Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 3 of 3 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodgo having been opened in the second degree by the W . M ., the chair Avas taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who , by request , had come from Birmingham for the express purpose of rendering assistance . Bros . W . G . Hopkins and George Hopkins were presented as candidates for tlie degree of F . C , examined , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodgo Avas opened in the third
degree , and everything was duly nreparecl for the ceremony , AA'hen a summons having arrived for the first-named candidate , in consequence of the sudden serious illness of his son , he Avas obliged to leave . Bro . Geo . Hopkins Avas introduced , properly prepared , and duly raised to the third degree . The acting "W . M . also gave him the traditionary history , the charge , and a lecture explanatory of the objects of the degree , Avhich ,
containing some details not generally communicated in England , was listened to with the greatest attention by all present . The "W . M . again took the chair , and resumed tlie lodge in the first degree . There were two candidates for initiation regularly proposed at the previous meeting . A ballot was taken for one of them , which proved unanimous in his favour , but he did not present himself as he had promised , probably owing to some unexpected engagement in his profession as a surgeon . With
regard to the other candidate , some misapprehension having arisen , but which appeared to be capable of explanation , on the proposition of Bro . Joyo Woodward , a committee Avas appointed to investigate the matter and report at the next meeting . Tho W . M ., in his own name and that of the members , tendered the most cordial thanks of himself and the lodge to Bro . Dr . Hopkins for the valuable assistance he had rendered at this and tho two previous meetingsremarking on tho unusuallimpressive
, y manner and the exactitude Avith which the ceremonies of the three degrees bad been worked , and the interest Avith which the information contained in the lectures had been received . Bro . Fitzgerald read a circular from the Grand . Secretary of England , referring to tho caution requisite in the admission of visitors , which ivas ordered to be copied on the minutes . Bro . Dr . Kopkins , with the permission of the AV . M ., enforced tho
recommendations of the circular by a reference to particular instances which had come under his notice . The lodge was closed at 8 . 30 , and the brethren adjourned to another room , Avhere , after a substantial repast , a most pleasant evening was spent in paying the accustomed Masonic honours , ancl in listening to several addresses and songs , the harmony of the proceedings being promoted by the performances of Bro . Fitzgerald on the harmonium . The party separated before eleven o ' clock .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . ScMmono-UGii . —Old Globe Lodge ( So . 200 ) . —This lodge held its regular monthly meeting on the evening of the third Wednesday in July last , when there ivas a largo attendance of tho members and visitors , amongst whom Avere Bros . H . A . "Williamson , AV . M . ; J . AV . AVoodall , P . M ., Treas . ; AV . T . Rooke , P . M . ; James Frederick Spurr , P . M . ; II . C . Martin ,
P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; C . E . Lucas , Prov . G . Sec . of Lincolnshire ; H . Jim-graves , S . W . ; IV . Peacock , J . IV . ; Dr . Armitage , S . D . ; 11 . H . Peacock , J . D . ; D . Fletcher , I . G . ; Ash , Tyler , & c . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes read and confirmed . Mr . Shepherd , of Scarborough , a candidate for Freemasonry , was balloted for and initiated into tho mysteries . The locl ge was then opened in the second degree , for the purpose of passing Bro . Grover , who Avas initiated in June last , after Avhich tho loclge was closed in peace and harmony at ten o ' clock .
