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Important Masonic Conference.
ciphers , crests , impressions of seals , part of the same blue ribbon from which the Duke of Hopborough was furnished , several garters bought wholesale in the Burlington Arcade , being of the same pattern and from the same lot as supplied to H . R . H . tho Princess Maria Anne . Sir Knight Jones presented me ( for
Mrs . Harris ) with a small piece of the Duke ' s blue ribbon and several other remarkable objects . This tended very much fro mollify Mrs . Harris the next day , as she is devotedly attached to fashion and high life . Being privileged as an American citizenhe had
, the means of acquaintance with many connected with the aristocracy , an invaluable advantage for the promotion of chivalrous Masonry . We agreed that it was most desirable a young nobleman should be appointed to preside over the Order of the Garter , but Sir Knight Jones said there were plenty of old lords could be
got as well , and that we might be made beautiful for ever . As he is to find a lord , and is sure of doing so , the Order of the Garter may be looked upon as now established . Many respectable tradesmen and influential professional men , an acconntant , the clerk to a leading solicitor , a surveyor , a professor of dancing , a mercantile agent , a photographic artist , and others in my neighbourhood are quite willing to take high dignities .
Among other high deeds on that memorable night , we formed a Primeval Grand Sanhedrim of Chief Viceroys and High Patriarchs , and I was elevated to the dignity of a Chief Viceroy and High Patriarch of Prince Masons and ofthe Ineffable and Imprescriptible Order of the Garter , being the highest Sir Knight Jones could conferas he reserved for himself the
, post of Sovereign Viceroy . This Sir Knight Jones is quite willing to resign to H . R . H . Prince Arthur or Lord B ., and to become Past Sovereign Viceroy and Suzerain Patriarch . It was a great night , illuminated by the scientific star of Masonryand softened down by spirits
, and water in tumblers . Sir Knight Jones has a wonderful ready address and an expert memory for all kinds of charges , addresses , orations , & c , at conclaves , encampments , & c . He would give me some specimens , among others his original Masonic oration in inauguralatiating of the Grand Socratic
Encampment at Bubastisville , Za or Ya . Ee went on for some time with passages more or less familiar to me , when I took it up verbatim , being part of my original address at the installation of an encampment . " Bro . Harris , " says he , " I did not take from you , but from the sermons of the Eev . Franklin Drowry , a distinguished American divine of the last century , " " And he and I took it from Tillotson , " savs I .
"I know nothing of Tillotson , " says he . " But what a shame for a Christian minister to deceive me in this way , and pass off other men ' s sermons as his own . I shall never place faith in Drowry again ; and he supplied me with a mass of matter for original orations , for , where he put ' Christianity / I put 'Masonry' and so onand admirable and oriinal
, , g Masonic addresses they aro , quite edifying , as is universally allowed and attested under certificates of our leading Masons . " I offered to read him some of my original addresses , but he proposed instead to give me the Sacred Sword Song of the Prince Mason Crusaders of Galilee , as
Important Masonic Conference.
composed for his Order by a very eminent American poet , well known in his state . A French brother , he said , had never seen or heard anything so imposing as the Sword Song given by 500 Prince Masons with swords and charging glasses working in unison , and assisted by an organ , corps of drums , three military bandsand the bells of Jerusalem . No other Masonic
, country could produce the like , but America , United States , said he . " For want of swords he managed that I should take the poker and he would take the shovel , but that could give me , he said only a very faint notion of this heart-stirring congregation of high-souled Masons .
THE SACRED SWOED SONG 01 ? THE PIHNCE MASON CELTSADEHS ou GAIILEE . The fiozaunas are sounding , The gavels are bounding , We will guard the Sanhedrim ( or Sanhederim ) . By the brook of Kedron , With our swords and our gavels ,
Against all cowans and cavils . Hurrah 1 hooray ! Up with the Oriflarame , In earnest , no sham 1 Our vespers we say , Hurrah 1 hooray 1 By our glaives in the eaves , We will guard the Sanhedrim . Hurrah 1 hurrah 1 hooray 1 hooray 1
Whenever we came to " Sanhedrim , " or "Hurrah , " or any point , we clashed the swords , or , as Sir Knight Jones poetically called them , " glaives . " We had got through three out of the seven verses of the Sacred Sword Song about half-past one in the morning , when our labours were brought to a sudden and untimely close by two unmysterious knocks on the
ceiling from the Grand Mistress above . So closed this ever-memorable evening for Masonry in peace and harmony—so far as Sir Knight Jones was concerned , and he left his fraternal respects for Mrs . Harris—but , I regret to say , not so far as that ladis concernedfor she forthwith applied to our
y , distinguished and illustrious brother the term " Masonic reprobate , " and to me other epithets equally disrespectful . On the announcement of the liberal and handsome presents of Sir Knight Jones , she consented to be mollified , but hoped the best sittingroom fireirons had not been damaged .
Mrs . Harris said she had not had a wink of sleep with the row , but dosed till she dreamed that villain , Jones , after much struggling , had put her on a gridiron , while I held a poker , and a legion of devils with rough music danced round in Masonic aprons . She awoke to the Sacred Song in full swing .
