Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
The noble Lord , indeed , has returned to England in consequence of "increased feebleness . " The Duke of Buckingham died on Monday night . The deceased Peer , who was sixty-four years of age , was once a man of note amongst our territorial ' magnates , but for a considerable time prior to his death , he was compelled , owing to circumstances which must be familiar to our readers , to lead a life of strict privacy . His later years were devoted to "bookniaking . "
By his death another Garter is placed at Lord Palmerston ' s disposal . The Duke ' s numerous titles descend to his only son , the Marquis of Chandos . The rifle contest of the metropolitan volunteers at Wormwood Scrubs , which commenced on Thursday , was brought to a close on Saturdayafternoon . The entries for the variousprizes were pretty numerous , and the shooting throughout was of a fair average quality . Captain Fenton , of the AVest Middlesex , distributed the prizes to the successful competitors . A tragedyattended b
, y circumstances of considerable mystery , and not likely now to be cleared up , has just occurred at Clapham . On Monday morning of last week the body of a lady named Littleton was found in the large pond on the common , and rumours were soon afloat which tended to implicate the husband . An inquest was opened by the coroner , and adjourned till yesterday . In the meantime Mr . Littleton , evidently excited by the reports affecting his character , committed suicide in his own house on Sunday afternoon . Juding
g from the statements made before the coroner , however , there does not appear to be sufficient grounds for affixing any stigma to the character of the unfortunate man in connection with his wife ' s death . AVith regard to Mrs . Littleton , the jury returned a verdict of Found Drowned . —— -The final examination of " Dr . " David Griffiths Jones , who is charged with having forged the will of Mrs . Sophia Bellis , a patient under his charge , took place at the
Guildhall on Monday , The prisoner was committed for trial . On Thursday , another large fire broke out early in the , morning in Davis ' s AVharf , the next but one to where the late fire took place , in Tooley-street , and was still raging when we went to press .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The Emperor of the French returned to Fontainebleau from Vicliy on AVednesday . About the 19 th of August he will go to the camp at Chalons , where it is now stated as certain the King of Prussia has accepited an invitation to be present . The Belgian official journal contains a note stating that , on the subject of the commercial relations between Great Britain and Belgium , satisfactory explanations have been recently exchanged between the Belgian Minister in London and the British
Foreign Secretary , and that a new treaty , conformed to the mutual advantage of the two nations , will be immediately prepared . Once more the evacuation of Rome by the French troops is on the tapis , and a mixed Piedmontese garrison is also talked of . General de Goyon is shortly expected in Paris , The Italian Government appears to have been very successful in their perquisitions against the Bourbon conspirators . They have discovered a Bourbon committee at Naples , and arrested Prince Montemeletto . The
Archbishop of Naples has also been seized in consequence of the discovery of a conspiracy in which the Cardinal himself , and two or three other persons of the highest rank were involved . The Italian loan has proved very successful . The tenders amounted to 564 , 000 , 000 francs , which will have to be reduced to 42 per cent . ; 150 , 000 , 000 francs will be offered to the public at the price of 70 francs 50 cents . Such accounts as have yet reached us from Pesth agree in asserting that the Emperor Francis Joseph ' s rescript has been received with deep indignation by the Magyars .
Their leaders have not yet determined the precise steps which are to be taken ; but it seems to be thought that they will be willing and able to restrain their countrymen from attempting to offer armed resistance to the Austrian government , and that a steady and general refusal to pay taxes will be the main method of harassing the Vienna Cabinet until a more favourable opportunity for insurrection shall occur . A Spanish paper states that none of the Loja insurgents have taken shelter , as was asserted , in
Gibraltar , and denies an assertion made in another journal to the effect that the English authorities were disposed to favour the rebels . ——A terrible explosion of gunpowder mills has just taken rilace in Arragon . One hundred mills were burnt down , and twenty workmen were killed , and seventy severely injured . This is the second calamity caused by fire which has occured in Spain within the last two or three days . ——A letter from Berlin of the 24 th July , shows that the Germans are keenly alive to
the means required to protect their sea shores and mouths of rivers , and are therefore building gunboats , war-steamers , & c , in the hope that the aspirations of united Germany may be realised , first under the protection and command of Prussia , and afterwards under that of a central power . It is proposed to build a great line of battle ship by voluntary contributions from all parts and parties of Germany , to be baptised William I . In Berlin a committee of influential bankers , clergymen , & c , has been formed to manifest the gratitude of the people for the Sovereign ' s escape . As to the
The Week.
