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close on Friday . The following is a list of the newly elected Grand Officers -. — M . AV . Bro . T . D . Harrington , Grand Master , re-elected . R . AV . Bro . AV . B . Simpson , Deputy Grand Master , re-elected . „ Edwin Heathfield , Senior Grand Warden . ,, AV . A . Osgood , Junior Grand AVarden . „ A incent Clcmenti , Grand Chaplain . „ II . Groff , Grand Treasurer , re-elected .
„ D . Curtis , Grand Registrar . „ T . B . Harris , Grand Secretary , unanimously re-elected . „ J . Morrison , Grand Tyler . The M . AA . G . M . was pleased to confirm the nomination' by lodges of their respective districts , as follows : —R . W . Bros . G . Masson , London ; G . W . Whitehead , AVilson ; M . Irviiitr , Huron ; Dr . Fitch , Hamilton ; AV . G . Storm , Toronto ; AV . H . Weller , Ontario ; G . F . La Serre , Central ; A . A . Campbell , P . Edward ; A . A . Stevenson ,
Montreal ; G . T . Morehouse , Eastern Townships ; no appointment , Quebec . The Grand Lodge resumed at S o ' clock . The Grand Secretary submitted his report on Model Minutes , and on motion he was instructed to have the form printed and circulated among the lodges . Bro ' . SnirsON gave notice that he would to-morrow move that the next meeting of Grand Lodge be held at Montreal .
The report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence , a very able document of about 200 pages , from the pen of S . D . Fowler , of Kingston , was received and ordered to be printed . The Grand Lodse then adjourned until the next day , when it
resumed at 11 O'clock . R . AV . Bro . Finlay M . King , Grand Master of the State of New York , was announced , and received with the usual honours , and invited to a seat on the dais . 'The M . W . brother delivered a very eloquent oration , thanking the Grand Lodge for the warmth of the reception extended to him . The Grand Lodge adjourned to meet again at 3 o'clock ; and on resuming , an interesting report from R . W . Bro . A . A . Stevenson
for the Montreal district , was read and disposed of . The P . G . M . AVm . M . AVilson presented his credentials , as representative of the Grand Lodge of St . Domingo , and the Grand Lodge appointed the 111 . Bro . Joseph de Castro , Minister of Foreign Affairs , as the representative of the Grand Lodge of Canada at that of St . Domingo . R . AV . Bro . J . A . Henderson , of Kingston , was appointed by the Grand Dodge of New York as its ' representative at this Grand
Lodge . The Committee on the G . M . address reported , and unanimously adopted . A report of the Committee on Constitution and regulations was read , received , and adopted . The Special Committee of Finance and Audit appointed at the last Session of the Grand Lodge , reported , and the report was adopted with an amendment .
The Committee on AVarrants reported , and recommended that warrants should be granted to the following lodges : — Pythagoras Lodge Meuford . Aylmer , Aylmer . Malahide Aylmer .
Tudor Mitchell . Excelsior Morrisbui-g . Friendly Brothers Iroquois . Tecnmseh Stratford . . T . B . Hall Millbi-ook . Prince of AVales Newburgh . Mississippi Almonte . Tho Civil Service Seat of Government .
Erie Port Dover . Hastings Hastings . Tho Grand River Berlin . Tho Grand Lodge then adjourned until 8 p . m ., then to meet for the election of officers . On the reassembling of Grand Lodge , the election of officers commenced . Over 260 brethren were present . M . AV . Bro , T . D . Harrington was re-elected as Grand Master .
BIRTHDAY PRESENTS . —AVhen you would make a birthday present , it is " pretty to observe , " as Pepys would say , what are the particular desires of the one who is to be the happy recipient of 3 'our generosity ; and , having discovered them , try to gratify them . From the want of this delicate attention , it is no uncommon thing for a baby , on its birthday , to have half-a-dozen silver mugs , and an adult half-a-dozen pairs of slippers ; which events render it necessary—for a genuine appreciation of the gifts—that the donees should have fabulous powers of adapting human nature to the exigencies of the case . —Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine .
Poetry .
SONNET ON A PORTRAIT . By MRS . F . B . SCOTT . Here let us pause awhile ! As some calm place , From crowds and tumult far distinct and lone , By moss and simple llow'rets all o ' ergrown , Steals on our sight this sweet and pensive face 1 High attributes the busy mind may trace :
Though sits triumphant on her marble throne , And the curved lips a lofty power own , AVeaving the last rich web of classic grace , Forth from the soft eyes ( 'neath whose steady gaze My heart grows strangely sad ) come mystic gleams , Telling of high resolve and Heaven-sent dreams . 0 haunt me , eyes , throughout the wint ' ry days ! Guide and protect me with your piercing beams , And wrap my spirit in your softening rays ! Tweddell ' s Yorlesldre Miscellany
SONNET , AA'RITTEN IN A LADY'S ALBUM . BY BROTHER GEOEGE MARKHAJI TWEDDELL , Author of " Shaksperc : his Times and Contemporaries , " etc . Lady ! I know not how mine humble pen Can give a lustre to thine album ' s grace ; Say , shall I sing the praise of worthy men ?