GLASGOAY . HoiroEARr AFFILIATION OE BROS , THE RIGHT I-Iou . THE FARE OF DALHOUSIE , K . T ., G . C . B ., D . PROA * . G . MASTER , AM ) CAPT . SPIERS , OF ELDERSLIE , M . P . , J . G . AV . OF ENGLASD , AS MEMBERS OF THE ST . MUXGO LOBGE ( NO . 27 ) . K An emergency sederunt of the Lodge of St 27
. Mungo , No . , was held on llnu-sday afternoon , the 25 th ult ., at five o ' clock , for the purpose of conferring honorary affiliation on Bros , the Earl of . Dalhousie and Captain Spiers , of Elderslic . There was a large attendance of members of the lodge , and Bro . M'Taggart , M . A ., R . U . M ., presided . He was supported by Bros . Allan , J . W . ; bheils , acting S . W . ; Sinclair , Treas . ; Wilson , Chap ., and other
office-bearers . The visiting brethren present on this interesting occasion included Bros . D . Murray Lyon , G . Sec . ; James Steven , son , late of the FREEAIASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEEOB J . ancl Stonier Leigh , AVest Hartlepool . The lodgo having been opened in due and ancient form , the R . W . M . announced the business to be transacted , referring to a meeting of date May last , at which Bro . Earl Dalhousie had been unanimouslelected Proxy Master of the lodgeand at
y , which also it was proposed , ancl enthusiastically agreed to , that honorary affiliation should be conferred upon him when it suited his lordship ' s convenience to attend for that purpose . The present meeting , he saicl , had been called in terms of the minutes of that meeting . Thereupon Bro . Shells proposed , and Bro-AVilson seconded , that Bro . Capt . Speivs should be elected an honorary member of the locl and be affiliated at the same
ge , time Avith Bro . Earl Dalhousie . The motion was unanimously agreed to . It being then announced that Bros . Earl Dalhousie ancl Capt . Spiers , accompanied by Bros . Lord Dunmore , Cruickshaneks , Flindt , & c ., waited admission , Bro . Sinclair , at the request of the R . AV . M ., received the brethren , and conducted ! them to the seats reserved for them . They met with a most cordial reception . The R . W . M . performed the accustomed
ceremonies , at the conclusion of which Bros . Earl Dalhousie and . Capt . Spoil's returned thanks to the office-bearers and members of the lodge for the kind reception they had met Avith , and the honour that had been conferred upon them in electing themmembers of so ancient and distinguished a loclge . Both claimed , it as a high privilege to bo thus closely connected with Masonry in the west of Scotland , and more especially Avith a province
soextensive and influential as that of Glasgow , and expressed an earnest wish to see effected a closer union between East and AVest . The newly-elected brethren having appended their names to the roll of members , ancl there being no further business , the R . W . M . closed the loclge , after Avhich the brethren proceededto the City Hall to take part in tbe Funeral Lodge held in honour of Bio . Sir Archibald Alison , Bart ., late Prov . G . M . for GlasgOAV ,. the full particulars of which will be found on another page .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOYLE ' S LODGE OP FELLOWSHIP ( NO . 8-1 ) . — Tho monthly mooting of this lodgo Avas hold at tho Masonic Rooms , on Friday , tho 12-th ult ., Avhen Mr . W . H . Muntz Avas initiated into Free-- masonn * . Thoro Avoro present at tho mooting Bros . Gallionno ,, D . ProA . G . M . ; J . H . Guilbert , W . M . ( in tho chair ); Churchouso , I . P . M . ; Hutchinson , P . M . aud Treas ., acting as S . AV . ; Gardner ,
J . AA " . ; Gloncross , S . D . ; Parker , acting as J . D . ; Sarchot , Sec . ; S . Neath , I . G . ; and Nicollo and - Manger , Tylers . Thoro Avoro also present as visitors several brethren from other lodges in the island and England . Tho minutes Avoro road and confirmed . Tho ceremony of initiation was gono through by tho AA ' . M . in his usual careful and correct manner , aud ho was well supported by his officers . Tho musical arrangements , AA'hich wore ably conducted by Bro . ChurchousoI . P . M . AA-LIO presided at tho
, , harmonium , assisted in tho vocal parts by Bros . Smythron , AV . M . ( ilS , and Nicollo , conduced A * ory greatly lo tho effectiveness of tho ceremony . Thoro is no regular organist attached as an . officer to this lodgo ; aud it is only a fair tribute to Bro . Churchouso ' s kindness to remark that , on all occasions Avhen his services aro required , ho does not scruplo to vacate his chair as I . P . M . to preside at tho harmonium . Tho AV . M . read a letter h-om tho Grand lodgorelating to the examination of visitors
