Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
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pro . tern , read a communication from the Grand Secretary in reference to the intended celebration on the occasion of the Grand Master completing a service of 25 yeai-s in that high office , and this communication was left for consideration at the next meeting . A communication was read from the Masonic Five and Life Association . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . Tho banquet was supplied in Bro . Allatts' usual style of
excellence , and it gave general satisfaction . Ou the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to ; the newly initiated brethren were obliged to leave , and did not remain for the banquet . The W . M . on giving the health of Bro . Thompson , P . M ., and Treas . of the Lodge , in very complimentary terms alluded to the services he had rendered , . and believed be possessed the esteem of every member of it . The toast was very cordiallreceived . Bro . Thompson
y , P . M ., and Treas ., said the W . M . in the exercise of his good nature , had , if he would allow him to say it with all due deference gone out of his way to pay him a compliment , but as the W . M . could do no wrong he accepted it with gratitude , although as be had so long basked in the sunshine of their favour , and received so many substantial tokens of it , he thought some one else might have been preferred to him at that early
part of the evening to receive it . Their W . M . had spoken in flattering terms of what he ( Bro . Thompson ) had done for the lodge , as its founder , and their P . M . and Treasurer , but if ho had done so he was amply repaid by the success which had attended it , but at the same time he must say that from the first when the lodge WEIS proposed , he" had always found the W . M . a most energetic supporter , and they had gone on shoulder to shoulder together . He thanked the brethren sincerely for that renewed mark of their kindness
, and would at all times do everything iu his power to promote tbe prosperity of the Southern Star Lodge . The W . M . next gave "The Health of the Visitor . " , " for which Bros . Thomas , Richards , and Hancock respectively returned thanks . Bro . Thompson , P . M ., said the W . M . had for a very brief period entrusted him with his emblem of authority , and the brethren doubtless knew the use to which he would apply it . At tbe risk of their patience , he should say a few words as to the toast which he was about to
propose , as to how he had been supported by their W . M . As he had already said , their W . M . had most ably seconded him in the foundation of the lodge , and during its progress it was his warmest wish and highest inspiration to set : their W . M . in the chair which he then so ably occupied . He felt a peculiar interest in their W . M ., inasmuch as he introduced him into Freemasonry , be passed him through his different degrees , anil , finallyhe installed him into the chair as W . M . of tbe lod
, ge . Having seen how he had performed his duties that evening , he thought he had no reason to be ashamed of what he had done . He would ask any one who had witnessed the manner in which he had that night gone through the third degree , whether they had ever seen that beautiful ceremony more correctly or more impressively performed . He ( Bro . Thompson ) had watched him most attentively , and he felt sure that there was not au
improper word used , or one improperly applied , and there was the still further merit due to Bvo . fulsford , for while he was proficient in the performance of the different ceremonies , he was equally good in his knowledge of the lectures in which those ceremonies were illustrated and explained , and he was the preceptor of a lodge of instruction by whom he was highly esteemed , not only for the excellence of ' his working , but for the readiness with which he imparted his knowledto others
ge . He wished him a prosperous year of office , and called upon the brethren to drink his health in bumpers . The toast was enthusiastically responded to . The W . M . in responding briefly to the toast , said that their P . M . Thompson had passed compliments upon him he did not deserve , but he would endeavour to follow in his steps , and do all in his power to promote the comfort of the brethren and the welfare of his lodge . He thanked the
brethren sincerely for the cordial manner in which his health had been drunk . The W . M . proposed "The Health of their Bro . Secretary , " and expressed his great regret that illness had kept him from them . Bro . H . Thompson , P . M ., returned thanks , and said be felt sure that nothing but the cause to which the W . M . bad referred , would have kept his son from among them , for he was always most attentive and indefatigable in the discharge of his duties as Secretary of the lodge . Bro . Hancock , by permission of the W . M .., proposed " The Health of the Officers of the Lodge , " and said as a visitor he was highly pleased at the excellence of their working , and
that evening had really been a great Masonic treat to him . He belonged to a lodge in Staffordshire , but if he remained in London he should like to become a joining member of the lodge of which he had the honour to be a visitor that evening . Bro . Clarke , S . W ., returned thanks . The Tyler's toast brought a very happy meeting to a close , which had beeng reatly assisted by some excellent songs by Bro . Mackway and others .
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —JRoyal Union Zodge ( No . 381 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the new lodge room at the Masonic Hall , Uxbridge , on the 21 st ult . Tlie WM . Bro . J . Glaisher , supported by all his officers , viz .: —Bros . Magnus Ohren , S . W . ; . G . Fehrenbocb , J . W . ; Cloisen , P . M . Treas . ; W . Coombes , P . M . ; W . H . Coulton , S . D . ; Joquii ) , J . D .: Lonsdale , I . G . ; Saqui , P . M . Org . ; Bonner , Steward . There were also present , Bros .