Or tell the beauties of thy seraph-face ? I know not , lady , how my rustic lyre May sound unto a well-timed ear like thine ; Or like the flames of some funereal pyre Its tones should rise—an offering , divine 1 AVeet as the gentle murmur of the brook That over gravell'd bed doth wind its way , Should be the stranger written in thy book , — A sylvan sonnet , or a roundelay . Thus , like a sheepish singer , I prolong Time in excuses longer than the song .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
Madame Grisi has taken her farewell . It is said that she is bound , by express agreement , to sing no more in public in London ; but as her re-appearance at sundry private concerts has been one ofthe events of the fashionable season , it will not surprise us if , in this form of occupation , Madame Grisi still continues her relations with her English admirers for a while longer . New operas by MM . Semet and Grisar are in preparation for the new Theatre Lyriquein Paris ; alsoa grand ( Biblical ?) operab
, , , y M . Halevy , "Noe , " in which , says the Unioers Musicals , Madame Viardofc will take the principal part . The same auihority announces as forthcoming a version , for the new theatre , of Dr . Marschner's "Templer unci Judinn . " It states , too , that "Les Troyens , " by M . Berlioz , is not , for the present , to be given at the Grand Opera . The ro-appearance there of Madame Viardot in" Le prophete , " has been a great success . It is her opera . In the hands of no one else has the part of Fides ever been effective , or
appeared probable . A taste for part singing appears to have taken wholesome possession of France . There is to be a meeting of Orphionisles at the great fair of Beaucaire this year .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty and family still remain at Osborne , The Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia continue on a visit to her Majesty , who is expected to leave for Ireland about the 14 th hist . IMPERIAL PARLIAJIENT . —In the HOUSE OP LORDS on Thursday , the 25 th inst ., the East India High Courts of Judicature Bill and the East India Civil Servants' Bill passed through the Committee .
The University Elections Bill and other bills were also advanced a stage . On Friday , a conversation was raised by the Earl of Derby with reference to the state of public business in both Houses . The noble earl complained that , owing to the number of bills which still awaited consideration by their lordships , it was impossible to deal with them in a satifactory manner , and he recommended that such of them as were not of positive urgency should bo withdrawn .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
close on Friday . The following is a list of the newly elected Grand Officers -. — M . AV . Bro . T . D . Harrington , Grand Master , re-elected . R . AV . Bro . AV . B . Simpson , Deputy Grand Master , re-elected . „ Edwin Heathfield , Senior Grand Warden . ,, AV . A . Osgood , Junior Grand AVarden . „ A incent Clcmenti , Grand Chaplain . „ II . Groff , Grand Treasurer , re-elected .
„ D . Curtis , Grand Registrar . „ T . B . Harris , Grand Secretary , unanimously re-elected . „ J . Morrison , Grand Tyler . The M . AA . G . M . was pleased to confirm the nomination' by lodges of their respective districts , as follows : —R . W . Bros . G . Masson , London ; G . W . Whitehead , AVilson ; M . Irviiitr , Huron ; Dr . Fitch , Hamilton ; AV . G . Storm , Toronto ; AV . H . Weller , Ontario ; G . F . La Serre , Central ; A . A . Campbell , P . Edward ; A . A . Stevenson ,
Montreal ; G . T . Morehouse , Eastern Townships ; no appointment , Quebec . The Grand Lodge resumed at S o ' clock . The Grand Secretary submitted his report on Model Minutes , and on motion he was instructed to have the form printed and circulated among the lodges . Bro ' . SnirsON gave notice that he would to-morrow move that the next meeting of Grand Lodge be held at Montreal .
The report of the Committee on Foreign Correspondence , a very able document of about 200 pages , from the pen of S . D . Fowler , of Kingston , was received and ordered to be printed . The Grand Lodse then adjourned until the next day , when it
resumed at 11 O'clock . R . AV . Bro . Finlay M . King , Grand Master of the State of New York , was announced , and received with the usual honours , and invited to a seat on the dais . 'The M . W . brother delivered a very eloquent oration , thanking the Grand Lodge for the warmth of the reception extended to him . The Grand Lodge adjourned to meet again at 3 o'clock ; and on resuming , an interesting report from R . W . Bro . A . A . Stevenson
for the Montreal district , was read and disposed of . The P . G . M . AVm . M . AVilson presented his credentials , as representative of the Grand Lodge of St . Domingo , and the Grand Lodge appointed the 111 . Bro . Joseph de Castro , Minister of Foreign Affairs , as the representative of the Grand Lodge of Canada at that of St . Domingo . R . AV . Bro . J . A . Henderson , of Kingston , was appointed by the Grand Dodge of New York as its ' representative at this Grand
Lodge . The Committee on the G . M . address reported , and unanimously adopted . A report of the Committee on Constitution and regulations was read , received , and adopted . The Special Committee of Finance and Audit appointed at the last Session of the Grand Lodge , reported , and the report was adopted with an amendment .