Sir Knight Jones has promised to bring on his next visit a distinguished American brother and Sir Knight , experienced in the working of the Sacred Sword Song , so as to give me a notion of an evening of harmony . I began the collection of the water-rates rather
late on the morning after this memorable night , and may , as Mrs . Harris says , be snubbed by a tyrannical Board , being so near quarter-day ; but it is a sacrifice I endure in the cause of Masonic chivalry . Yours fraternally , W . HAEBIS , P . M .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Important Masonic Conference.
ciphers , crests , impressions of seals , part of the same blue ribbon from which the Duke of Hopborough was furnished , several garters bought wholesale in the Burlington Arcade , being of the same pattern and from the same lot as supplied to H . R . H . tho Princess Maria Anne . Sir Knight Jones presented me ( for
Mrs . Harris ) with a small piece of the Duke ' s blue ribbon and several other remarkable objects . This tended very much fro mollify Mrs . Harris the next day , as she is devotedly attached to fashion and high life . Being privileged as an American citizenhe had
, the means of acquaintance with many connected with the aristocracy , an invaluable advantage for the promotion of chivalrous Masonry . We agreed that it was most desirable a young nobleman should be appointed to preside over the Order of the Garter , but Sir Knight Jones said there were plenty of old lords could be
got as well , and that we might be made beautiful for ever . As he is to find a lord , and is sure of doing so , the Order of the Garter may be looked upon as now established . Many respectable tradesmen and influential professional men , an acconntant , the clerk to a leading solicitor , a surveyor , a professor of dancing , a mercantile agent , a photographic artist , and others in my neighbourhood are quite willing to take high dignities .
Among other high deeds on that memorable night , we formed a Primeval Grand Sanhedrim of Chief Viceroys and High Patriarchs , and I was elevated to the dignity of a Chief Viceroy and High Patriarch of Prince Masons and ofthe Ineffable and Imprescriptible Order of the Garter , being the highest Sir Knight Jones could conferas he reserved for himself the
, post of Sovereign Viceroy . This Sir Knight Jones is quite willing to resign to H . R . H . Prince Arthur or Lord B ., and to become Past Sovereign Viceroy and Suzerain Patriarch . It was a great night , illuminated by the scientific star of Masonryand softened down by spirits
, and water in tumblers . Sir Knight Jones has a wonderful ready address and an expert memory for all kinds of charges , addresses , orations , & c , at conclaves , encampments , & c . He would give me some specimens , among others his original Masonic oration in inauguralatiating of the Grand Socratic
Encampment at Bubastisville , Za or Ya . Ee went on for some time with passages more or less familiar to me , when I took it up verbatim , being part of my original address at the installation of an encampment . " Bro . Harris , " says he , " I did not take from you , but from the sermons of the Eev . Franklin Drowry , a distinguished American divine of the last century , " " And he and I took it from Tillotson , " savs I .
"I know nothing of Tillotson , " says he . " But what a shame for a Christian minister to deceive me in this way , and pass off other men ' s sermons as his own . I shall never place faith in Drowry again ; and he supplied me with a mass of matter for original orations , for , where he put ' Christianity / I put 'Masonry' and so onand admirable and oriinal
, , g Masonic addresses they aro , quite edifying , as is universally allowed and attested under certificates of our leading Masons . " I offered to read him some of my original addresses , but he proposed instead to give me the Sacred Sword Song of the Prince Mason Crusaders of Galilee , as
Important Masonic Conference.
composed for his Order by a very eminent American poet , well known in his state . A French brother , he said , had never seen or heard anything so imposing as the Sword Song given by 500 Prince Masons with swords and charging glasses working in unison , and assisted by an organ , corps of drums , three military bandsand the bells of Jerusalem . No other Masonic
, country could produce the like , but America , United States , said he . " For want of swords he managed that I should take the poker and he would take the shovel , but that could give me , he said only a very faint notion of this heart-stirring congregation of high-souled Masons .
THE SACRED SWOED SONG 01 ? THE PIHNCE MASON CELTSADEHS ou GAIILEE . The fiozaunas are sounding , The gavels are bounding , We will guard the Sanhedrim ( or Sanhederim ) . By the brook of Kedron , With our swords and our gavels ,
Against all cowans and cavils . Hurrah 1 hooray ! Up with the Oriflarame , In earnest , no sham 1 Our vespers we say , Hurrah 1 hooray 1 By our glaives in the eaves , We will guard the Sanhedrim . Hurrah 1 hurrah 1 hooray 1 hooray 1
Whenever we came to " Sanhedrim , " or "Hurrah , " or any point , we clashed the swords , or , as Sir Knight Jones poetically called them , " glaives . " We had got through three out of the seven verses of the Sacred Sword Song about half-past one in the morning , when our labours were brought to a sudden and untimely close by two unmysterious knocks on the
ceiling from the Grand Mistress above . So closed this ever-memorable evening for Masonry in peace and harmony—so far as Sir Knight Jones was concerned , and he left his fraternal respects for Mrs . Harris—but , I regret to say , not so far as that ladis concernedfor she forthwith applied to our
y , distinguished and illustrious brother the term " Masonic reprobate , " and to me other epithets equally disrespectful . On the announcement of the liberal and handsome presents of Sir Knight Jones , she consented to be mollified , but hoped the best sittingroom fireirons had not been damaged .
Mrs . Harris said she had not had a wink of sleep with the row , but dosed till she dreamed that villain , Jones , after much struggling , had put her on a gridiron , while I held a poker , and a legion of devils with rough music danced round in Masonic aprons . She awoke to the Sacred Song in full swing .
Sir Knight Jones has promised to bring on his next visit a distinguished American brother and Sir Knight , experienced in the working of the Sacred Sword Song , so as to give me a notion of an evening of harmony . I began the collection of the water-rates rather
late on the morning after this memorable night , and may , as Mrs . Harris says , be snubbed by a tyrannical Board , being so near quarter-day ; but it is a sacrifice I endure in the cause of Masonic chivalry . Yours fraternally , W . HAEBIS , P . M .