return to the lodge proceeded to consider the important question of purchasing some house property in the city , with the view of converting it into a Masonic Hall , and some material progress was made in this direction .
KENT . PROVINCIAL GKAND LODGE . On Wednesday , the 24 th ult ., the annual Grand Festival of the province of Kent was held at Ramsgate , and the members of the Royal Navy Lodge , noted as they are for their strict observance of the Masonic rule of hospitality , determined that nothing should he wanting to make the reception of their
brethren a right royal one . It was one of the largest known gatherings of the Craft in this county . The weather was remarkably fine , and the streets had a very animated appearance , being spanned with flags and banners ; in fact , from the bottom of the High-street to nearly the corner of Hardres-street , the street was literally' roofed in with them . An excellent arch was erected across Church-hill , in which was
worked some Masonic emblems , ind it had a very pretty effect . It was decorated by Jlessrs . Chapman and Son , of tho Vale Nursery , who had also the decorating of the church gates and pillars . An excellent arch spanned the High-street , from the Mitre Tavern to the New Inn , and was erected in a very short space of time , at tho expense of eight or ten tradesmen residing near . It was very handsome , and in the evening was brilliantly illuminated by a fine gas star . This arch was decorated b
y Bro . Dillistono , of tho Trafalgar Nursery . Bros . White and Axford suspended across Harbour-strcct a large square and compass , and a double triangle , made of evergreens , as well as other devices which were fixed against their houses . Bro . Sawyer displayed a huge representation of a double triangle , also made with evergreens . Amongst the display of flags we noticed a very handsome Masonic flag displayed from the top of Bro . Barrow ' s house .
The breakfast took place at the Royal Hotel at ten o ' clock , and was attended by a large number of the Craft . The band of the Ramsgate and Margate Rifle Corps was in attendance , and played some excellent selections of music . At noon the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent was opened at St . James's Hall by the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bvo . Viscount Holmesdale , and , after the usual business had been transacted , ho appointed and invested the following brethren as Prov . 'G . Officers for tho
ensuing year : — Bro . W . C . Fooks , W . M 299 S . G . Warden . „ T . H . Groove Snowden , P . M . 429 J . G . Warden . „ B . Thorpe , P . M . 709 G . Treasurer . „ J . B . Shepherd , W . M . 31 G . Registrar . „ E . Wates , P . M G . Secretary . „ W . S . Elers , W . M . 874 Assist . G . Secretary . . W . M . CavellS . W . 784 S . G . Deacon .
, , „ J . Tolputt , P . M . 503 J . G . Deacon . „ J . II . Radley , W . M . 20 G . Dir . of Cers . „ J . Blake , W . M . 184 G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ J . English , W . M . 558 G . Supt . of Works , „ J . Fenwick , W . M . 429 G . Sword Bearer .
., 11 . Boyton , P . M . 199 G . Organist . ., E . Denton , P . M . Sec . 913 G . Pursuivant ' ., , T . Matthews , P . M . 127 1 „ J . Kappy , S . W . 20 j ., II . Mansell , P . S . W . 709 l n o , a „ . „ ,. A . - > ,. __ , ,, T „ r - -Q r l * . stewards . „ W . Rumble , J . W . Ia 8 '< „ A . W . Ayers , J . W . 199 J „ Bower Marsh , J . W . 1050 J
The Rev . W . A . Hill , M . A ., was re-appointed Provincial Grand Chaplain . The sum of £ 100 was voted from the Provincial Grand Lodge Charity Fund for division amongst the five following lodges , to constitute them in perpetuity Governors of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their . Widows , viz .: —Ashford ( No . 709 ) , Canterbury ( No . 31 ) , Favershau ( No 133 ) Hthe ( No . 125 ) Gravesend ( No . 4 S 3 . ) The
. , y , sum of fifty guineas was voted from the Provincial Grand Lodge Fund , as a donation to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Amongst the brethren of the province present were the R . W . Prov . G . M . Viscount Holmesdale , M . P . ; V . W . D . Prov . G . M . W . F . Dobson ; P . Prov . D . G . M . J . Harvey Boys ; Bros , the RevsWAHillP . G . Chap . and G . W . Sicklemore ; CE .