anticipated fleet , the old commercial city of Dantzic has set au example by building on its own account three gunboats to begin with . The Haniburghers had proposed to the Prussian authorities to complete five gunboats on condition that the latter shall supply first the central power of a united Germany . The negotiations were of course declined with thanks .
AMERICA . —The intelligence from New York , which comes down to the 17 th inst ., represents the progress of the Northern army as highly successful . General M'Cleilan , after his defeat of the-Southem force at Rich Mountain , pushed on and occupied Beverley , where he received propositions of surrender from Col . Pegram , by which some 900 or 1000 prisoners fell into his hands , all of whom expressed repentance for their rebellious acts , and promised never again to join the ranks of the Confederates . Another victory has
also attended the Northern arms . The Southern forces , under General Garnett , while retreating from Laurel Hill to St . George , were overtaken when within six miles of the latter place . A brisk fight ensued , which ended in the complete defeat and route of the Southernors . General Garnett was killed while rallying his men . The discomforted Southerners fled towards Horseshoe Valley , where it is supposed they will be intercepted bGeneral Hillwho
y , is posted with his army in that direction . General M'Cleilan , in his dispatch , desbribes the success of the Northern force as so complete that he believes secession is killed in AVestern Virginia . The whole of the Union army has advanced into Afrginia . General M'Dowell , with his staff , left Arlington on the 16 th , with nearly all his force of some 60 , 000 men . Congress was vigorously engaged in passing measures to strengthen both the army and navy , and
had despatched several vessels to look after the Sumter and other privateers who had succeeded in capturing a total of forty-one vessels belonging to the States . Seven had been taken into Cienfuegos , but it is said the Governor of Cuba had ordered them to be released . By the last accounts , the Federal army had reached Dulbvam , three miles from Mramasses Junction , where tho advanced guard of the Confederates sustained a defeat . As 60 , 000 Secession troops were stationed at the Junction , and the contending armies were within a miie of each other , a battle ^ as inevitable .
INDIA AND CHINA . —Tho Overland Mail has put us in possession cf papers from Calcutta to June 22 nd , and from Hong Kong , June 11 th . Everything was very quit at Calcutta . The various changes in the native army were being actively carried out ; and all reports about the famine were dying away . In China political matters were on a satisfactory footing , though the continued absence of the Emperor from Pekin prevented that full confidence so essential in international relations ; Prince Kunghowevercontinued on the
, , most friendly footing with the English and French ambassadors . The movement of the rebels were still enveloped in mystery . It was stated that they had been driven south , and that trade had , in consequence , much improvrd at Tien-tsin . A panic is reported in the ooiuin markets .
To Corrspondents.
D . M . J . —There is nothing in the Constitutions to prevent a brother being the Master and Treasurer of the lodge at the same time , but it would be better he should not be . There is no law to prevent a subscribing member to a lodge becoming the Tyler , excepting in the case of those initiated as serving brethren , though we do not think it desirable . Should , however , an old
member of a lodge become its Tyler , he wanting assistance in his declining years , we think the lodge should keep his quarterage to Grand Lodge regularly paid for him . AN OLD MASON . —It all depends on yourself . GEORGE . — -No . LODGE OF * * * . —The whole affair is illegal , and the AV . M . can
be punished for such a flagrant breach of the Constitutions . E . AV . X . —We cannot assist you . It is a practice which no one should tolerate . A . FEY . —To the first , no ; the second , yes ; the third and fourth , no . J . S . D . —In about a fortnight . AV . A . —There is no fixed place in a lodge for the Treasurer to sit .
