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Masonic Funeral Lodge Is Memory Of Bro. The Late Sir Archibald Alison, Bart. , D.C.L., Ll.D., &C.
As previously announced by us , the Provincial Grand Funeral Lodge in memory of Pro . the late Sir Archibald Alison , Bart ., Prov . j . M . Glasgow , was held in the City Hall , on the evening of the 25 th ult ., and , as we had fully anticipated , from tho high position held iu our ancient Order by the deceased Baronet , coupled with the great respect entertained for him throughout Scotland in particular , and by the Craft generally , the occasion proved to be otic which wilt be preserved amongst the most
noteworthy events in the history of Freemasonry in Scotland . Every part of the spacious building was taxed to its uttermost to accommodate tlie great gathering of brethren who had assembled to pay this special mark of respect to , and commemorate the character ancl services of , the late Provincial Grand Master ; and though , as AV .-IS to be expected , the local counties , Lanarkshire in particular , contributed most liberally to the total
numbers present , yet some of the parts of Scotland most distant from the metropolis of tlie West were represented by contingents of brethren who had willingly travelled a long journey in order to be present on the occasion . Representatives under the Sister Grand Lodge of England , and under Sister Grand Lodges in the United States , were , as enumerated below , also present : — I The Grand Lodge of Scotland was represented by Bros , the
Right Hon . the Eurl of Dalhousie , K . T „ G . C . B ., acting MAV . Grand Master ; Right Hon . the Earl of Dunmore , acting Sub . s G . Master ; AV . Mann , acting S . G . W . ; AV . Officer , " acting . T . G . W . ; W . A . Laurie , G . Sec ; A . J . Stewart , G . Clerk ; C . Law , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Sir M . R . S . Stewart , Bart ., Prov . G . M . I Renfrewshire AVest ; A . Smollett , of Bonhill , Prov . G . M . Dum- barConshire ; R . AVylieProv . G . M . Ayrshire ; W . M . Gilmour
, , Acting Prov . G . M . Middle Ward of Lanarkshire . The follow- 5 ing Grand Stewards , namely , Bros . H . G . Bell , Sheriff of Lanarkshire ; Sheriff Strathern , D . Murray Lyon , J . Wallace , S Captain M'Oasland , T . Baker ; and the Grand Tyler , Bro . W . M . Bryce . 8
lhe sister Grand Loclge of England was represented by Bros . Captain Speirs , of Elderslie , M . P ., J . G . W . ; J . Stevensen , of the FBEF . MASOXS' MAGAZINE AXD MABOXIC JIIRROB , and Stonier Leigh , West Hartlepool . Foreign sister Grand Lodges of tho United States were represented by Bros . W . Burr , Sew York ; A \ . Kelly , Philadelphia ; and R . P . Hosie , Staten Island . The mother loclgeKilwinningwas represented by a
deputa-, , tion of fourteen brethren . The Province of Glasgow was represented by Bros . Jas . Cruickshank , Depute Prov . G . M . ; John Binnie , Sub-Depute Prov . G . M . ; W . M . Neilson , Prov . Sen . G . W . ; Thos . Ramsav , R . W . M . So . 3 bis , Acting Prov . S . G . AV . ; A . McTnggart , M . A ., R . W . M ., No . 27 , Acting Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . G . K . Plindt , Prov . G . Chaplain ; J . B . AValker , Prov . G . Treasurer ; AV .
