Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROSE CROIX. Page 1 of 1 Article ROSE CROIX. Page 1 of 1 Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGE MEETINGS, ETC., FOR THE WEEK ENDING AUGUST 10TH, 1867. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
were admitted . The minutes of the previous convocation were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were unanimous in favour of the admission of all the candidates for exaltation . Apologies were received excusing and regretting their nonattendance . For the sake of practice the ceremony was gone through and ably rendered . Two companions were proposed as Joining memberssubject to the ballot at the next meeting . The
, chapter was then closed . Amongst those present were Comps . F- Walters , P . Z ., S . E ., as M . E . Z . ; Dr . Dixon , P . Z ., as H . ; J . C . Goochty , J . ; A . D . Loewenstark , S . N . and Treas . ; R . AVafcts , P-Z , as P . S . ; T . J . Sabine , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; J . Norrish , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; M . A . Loeii'onstai-k , AA ' . S . ; AV . Youldon , Thomson , C . A . Cottebrune , P . Z . ; R . AV . AVheeler , and others . Visitor , J . AV . Halsey , 11 . 507 .
SCOTLAND . BVM- - RTONSIIIHE . —Consecration of the Alexandria and Honhill Chapter ( No . 121 ) . —A deputation from the Supreme Grand Chapter , Edinburgh , and companions from Stirling and Glasgow , met in Alexandria on Friday , the 19 th ult ., to conseciate a Royal Arch Chapter in connection with St . Andrew Alexandria and Bonhill Lodge ( No . 321 ) . About thirty brethren
attended in their lodge-room , and after the consecration of the chapter were installed companions of this holy Order . The maimer in which Comps . Hay , Z . ; Kay , II . ; Mackersey , Scribe E . ; an . 1 Bryce , J ., performed their respective duties , was the theme of admiration . Office-bearers to work the new chapter were chosen as follows : —Comps . J . F . Harkness , Z . ; AVilliam '¦ Graham , H . ; Peter McNair , J . ; Arthur Pollock , Scribe E . ;
Robert Brown , Scribe N .: J . Walker , 1 st Scribe ; Robert Graham , 2 nd Scribe ; J . AViikie , 3 rd Scribe ; Walter Brown , J . ; and Robert Henderson , Treas . The brethren having adjourned from labour to refreshment , a number of toasts were given and congratulations passed on the success of the evening ' s proceedings . The now chapter is styled Alexandria and Bonhill Royal Arch Chapter , No . 121 , and from the successful start it received promises to be wrought vigorously and efficiently .
Rose Croix.
SUFFOLK . TPSAVICII . —Consecration of the Victoria Chapter of Rose Croix . —On Tuesday , 23 rd ult ., a chapter of Rose Croix , 38 ° . was formally consecrated at tho Masonic Hall , Ipswich , by tho following distinguished members of tho Supremo Grand Council -. Col . H . Clerk , S . G . I . G ., 33 ° ; Capt . N . G . Phillips , 33 ° ; C . J . Tigno 33 ° ; A . H . Eoyds 33 ° 11 . Pullou 33 ° : H . G . Go . xlall
, , ; , , 30 ' , representative of tho Supremo Council Now York , U . S .: Sir P . Colquhoun , 30 ° - A . II . Shtittlcworth , 30 '; J . F . Sfarkcy , 18 ° . After tho ceremony of consecration fourteen members of tho Princo of AVales Lodgo received this exalted degree , which was ably performed by Bro . Hyde Pullen , Avho afterwards installed Bro . Edward Dorling as the first M . AV . S . This is tho first chapter of Rose Croix Masons over established in the Eastern Counties ,
and AVO have no doubt many of tho brethren will avail themselves of taking this high and exalted degree . AVe can but recommend our brethren in tho East to give this degree their most serious -attention . YORKSHIRE , AVEST . SltEPPiELD . —Talbot Chapter . -The annual meeting of this
flourishing chapter was held on Wednesday , the 2 ! th ult ., in the Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . The chapter Avas opened at four p . m . by the III . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 32 ° , Sec . Gen . of the Supreme Grand Council , assisted by Bro . AA'illiam AVhite , 31 ° . P . M . W . S .: Joseph Rodgers , 30 ' ' , P . M . W . S . ; Henry Webster , IS , P . M . W . S . ; Gilbert Wilkinson , IS ' , M . W . S .. and a large number of other brethren . A petition was presented from
Bros . Major AA ' oodall and Dr . Rooke , of Scarborough , and the ballot proving unanimous in their favour , the petitioners were admitted and duly constituted Princes of the Order of Rose Croix of H . R . D . M . The ceremony was very ably worked by "Bro , Pullen and tlie officers of the chapter , and the musical department was conducted by Bro . C . I-I . Perrot , the organist . 'The Rev . Peter Browne , M . A ., IS" , Prov . G . Chap , of West "Yorkshire , was then duly installed by Bro . Pullen as M . W . S . for ' the ensuing twelvemonths , and he appointed the following j
Rose Croix.
