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Knights Templar.
much gratified , as a more courteous , zealous , and efficient Templar Mason the G . M . could not have selected . Another resolution was read , thanking the G . M . for his valuable present of certain Templar emblems , in solid silver . A further vote of thanks was then carried , thanking him for another valuable present , viz . -. an antique crystal cross , mounted in gold , ofthe 9 th century , formerly in the posse ssion of the Empress Josephine of France , and presented by her to the Abbe Count de Lequier . The business of the day did not occupy
much time . Sir Knt . Capt . Layton was installed and proclaimed E . C , but having previously held the the same command at the Calpe Encampment , Gibraltar , of which he was the founder , there was no ceremony of installation . The E . C appointed Sir Knt . Burton , 1 st . Capt . ; Goodyear , 2 nd Capt . ; Lambert , Expert ; Finch , Capt . of the Lines ; Lambert , Herald ; Burchell-Herne , Registrar and Hospitaller . After the proposition of some candidates for admission , the encampment was closed in ancient form , and adjourned to the banquet , to the good things of which ample justice was done , particularly to the fine haunch of vension with which the Prov . G . Commander seasoned his appetite .
Mark Masonry.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No . 53 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Music Hall on AVednesday , the 24 th inst . Bro . AVm , AVhite jun ., AV . M ., J . G . D ., presided , and was supported by Bros . E . Drury , S . AV . ; G . Moseley , J . W . ; H . AVebster , S . D . ; R . AVaterhouse , J . D . ; H . G . Garnett , I . G . ; & c . Bro . AViseham was ably advanced to the degree of W . M . M . the working tools
, being explained by Bro . Drury , and the charge and lecture being given by Bro . Webster . It was unanimously resolved that the appointment of Bro . AVhite , the AV . M ., to the office of J . D . of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masons , by the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon , be recorded in tho minutes of the lodge , as the brethren highly appreciated the honour conferred upon them in the person of their esteemed head .
BOYIE . —On Thursday , the 4 th July , the brethren of No . 242 assembled at their lodge room ( it being their usual monthly night of meeting ) , for the purpose of installing the officers for the ensuing six months . The regular business having been gone through , the Hon . Robert King , of Rockingham , was installed , with all Masonic honours , as the Worshipful Master of Lodge 242 for the next half year . The remaining officers having been re-elected to serve in their several offices for six months longer were continuedand
, consequently no further installation , so far as regarded those brethren , was necessai' 3 ' . After the performance of the usual Masonic ceremonies were over , the W . M . said that it afforded him much pleasure to think that one his first duties as Master of the Lodge 242 , would he to present its Secretary , Dr . James Nagle , with a token of his and the brethren's sincere regard . He then presented Bro . Nagle with a case containing a magnificent set of Masonic jewels , and the following address , which he read thus : —•
" Bro . Dr . Nagle , it affords me great pleasure and satisfaction in being selected to present you the enclosed set of jewels , with its accompanying address . I will only add that our grateful sense of your untiring exertions and zeal in making our Lodge 24-2 , one of the best worked in Ireland , and in bringing it to that state of perfection , in which it now is , certainly second to none in this country , —calls for lasting gratitude , and we all join in wishing youour respected brotherlong life and every happiness . I
, , trust that you may be many years our efficient Secretary and Masonic Instructor , in which offices you have endeared yourself to us all , by your sound sense , and by the courteous and obliging manner with which your important and onerous duties have ever been fulfilled . " The jewels- —which were placed in a handsome morocco case , lined with white velvet , consisted of a magnificent set of diamond shirt studs—the ground of dark blue enamel , with the square and compass set therein in diamonds , and an exceedingly beautiful Masonic
pin of enamel and gold ; in addition to these was a bar of silver , gold plated , from which were dependent the jewels of the several degrees to which Bro . Nagle had been advanced , all of sold gold , with the exception of the " mark , " which was of white cornelian , and the Maltese cross of white enamel and gold . Over the jewel of each degree , and set within the bar , were several small plates of blue , red , green , black , and white enamel , with the symbol of each different order exquisitely inlaid . The following inscription was engraven upon the reverse side of the bar , — " Presented to Bro . Dr . Nagle ,