. Smith Prov . G . Secretary ; D . H . Miller , Prov . G . S . D . ; Jus . Anderson , Prov . G . Junior Deacon ; D . P . Low , Prov , G . Architect ; R . Robb , Prov . G . Marsha ); David Sutherland , Prov . G . Jeweller ; James Leith , Prow G . D . ot C . ; Robert Donaldson , Prov . G . D . of M , ; , 7 ns . Campbell , P . G . S . B . ; James llnkness , Prov . G . I . G . ; James Pollock , Prov . G . Tyler ; ancl the following Prov . Grand StewardsnamelBros . Bailie LambPaisley ;
, y , , P . Coinyn Macgregor , Paisley ; George Doddrell ; J . D . Porteous ; John Davidson ; J . Muir , Bro . the Rev . — PuIIar . The Provincial Grand Lodge of the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire was represented by a deputation of ten brethren , headed by Bro . W . M . Gilmour , Acting Prov . G . M . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire ( AVest ) , by a deputation of four brethren , headed by Sir Michael Robert Shaw Stewart , Dart . ;
the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire ( East ) , by a deputation of fifteen brethren , headed by Bro , R . Jamieson , acting Prov . G . M . The total number of sister lodges represented was seventy-five , which gives a total assemblage , including the choir , of 1 , 803 brethren in the hall . In glancing over a list of the returns of the deputations from sister lodges , we were struck- by noticing the great distance which some of the brethren had travelled to be presentThus
. , Oban was represented by a deputation of seven brethren under the leadershi p of Bro . the Rev . P . Mclvercher , Acting R . W . M . ; some others of the deputations having travelled also a considerable distance from the South and East . The hall and its occupants hud a fittingly sombre appearance , and was studded here and there with the bright scarlet uniforms of military brethren . Black cloth in festoon ' s covered tlie front
j of the galleries and the platform . The symbols of the Ordo - rested on an altar also draped in black . The chair of the late Prov . G . Master occupied the centre of the platform , and on it were displayed the jewel , badge of office , and apron so often worn by our deceased distinguished brother . The choir was under the direction of Bro . Robt . Donaldson , Prov . G . Dir . of Music , Pro . Lambeth presiding at tlie organ .. The music performed was a very beautiful requiem service b
y Lablcr , which was specially adapted for the occasion by Pro . Donaldson , and a selection of choral hymn music ; the whole performed in -a degree of perfection which must have been surprising to all who know the difficulties attending such occasions , and reflected great credit upon Bro . Donaldson , and thecity organist , Bro . Lambeth . At six o ' clock the Prov . G . Chap . Bro . Fiindthaving offered
, , up prayer , the Depute Prov . G . Master , Bro . Cruickshank , aucl his assistant officers , opened the lodge in the Apprentice degree . Bro . Lambeth then played the '' Dead March in Saul , " and , while tho strains of Handel ' s music stilled every noise ancl hushed every lip , a deputation of tho Grand Lodge ot Scotland , headed by the acting Most AVorshipful Grand Master , the Earl of Dalhousieand accompanied by tlie Earl of Dun moreacting
, , Subs . Grand Master , entered the room . The Earl of Dalhousie wore the jewels of his Masonic rank draped in crape , a strikingcontrast being offered by the brilliant Star of the Thistle and the insignia of the Bath . Proceeding along the centre of the room to the platform the deputation ranged themselves on each side of the vacant chair , the M . W . G . Master being on the right ,, and Lord Dunmore on the left .
The Depute Prov . G . Master having handed over bis authority to his superior Brother , the business for which the lodge was--called was proceeded with . The grand organ played a sonata of Mendelsohn's , and thereafter the whole of the brethren took part , standing , in tho chorale , " The living know that they must die . " The singing of the choir , which was led by the organ , swelled up with a purity and beauty which words can
but feebly describe , and which will long be remembered by those who were privileged to be present on this solemn occasion . Prayer was again offered up by the Prov . G . Chap ., the brethren standbier as before .
The Earl of Dalhousie then spoke ns follows : Most AA ' orshipfnl Senior Warden , Most AVorshipful Junior AVarden , and Brothers all , —In rising to address you in this most solemn assembly , I cannot help expressing a feeling of regret that it should be my first introduction to the brethren of tho AVest . When I look around this lodge and see the sable trappings with which it is hung , when I see all our clothing veiled in crape , and our jewels hid from the liht of the sunI cannot but feel
g , that it is a somewhat inauspicious occasion to make a first appearance in this district . Nevertheless , brethren , I accepted at once , with gratitude , the proposition that came to mo from the brethren of the AVest , that I should , on the occasion of this solemn meeting , address you upon the main subject for which it was convened . Brethren , you alone can know the extent of the loss which we now mourn . The subject of it lived among *
yon ns a Mason and as a man for so many years that you not only learned to appreciate his merits while he lived , but youdeeply deplored his loss when he was removed . Brethren , in reviewing tho life of our late Bro . Archibald Alison , there aro two aspects of it Avhich I must pass over . The first of these is his private and domestic life , from which to raise the curtainalthough I am certain that the scone which would be disclosed
behind it would be one of affection and of love—is not for the hand of a stranger to perform . Tlie other is the political character of our deceased brother . He and I had the misfortune to differ go widely in political opinion that it would bo impossible for me to speak in praise of his opinions without * doing violence to my own . But of him I will say this , that I uncertain he adopted his political views early in life upon tho most
conscientious convictions , and I know that he maintained them Avith consistency and with honour ; and let me tell you , brethren , that in these days that is no small praise . Brethren , there are tliree other aspects of Bro . Archibald Alison's life in which i feel a perfect liberty to roam for a , short period over tlie fieldfirst , as a Mason ; secondly , as a judge ; thirdly , as an author .. In all these characters our brother was public property , and it was a property which the public looked upon with affection and
with pride . Brethren , us a Mason yon probably know more of the character of our departed brother than I do . Many of yon from experience know his Masonic career . I have been obliged to search the records for it , and I find in these records that bin .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Funeral Lodge Is Memory Of Bro. The Late Sir Archibald Alison, Bart. , D.C.L., Ll.D., &C.