officers—viz ., Rev . Joseph Senior , LL . D ., 18 ° , P . G . Chap , of England , Prelate ; Bentley Shaw , IS , D . P . G . M . AA est Yorkshire , 1 st Gen . ; Robert Arnison , 13 ° , 2 nd Gen . ; AVilliam White , 31 ° , Sec . and Treas . ; AVilliam Roddewig , 30 ° , Raphael ; William Henry Brittain , IS * , G . Marshal ; H . J . Garnett , 18 ° , Capt . of Guard ; Thomas Collinson , IS , G . Chamberlain ; T . AV . Parker and P . W . Hoyle , Heralds ; C . II . Perrot , Org . ; and George
Wilkinson , Tyler . Throughout the Avhole of the ceremonies Bro . Pullen displayed that impressiveness of manner and elegance of diction for which ho has so long been known and admired , and the officers of the chapter showed that they thoroughly understood and appreciated , ancl were fully able to perform , all the duties entrusted to them . At the conclusion of business a very sumptuous banquet was provided , to which the brethren did ample justice , aucl the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere given ancl received with great enthusiasm .
Calendrier Maconnique du Grand Orient de France , < " -c , Au SEC . GE . * . Paris : Rue Cadet , 111 . Wo have just received a copy of this very useful little annual from the obliging Chef du Secretariat , Le F . Thevonot , for ISli ? -. *" , and , so far as wo can judgo from a hasty perusal , it appears more complete than any previous edition , especially as respects the "Listo des Puissances Macoimiquos Etrangeres avoo
losquolles lo Grand Orient do Franco est on Corrospoudanco . " Tho information relative to tho Grand Oriout do Franco itself , is very comprehensive , and arranged Avith neatness and perspicuity . According to tho arrangement Avhich has been in operation for some time , "Lo Grand College des Rites so diviso en autant do sections qn'il oxisto do rites different !) rocomis par lo Grand Orient clo Franco . "
I st section Rito Francais . 2 nd „ Rito D'He ' re'dom . 3 rd „ Rito Ec . A . ot A . 4 th „ Rito Do Kilvining . 5 th „ Rito Philosophique . Oth „ Rito du Regime Roctif . 7 th ,, Rito do Memphis .
Stli ,, Rito do Misniim . Tho grand total of all the subordinate lodges or chapters is as follow : — Lodges ( symbs . ) 256 Chapitvos , & c GO Conseil ? , etc 20 342
AA ' o should mention that tho Constitutions of this Grand Lodge ( as do also the other foreign Grand Lodges ) confirm in full tho statements of Bro . Charles Pnrton Cooper respecting tho theological belief of candidates , which have , no doubt , instructed and interested our numerous readers considerably . Tho Grand Orient "a pour principos l ' oxistonco do Diou , I'imniortalite clo lame et la solidautc humaino . "
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending August 10th, 1867.
TUESIAAY , Gth . —Colonial Board , nt 3 ; St . John ' s Lodgo ( No . 167 ) , Holly Bush . Tavern , Hampstead ; Stability Lodge ( No . 217 ) , Geoi'o-c Hotel , Aldermanbury ; Temperance Chapter ( No . 169 ) , White Swan Tavern , Deptford ; United Pilgrims Chapter ( No . £ 07 ) , Horns Tavern , Kennington . WEDNESDAY , 7 fch . —Grand Chapterat 8 ; Temperance
, in tho East Lodgo ( No . 898 ) , NeAvby-plaee , Poplar ; New "Wandsworth Lodgo ( No . 1 , 0-14 ) , Freemasons' Hotel , Wandsworth . TIIUKSDAV , Sth . —Lily of Richmond Lodge ( No . 820 ) , Greyhound Hotel , Eichmond ; Capper Lodge ( No . 1 , 076 ) , Marino Hotel , West Ham .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
were admitted . The minutes of the previous convocation were read and unanimously confirmed . Ballots were unanimous in favour of the admission of all the candidates for exaltation . Apologies were received excusing and regretting their nonattendance . For the sake of practice the ceremony was gone through and ably rendered . Two companions were proposed as Joining memberssubject to the ballot at the next meeting . The
, chapter was then closed . Amongst those present were Comps . F- Walters , P . Z ., S . E ., as M . E . Z . ; Dr . Dixon , P . Z ., as H . ; J . C . Goochty , J . ; A . D . Loewenstark , S . N . and Treas . ; R . AVafcts , P-Z , as P . S . ; T . J . Sabine , 1 st Assist . Soj . ; J . Norrish , 2 nd Assist . Soj . ; M . A . Loeii'onstai-k , AA ' . S . ; AV . Youldon , Thomson , C . A . Cottebrune , P . Z . ; R . AV . AVheeler , and others . Visitor , J . AV . Halsey , 11 . 507 .