He ranks immediately after the Wardens ; and , being iu most instances a P . M ., usually sits next the immediate P . M . ' s situation . K . H . —Decidedly not .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
The noble Lord , indeed , has returned to England in consequence of "increased feebleness . " The Duke of Buckingham died on Monday night . The deceased Peer , who was sixty-four years of age , was once a man of note amongst our territorial ' magnates , but for a considerable time prior to his death , he was compelled , owing to circumstances which must be familiar to our readers , to lead a life of strict privacy . His later years were devoted to "bookniaking . "
By his death another Garter is placed at Lord Palmerston ' s disposal . The Duke ' s numerous titles descend to his only son , the Marquis of Chandos . The rifle contest of the metropolitan volunteers at Wormwood Scrubs , which commenced on Thursday , was brought to a close on Saturdayafternoon . The entries for the variousprizes were pretty numerous , and the shooting throughout was of a fair average quality . Captain Fenton , of the AVest Middlesex , distributed the prizes to the successful competitors . A tragedyattended b
, y circumstances of considerable mystery , and not likely now to be cleared up , has just occurred at Clapham . On Monday morning of last week the body of a lady named Littleton was found in the large pond on the common , and rumours were soon afloat which tended to implicate the husband . An inquest was opened by the coroner , and adjourned till yesterday . In the meantime Mr . Littleton , evidently excited by the reports affecting his character , committed suicide in his own house on Sunday afternoon . Juding
g from the statements made before the coroner , however , there does not appear to be sufficient grounds for affixing any stigma to the character of the unfortunate man in connection with his wife ' s death . AVith regard to Mrs . Littleton , the jury returned a verdict of Found Drowned . —— -The final examination of " Dr . " David Griffiths Jones , who is charged with having forged the will of Mrs . Sophia Bellis , a patient under his charge , took place at the
Guildhall on Monday , The prisoner was committed for trial . On Thursday , another large fire broke out early in the , morning in Davis ' s AVharf , the next but one to where the late fire took place , in Tooley-street , and was still raging when we went to press .
FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The Emperor of the French returned to Fontainebleau from Vicliy on AVednesday . About the 19 th of August he will go to the camp at Chalons , where it is now stated as certain the King of Prussia has accepited an invitation to be present . The Belgian official journal contains a note stating that , on the subject of the commercial relations between Great Britain and Belgium , satisfactory explanations have been recently exchanged between the Belgian Minister in London and the British
Foreign Secretary , and that a new treaty , conformed to the mutual advantage of the two nations , will be immediately prepared . Once more the evacuation of Rome by the French troops is on the tapis , and a mixed Piedmontese garrison is also talked of . General de Goyon is shortly expected in Paris , The Italian Government appears to have been very successful in their perquisitions against the Bourbon conspirators . They have discovered a Bourbon committee at Naples , and arrested Prince Montemeletto . The
Archbishop of Naples has also been seized in consequence of the discovery of a conspiracy in which the Cardinal himself , and two or three other persons of the highest rank were involved . The Italian loan has proved very successful . The tenders amounted to 564 , 000 , 000 francs , which will have to be reduced to 42 per cent . ; 150 , 000 , 000 francs will be offered to the public at the price of 70 francs 50 cents . Such accounts as have yet reached us from Pesth agree in asserting that the Emperor Francis Joseph ' s rescript has been received with deep indignation by the Magyars .
Their leaders have not yet determined the precise steps which are to be taken ; but it seems to be thought that they will be willing and able to restrain their countrymen from attempting to offer armed resistance to the Austrian government , and that a steady and general refusal to pay taxes will be the main method of harassing the Vienna Cabinet until a more favourable opportunity for insurrection shall occur . A Spanish paper states that none of the Loja insurgents have taken shelter , as was asserted , in
Gibraltar , and denies an assertion made in another journal to the effect that the English authorities were disposed to favour the rebels . ——A terrible explosion of gunpowder mills has just taken rilace in Arragon . One hundred mills were burnt down , and twenty workmen were killed , and seventy severely injured . This is the second calamity caused by fire which has occured in Spain within the last two or three days . ——A letter from Berlin of the 24 th July , shows that the Germans are keenly alive to
the means required to protect their sea shores and mouths of rivers , and are therefore building gunboats , war-steamers , & c , in the hope that the aspirations of united Germany may be realised , first under the protection and command of Prussia , and afterwards under that of a central power . It is proposed to build a great line of battle ship by voluntary contributions from all parts and parties of Germany , to be baptised William I . In Berlin a committee of influential bankers , clergymen , & c , has been formed to manifest the gratitude of the people for the Sovereign ' s escape . As to the
The Week.