As previously announced by us , the Provincial Grand Funeral Lodge in memory of Pro . the late Sir Archibald Alison , Bart ., Prov . j . M . Glasgow , was held in the City Hall , on the evening of the 25 th ult ., and , as we had fully anticipated , from tho high position held iu our ancient Order by the deceased Baronet , coupled with the great respect entertained for him throughout Scotland in particular , and by the Craft generally , the occasion proved to be otic which wilt be preserved amongst the most
noteworthy events in the history of Freemasonry in Scotland . Every part of the spacious building was taxed to its uttermost to accommodate tlie great gathering of brethren who had assembled to pay this special mark of respect to , and commemorate the character ancl services of , the late Provincial Grand Master ; and though , as AV .-IS to be expected , the local counties , Lanarkshire in particular , contributed most liberally to the total
numbers present , yet some of the parts of Scotland most distant from the metropolis of tlie West were represented by contingents of brethren who had willingly travelled a long journey in order to be present on the occasion . Representatives under the Sister Grand Lodge of England , and under Sister Grand Lodges in the United States , were , as enumerated below , also present : — I The Grand Lodge of Scotland was represented by Bros , the
Right Hon . the Eurl of Dalhousie , K . T „ G . C . B ., acting MAV . Grand Master ; Right Hon . the Earl of Dunmore , acting Sub . s G . Master ; AV . Mann , acting S . G . W . ; AV . Officer , " acting . T . G . W . ; W . A . Laurie , G . Sec ; A . J . Stewart , G . Clerk ; C . Law , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Sir M . R . S . Stewart , Bart ., Prov . G . M . I Renfrewshire AVest ; A . Smollett , of Bonhill , Prov . G . M . Dum- barConshire ; R . AVylieProv . G . M . Ayrshire ; W . M . Gilmour
, , Acting Prov . G . M . Middle Ward of Lanarkshire . The follow- 5 ing Grand Stewards , namely , Bros . H . G . Bell , Sheriff of Lanarkshire ; Sheriff Strathern , D . Murray Lyon , J . Wallace , S Captain M'Oasland , T . Baker ; and the Grand Tyler , Bro . W . M . Bryce . 8
lhe sister Grand Loclge of England was represented by Bros . Captain Speirs , of Elderslie , M . P ., J . G . W . ; J . Stevensen , of the FBEF . MASOXS' MAGAZINE AXD MABOXIC JIIRROB , and Stonier Leigh , West Hartlepool . Foreign sister Grand Lodges of tho United States were represented by Bros . W . Burr , Sew York ; A \ . Kelly , Philadelphia ; and R . P . Hosie , Staten Island . The mother loclgeKilwinningwas represented by a
deputa-, , tion of fourteen brethren . The Province of Glasgow was represented by Bros . Jas . Cruickshank , Depute Prov . G . M . ; John Binnie , Sub-Depute Prov . G . M . ; W . M . Neilson , Prov . Sen . G . W . ; Thos . Ramsav , R . W . M . So . 3 bis , Acting Prov . S . G . AV . ; A . McTnggart , M . A ., R . W . M ., No . 27 , Acting Prov . J . G . W . ; Rev . G . K . Plindt , Prov . G . Chaplain ; J . B . AValker , Prov . G . Treasurer ; AV .