, boforo admission , and to tho holding of irregular lodges ; and this finished tho business of the evening . Tho lodgo having boon closed , tho brethren retired to tho banqueting room , vvhoro a A'ory pleasant evening Avas spout in true Masonic enjoyment and pleasure .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( NO . 73 ) . —The regular convocation of this well-established chapter was holden on Thursday , 25 th ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellington-street ,. South wark . The chapter was opened by Comps . F . Walters , P . Z ., as M . E . Z . ; Dr . Dixon , P . Z ., as II . ; J . AV . Halsey , as J . ; R . Watts , P . Z . ; ancl C . A . Cottebrune , P . Z . The companions
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The lodgo having been opened in the second degree by the W . M ., the chair Avas taken by Bro . Dr . Hopkins , who , by request , had come from Birmingham for the express purpose of rendering assistance . Bros . W . G . Hopkins and George Hopkins were presented as candidates for tlie degree of F . C , examined , entrusted , and dismissed for preparation . The lodgo Avas opened in the third
degree , and everything was duly nreparecl for the ceremony , AA'hen a summons having arrived for the first-named candidate , in consequence of the sudden serious illness of his son , he Avas obliged to leave . Bro . Geo . Hopkins Avas introduced , properly prepared , and duly raised to the third degree . The acting "W . M . also gave him the traditionary history , the charge , and a lecture explanatory of the objects of the degree , Avhich ,
containing some details not generally communicated in England , was listened to with the greatest attention by all present . The "W . M . again took the chair , and resumed tlie lodge in the first degree . There were two candidates for initiation regularly proposed at the previous meeting . A ballot was taken for one of them , which proved unanimous in his favour , but he did not present himself as he had promised , probably owing to some unexpected engagement in his profession as a surgeon . With
regard to the other candidate , some misapprehension having arisen , but which appeared to be capable of explanation , on the proposition of Bro . Joyo Woodward , a committee Avas appointed to investigate the matter and report at the next meeting . Tho W . M ., in his own name and that of the members , tendered the most cordial thanks of himself and the lodge to Bro . Dr . Hopkins for the valuable assistance he had rendered at this and tho two previous meetingsremarking on tho unusuallimpressive
, y manner and the exactitude Avith which the ceremonies of the three degrees bad been worked , and the interest Avith which the information contained in the lectures had been received . Bro . Fitzgerald read a circular from the Grand . Secretary of England , referring to tho caution requisite in the admission of visitors , which ivas ordered to be copied on the minutes . Bro . Dr . Kopkins , with the permission of the AV . M ., enforced tho
recommendations of the circular by a reference to particular instances which had come under his notice . The lodge was closed at 8 . 30 , and the brethren adjourned to another room , Avhere , after a substantial repast , a most pleasant evening was spent in paying the accustomed Masonic honours , ancl in listening to several addresses and songs , the harmony of the proceedings being promoted by the performances of Bro . Fitzgerald on the harmonium . The party separated before eleven o ' clock .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . ScMmono-UGii . —Old Globe Lodge ( So . 200 ) . —This lodge held its regular monthly meeting on the evening of the third Wednesday in July last , when there ivas a largo attendance of tho members and visitors , amongst whom Avere Bros . H . A . "Williamson , AV . M . ; J . AV . AVoodall , P . M ., Treas . ; AV . T . Rooke , P . M . ; James Frederick Spurr , P . M . ; II . C . Martin ,
P . M ., Hon . Sec . ; C . E . Lucas , Prov . G . Sec . of Lincolnshire ; H . Jim-graves , S . W . ; IV . Peacock , J . IV . ; Dr . Armitage , S . D . ; 11 . H . Peacock , J . D . ; D . Fletcher , I . G . ; Ash , Tyler , & c . The lodge was opened in the first degree , and the minutes read and confirmed . Mr . Shepherd , of Scarborough , a candidate for Freemasonry , was balloted for and initiated into tho mysteries . The locl ge was then opened in the second degree , for the purpose of passing Bro . Grover , who Avas initiated in June last , after Avhich tho loclge was closed in peace and harmony at ten o ' clock .