Mark Master , Past Master , Past Principal , R . A . C , Supreme Commander , High Knight Templar ' s Encampment , Knight of the Swords , and Masonic Knight of Malta , by the W . M . and brethren of 242 , Boyle , as a token of their fraternal regard and esteem . " The jewels and address were then presented in due form to Dr . Nagle , who spoke the following reply : — " AVorshipful Sir , Brothers Senior and Junior Wardens , and brethren , I really cannot find words sufficiently adequate to express feelings towards you for the
my very high compliment that you have this evening paid me by the presentation of a case of Masonic jewels of such exquisite form , worth , and beauty . It has afforded , me the greatest pleasure to advance the cause and influence of . Masonry , because I believe it to be founded on the finest principle of truth , piety , virtue , and brotherly love ; and because I know that the exercise of the latter attribute teaches us to regard the human race as one family , created
by the same Almighty Being , and sent into this world for the mutual aid , support , and protection of one another . Such is , you are well aware , the great and vital principle by which Freemasonry unites men of every country , creed , and opinion in its mystic and indissoluble tie ; encouraging true friendship amongst those whootherwise would have remained aloof and for ever at a distance . This brotherly love it ismy brethrenthat has influenced
, , you to pay me the very high compliment which you this night have done , and the jewels presented to me this evening shall always serve to remind me of the brethren of the . lodge 242 , Boyle , to whose ' attention I am am indebted for them , and of the many kind faces by which I am now surrounded . " The Festival of St . John , which at this season is celebrated upon the 24 th of June , was not this year kept up by the brethren of
242 until the 6 th of July , when they all dined together at Monson ' s Hotel . The dining saloon was upon this occasion decorated most elegantly , the walls being covered with the different characters and symbols of Masonry , entwined with evergreens intermingled with the choipost flowers that the conservatories of Rockingham could yield for the occasion ; in fact , the room was itself turned into a conservatory ; while the banners of the higher and knightly orders of Masonry were hung in such artistic taste as to add
beauty and novelty to the scene . Previous to the brethren sitting down to dinner , the saloon was visited by several of the gentry and inhabitants of Boyle , who were all delighted with the taste and beauty of the several designs and decorations . Covers were laid for thirty . The wines were supplied from the private cellars oic Rockingham with no niggardly hand ; its noble owner being determined that everything should be worthy of the occasion at which he presided for the first time at a Masonic festival as the
AV . M . of his lodge . The usual Masonic toasts were drank with all honours . The brethren were clothed each with the full dress insignia and jewel ofthe degree to which he belonged . Peace , love ,, and harmony , - were the order of the night , and the W . M . and brethren separated at twelve o'clock , having enjoyed a ' reunion , which Masons look forward to with delight , in a pleasant evening of fraternal and social intercourse . AVe understand that it is the
intention of the AV . M . and brethren of 242 to get up a Masonic Charity ball , in aid of t' -e funds of the Masonic Female Orphan Schools ; if so , to it say we , God speed . A cause based like this on fraternal love and charity , must always shine forth , uninjured by the blind animosity of bigotry , and unscathed by the harmlessshaft of sectarian wrath .- —Boseommon G-azetle .
GRAND LODGE . The Grand Lodge , held at London , Canada , in Calling ' s block , of buildings , was open iu ample form , at 12 o'clock on the 10 th of July , the M . W . Grand Master on the throne . There were a great many representatives from the different Grand Lodges of the United States present , and above 250 delegates , representing various lodges from different parts of the province .
The M . AV , Grand Master , Bro . i J . D . HARRINGTON , iu opening the Grand Lodge , delivered the following address to the assembled brethren , after which several reports were received from various District Grand Masters and sead . BRETHREN , —The Annual Communication of Grand Lodge is to me , and I doubt not us all , an event of much interest , not only because of matters appertaining to our Order having accumulated since we met a year agoand requiring consideration and adjustment
, , but because a re-asscmbling together is peculiarly pleasing in a social and friendly point of view . AVhile it should remind us of the rapid and ceaseless flight of time , and the necessity of preparing ourselves for the solemn final "closing" of our work on earth , it certainly has the effect , so long as the G . A . O . T . U . is ' pleased to permit , of bringing friends and brethren face to face' and exchang-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Knights Templar.
