Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC MEMS. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIM 10 R . ** <* * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , ' Strand , London , W . C .
A Pitov . GiUTO LODGE of the Western Division of Lancashire will be held at the Public Hall , King-street , Wigan , on the 6 th day of October , under the presidency of Bro . Lieut .-Col . Sir T . G . P . Hesketh , Bart , M . P ., Prov . G . M . LOED PELHAH , the Prov . G . Master for Sussex , has appointed Wednesday , the 21 sfc inst ., for laying the foundation
stone of the JIasonic Hall at Lewes , on which occasion his lordship will perform that ceremony with Masonic honours , assisted by all his provincial officers ; and as the Prov . G . Master . is deservedly a . great favourite , and highly popular amongst the brethren in the province , a very large muster is expected to be present .
BRETHREN are reminded that the Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d . YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . —The annual Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the Town Hall , Hull , on Thursday , the 15 th October , under the auspices of the Minerva Lodge
( No . 250 ) . LEICESTER . —The annual General Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , the 7 th October , under the presidency of the Eight Hen . R . W . Prov . G . Master . St . John's Lodge ( No 279 ) , will be opened at a quarter past two o ' clock .
Boys' ScnooL . —The votes of brethren are solicited on behalf of Josiah Marjason , whose father , Joshua Marjason , a respected member of the Franklin Lodge , No . 838 , Boston , died on the 16 th October , 1865 , leaving a widow and seven children . This is the sixth application . THE Earl of Jersey has accepted the post of a vice-president of the Rosicrucian Society of England ; and we are informed
that the next meeting of the Society will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Thursday , the 8 th inst ., on which occasion twelve aspirants will be admitted to the grade of Zolator . THE appointment of the Earl of Carnarvon to the post of Provincial Grand Master of the Freemasons of Somerset , which we notified some weeks since , has been officially communicated
to the brethren of the province , and an address of congratulation to his lordship has been sent by the Bath lodges , who have also sent an address to Colonel Adair , expressing their regret at his retirement from the P . G . Mastership of tho province . The Earl of Carnarvon has been for many years an honorary memberof the Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No , 41 ) Bath , which is
the oldest lodge in the province , the Royal Sussex Lodge ( No , 53 ) , Bath , ranking second in seniority and having the largest number of members of any lodge in Somerset . These circumstances , coupled with tbe unusual facilities of accommodation afforded by the New Masonic Hall in Bath for grand Masonic ceremonies , induce the hope that the new P . G . M . will select Bath as the place in which to hold his installation .
ROYAL UNION LODGE , NO . 382 , UXDRIDGE , MIDDLESEX . — This lodge , of which tbe present W . M . is Bro . James Glaisher , F . S . S ., of world-wide celebrity as a scientist , has , we are glad to learn , recently been removed to a commodious hall , unconnected with any tavern or place of public resort . The Belmont
Masonic Mems.
Hall has been fitted up in a manner to suit it admirably for the purposes of Freemasonry . THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC C ALENDAR , DIARY , AND POCKET BOOK 3 ? OR 1869 . —We are requested to remind the secretaries of Craft and Mark lodges , and Scribes of R . A . chapters , under the English , Irish , aud Scotch jurisdictions , and the secretaries and
other officers of other Masonic bodies at home , iu the colonies , and abroad , that they should forward the fullest and latest information intended for publication in the next issue , with all convenient speed , to the editors of the Calendar ; and all communications may he addressed to them at the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZIHE , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , or in Glasgow .
ROYAL ALFRED LODGE ( NO . 780 ) . —A meeting of tins lodge took place at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew-bridge , on Friday , the 25 th ult ., for the transaction of business , and to install the W . M . for the ensuing year . The attendance of brethren was very numerous , and amongst tho visitors we noticed Bros . W . Ough , Assist . G . Purst . ; B . P . Todd , P . M ., No . 27 ; T . J . Maidwell , No . 73 ; J . J . Pope , P . M ., 389 ; J . R . Tisen , 1056 ; H . C . Barnes , 11 ; B . Ringrose . 1 , 185 ; Charles Slooman , 25 ; A .