The Committee on AVarrants reported , and recommended that warrants should be granted to the following lodges : — Pythagoras Lodge Meuford . Aylmer , Aylmer . Malahide Aylmer .
Tudor Mitchell . Excelsior Morrisbui-g . Friendly Brothers Iroquois . Tecnmseh Stratford . . T . B . Hall Millbi-ook . Prince of AVales Newburgh . Mississippi Almonte . Tho Civil Service Seat of Government .
Erie Port Dover . Hastings Hastings . Tho Grand River Berlin . Tho Grand Lodge then adjourned until 8 p . m ., then to meet for the election of officers . On the reassembling of Grand Lodge , the election of officers commenced . Over 260 brethren were present . M . AV . Bro , T . D . Harrington was re-elected as Grand Master .
BIRTHDAY PRESENTS . —AVhen you would make a birthday present , it is " pretty to observe , " as Pepys would say , what are the particular desires of the one who is to be the happy recipient of 3 'our generosity ; and , having discovered them , try to gratify them . From the want of this delicate attention , it is no uncommon thing for a baby , on its birthday , to have half-a-dozen silver mugs , and an adult half-a-dozen pairs of slippers ; which events render it necessary—for a genuine appreciation of the gifts—that the donees should have fabulous powers of adapting human nature to the exigencies of the case . —Englishwoman's Domestic Magazine .
Poetry .
SONNET ON A PORTRAIT . By MRS . F . B . SCOTT . Here let us pause awhile ! As some calm place , From crowds and tumult far distinct and lone , By moss and simple llow'rets all o ' ergrown , Steals on our sight this sweet and pensive face 1 High attributes the busy mind may trace :
Though sits triumphant on her marble throne , And the curved lips a lofty power own , AVeaving the last rich web of classic grace , Forth from the soft eyes ( 'neath whose steady gaze My heart grows strangely sad ) come mystic gleams , Telling of high resolve and Heaven-sent dreams . 0 haunt me , eyes , throughout the wint ' ry days ! Guide and protect me with your piercing beams , And wrap my spirit in your softening rays ! Tweddell ' s Yorlesldre Miscellany
SONNET , AA'RITTEN IN A LADY'S ALBUM . BY BROTHER GEOEGE MARKHAJI TWEDDELL , Author of " Shaksperc : his Times and Contemporaries , " etc . Lady ! I know not how mine humble pen Can give a lustre to thine album ' s grace ; Say , shall I sing the praise of worthy men ?
Or tell the beauties of thy seraph-face ? I know not , lady , how my rustic lyre May sound unto a well-timed ear like thine ; Or like the flames of some funereal pyre Its tones should rise—an offering , divine 1 AVeet as the gentle murmur of the brook That over gravell'd bed doth wind its way , Should be the stranger written in thy book , — A sylvan sonnet , or a roundelay . Thus , like a sheepish singer , I prolong Time in excuses longer than the song .
Notes On Music And The Drama.
Madame Grisi has taken her farewell . It is said that she is bound , by express agreement , to sing no more in public in London ; but as her re-appearance at sundry private concerts has been one ofthe events of the fashionable season , it will not surprise us if , in this form of occupation , Madame Grisi still continues her relations with her English admirers for a while longer . New operas by MM . Semet and Grisar are in preparation for the new Theatre Lyriquein Paris ; alsoa grand ( Biblical ?) operab
, , , y M . Halevy , "Noe , " in which , says the Unioers Musicals , Madame Viardofc will take the principal part . The same auihority announces as forthcoming a version , for the new theatre , of Dr . Marschner's "Templer unci Judinn . " It states , too , that "Les Troyens , " by M . Berlioz , is not , for the present , to be given at the Grand Opera . The ro-appearance there of Madame Viardot in" Le prophete , " has been a great success . It is her opera . In the hands of no one else has the part of Fides ever been effective , or
appeared probable . A taste for part singing appears to have taken wholesome possession of France . There is to be a meeting of Orphionisles at the great fair of Beaucaire this year .
The Week.
THE COURT . —Her Majesty and family still remain at Osborne , The Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia continue on a visit to her Majesty , who is expected to leave for Ireland about the 14 th hist . IMPERIAL PARLIAJIENT . —In the HOUSE OP LORDS on Thursday , the 25 th inst ., the East India High Courts of Judicature Bill and the East India Civil Servants' Bill passed through the Committee .
The University Elections Bill and other bills were also advanced a stage . On Friday , a conversation was raised by the Earl of Derby with reference to the state of public business in both Houses . The noble earl complained that , owing to the number of bills which still awaited consideration by their lordships , it was impossible to deal with them in a satifactory manner , and he recommended that such of them as were not of positive urgency should bo withdrawn .