much gratified , as a more courteous , zealous , and efficient Templar Mason the G . M . could not have selected . Another resolution was read , thanking the G . M . for his valuable present of certain Templar emblems , in solid silver . A further vote of thanks was then carried , thanking him for another valuable present , viz . -. an antique crystal cross , mounted in gold , ofthe 9 th century , formerly in the posse ssion of the Empress Josephine of France , and presented by her to the Abbe Count de Lequier . The business of the day did not occupy
much time . Sir Knt . Capt . Layton was installed and proclaimed E . C , but having previously held the the same command at the Calpe Encampment , Gibraltar , of which he was the founder , there was no ceremony of installation . The E . C appointed Sir Knt . Burton , 1 st . Capt . ; Goodyear , 2 nd Capt . ; Lambert , Expert ; Finch , Capt . of the Lines ; Lambert , Herald ; Burchell-Herne , Registrar and Hospitaller . After the proposition of some candidates for admission , the encampment was closed in ancient form , and adjourned to the banquet , to the good things of which ample justice was done , particularly to the fine haunch of vension with which the Prov . G . Commander seasoned his appetite .
Mark Masonry.
YORKSHIRE ( WEST ) . SHEFFIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No . 53 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held at the Music Hall on AVednesday , the 24 th inst . Bro . AVm , AVhite jun ., AV . M ., J . G . D ., presided , and was supported by Bros . E . Drury , S . AV . ; G . Moseley , J . W . ; H . AVebster , S . D . ; R . AVaterhouse , J . D . ; H . G . Garnett , I . G . ; & c . Bro . AViseham was ably advanced to the degree of W . M . M . the working tools
, being explained by Bro . Drury , and the charge and lecture being given by Bro . Webster . It was unanimously resolved that the appointment of Bro . AVhite , the AV . M ., to the office of J . D . of the Grand Lodge of Mark Masons , by the M . W . G . M ., the Earl of Carnarvon , be recorded in tho minutes of the lodge , as the brethren highly appreciated the honour conferred upon them in the person of their esteemed head .
BOYIE . —On Thursday , the 4 th July , the brethren of No . 242 assembled at their lodge room ( it being their usual monthly night of meeting ) , for the purpose of installing the officers for the ensuing six months . The regular business having been gone through , the Hon . Robert King , of Rockingham , was installed , with all Masonic honours , as the Worshipful Master of Lodge 242 for the next half year . The remaining officers having been re-elected to serve in their several offices for six months longer were continuedand
, consequently no further installation , so far as regarded those brethren , was necessai' 3 ' . After the performance of the usual Masonic ceremonies were over , the W . M . said that it afforded him much pleasure to think that one his first duties as Master of the Lodge 242 , would he to present its Secretary , Dr . James Nagle , with a token of his and the brethren's sincere regard . He then presented Bro . Nagle with a case containing a magnificent set of Masonic jewels , and the following address , which he read thus : —•
" Bro . Dr . Nagle , it affords me great pleasure and satisfaction in being selected to present you the enclosed set of jewels , with its accompanying address . I will only add that our grateful sense of your untiring exertions and zeal in making our Lodge 24-2 , one of the best worked in Ireland , and in bringing it to that state of perfection , in which it now is , certainly second to none in this country , —calls for lasting gratitude , and we all join in wishing youour respected brotherlong life and every happiness . I
, , trust that you may be many years our efficient Secretary and Masonic Instructor , in which offices you have endeared yourself to us all , by your sound sense , and by the courteous and obliging manner with which your important and onerous duties have ever been fulfilled . " The jewels- —which were placed in a handsome morocco case , lined with white velvet , consisted of a magnificent set of diamond shirt studs—the ground of dark blue enamel , with the square and compass set therein in diamonds , and an exceedingly beautiful Masonic
pin of enamel and gold ; in addition to these was a bar of silver , gold plated , from which were dependent the jewels of the several degrees to which Bro . Nagle had been advanced , all of sold gold , with the exception of the " mark , " which was of white cornelian , and the Maltese cross of white enamel and gold . Over the jewel of each degree , and set within the bar , were several small plates of blue , red , green , black , and white enamel , with the symbol of each different order exquisitely inlaid . The following inscription was engraven upon the reverse side of the bar , — " Presented to Bro . Dr . Nagle ,