Glover , 1 , 185 ; T . Bartleman ; & c . The lodge having opened , the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The audit committee then presented their report . Bro . Naylor having been questioned as to bis proficiency , and answering satisfactorily was most impressively raised by the W . M . to tbe sublime degree of M . M . Bros . Lloyd and Gough being candidates for the second degree were examined and respectively admitted to that degree . Messrs . Alexander Brown and Charles
Mark Abbot having been balloted for and approved of were initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the Craft . The lodge voted five guineas to the Grand Master Testimonial Fund , the brethren subscribing an additional £ 6 5 s . Bro . May having consented to serve as Steward to the next festival of the Boys' School , fifty guineas were voted , thus constituting the W . M . for the time being a Vice-President of the institution . All below the degree of P . M . having retired , a board of Installed
Masters was then formed , and Bro . Samuel May was duly installed into the chair of K . S ., under dispensation from the W . M . the G . M ., Bro . May being the present W . M . of lodge 101 . The W . M . elected as his officers for the ensuing year Bros . Littlewood , S . W . ; Longhurst , J . W . ; J . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; H . G . Buss , P . M ., Sec ; Clarkson , S . D . ; H . Lloyd , J . D . ; T . Brown , I . G . ; Hall , P . M ., W . S . ; T . W . Fry , D . C . The lodge having been closedabout sixty brethren sat down to the
ban-, quet under the presidency of tho W . M . Justice having been done to the excellency of the repast , and the cloth having been drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and responded to . A very pleasant evening was spent , which was considerably enhanced by tbe excellent singing of Bros . Bartleman , Pope , Sloman , and other brethren .
SOUTHERN STAR LODGE , ( 1 , 158 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , 22 nd ult ., at the Montpelier Tavern , "Walworth . Bro . T . H . Pulsford , W . M . presided , supported by his officers , and several visitors , amongst whom was Bro . Thomas , P . M ., of the United Pilgrims , Panmure and several other lodges , and Bro . Richards of Domatic . Bro . Thompson , the indefatigable secretary , was absent through indisposition . The lodge having been dulj opened , Bro . Hancock ( Sec . pro . tern . ") read
the minutes of the last lodge , which were received and confirmed . The first business was to initiate Mr . William Hooker into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , which ceremony was performed by the W . M . in a faultless mariner . This was followed by the initiation of Mr . Jennings , which was also equally well performed . Bro . Wise was now questioned as to his proficiency in the science , and that being considered satisfactory , he was most abland impressively raised bthe W . M . to the
suby y lime degree of a M . M . The "W . M . went through the entire ceremony , giving the often omitted traditional history belonging to this degree . The ceremony was most ably performed , and elicited approbation from every one who witnessed it . The lodge having been resumed to the first degree , the Secretary
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
THE MASONIC MIM 10 R . ** <* * All communications to be addressed to 19 , Salisbury-street , ' Strand , London , W . C .
A Pitov . GiUTO LODGE of the Western Division of Lancashire will be held at the Public Hall , King-street , Wigan , on the 6 th day of October , under the presidency of Bro . Lieut .-Col . Sir T . G . P . Hesketh , Bart , M . P ., Prov . G . M . LOED PELHAH , the Prov . G . Master for Sussex , has appointed Wednesday , the 21 sfc inst ., for laying the foundation
stone of the JIasonic Hall at Lewes , on which occasion his lordship will perform that ceremony with Masonic honours , assisted by all his provincial officers ; and as the Prov . G . Master . is deservedly a . great favourite , and highly popular amongst the brethren in the province , a very large muster is expected to be present .
BRETHREN are reminded that the Lodge Music published a few weeks ago , in several issues of the MAGAZINE , has been republished in a convenient form for Lodge use , price 2 s . 6 d . YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . —The annual Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the Town Hall , Hull , on Thursday , the 15 th October , under the auspices of the Minerva Lodge
( No . 250 ) . LEICESTER . —The annual General Meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Wednesday , the 7 th October , under the presidency of the Eight Hen . R . W . Prov . G . Master . St . John's Lodge ( No 279 ) , will be opened at a quarter past two o ' clock .
Boys' ScnooL . —The votes of brethren are solicited on behalf of Josiah Marjason , whose father , Joshua Marjason , a respected member of the Franklin Lodge , No . 838 , Boston , died on the 16 th October , 1865 , leaving a widow and seven children . This is the sixth application . THE Earl of Jersey has accepted the post of a vice-president of the Rosicrucian Society of England ; and we are informed
that the next meeting of the Society will be held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Thursday , the 8 th inst ., on which occasion twelve aspirants will be admitted to the grade of Zolator . THE appointment of the Earl of Carnarvon to the post of Provincial Grand Master of the Freemasons of Somerset , which we notified some weeks since , has been officially communicated
to the brethren of the province , and an address of congratulation to his lordship has been sent by the Bath lodges , who have also sent an address to Colonel Adair , expressing their regret at his retirement from the P . G . Mastership of tho province . The Earl of Carnarvon has been for many years an honorary memberof the Royal Cumberland Lodge ( No , 41 ) Bath , which is
the oldest lodge in the province , the Royal Sussex Lodge ( No , 53 ) , Bath , ranking second in seniority and having the largest number of members of any lodge in Somerset . These circumstances , coupled with tbe unusual facilities of accommodation afforded by the New Masonic Hall in Bath for grand Masonic ceremonies , induce the hope that the new P . G . M . will select Bath as the place in which to hold his installation .
