Article MASONIC MEM.. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Mem..
THE MASONIC MIMOR . * * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
ST . ANDREW ' , FIFE . —The M . W . the Grand Master Mason of Scotland laid with full Masonic honours , on the 30 th ult ., tlie 'foundation stone of a new Episcopal church . A lull report of the interesting ceremonial will appear in our next . THE RIGHT HOX . THE EAEL or DALHOUSIE , K . T ., Lord Lieutenant of the county of Forfar , and II . IV . Prov . G . Master
of the Provinces of Forfar and Kincardineshire , laid the foundation stone , on Saturday last , of the new grand south front of the Volunteer Drill Hall at Dundee . A report of the proceedings will be given in our next . ' WE havo groat pleasure in announcing to our readers that wo havo boon kindly promised , through our esteemed Scottish Bro .
D . Murray Lyon , a monthly paper , " On Freemasonry in tho United States , " from tho pen o" Bvo . Robert Morris , LL . D , oi La Grange , Kentucky , U . S . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOE BOYS . —Tho fourth anniversary of laying tho foundation stone of tho now School Avill bo celebrated , on tho Sth instant , by a grant fete on tho promises at
Wood Green . Tho occasion of tho completion of tho building and grounds is considered a fit opportunity for gathering together those friends and supporters of tho Institution through whoso instrumentality so stately and superb an odilico has boon raised . Those gatherings givo unfeigned delight to all AVIIO participate in them , and -will Avithout doubt bo anticipated with groat satisaction .
PRINCE FREDERICK : WILLIAM LODGE ( XO . 753 ) . —This AVOII-¦ conducted lodgo hold its annual installation mooting on Wednesday last at the Knight of St . John ' s Hotel , Quoon ' s-torraco , St . John ' s Wood . A largo number of tho brethren being present , tho lodgo v .-as opened at half-past throe by Bro . Baker , P . M ., Avho presided in tho temporary absence of the W . M ., Bro . Key Hardoy . Bro . Stacey , P . M ., tho Avorthy Secretary , road the minutes of tho last meetingwhich received confirmationTho
, . W . M . having now arrived , took his seat on tho dais . A ballot was taken tor tho admission of Mr . Fiaiicis B . Dalton , who hacl boon proposed by Bro . Oaulchor . P . M ., and founder oi tho lodge , and seconded by Bro . Stiles . Tho ballot proving unaminoiis ' in ¦ favour of tho candidate , ho Avas introduced , and wont through tho ceremony of initiation . Bro . Bird was questioned as to proficiency prior to being advanced to tho F . C . degree . His answers
being deemed sufficient , ho was passed out , while the lodgo was opened in tho second degree . Bro . Bird was re-admitted , and entrusted Avith tho advanced secrets . Bros . Whippondalo , Stiles , and Pigott wore afterwards placed boforo tho W . M ., and , haA-iug satisfactorily replied to the usual questions , assisted by that excellent instructor , Bro . T . A . Adams , P . G . P ., retired to prepare for tho third ceremony . Tho lodgo was opened in tho third
degree , and , the brethren ro-ontering tho lodge , were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . then resigned tho chair to Bro . Baker , for tho purpose of installing tho W . M . oloct , Bro . J . F . Wuost . Tho W . M . pro tern , requested Bros . T . A . Adams and Robinson , P . M . ' s , to occupy tho Wardens' chairs . Bro . Wuost Avas presented , and , having acquiesced in the rules and laws laid down for tho government of tho lodge , was placed in thochair of
_ K . S . Tho usual salutes having boon given , tho Charmmg addresses in connection Avith this ceremony Avore most eloquently delivered by Bro . Baker . Tho now W . M . then invested tho following brethren as his ollicers for tho ensuing year : —Bros Woods , S . W . ; Mullens , J . W . ; Caulehor , P . M ., Irons . ; H . A Stacey , P . M ., Sec . ; Danvors , S . D . ; Davies , J . D . ; VVmdlo I . G . ; Robinson , P . jr ., Dir . of Cers . ; and W . Watson , P . M ., Steward . I ho lod go was then closed , and tho brethren retired to banquet , which was of a most recherche description . Tho visitors were Bros . C . A . Podlor , W . M . 805 ; H . Rood , S . W . 733 ;
Louis aud G . Taylor , 25 . Tho usual loyal aud Masonic toasts followed , tho replies being brief but expressive . Several excellent sougs Avoro given by Bros . Donald King and G . Taylor . Tho last-named brother received the thanks of tho brethren for his excellent performance on tho harmonium during thoAvholo of tho ceremonies . It Avas remarked that Bro . Taylor officiated musically at tho consecration of tho Prince Frederick William Lodgo , nino years ago , for Avhich ho composed tho music .