GLASGOAY . HoiroEARr AFFILIATION OE BROS , THE RIGHT I-Iou . THE FARE OF DALHOUSIE , K . T ., G . C . B ., D . PROA * . G . MASTER , AM ) CAPT . SPIERS , OF ELDERSLIE , M . P . , J . G . AV . OF ENGLASD , AS MEMBERS OF THE ST . MUXGO LOBGE ( NO . 27 ) . K An emergency sederunt of the Lodge of St 27
. Mungo , No . , was held on llnu-sday afternoon , the 25 th ult ., at five o ' clock , for the purpose of conferring honorary affiliation on Bros , the Earl of . Dalhousie and Captain Spiers , of Elderslic . There was a large attendance of members of the lodge , and Bro . M'Taggart , M . A ., R . U . M ., presided . He was supported by Bros . Allan , J . W . ; bheils , acting S . W . ; Sinclair , Treas . ; Wilson , Chap ., and other
office-bearers . The visiting brethren present on this interesting occasion included Bros . D . Murray Lyon , G . Sec . ; James Steven , son , late of the FREEAIASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIEEOB J . ancl Stonier Leigh , AVest Hartlepool . The lodgo having been opened in due and ancient form , the R . W . M . announced the business to be transacted , referring to a meeting of date May last , at which Bro . Earl Dalhousie had been unanimouslelected Proxy Master of the lodgeand at
y , which also it was proposed , ancl enthusiastically agreed to , that honorary affiliation should be conferred upon him when it suited his lordship ' s convenience to attend for that purpose . The present meeting , he saicl , had been called in terms of the minutes of that meeting . Thereupon Bro . Shells proposed , and Bro-AVilson seconded , that Bro . Capt . Speivs should be elected an honorary member of the locl and be affiliated at the same
ge , time Avith Bro . Earl Dalhousie . The motion was unanimously agreed to . It being then announced that Bros . Earl Dalhousie ancl Capt . Spiers , accompanied by Bros . Lord Dunmore , Cruickshaneks , Flindt , & c ., waited admission , Bro . Sinclair , at the request of the R . AV . M ., received the brethren , and conducted ! them to the seats reserved for them . They met with a most cordial reception . The R . W . M . performed the accustomed
ceremonies , at the conclusion of which Bros . Earl Dalhousie and . Capt . Spoil's returned thanks to the office-bearers and members of the lodge for the kind reception they had met Avith , and the honour that had been conferred upon them in electing themmembers of so ancient and distinguished a loclge . Both claimed , it as a high privilege to bo thus closely connected with Masonry in the west of Scotland , and more especially Avith a province
soextensive and influential as that of Glasgow , and expressed an earnest wish to see effected a closer union between East and AVest . The newly-elected brethren having appended their names to the roll of members , ancl there being no further business , the R . W . M . closed the loclge , after Avhich the brethren proceededto the City Hall to take part in tbe Funeral Lodge held in honour of Bio . Sir Archibald Alison , Bart ., late Prov . G . M . for GlasgOAV ,. the full particulars of which will be found on another page .
Channel Islands.
GUERNSEY . DOYLE ' S LODGE OP FELLOWSHIP ( NO . 8-1 ) . — Tho monthly mooting of this lodgo Avas hold at tho Masonic Rooms , on Friday , tho 12-th ult ., Avhen Mr . W . H . Muntz Avas initiated into Free-- masonn * . Thoro Avoro present at tho mooting Bros . Gallionno ,, D . ProA . G . M . ; J . H . Guilbert , W . M . ( in tho chair ); Churchouso , I . P . M . ; Hutchinson , P . M . aud Treas ., acting as S . AV . ; Gardner ,
J . AA " . ; Gloncross , S . D . ; Parker , acting as J . D . ; Sarchot , Sec . ; S . Neath , I . G . ; and Nicollo and - Manger , Tylers . Thoro Avoro also present as visitors several brethren from other lodges in the island and England . Tho minutes Avoro road and confirmed . Tho ceremony of initiation was gono through by tho AA ' . M . in his usual careful and correct manner , aud ho was well supported by his officers . Tho musical arrangements , AA'hich wore ably conducted by Bro . ChurchousoI . P . M . AA-LIO presided at tho
, , harmonium , assisted in tho vocal parts by Bros . Smythron , AV . M . ( ilS , and Nicollo , conduced A * ory greatly lo tho effectiveness of tho ceremony . Thoro is no regular organist attached as an . officer to this lodgo ; aud it is only a fair tribute to Bro . Churchouso ' s kindness to remark that , on all occasions Avhen his services aro required , ho does not scruplo to vacate his chair as I . P . M . to preside at tho harmonium . Tho AV . M . read a letter h-om tho Grand lodgorelating to the examination of visitors
, boforo admission , and to tho holding of irregular lodges ; and this finished tho business of the evening . Tho lodgo having boon closed , tho brethren retired to tho banqueting room , vvhoro a A'ory pleasant evening Avas spout in true Masonic enjoyment and pleasure .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . MOUNT LEBANON CHAPTER ( NO . 73 ) . —The regular convocation of this well-established chapter was holden on Thursday , 25 th ult ., at the Bridge House Hotel , Wellington-street ,. South wark . The chapter was opened by Comps . F . Walters , P . Z ., as M . E . Z . ; Dr . Dixon , P . Z ., as II . ; J . AV . Halsey , as J . ; R . Watts , P . Z . ; ancl C . A . Cottebrune , P . Z . The companions