Article FEEEMASONRY IN CORNWALL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Feeemasonry In Cornwall.
By Bro . W . J . HTIGHAS . { Continued from page 425 . ) The next loclge Avhose minutes Ave have Iiad the pleasure of examining is the Druids' Love and Liberality , Redruth , noAV held at Tabb's Hotel ,
and numbered 589 . Its original warrant was dated 14 th February , 1754 , but , owing to the members falling off , it became extinct for a feAV years , ancl in 1851 it was again re-instituted , and to all appeai'anne is now thoroughly established , and destined to enjoy a most prosperous and happy existence .
The first minute in possession of the lodge at the present time commences 17 th -June , A . D . 1777 , when a Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Redruth . It " Avas unanimously agreed that there should be a procession to the Temple of the Divine Architect
at Falmouth , on Tuesday , the 12 th day of August next , and at the same time to install the Right Worshipful Stephen Bell , Esquire , into the office of Provincial Grand Master . " The minutes are continuously recorded until
24 th June , A . D . 1802 , Avhen , the volume having done good service , it Avas superannuated , ancl another appointed , we presume , in its stead . It must , however , haA'e been soon after that that the lodge ceased for a Avhile from Avorking , and in all
probability the proximate cause of its having to succumb Avas the amount of " dues " owed by the members , which , for so small a lodge , were very large indeed .
Taking the minute-book as a whole , there are feAV matters of special interest recorded but there are some events in the history of the lodge which , certainly are miirpie , so far as we knoAV , in Cornwall . In their proper order Ave will enumerate
these , ancl think our readers will agree Avith us in our opinion of them . The lodge ' s number in A . D . 1777 Avas 139 , whereas at its institution it was registered as 176 : — "March ISfch , A . L . 5779 , the Worshipful Past Master in the chair , and the lodge
in due form . The following brethren being prisoners of war , this evening favoured us with a visit . "
( Signed ) LABEOUCHB GAYNIEGHT . G . N . PEYABENI . J . DuHAKT , & C At the lodge held 22 nd April , A . L . 5779 , these
" prisoners of Avar , " numbering in all seven , " proposed themselves to become members of the lodge , which was unanimously agreed to . " The lodge Avas in " abeyance" after this until February 2 < 3 tli , A . L . 1783 , when it was revived , ancl the brethren
Avho were present " unanimously agreed to pay their quarterages in full to this time , " Avhiclt speaks volumes for their Masonic zeal and interest in their loclge . These members , however , were ' rather severe on the brethren who "have had
regular letters respecting this meeting and have not attended , " as they determined that such " shall be for ever expelled this lodge . " The membei's generously aided the late Treasurer to the extent of five guineas on 20 th October , A . L . 5789 , and though evidently in " times gone
by" their own funds were never in a prosperous state , the members Avere always attentive to the cry of the distressed . The lodge minutes of the 10 th August , A . L . 5790 , were unusually lengthy , from the fact that several
rough ashlers presented themselves for polish from the hands of the more expert workman . At the meeting it Avas remarked of one of the candidates , "That as Mr . Reynolds Avas the son of a Mason , he had the privilege of being made before Mr .
Vivian , notwithstanding the difference of tiiue betAveen the proposing of each . It was therefore agreed that Bro . John Michell should inform Mr . Reynolds of this advantage , and that it Avas lel ' c to his option to embrace it . Bro . Michell returned with this answer : — -That as Mr . Vivian wa *;
desirous of being made first , from that and other friendly considerations , Mr . Reynolds Avas inclined to Avaive his privilege . " " The by-laAvs for the better and more effectual regulation of the Druids Lodge of Love and Liberality ( No . 113 ) , London
Inn , Redruth , Cornwall , " which Avere finally accepted 4 th Jan ., A . L . 5791 , when Bro . Richard Smith , P . M ., occupied the chair , are afc this date neatly transcribed into the minute book , but being ' of a similar nature to those already inserted in various numbers of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE .
it is not expedient to give them in full . We may just mention that the fee charged on proposition was half a guinea , with two guineas and a half more on the eve of initiation for the "three degrees of Masonry . " The quarterly
subscription Avas only half-a-crown . The code of laws are well framed and arranged . Bro . Reynolds rose ancl presented to the lodge a set of jewels , as the gift of Bro . Sir Ft-anci
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Feeemasonry In Cornwall.