ROYAL OAK LOD & E ( NO . 871 ) . —This young and flourishing lodge met at the Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Wednesday , 24 th ult . Bro . W . Andrews , W . M ., opened ^ the lodge , ancl there were present Bros . J . Hawker , S . W . ; S . G . Cook as J . W . ; II . A . Collington , P . M ., Treasurer ; F . Walters , P . M ., Secretary and D . C . ; J . Truelove , S . D . ; II . Whittle , J . D- ,-JW . T . BarrettI . G . G . F . HoneyT . KilnerH . J . Wright ,
. , ; , , G . T . Limn , W . Foyer , G . Ellis , G . Holman ; W . _ Dalziel , and many others . The visitors were Bros . E . Harris , P . M ., Treasurer 73 , Collector for the Boys' School ; C . G . Dilley , 147 ; Secretary , 1 , 155 ; G . Gale , W . M ., 5-18 ; J . Henderson , 548 ; and others whose names we were unable to ascertain . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed .
A ballot was taken for Mr . R . E . Turner , which Avas declared ( o be unanimous in favour of his admission . Bro . T . Killner was passed to the second degree . Bros . H . J- Wright and G . T . Limn were raised to the third degree . Mr . R . E . Turner Avas duly initiated into ancient Freemasonry . AU the work Avas well and ably done , and reflected the greatest amount of credit on the W . M . One brother Avas proposed as a joining member , subject to the ballotat the next meeting . FiA'e guineas Avere
, paid from the lodge funds into the Boys' School . Five guineas , on tho motion of the Secretary , were unanimously voted from tlie charity fund to the Boys' School , and ordered to be paid immediately . After these minutes Avere confirmed , it Avas announced that Bro . W . Andrews , W . M ., AVIIO represented this lodge as their Steward at the festival of the Royal Benevolent Institutionhad been fortunate h to have as many pounds
, enoug on his Stewards' list as there were members in tho loclge , viz ., -610 , and but few Stewards ever realise such support . He was highly complimented for Ms successful exertions . An important letter was read from the Grand Secretary , and its contents were ordered to be entered on the loclge minute books . Banquet , dessert , and good wines then followed . Speeches , songs , and recitations brought a social meeting to a happy close .
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Union Lodge ( So . 310 . )—A lodge of emergency Avas held afc the Freemasons' Hall on Tuesday , 23 rd inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . G . G . Hayward , P . Prov . G . Steward , supported by W . Court , Treas ., as S . W . ; Thos . Cock burn , as J . W . ; F . W . Hayward , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . ; B . II . CookeS . D . ; Robt . CalvartJ . D . ; Geo . Mnrchie
, , , Sec . ; A . Moorhouse , S . W . 412 , as I . G . ; J . Barnes , Tyler ; also Bros . J . Slack , G . Somerville , J . Gibson , J . Atkinson , and a visitor , Bro . A . Routledge , of St . John's , Wigton . The lodge was duly opened in the first degree . The ballot was taken for Mr . Williams , chief mate of the ship Sarah Mandal , which proved in his favour . Bros . Vaughan being a candidate to be passed was dultestedand found worthy to be entrustedancl
y , , retired . The lodge was then opened in the second degree ; the candidate entered , and was passed to a F . C . by the W . M . The lodge being closed down to E . A ., Mr . AVilliams , being properly prepared , gained admission , with Bro . A . Woodhouse , who acted as S . D . on the occasion , and vvas initiated according" to ancient custom by the presiding officer . The charge AVUS given by Bro . F . W . Hayward , also the lecture on the working tools ; the
business being concluded , the lodge was finally closed , and the brethren retired to the festive board , at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were gone through . The AV . M . proposed a toast to tho health of the youngest brother , Bro . William Williams , with Masonic fire , which Avas duly responded to by the candidate . Bro . Slack , S . W ., sang the E . A . song . Bro . Somervillebthe permission of the W . M . proposed a toast to
, y , the visitor , Bro . Aaron Routledge , * , vith musical honours . Bro . Routledge returned thanks in a lengthened speech , in Avhich he said that it was not the first time he had visited this lodge , for he was proud to say that he was a Mason , and had been for upwards of thirty years , and so long as he continued as sueb ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mem..
THE MASONIC MIMOR . * * AU communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , W . C .