Mark Master , Past Master , Past Principal , R . A . C , Supreme Commander , High Knight Templar ' s Encampment , Knight of the Swords , and Masonic Knight of Malta , by the W . M . and brethren of 242 , Boyle , as a token of their fraternal regard and esteem . " The jewels and address were then presented in due form to Dr . Nagle , who spoke the following reply : — " AVorshipful Sir , Brothers Senior and Junior Wardens , and brethren , I really cannot find words sufficiently adequate to express feelings towards you for the
my very high compliment that you have this evening paid me by the presentation of a case of Masonic jewels of such exquisite form , worth , and beauty . It has afforded , me the greatest pleasure to advance the cause and influence of . Masonry , because I believe it to be founded on the finest principle of truth , piety , virtue , and brotherly love ; and because I know that the exercise of the latter attribute teaches us to regard the human race as one family , created
by the same Almighty Being , and sent into this world for the mutual aid , support , and protection of one another . Such is , you are well aware , the great and vital principle by which Freemasonry unites men of every country , creed , and opinion in its mystic and indissoluble tie ; encouraging true friendship amongst those whootherwise would have remained aloof and for ever at a distance . This brotherly love it ismy brethrenthat has influenced
, , you to pay me the very high compliment which you this night have done , and the jewels presented to me this evening shall always serve to remind me of the brethren of the . lodge 242 , Boyle , to whose ' attention I am am indebted for them , and of the many kind faces by which I am now surrounded . " The Festival of St . John , which at this season is celebrated upon the 24 th of June , was not this year kept up by the brethren of
242 until the 6 th of July , when they all dined together at Monson ' s Hotel . The dining saloon was upon this occasion decorated most elegantly , the walls being covered with the different characters and symbols of Masonry , entwined with evergreens intermingled with the choipost flowers that the conservatories of Rockingham could yield for the occasion ; in fact , the room was itself turned into a conservatory ; while the banners of the higher and knightly orders of Masonry were hung in such artistic taste as to add
beauty and novelty to the scene . Previous to the brethren sitting down to dinner , the saloon was visited by several of the gentry and inhabitants of Boyle , who were all delighted with the taste and beauty of the several designs and decorations . Covers were laid for thirty . The wines were supplied from the private cellars oic Rockingham with no niggardly hand ; its noble owner being determined that everything should be worthy of the occasion at which he presided for the first time at a Masonic festival as the
AV . M . of his lodge . The usual Masonic toasts were drank with all honours . The brethren were clothed each with the full dress insignia and jewel ofthe degree to which he belonged . Peace , love ,, and harmony , - were the order of the night , and the W . M . and brethren separated at twelve o'clock , having enjoyed a ' reunion , which Masons look forward to with delight , in a pleasant evening of fraternal and social intercourse . AVe understand that it is the
intention of the AV . M . and brethren of 242 to get up a Masonic Charity ball , in aid of t' -e funds of the Masonic Female Orphan Schools ; if so , to it say we , God speed . A cause based like this on fraternal love and charity , must always shine forth , uninjured by the blind animosity of bigotry , and unscathed by the harmlessshaft of sectarian wrath .- —Boseommon G-azetle .
GRAND LODGE . The Grand Lodge , held at London , Canada , in Calling ' s block , of buildings , was open iu ample form , at 12 o'clock on the 10 th of July , the M . W . Grand Master on the throne . There were a great many representatives from the different Grand Lodges of the United States present , and above 250 delegates , representing various lodges from different parts of the province .
The M . AV , Grand Master , Bro . i J . D . HARRINGTON , iu opening the Grand Lodge , delivered the following address to the assembled brethren , after which several reports were received from various District Grand Masters and sead . BRETHREN , —The Annual Communication of Grand Lodge is to me , and I doubt not us all , an event of much interest , not only because of matters appertaining to our Order having accumulated since we met a year agoand requiring consideration and adjustment
, , but because a re-asscmbling together is peculiarly pleasing in a social and friendly point of view . AVhile it should remind us of the rapid and ceaseless flight of time , and the necessity of preparing ourselves for the solemn final "closing" of our work on earth , it certainly has the effect , so long as the G . A . O . T . U . is ' pleased to permit , of bringing friends and brethren face to face' and exchang-