. . . , , Shirley Woolmer , P . Chap . 429 , Ramsgate ; J . II . Bridge , Chap . ' 429 Ramsgate , aud Graham . P . Prov . S . G . W . ' s—Bros . T . Hills , James Dehnar , Solomon , Eastes , and 0 . G . Phipps . P . Prov . J . G . W . ' s—Bros . F . B . Ellers , and G . Hodge . Past Masters—Bros . F . T . Southgate , Hemery , Pout , T . Philpott , W . Philpott , Southgate , W . M . ; W . C . Fookes , Prov . S . G . W . ; and T . H . G . Snowden , Prov . J . G . W ., & c .
The whole of the business having been disposed of , the Provincial Grand Lodge adjourned , and the brethren proceeded to the Pier Yard , where a procession was formed . The procession passed through Harbour-street and High-street , which were lined with spectators , to St . George ' s Church , where the following clergymen took part in the service : —The prayers were read bthe Rev . J . M . Nisbetthe first lesson by tho Rev .
y , C . E . Shirley Woolmer , and the second lesson by the Rev . J . H . Bridge . The Rev . Bro . Hill , Prov . G . Chap ., preached an excellent sermon , taking for his text the 7 th , 8 th , and part of the Dth verses of the 3 rd chapter ot the 1 st book of Kings . At the conclusion a collection was made , and a sum amounting to £ 19 14 s . 3 d . obtained , which will bo divided between the Parochial Schools and the Masonic Charities .
The brethren having retired to the lodgo room the Provincial Grand Lodge was reconstituted and a vote of thanks passed to the Chaplain for his excellent sermon . A vote of thanks to the Grand Master closed the proceedings , and the brethren adjourned to St . George ' s Hall to dinner . The walls of this room were very chastely and effectually decorated by Bro . Brown with Masonic emblems . Over the entrance was a large evergreen squareand compasssupported
, , hy the mallet and chisel , and surmounted by-au eye which had been painted in water colours by Bro . Brown . The tables were laid for 220 and every place was occupied . The dinner , which was provided hy Bro . Hiseoeks , of the Royal Hotel , included all the delicacies of the season , and gave general satisfaction . The comfort of the guests was greatly enhanced by the services of the following brethren , who acted as Wine
Stewards : —Bros . Finch , Euiniersou , Bridge , Cramp , Brown , and Powell . After the cloth had been removed , The PEOV . G . MASTEII rose to propose the first toast of the evening—the health of the Queen . It was usual , he said , to add to that toast the Craft , and he was sure that the toast would be received by them as it was received by all Englishmen .
They had to be grateful for the example set by their Sovereign , than which no one could desire a greater . He concluded by proposing "The Queen and the Craft , " and added that as the room in which they'had assembled could not possibly be tyled , they must abstain from all manifestations in drinking , and abandon the ceiling of the toasts . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm , and the National Anthem was also layed and .
p sung The PEOV . G . MASTEE , on again rising , said , —I have now to ask you to fill your glasses and drink to " The Prince and Princess of Wales ' and the rest of the Royal Family . " We hope one day to greet him as one of us . ( Applause . ) Although he has not yet taken the pledge , as so many of his predecessors have done , I hope and trust the time i . s not far distant when
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of Masonry . He had drawn up a form of resolution without consulting Bro . Sherry , and he now , with considerable pleasure , begged to move as follows : — " That this lodge , having been informed that Bro . Sherry is about to retire from the management of the Black Swan Hotel , records its thanks to Bro . Sherry for his zeal and energy in advancing the interests of the lodge , and his generous and obliging disposition in promoting the comfort and convenience of the brethren during the eleven years
thoy have assembled there ; and it cordially wishes him prosperity and happiness in his new undertaking . —Also , that this resolution be entered on the minutes of the lodge , and a copy be sent to Bro . Sherry . "—Bro . STEBBING seconded the resolution with a vast deal of pleasure and satisfaction . Bro . Sherry , to his own knowledge , had done some excellent things in regard to Masonry ; he was now getting in years , and , as men get older , they were gratified to see anything like an open
recognition of their past services . This was put to the lodge , and was carried nem . con . —Bro . SMITH then proposed Bro . J . Snary as a joining member of tho lodge , and this was seconded by Bro . Sherry . —Bro . SHEPPARD , W . M ., then proposed Mr . Charles Gamblin , professor of music , of Winchester , as a candidate for initiation in Freemasonry , which was seconded by Bro . Naish , P . M . The brethren then adjourned for refreshment , and on their return to the lodge proceeded to consider the important question of purchasing some house property in the city , with the view of converting it into a Masonic Hall , and some material progress was made in this direction .