By Bro . W . J . HTIGHAS . { Continued from page 425 . ) The next loclge Avhose minutes Ave have Iiad the pleasure of examining is the Druids' Love and Liberality , Redruth , noAV held at Tabb's Hotel ,
and numbered 589 . Its original warrant was dated 14 th February , 1754 , but , owing to the members falling off , it became extinct for a feAV years , ancl in 1851 it was again re-instituted , and to all appeai'anne is now thoroughly established , and destined to enjoy a most prosperous and happy existence .
The first minute in possession of the lodge at the present time commences 17 th -June , A . D . 1777 , when a Provincial Grand Lodge was held at Redruth . It " Avas unanimously agreed that there should be a procession to the Temple of the Divine Architect
at Falmouth , on Tuesday , the 12 th day of August next , and at the same time to install the Right Worshipful Stephen Bell , Esquire , into the office of Provincial Grand Master . " The minutes are continuously recorded until
24 th June , A . D . 1802 , Avhen , the volume having done good service , it Avas superannuated , ancl another appointed , we presume , in its stead . It must , however , haA'e been soon after that that the lodge ceased for a Avhile from Avorking , and in all
probability the proximate cause of its having to succumb Avas the amount of " dues " owed by the members , which , for so small a lodge , were very large indeed .
Taking the minute-book as a whole , there are feAV matters of special interest recorded but there are some events in the history of the lodge which , certainly are miirpie , so far as we knoAV , in Cornwall . In their proper order Ave will enumerate
these , ancl think our readers will agree Avith us in our opinion of them . The lodge ' s number in A . D . 1777 Avas 139 , whereas at its institution it was registered as 176 : — "March ISfch , A . L . 5779 , the Worshipful Past Master in the chair , and the lodge
in due form . The following brethren being prisoners of war , this evening favoured us with a visit . "
( Signed ) LABEOUCHB GAYNIEGHT . G . N . PEYABENI . J . DuHAKT , & C At the lodge held 22 nd April , A . L . 5779 , these
" prisoners of Avar , " numbering in all seven , " proposed themselves to become members of the lodge , which was unanimously agreed to . " The lodge Avas in " abeyance" after this until February 2 < 3 tli , A . L . 1783 , when it was revived , ancl the brethren
Avho were present " unanimously agreed to pay their quarterages in full to this time , " Avhiclt speaks volumes for their Masonic zeal and interest in their loclge . These members , however , were ' rather severe on the brethren who "have had
regular letters respecting this meeting and have not attended , " as they determined that such " shall be for ever expelled this lodge . " The membei's generously aided the late Treasurer to the extent of five guineas on 20 th October , A . L . 5789 , and though evidently in " times gone
by" their own funds were never in a prosperous state , the members Avere always attentive to the cry of the distressed . The lodge minutes of the 10 th August , A . L . 5790 , were unusually lengthy , from the fact that several
rough ashlers presented themselves for polish from the hands of the more expert workman . At the meeting it Avas remarked of one of the candidates , "That as Mr . Reynolds Avas the son of a Mason , he had the privilege of being made before Mr .
Vivian , notwithstanding the difference of tiiue betAveen the proposing of each . It was therefore agreed that Bro . John Michell should inform Mr . Reynolds of this advantage , and that it Avas lel ' c to his option to embrace it . Bro . Michell returned with this answer : — -That as Mr . Vivian wa *;
desirous of being made first , from that and other friendly considerations , Mr . Reynolds Avas inclined to Avaive his privilege . " " The by-laAvs for the better and more effectual regulation of the Druids Lodge of Love and Liberality ( No . 113 ) , London
Inn , Redruth , Cornwall , " which Avere finally accepted 4 th Jan ., A . L . 5791 , when Bro . Richard Smith , P . M ., occupied the chair , are afc this date neatly transcribed into the minute book , but being ' of a similar nature to those already inserted in various numbers of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE .
it is not expedient to give them in full . We may just mention that the fee charged on proposition was half a guinea , with two guineas and a half more on the eve of initiation for the "three degrees of Masonry . " The quarterly
subscription Avas only half-a-crown . The code of laws are well framed and arranged . Bro . Reynolds rose ancl presented to the lodge a set of jewels , as the gift of Bro . Sir Ft-anci