ROYAL UNION LODGE , NO . 382 , UXDRIDGE , MIDDLESEX . — This lodge , of which tbe present W . M . is Bro . James Glaisher , F . S . S ., of world-wide celebrity as a scientist , has , we are glad to learn , recently been removed to a commodious hall , unconnected with any tavern or place of public resort . The Belmont
Masonic Mems.
Hall has been fitted up in a manner to suit it admirably for the purposes of Freemasonry . THE UNIVERSAL MASONIC C ALENDAR , DIARY , AND POCKET BOOK 3 ? OR 1869 . —We are requested to remind the secretaries of Craft and Mark lodges , and Scribes of R . A . chapters , under the English , Irish , aud Scotch jurisdictions , and the secretaries and
other officers of other Masonic bodies at home , iu the colonies , and abroad , that they should forward the fullest and latest information intended for publication in the next issue , with all convenient speed , to the editors of the Calendar ; and all communications may he addressed to them at the office of the FREEMASONS' MAGAZIHE , 19 , Salisbury-street , Strand , London , or in Glasgow .
ROYAL ALFRED LODGE ( NO . 780 ) . —A meeting of tins lodge took place at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew-bridge , on Friday , the 25 th ult ., for the transaction of business , and to install the W . M . for the ensuing year . The attendance of brethren was very numerous , and amongst tho visitors we noticed Bros . W . Ough , Assist . G . Purst . ; B . P . Todd , P . M ., No . 27 ; T . J . Maidwell , No . 73 ; J . J . Pope , P . M ., 389 ; J . R . Tisen , 1056 ; H . C . Barnes , 11 ; B . Ringrose . 1 , 185 ; Charles Slooman , 25 ; A .
Glover , 1 , 185 ; T . Bartleman ; & c . The lodge having opened , the minutes of the last lodge meeting were read and confirmed . The audit committee then presented their report . Bro . Naylor having been questioned as to bis proficiency , and answering satisfactorily was most impressively raised by the W . M . to tbe sublime degree of M . M . Bros . Lloyd and Gough being candidates for the second degree were examined and respectively admitted to that degree . Messrs . Alexander Brown and Charles
Mark Abbot having been balloted for and approved of were initiated into the mysteries and privileges of the Craft . The lodge voted five guineas to the Grand Master Testimonial Fund , the brethren subscribing an additional £ 6 5 s . Bro . May having consented to serve as Steward to the next festival of the Boys' School , fifty guineas were voted , thus constituting the W . M . for the time being a Vice-President of the institution . All below the degree of P . M . having retired , a board of Installed
Masters was then formed , and Bro . Samuel May was duly installed into the chair of K . S ., under dispensation from the W . M . the G . M ., Bro . May being the present W . M . of lodge 101 . The W . M . elected as his officers for the ensuing year Bros . Littlewood , S . W . ; Longhurst , J . W . ; J . Smith , P . M ., Treas . ; H . G . Buss , P . M ., Sec ; Clarkson , S . D . ; H . Lloyd , J . D . ; T . Brown , I . G . ; Hall , P . M ., W . S . ; T . W . Fry , D . C . The lodge having been closedabout sixty brethren sat down to the
ban-, quet under the presidency of tho W . M . Justice having been done to the excellency of the repast , and the cloth having been drawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts wero given and responded to . A very pleasant evening was spent , which was considerably enhanced by tbe excellent singing of Bros . Bartleman , Pope , Sloman , and other brethren .
SOUTHERN STAR LODGE , ( 1 , 158 ) . —The usual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday evening , 22 nd ult ., at the Montpelier Tavern , "Walworth . Bro . T . H . Pulsford , W . M . presided , supported by his officers , and several visitors , amongst whom was Bro . Thomas , P . M ., of the United Pilgrims , Panmure and several other lodges , and Bro . Richards of Domatic . Bro . Thompson , the indefatigable secretary , was absent through indisposition . The lodge having been dulj opened , Bro . Hancock ( Sec . pro . tern . ") read
the minutes of the last lodge , which were received and confirmed . The first business was to initiate Mr . William Hooker into the mysteries and privileges of ancient Freemasonry , which ceremony was performed by the W . M . in a faultless mariner . This was followed by the initiation of Mr . Jennings , which was also equally well performed . Bro . Wise was now questioned as to his proficiency in the science , and that being considered satisfactory , he was most abland impressively raised bthe W . M . to the
suby y lime degree of a M . M . The "W . M . went through the entire ceremony , giving the often omitted traditional history belonging to this degree . The ceremony was most ably performed , and elicited approbation from every one who witnessed it . The lodge having been resumed to the first degree , the Secretary