KENT . PROVINCIAL GKAND LODGE . On Wednesday , the 24 th ult ., the annual Grand Festival of the province of Kent was held at Ramsgate , and the members of the Royal Navy Lodge , noted as they are for their strict observance of the Masonic rule of hospitality , determined that nothing should he wanting to make the reception of their
brethren a right royal one . It was one of the largest known gatherings of the Craft in this county . The weather was remarkably fine , and the streets had a very animated appearance , being spanned with flags and banners ; in fact , from the bottom of the High-street to nearly the corner of Hardres-street , the street was literally' roofed in with them . An excellent arch was erected across Church-hill , in which was
worked some Masonic emblems , ind it had a very pretty effect . It was decorated by Jlessrs . Chapman and Son , of tho Vale Nursery , who had also the decorating of the church gates and pillars . An excellent arch spanned the High-street , from the Mitre Tavern to the New Inn , and was erected in a very short space of time , at tho expense of eight or ten tradesmen residing near . It was very handsome , and in the evening was brilliantly illuminated by a fine gas star . This arch was decorated b
y Bro . Dillistono , of tho Trafalgar Nursery . Bros . White and Axford suspended across Harbour-strcct a large square and compass , and a double triangle , made of evergreens , as well as other devices which were fixed against their houses . Bro . Sawyer displayed a huge representation of a double triangle , also made with evergreens . Amongst the display of flags we noticed a very handsome Masonic flag displayed from the top of Bro . Barrow ' s house .
The breakfast took place at the Royal Hotel at ten o ' clock , and was attended by a large number of the Craft . The band of the Ramsgate and Margate Rifle Corps was in attendance , and played some excellent selections of music . At noon the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kent was opened at St . James's Hall by the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Bvo . Viscount Holmesdale , and , after the usual business had been transacted , ho appointed and invested the following brethren as Prov . 'G . Officers for tho
ensuing year : — Bro . W . C . Fooks , W . M 299 S . G . Warden . „ T . H . Groove Snowden , P . M . 429 J . G . Warden . „ B . Thorpe , P . M . 709 G . Treasurer . „ J . B . Shepherd , W . M . 31 G . Registrar . „ E . Wates , P . M G . Secretary . „ W . S . Elers , W . M . 874 Assist . G . Secretary . . W . M . CavellS . W . 784 S . G . Deacon .
, , „ J . Tolputt , P . M . 503 J . G . Deacon . „ J . II . Radley , W . M . 20 G . Dir . of Cers . „ J . Blake , W . M . 184 G . Assist . Dir . of Cers . „ J . English , W . M . 558 G . Supt . of Works , „ J . Fenwick , W . M . 429 G . Sword Bearer .
