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Feeemasonry In Cornwall.
Basset , Bart ., AA'hich being gratefully received Brother "Pender moved that the thanks of this lodge be given to the illustrious donor . This resolution was , of course , unanimously adopted , and forwarded in form duly . A Provincial Grand
Loclge Avas held at the house of Bro . Fellow , in Pemyn , 7 th Jan . A . D . 1793 , when some fifty brethren attended , among Avhom were Bro . Sir Francis Basset , Bart ., and Bro . Patric O'Brien , the Irish Giant . We fhave not the exact dimensions of this
gigantic brother , but we remember reading in the FEEMASOI-TS' MAGAZINE of the initiation of Mr . J . J . Brice , some little time ago , who measured near " eight English feet in height , four feet ancl a half round the chest , and could stretch no less than
103 i-iu . by extending his arms at full length against the Avail . " Since then I had a conversation with him , and he appeared to be particularly struck with the beauty aud solemnity of the third degree . On referring to the history of the latter giant ,
I find thafc the brother AVIIO visited the Provincial Grand Lodge , tit Penryn , AA'as not so tall as Bro . Brice by some three inches . The tallest and the shortest men in the world are Freemasons . At the lodge held , Gth Aug . 1793 ,
Bro . Michael Williams made a motion that this lodge do contribute a certain sum to relieve the distress of four brothers AVIIO lost their all by shipwreck ; it being seconded by Bro . Pender , it AA'as resolved to give them four guineas .
On 2 nd September A . D . 1791 , it Avas proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , " That a lodge beheld at the Castle Carnbray ( the highest hill in the neighbourhood ) , aud thafc a special lodge should be held at the said castle ( in Ruins ) , on
Tuesday , the 9 th inst ., and that a dinner should be provided , and notice sent to every member . " The contemplated meeting- came off in due course , as Sir Francis Basset , Bart , consented to so novel a procedure .
This reminds me of one of our olcl members at Truro , Avho persistently declares that the ancient Masons used to meet regularly on the highest hills and lowest vales , and instead of being * shut up on fine evenings in the summer Avithin the four AA * alls
of a lodge , they . spent their time wandering along the lanes , hedgeways , and green fields , discussing the merits and advantages of Freemasonry . This is certainly an olcl tradition , and surely not a bad plan on a fine evening . The Druids ' Lodge transacted their regular business on the
hill , within the precincts of the old castle , and the I members considered ifc Avas a circumstance worth commemorating " by a memorial in some convenient part of the room Avritten on vellum , " which was accordingly done .
This concludes the records so far as any special event in the lodge's history is concerned . We find that the lodge Avas a regular attendant since 1754 at the Provincial Grand Loclge annual meetings ( excepting the few years ifc was in
abeyance ) , and although from unfortunate circumstances it has not been able to preserve its name on the roll Avith its original date , yet the members are entitled in the present clay to be considered the regular descendants of the old Druids' Lodge of Love ancl Liberality , " Avhich has thus existed
for more than a century . We are glad to state that its present condition ancl prospects are in advance of those of any previous period . For some time an encampment Avas held in connection Avith the loclge , and also a Royal Arch
chapter . We have not been fortunate enough to secure airy authentic details of the latter , but Ave know thafc certificates Avere regularly issued by the chapter , and that ifc Avas constituted 15 fch Jaly , 1791 . We have seen a certificate signed by the lodge
ancl chapter officials ( duly sealed ) , stating " that our loving Brother , aged — years , has honourably passed the chair of the Druids' lodge of Love and Liberality , No . 127 on the register of England , and likewise has been exalted to the sublime degree of Most Excellent Royal Arch Mason in our Druids Chapter No . 70 , & c . "
The chapter has ceased to exist , and the encampment has been previously referred to in our "History . " The chief member of the lodge is now engaged in making arrangements to hold a Mark lodge iu connection with the Druids ' , and ,
from the Masonic ability of the promoter , and the zealous Masonic love displayed by the brethren , Ave anticipate a successful career for the Mark degree in that neighbourhood . [ To be continued . )
Biographical Sketch Of The Late Sir Archibald Alison, Bart., &C,
BY J . G . Before proceeding Avith our sketch of the late Sir Archibald Alison , ifc may not be deemed inappropriate to take a cursory glance at his parents , to Avhom he is indebted for no inconsider-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Feeemasonry In Cornwall.