SCOTLAND . BVM- - RTONSIIIHE . —Consecration of the Alexandria and Honhill Chapter ( No . 121 ) . —A deputation from the Supreme Grand Chapter , Edinburgh , and companions from Stirling and Glasgow , met in Alexandria on Friday , the 19 th ult ., to conseciate a Royal Arch Chapter in connection with St . Andrew Alexandria and Bonhill Lodge ( No . 321 ) . About thirty brethren
attended in their lodge-room , and after the consecration of the chapter were installed companions of this holy Order . The maimer in which Comps . Hay , Z . ; Kay , II . ; Mackersey , Scribe E . ; an . 1 Bryce , J ., performed their respective duties , was the theme of admiration . Office-bearers to work the new chapter were chosen as follows : —Comps . J . F . Harkness , Z . ; AVilliam '¦ Graham , H . ; Peter McNair , J . ; Arthur Pollock , Scribe E . ;
Robert Brown , Scribe N .: J . Walker , 1 st Scribe ; Robert Graham , 2 nd Scribe ; J . AViikie , 3 rd Scribe ; Walter Brown , J . ; and Robert Henderson , Treas . The brethren having adjourned from labour to refreshment , a number of toasts were given and congratulations passed on the success of the evening ' s proceedings . The now chapter is styled Alexandria and Bonhill Royal Arch Chapter , No . 121 , and from the successful start it received promises to be wrought vigorously and efficiently .
Rose Croix.
SUFFOLK . TPSAVICII . —Consecration of the Victoria Chapter of Rose Croix . —On Tuesday , 23 rd ult ., a chapter of Rose Croix , 38 ° . was formally consecrated at tho Masonic Hall , Ipswich , by tho following distinguished members of tho Supremo Grand Council -. Col . H . Clerk , S . G . I . G ., 33 ° ; Capt . N . G . Phillips , 33 ° ; C . J . Tigno 33 ° ; A . H . Eoyds 33 ° 11 . Pullou 33 ° : H . G . Go . xlall
, , ; , , 30 ' , representative of tho Supremo Council Now York , U . S .: Sir P . Colquhoun , 30 ° - A . II . Shtittlcworth , 30 '; J . F . Sfarkcy , 18 ° . After tho ceremony of consecration fourteen members of tho Princo of AVales Lodgo received this exalted degree , which was ably performed by Bro . Hyde Pullen , Avho afterwards installed Bro . Edward Dorling as the first M . AV . S . This is tho first chapter of Rose Croix Masons over established in the Eastern Counties ,
and AVO have no doubt many of tho brethren will avail themselves of taking this high and exalted degree . AVe can but recommend our brethren in tho East to give this degree their most serious -attention . YORKSHIRE , AVEST . SltEPPiELD . —Talbot Chapter . -The annual meeting of this
flourishing chapter was held on Wednesday , the 2 ! th ult ., in the Freemasons' Hall , Surrey-street , Sheffield . The chapter Avas opened at four p . m . by the III . Bro . Hyde Pullen , 32 ° , Sec . Gen . of the Supreme Grand Council , assisted by Bro . AA'illiam AVhite , 31 ° . P . M . W . S .: Joseph Rodgers , 30 ' ' , P . M . W . S . ; Henry Webster , IS , P . M . W . S . ; Gilbert Wilkinson , IS ' , M . W . S .. and a large number of other brethren . A petition was presented from
Bros . Major AA ' oodall and Dr . Rooke , of Scarborough , and the ballot proving unanimous in their favour , the petitioners were admitted and duly constituted Princes of the Order of Rose Croix of H . R . D . M . The ceremony was very ably worked by "Bro , Pullen and tlie officers of the chapter , and the musical department was conducted by Bro . C . I-I . Perrot , the organist . 'The Rev . Peter Browne , M . A ., IS" , Prov . G . Chap , of West "Yorkshire , was then duly installed by Bro . Pullen as M . W . S . for ' the ensuing twelvemonths , and he appointed the following j
Rose Croix.