anticipated fleet , the old commercial city of Dantzic has set au example by building on its own account three gunboats to begin with . The Haniburghers had proposed to the Prussian authorities to complete five gunboats on condition that the latter shall supply first the central power of a united Germany . The negotiations were of course declined with thanks .
AMERICA . —The intelligence from New York , which comes down to the 17 th inst ., represents the progress of the Northern army as highly successful . General M'Cleilan , after his defeat of the-Southem force at Rich Mountain , pushed on and occupied Beverley , where he received propositions of surrender from Col . Pegram , by which some 900 or 1000 prisoners fell into his hands , all of whom expressed repentance for their rebellious acts , and promised never again to join the ranks of the Confederates . Another victory has
also attended the Northern arms . The Southern forces , under General Garnett , while retreating from Laurel Hill to St . George , were overtaken when within six miles of the latter place . A brisk fight ensued , which ended in the complete defeat and route of the Southernors . General Garnett was killed while rallying his men . The discomforted Southerners fled towards Horseshoe Valley , where it is supposed they will be intercepted bGeneral Hillwho
y , is posted with his army in that direction . General M'Cleilan , in his dispatch , desbribes the success of the Northern force as so complete that he believes secession is killed in AVestern Virginia . The whole of the Union army has advanced into Afrginia . General M'Dowell , with his staff , left Arlington on the 16 th , with nearly all his force of some 60 , 000 men . Congress was vigorously engaged in passing measures to strengthen both the army and navy , and
had despatched several vessels to look after the Sumter and other privateers who had succeeded in capturing a total of forty-one vessels belonging to the States . Seven had been taken into Cienfuegos , but it is said the Governor of Cuba had ordered them to be released . By the last accounts , the Federal army had reached Dulbvam , three miles from Mramasses Junction , where tho advanced guard of the Confederates sustained a defeat . As 60 , 000 Secession troops were stationed at the Junction , and the contending armies were within a miie of each other , a battle ^ as inevitable .
INDIA AND CHINA . —Tho Overland Mail has put us in possession cf papers from Calcutta to June 22 nd , and from Hong Kong , June 11 th . Everything was very quit at Calcutta . The various changes in the native army were being actively carried out ; and all reports about the famine were dying away . In China political matters were on a satisfactory footing , though the continued absence of the Emperor from Pekin prevented that full confidence so essential in international relations ; Prince Kunghowevercontinued on the
, , most friendly footing with the English and French ambassadors . The movement of the rebels were still enveloped in mystery . It was stated that they had been driven south , and that trade had , in consequence , much improvrd at Tien-tsin . A panic is reported in the ooiuin markets .
To Corrspondents.
D . M . J . —There is nothing in the Constitutions to prevent a brother being the Master and Treasurer of the lodge at the same time , but it would be better he should not be . There is no law to prevent a subscribing member to a lodge becoming the Tyler , excepting in the case of those initiated as serving brethren , though we do not think it desirable . Should , however , an old
member of a lodge become its Tyler , he wanting assistance in his declining years , we think the lodge should keep his quarterage to Grand Lodge regularly paid for him . AN OLD MASON . —It all depends on yourself . GEORGE . — -No . LODGE OF * * * . —The whole affair is illegal , and the AV . M . can
be punished for such a flagrant breach of the Constitutions . E . AV . X . —We cannot assist you . It is a practice which no one should tolerate . A . FEY . —To the first , no ; the second , yes ; the third and fourth , no . J . S . D . —In about a fortnight . AV . A . —There is no fixed place in a lodge for the Treasurer to sit .
He ranks immediately after the Wardens ; and , being iu most instances a P . M ., usually sits next the immediate P . M . ' s situation . K . H . —Decidedly not .