Basset , Bart ., AA'hich being gratefully received Brother "Pender moved that the thanks of this lodge be given to the illustrious donor . This resolution was , of course , unanimously adopted , and forwarded in form duly . A Provincial Grand
Loclge Avas held at the house of Bro . Fellow , in Pemyn , 7 th Jan . A . D . 1793 , when some fifty brethren attended , among Avhom were Bro . Sir Francis Basset , Bart ., and Bro . Patric O'Brien , the Irish Giant . We fhave not the exact dimensions of this
gigantic brother , but we remember reading in the FEEMASOI-TS' MAGAZINE of the initiation of Mr . J . J . Brice , some little time ago , who measured near " eight English feet in height , four feet ancl a half round the chest , and could stretch no less than
103 i-iu . by extending his arms at full length against the Avail . " Since then I had a conversation with him , and he appeared to be particularly struck with the beauty aud solemnity of the third degree . On referring to the history of the latter giant ,
I find thafc the brother AVIIO visited the Provincial Grand Lodge , tit Penryn , AA'as not so tall as Bro . Brice by some three inches . The tallest and the shortest men in the world are Freemasons . At the lodge held , Gth Aug . 1793 ,
Bro . Michael Williams made a motion that this lodge do contribute a certain sum to relieve the distress of four brothers AVIIO lost their all by shipwreck ; it being seconded by Bro . Pender , it AA'as resolved to give them four guineas .
On 2 nd September A . D . 1791 , it Avas proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously , " That a lodge beheld at the Castle Carnbray ( the highest hill in the neighbourhood ) , aud thafc a special lodge should be held at the said castle ( in Ruins ) , on
Tuesday , the 9 th inst ., and that a dinner should be provided , and notice sent to every member . " The contemplated meeting- came off in due course , as Sir Francis Basset , Bart , consented to so novel a procedure .
This reminds me of one of our olcl members at Truro , Avho persistently declares that the ancient Masons used to meet regularly on the highest hills and lowest vales , and instead of being * shut up on fine evenings in the summer Avithin the four AA * alls
of a lodge , they . spent their time wandering along the lanes , hedgeways , and green fields , discussing the merits and advantages of Freemasonry . This is certainly an olcl tradition , and surely not a bad plan on a fine evening . The Druids ' Lodge transacted their regular business on the
hill , within the precincts of the old castle , and the I members considered ifc Avas a circumstance worth commemorating " by a memorial in some convenient part of the room Avritten on vellum , " which was accordingly done .
This concludes the records so far as any special event in the lodge's history is concerned . We find that the lodge Avas a regular attendant since 1754 at the Provincial Grand Loclge annual meetings ( excepting the few years ifc was in
abeyance ) , and although from unfortunate circumstances it has not been able to preserve its name on the roll Avith its original date , yet the members are entitled in the present clay to be considered the regular descendants of the old Druids' Lodge of Love ancl Liberality , " Avhich has thus existed
for more than a century . We are glad to state that its present condition ancl prospects are in advance of those of any previous period . For some time an encampment Avas held in connection Avith the loclge , and also a Royal Arch
chapter . We have not been fortunate enough to secure airy authentic details of the latter , but Ave know thafc certificates Avere regularly issued by the chapter , and that ifc Avas constituted 15 fch Jaly , 1791 . We have seen a certificate signed by the lodge
ancl chapter officials ( duly sealed ) , stating " that our loving Brother , aged — years , has honourably passed the chair of the Druids' lodge of Love and Liberality , No . 127 on the register of England , and likewise has been exalted to the sublime degree of Most Excellent Royal Arch Mason in our Druids Chapter No . 70 , & c . "
The chapter has ceased to exist , and the encampment has been previously referred to in our "History . " The chief member of the lodge is now engaged in making arrangements to hold a Mark lodge iu connection with the Druids ' , and ,
from the Masonic ability of the promoter , and the zealous Masonic love displayed by the brethren , Ave anticipate a successful career for the Mark degree in that neighbourhood . [ To be continued . )
Biographical Sketch Of The Late Sir Archibald Alison, Bart., &C,
BY J . G . Before proceeding Avith our sketch of the late Sir Archibald Alison , ifc may not be deemed inappropriate to take a cursory glance at his parents , to Avhom he is indebted for no inconsider-