officers—viz ., Rev . Joseph Senior , LL . D ., 18 ° , P . G . Chap , of England , Prelate ; Bentley Shaw , IS , D . P . G . M . AA est Yorkshire , 1 st Gen . ; Robert Arnison , 13 ° , 2 nd Gen . ; AVilliam White , 31 ° , Sec . and Treas . ; AVilliam Roddewig , 30 ° , Raphael ; William Henry Brittain , IS * , G . Marshal ; H . J . Garnett , 18 ° , Capt . of Guard ; Thomas Collinson , IS , G . Chamberlain ; T . AV . Parker and P . W . Hoyle , Heralds ; C . II . Perrot , Org . ; and George
Wilkinson , Tyler . Throughout the Avhole of the ceremonies Bro . Pullen displayed that impressiveness of manner and elegance of diction for which ho has so long been known and admired , and the officers of the chapter showed that they thoroughly understood and appreciated , ancl were fully able to perform , all the duties entrusted to them . At the conclusion of business a very sumptuous banquet was provided , to which the brethren did ample justice , aucl the usual loyal and Masonic toasts Avere given ancl received with great enthusiasm .
Calendrier Maconnique du Grand Orient de France , < " -c , Au SEC . GE . * . Paris : Rue Cadet , 111 . Wo have just received a copy of this very useful little annual from the obliging Chef du Secretariat , Le F . Thevonot , for ISli ? -. *" , and , so far as wo can judgo from a hasty perusal , it appears more complete than any previous edition , especially as respects the "Listo des Puissances Macoimiquos Etrangeres avoo
losquolles lo Grand Orient do Franco est on Corrospoudanco . " Tho information relative to tho Grand Oriout do Franco itself , is very comprehensive , and arranged Avith neatness and perspicuity . According to tho arrangement Avhich has been in operation for some time , "Lo Grand College des Rites so diviso en autant do sections qn'il oxisto do rites different !) rocomis par lo Grand Orient clo Franco . "
I st section Rito Francais . 2 nd „ Rito D'He ' re'dom . 3 rd „ Rito Ec . A . ot A . 4 th „ Rito Do Kilvining . 5 th „ Rito Philosophique . Oth „ Rito du Regime Roctif . 7 th ,, Rito do Memphis .
Stli ,, Rito do Misniim . Tho grand total of all the subordinate lodges or chapters is as follow : — Lodges ( symbs . ) 256 Chapitvos , & c GO Conseil ? , etc 20 342
AA ' o should mention that tho Constitutions of this Grand Lodge ( as do also the other foreign Grand Lodges ) confirm in full tho statements of Bro . Charles Pnrton Cooper respecting tho theological belief of candidates , which have , no doubt , instructed and interested our numerous readers considerably . Tho Grand Orient "a pour principos l ' oxistonco do Diou , I'imniortalite clo lame et la solidautc humaino . "
Lodge Meetings, Etc., For The Week Ending August 10th, 1867.
TUESIAAY , Gth . —Colonial Board , nt 3 ; St . John ' s Lodgo ( No . 167 ) , Holly Bush . Tavern , Hampstead ; Stability Lodge ( No . 217 ) , Geoi'o-c Hotel , Aldermanbury ; Temperance Chapter ( No . 169 ) , White Swan Tavern , Deptford ; United Pilgrims Chapter ( No . £ 07 ) , Horns Tavern , Kennington . WEDNESDAY , 7 fch . —Grand Chapterat 8 ; Temperance
, in tho East Lodgo ( No . 898 ) , NeAvby-plaee , Poplar ; New "Wandsworth Lodgo ( No . 1 , 0-14 ) , Freemasons' Hotel , Wandsworth . TIIUKSDAV , Sth . —Lily of Richmond Lodge ( No . 820 ) , Greyhound Hotel , Eichmond ; Capper Lodge ( No . 1 , 076 ) , Marino Hotel , West Ham .