ST . ANDREW ' , FIFE . —The M . W . the Grand Master Mason of Scotland laid with full Masonic honours , on the 30 th ult ., tlie 'foundation stone of a new Episcopal church . A lull report of the interesting ceremonial will appear in our next . THE RIGHT HOX . THE EAEL or DALHOUSIE , K . T ., Lord Lieutenant of the county of Forfar , and II . IV . Prov . G . Master
of the Provinces of Forfar and Kincardineshire , laid the foundation stone , on Saturday last , of the new grand south front of the Volunteer Drill Hall at Dundee . A report of the proceedings will be given in our next . ' WE havo groat pleasure in announcing to our readers that wo havo boon kindly promised , through our esteemed Scottish Bro .
D . Murray Lyon , a monthly paper , " On Freemasonry in tho United States , " from tho pen o" Bvo . Robert Morris , LL . D , oi La Grange , Kentucky , U . S . ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOE BOYS . —Tho fourth anniversary of laying tho foundation stone of tho now School Avill bo celebrated , on tho Sth instant , by a grant fete on tho promises at
Wood Green . Tho occasion of tho completion of tho building and grounds is considered a fit opportunity for gathering together those friends and supporters of tho Institution through whoso instrumentality so stately and superb an odilico has boon raised . Those gatherings givo unfeigned delight to all AVIIO participate in them , and -will Avithout doubt bo anticipated with groat satisaction .
PRINCE FREDERICK : WILLIAM LODGE ( XO . 753 ) . —This AVOII-¦ conducted lodgo hold its annual installation mooting on Wednesday last at the Knight of St . John ' s Hotel , Quoon ' s-torraco , St . John ' s Wood . A largo number of tho brethren being present , tho lodgo v .-as opened at half-past throe by Bro . Baker , P . M ., Avho presided in tho temporary absence of the W . M ., Bro . Key Hardoy . Bro . Stacey , P . M ., tho Avorthy Secretary , road the minutes of tho last meetingwhich received confirmationTho
, . W . M . having now arrived , took his seat on tho dais . A ballot was taken tor tho admission of Mr . Fiaiicis B . Dalton , who hacl boon proposed by Bro . Oaulchor . P . M ., and founder oi tho lodge , and seconded by Bro . Stiles . Tho ballot proving unaminoiis ' in ¦ favour of tho candidate , ho Avas introduced , and wont through tho ceremony of initiation . Bro . Bird was questioned as to proficiency prior to being advanced to tho F . C . degree . His answers
being deemed sufficient , ho was passed out , while the lodgo was opened in tho second degree . Bro . Bird was re-admitted , and entrusted Avith tho advanced secrets . Bros . Whippondalo , Stiles , and Pigott wore afterwards placed boforo tho W . M ., and , haA-iug satisfactorily replied to the usual questions , assisted by that excellent instructor , Bro . T . A . Adams , P . G . P ., retired to prepare for tho third ceremony . Tho lodgo was opened in tho third
degree , and , the brethren ro-ontering tho lodge , were duly raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The W . M . then resigned tho chair to Bro . Baker , for tho purpose of installing tho W . M . oloct , Bro . J . F . Wuost . Tho W . M . pro tern , requested Bros . T . A . Adams and Robinson , P . M . ' s , to occupy tho Wardens' chairs . Bro . Wuost Avas presented , and , having acquiesced in the rules and laws laid down for tho government of tho lodge , was placed in thochair of
_ K . S . Tho usual salutes having boon given , tho Charmmg addresses in connection Avith this ceremony Avore most eloquently delivered by Bro . Baker . Tho now W . M . then invested tho following brethren as his ollicers for tho ensuing year : —Bros Woods , S . W . ; Mullens , J . W . ; Caulehor , P . M ., Irons . ; H . A Stacey , P . M ., Sec . ; Danvors , S . D . ; Davies , J . D . ; VVmdlo I . G . ; Robinson , P . jr ., Dir . of Cers . ; and W . Watson , P . M ., Steward . I ho lod go was then closed , and tho brethren retired to banquet , which was of a most recherche description . Tho visitors were Bros . C . A . Podlor , W . M . 805 ; H . Rood , S . W . 733 ;
Louis aud G . Taylor , 25 . Tho usual loyal aud Masonic toasts followed , tho replies being brief but expressive . Several excellent sougs Avoro given by Bros . Donald King and G . Taylor . Tho last-named brother received the thanks of tho brethren for his excellent performance on tho harmonium during thoAvholo of tho ceremonies . It Avas remarked that Bro . Taylor officiated musically at tho consecration of tho Prince Frederick William Lodgo , nino years ago , for Avhich ho composed tho music .