., 11 . Boyton , P . M . 199 G . Organist . ., E . Denton , P . M . Sec . 913 G . Pursuivant ' ., , T . Matthews , P . M . 127 1 „ J . Kappy , S . W . 20 j ., II . Mansell , P . S . W . 709 l n o , a „ . „ ,. A . - > ,. __ , ,, T „ r - -Q r l * . stewards . „ W . Rumble , J . W . Ia 8 '< „ A . W . Ayers , J . W . 199 J „ Bower Marsh , J . W . 1050 J
The Rev . W . A . Hill , M . A ., was re-appointed Provincial Grand Chaplain . The sum of £ 100 was voted from the Provincial Grand Lodge Charity Fund for division amongst the five following lodges , to constitute them in perpetuity Governors of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their . Widows , viz .: —Ashford ( No . 709 ) , Canterbury ( No . 31 ) , Favershau ( No 133 ) Hthe ( No . 125 ) Gravesend ( No . 4 S 3 . ) The
. , y , sum of fifty guineas was voted from the Provincial Grand Lodge Fund , as a donation to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . Amongst the brethren of the province present were the R . W . Prov . G . M . Viscount Holmesdale , M . P . ; V . W . D . Prov . G . M . W . F . Dobson ; P . Prov . D . G . M . J . Harvey Boys ; Bros , the RevsWAHillP . G . Chap . and G . W . Sicklemore ; CE .
. . . , , Shirley Woolmer , P . Chap . 429 , Ramsgate ; J . II . Bridge , Chap . ' 429 Ramsgate , aud Graham . P . Prov . S . G . W . ' s—Bros . T . Hills , James Dehnar , Solomon , Eastes , and 0 . G . Phipps . P . Prov . J . G . W . ' s—Bros . F . B . Ellers , and G . Hodge . Past Masters—Bros . F . T . Southgate , Hemery , Pout , T . Philpott , W . Philpott , Southgate , W . M . ; W . C . Fookes , Prov . S . G . W . ; and T . H . G . Snowden , Prov . J . G . W ., & c .
The whole of the business having been disposed of , the Provincial Grand Lodge adjourned , and the brethren proceeded to the Pier Yard , where a procession was formed . The procession passed through Harbour-street and High-street , which were lined with spectators , to St . George ' s Church , where the following clergymen took part in the service : —The prayers were read bthe Rev . J . M . Nisbetthe first lesson by tho Rev .
y , C . E . Shirley Woolmer , and the second lesson by the Rev . J . H . Bridge . The Rev . Bro . Hill , Prov . G . Chap ., preached an excellent sermon , taking for his text the 7 th , 8 th , and part of the Dth verses of the 3 rd chapter ot the 1 st book of Kings . At the conclusion a collection was made , and a sum amounting to £ 19 14 s . 3 d . obtained , which will bo divided between the Parochial Schools and the Masonic Charities .
The brethren having retired to the lodgo room the Provincial Grand Lodge was reconstituted and a vote of thanks passed to the Chaplain for his excellent sermon . A vote of thanks to the Grand Master closed the proceedings , and the brethren adjourned to St . George ' s Hall to dinner . The walls of this room were very chastely and effectually decorated by Bro . Brown with Masonic emblems . Over the entrance was a large evergreen squareand compasssupported
, , hy the mallet and chisel , and surmounted by-au eye which had been painted in water colours by Bro . Brown . The tables were laid for 220 and every place was occupied . The dinner , which was provided hy Bro . Hiseoeks , of the Royal Hotel , included all the delicacies of the season , and gave general satisfaction . The comfort of the guests was greatly enhanced by the services of the following brethren , who acted as Wine
Stewards : —Bros . Finch , Euiniersou , Bridge , Cramp , Brown , and Powell . After the cloth had been removed , The PEOV . G . MASTEII rose to propose the first toast of the evening—the health of the Queen . It was usual , he said , to add to that toast the Craft , and he was sure that the toast would be received by them as it was received by all Englishmen .
They had to be grateful for the example set by their Sovereign , than which no one could desire a greater . He concluded by proposing "The Queen and the Craft , " and added that as the room in which they'had assembled could not possibly be tyled , they must abstain from all manifestations in drinking , and abandon the ceiling of the toasts . The toast was drunk with enthusiasm , and the National Anthem was also layed and .
p sung The PEOV . G . MASTEE , on again rising , said , —I have now to ask you to fill your glasses and drink to " The Prince and Princess of Wales ' and the rest of the Royal Family . " We hope one day to greet him as one of us . ( Applause . ) Although he has not yet taken the pledge , as so many of his predecessors have done , I hope and trust the time i . s not far distant when