. Smith Prov . G . Secretary ; D . H . Miller , Prov . G . S . D . ; Jus . Anderson , Prov . G . Junior Deacon ; D . P . Low , Prov , G . Architect ; R . Robb , Prov . G . Marsha ); David Sutherland , Prov . G . Jeweller ; James Leith , Prow G . D . ot C . ; Robert Donaldson , Prov . G . D . of M , ; , 7 ns . Campbell , P . G . S . B . ; James llnkness , Prov . G . I . G . ; James Pollock , Prov . G . Tyler ; ancl the following Prov . Grand StewardsnamelBros . Bailie LambPaisley ;
, y , , P . Coinyn Macgregor , Paisley ; George Doddrell ; J . D . Porteous ; John Davidson ; J . Muir , Bro . the Rev . — PuIIar . The Provincial Grand Lodge of the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire was represented by a deputation of ten brethren , headed by Bro . W . M . Gilmour , Acting Prov . G . M . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire ( AVest ) , by a deputation of four brethren , headed by Sir Michael Robert Shaw Stewart , Dart . ;
the Provincial Grand Lodge of Renfrewshire ( East ) , by a deputation of fifteen brethren , headed by Bro , R . Jamieson , acting Prov . G . M . The total number of sister lodges represented was seventy-five , which gives a total assemblage , including the choir , of 1 , 803 brethren in the hall . In glancing over a list of the returns of the deputations from sister lodges , we were struck- by noticing the great distance which some of the brethren had travelled to be presentThus
. , Oban was represented by a deputation of seven brethren under the leadershi p of Bro . the Rev . P . Mclvercher , Acting R . W . M . ; some others of the deputations having travelled also a considerable distance from the South and East . The hall and its occupants hud a fittingly sombre appearance , and was studded here and there with the bright scarlet uniforms of military brethren . Black cloth in festoon ' s covered tlie front
j of the galleries and the platform . The symbols of the Ordo - rested on an altar also draped in black . The chair of the late Prov . G . Master occupied the centre of the platform , and on it were displayed the jewel , badge of office , and apron so often worn by our deceased distinguished brother . The choir was under the direction of Bro . Robt . Donaldson , Prov . G . Dir . of Music , Pro . Lambeth presiding at tlie organ .. The music performed was a very beautiful requiem service b
y Lablcr , which was specially adapted for the occasion by Pro . Donaldson , and a selection of choral hymn music ; the whole performed in -a degree of perfection which must have been surprising to all who know the difficulties attending such occasions , and reflected great credit upon Bro . Donaldson , and thecity organist , Bro . Lambeth . At six o ' clock the Prov . G . Chap . Bro . Fiindthaving offered
, , up prayer , the Depute Prov . G . Master , Bro . Cruickshank , aucl his assistant officers , opened the lodge in the Apprentice degree . Bro . Lambeth then played the '' Dead March in Saul , " and , while tho strains of Handel ' s music stilled every noise ancl hushed every lip , a deputation of tho Grand Lodge ot Scotland , headed by the acting Most AVorshipful Grand Master , the Earl of Dalhousieand accompanied by tlie Earl of Dun moreacting
, , Subs . Grand Master , entered the room . The Earl of Dalhousie wore the jewels of his Masonic rank draped in crape , a strikingcontrast being offered by the brilliant Star of the Thistle and the insignia of the Bath . Proceeding along the centre of the room to the platform the deputation ranged themselves on each side of the vacant chair , the M . W . G . Master being on the right ,, and Lord Dunmore on the left .
The Depute Prov . G . Master having handed over bis authority to his superior Brother , the business for which the lodge was--called was proceeded with . The grand organ played a sonata of Mendelsohn's , and thereafter the whole of the brethren took part , standing , in tho chorale , " The living know that they must die . " The singing of the choir , which was led by the organ , swelled up with a purity and beauty which words can
but feebly describe , and which will long be remembered by those who were privileged to be present on this solemn occasion . Prayer was again offered up by the Prov . G . Chap ., the brethren standbier as before .
The Earl of Dalhousie then spoke ns follows : Most AA ' orshipfnl Senior Warden , Most AVorshipful Junior AVarden , and Brothers all , —In rising to address you in this most solemn assembly , I cannot help expressing a feeling of regret that it should be my first introduction to the brethren of tho AVest . When I look around this lodge and see the sable trappings with which it is hung , when I see all our clothing veiled in crape , and our jewels hid from the liht of the sunI cannot but feel
g , that it is a somewhat inauspicious occasion to make a first appearance in this district . Nevertheless , brethren , I accepted at once , with gratitude , the proposition that came to mo from the brethren of the AVest , that I should , on the occasion of this solemn meeting , address you upon the main subject for which it was convened . Brethren , you alone can know the extent of the loss which we now mourn . The subject of it lived among *
yon ns a Mason and as a man for so many years that you not only learned to appreciate his merits while he lived , but youdeeply deplored his loss when he was removed . Brethren , in reviewing tho life of our late Bro . Archibald Alison , there aro two aspects of it Avhich I must pass over . The first of these is his private and domestic life , from which to raise the curtainalthough I am certain that the scone which would be disclosed
behind it would be one of affection and of love—is not for the hand of a stranger to perform . Tlie other is the political character of our deceased brother . He and I had the misfortune to differ go widely in political opinion that it would bo impossible for me to speak in praise of his opinions without * doing violence to my own . But of him I will say this , that I uncertain he adopted his political views early in life upon tho most
conscientious convictions , and I know that he maintained them Avith consistency and with honour ; and let me tell you , brethren , that in these days that is no small praise . Brethren , there are tliree other aspects of Bro . Archibald Alison's life in which i feel a perfect liberty to roam for a , short period over tlie fieldfirst , as a Mason ; secondly , as a judge ; thirdly , as an author .. In all these characters our brother was public property , and it was a property which the public looked upon with affection and
with pride . Brethren , us a Mason yon probably know more of the character of our departed brother than I do . Many of yon from experience know his Masonic career . I have been obliged to search the records for it , and I find in these records that bin .