ROYAL OAK LOD & E ( NO . 871 ) . —This young and flourishing lodge met at the Royal Oak Tavern , High-street , Deptford , on Wednesday , 24 th ult . Bro . W . Andrews , W . M ., opened ^ the lodge , ancl there were present Bros . J . Hawker , S . W . ; S . G . Cook as J . W . ; II . A . Collington , P . M ., Treasurer ; F . Walters , P . M ., Secretary and D . C . ; J . Truelove , S . D . ; II . Whittle , J . D- ,-JW . T . BarrettI . G . G . F . HoneyT . KilnerH . J . Wright ,
. , ; , , G . T . Limn , W . Foyer , G . Ellis , G . Holman ; W . _ Dalziel , and many others . The visitors were Bros . E . Harris , P . M ., Treasurer 73 , Collector for the Boys' School ; C . G . Dilley , 147 ; Secretary , 1 , 155 ; G . Gale , W . M ., 5-18 ; J . Henderson , 548 ; and others whose names we were unable to ascertain . The minutes of the previous meeting were read and unanimously confirmed .
A ballot was taken for Mr . R . E . Turner , which Avas declared ( o be unanimous in favour of his admission . Bro . T . Killner was passed to the second degree . Bros . H . J- Wright and G . T . Limn were raised to the third degree . Mr . R . E . Turner Avas duly initiated into ancient Freemasonry . AU the work Avas well and ably done , and reflected the greatest amount of credit on the W . M . One brother Avas proposed as a joining member , subject to the ballotat the next meeting . FiA'e guineas Avere
, paid from the lodge funds into the Boys' School . Five guineas , on tho motion of the Secretary , were unanimously voted from tlie charity fund to the Boys' School , and ordered to be paid immediately . After these minutes Avere confirmed , it Avas announced that Bro . W . Andrews , W . M ., AVIIO represented this lodge as their Steward at the festival of the Royal Benevolent Institutionhad been fortunate h to have as many pounds
, enoug on his Stewards' list as there were members in tho loclge , viz ., -610 , and but few Stewards ever realise such support . He was highly complimented for Ms successful exertions . An important letter was read from the Grand Secretary , and its contents were ordered to be entered on the loclge minute books . Banquet , dessert , and good wines then followed . Speeches , songs , and recitations brought a social meeting to a happy close .
CUMBERLAND . CARLISLE . — Union Lodge ( So . 310 . )—A lodge of emergency Avas held afc the Freemasons' Hall on Tuesday , 23 rd inst . The chair of K . S . was occupied by the W . M ., Bro . G . G . Hayward , P . Prov . G . Steward , supported by W . Court , Treas ., as S . W . ; Thos . Cock burn , as J . W . ; F . W . Hayward , P . M ., P . Prov . S . G . W . ; B . II . CookeS . D . ; Robt . CalvartJ . D . ; Geo . Mnrchie
, , , Sec . ; A . Moorhouse , S . W . 412 , as I . G . ; J . Barnes , Tyler ; also Bros . J . Slack , G . Somerville , J . Gibson , J . Atkinson , and a visitor , Bro . A . Routledge , of St . John's , Wigton . The lodge was duly opened in the first degree . The ballot was taken for Mr . Williams , chief mate of the ship Sarah Mandal , which proved in his favour . Bros . Vaughan being a candidate to be passed was dultestedand found worthy to be entrustedancl
y , , retired . The lodge was then opened in the second degree ; the candidate entered , and was passed to a F . C . by the W . M . The lodge being closed down to E . A ., Mr . AVilliams , being properly prepared , gained admission , with Bro . A . Woodhouse , who acted as S . D . on the occasion , and vvas initiated according" to ancient custom by the presiding officer . The charge AVUS given by Bro . F . W . Hayward , also the lecture on the working tools ; the
business being concluded , the lodge was finally closed , and the brethren retired to the festive board , at which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were gone through . The AV . M . proposed a toast to tho health of the youngest brother , Bro . William Williams , with Masonic fire , which Avas duly responded to by the candidate . Bro . Slack , S . W ., sang the E . A . song . Bro . Somervillebthe permission of the W . M . proposed a toast to
, y , the visitor , Bro . Aaron Routledge , * , vith musical honours . Bro . Routledge returned thanks in a lengthened speech , in Avhich he said that it was not the first time he had visited this lodge , for he was proud to say that he was a Mason , and had been for upwards of thirty years , and so long as he continued as sueb ,