J . Adams , P . G . P . ; William Smith , CIS ., P . G . S . ; Horsley , P . M . ; Weidon , P . M . ; Wirtzfield , P . M . ; aud many other members of tbe lodge . Visitors : —John Ohren , G . J . Mumford , No .. 14-8 ; H . F . Peng , No . 14-5 . The lodge having been opened iir ample form , and the gentlemen previously balloted for not being in attendance , the lodge was raised to the second degree , when Bros . Davis , French , Louville , Lucas and Lloyd , being questioned and found efficientwere accordingly passed . The
, lodge was then raised to the third degree , and Bros . Terry Lambert , Jennings , and Woodward , were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ' s . The whole of the ceremonies were ably performed by the W . M . Upon the lodge being lowered , the W . M . read a letter respecting the Zetland Commemoration Fund , and the Palestine Exploration Fund , also as to the c . ise of Theresa Mary Claison . daughter of the late Bro . Theodore Claison , who is a candidate for the next election for tbe
Girls' school . A vote of thanks was given to Bro . W . Smith , C . E ., P . G . S ., for his present to the lodge of a portrait of the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T . and K . G ., the M . W ., the G . M . M . of Scotland , and six copies of Masonic lodge music for the three Craft degrees . Also to Bro . W . H . Coulton , S . D ., for the manner in which he re-decorated the lodge furniture at his own cost . Bros . T . Adams , P . G . S . P ., and W . SmithC . KP . G . S . were elected full members of the lodge
, , , Bro . Coulton proposed , and Bro . Horsley , P . M . seconded , that the lodge become annual subscribers to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . Other business having been transacted , tbe lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet which wasv provided at the " Chequers " Hotel . A very enjoyable evening was spent , and the brethren separated at an early hour in peace , and harmony .
CHESHIRE . PEOVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Sight Hon . Lord de Tabley , R . W . Prov . G . Master o £ Cheshire , held a Prov . G . Lodge ou Wednesday , the 16 th ult ., in Macclesfield . The attendance of the brethren was more than usually numerous , and comprised members from every kdge in the province . The interest in the meeting was also enhanced by
the presence of officers holding high positions in the Grand Lodge , and tbe principal Provincial Grand Officers , W . Masters ,, Past Masters , and Wardens . It was admitted by all present that not only as regards the members present , but the distinguished position of the officers , that this was the most successful meeting that has ever been held in the province . The Prov . G . Lodge having been opened the minutes of the last Prov . G . Lodge were read and confirmed .
Bro . Latham , G . D . and P . Prov . G . Reg ., brought up a report of the committee appointed at the last lodge to revise the rules . The alterations made he said were but few , and he moved that copies be printed , which was agreed to . Bro . Cope , Prov . S . G . W ., in pursuance of notice wliich he had ghen , moved that the sum of twenty-five guineas be presented by this lodge to the Zetland Commemoration Fund . The present M . W . G . M .. the Earl of Zetland , had presided over
the Craft for upwards of a quarter of a century , and it was considered desirable that on such an occasion the various lodges should bear their testimony to his great personal worth . He therefore moved the resolution of which lw bad given notice *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
pro . tern , read a communication from the Grand Secretary in reference to the intended celebration on the occasion of the Grand Master completing a service of 25 yeai-s in that high office , and this communication was left for consideration at the next meeting . A communication was read from the Masonic Five and Life Association . The lodge was then closed and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . Tho banquet was supplied in Bro . Allatts' usual style of
excellence , and it gave general satisfaction . Ou the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and responded to ; the newly initiated brethren were obliged to leave , and did not remain for the banquet . The W . M . on giving the health of Bro . Thompson , P . M ., and Treas . of the Lodge , in very complimentary terms alluded to the services he had rendered , . and believed be possessed the esteem of every member of it . The toast was very cordiallreceived . Bro . Thompson
y , P . M ., and Treas ., said the W . M . in the exercise of his good nature , had , if he would allow him to say it with all due deference gone out of his way to pay him a compliment , but as the W . M . could do no wrong he accepted it with gratitude , although as be had so long basked in the sunshine of their favour , and received so many substantial tokens of it , he thought some one else might have been preferred to him at that early
part of the evening to receive it . Their W . M . had spoken in flattering terms of what he ( Bro . Thompson ) had done for the lodge , as its founder , and their P . M . and Treasurer , but if ho had done so he was amply repaid by the success which had attended it , but at the same time he must say that from the first when the lodge WEIS proposed , he" had always found the W . M . a most energetic supporter , and they had gone on shoulder to shoulder together . He thanked the brethren sincerely for that renewed mark of their kindness
, and would at all times do everything iu his power to promote tbe prosperity of the Southern Star Lodge . The W . M . next gave "The Health of the Visitor . " , " for which Bros . Thomas , Richards , and Hancock respectively returned thanks . Bro . Thompson , P . M ., said the W . M . had for a very brief period entrusted him with his emblem of authority , and the brethren doubtless knew the use to which he would apply it . At tbe risk of their patience , he should say a few words as to the toast which he was about to
propose , as to how he had been supported by their W . M . As he had already said , their W . M . had most ably seconded him in the foundation of the lodge , and during its progress it was his warmest wish and highest inspiration to set : their W . M . in the chair which he then so ably occupied . He felt a peculiar interest in their W . M ., inasmuch as he introduced him into Freemasonry , be passed him through his different degrees , anil , finallyhe installed him into the chair as W . M . of tbe lod
, ge . Having seen how he had performed his duties that evening , he thought he had no reason to be ashamed of what he had done . He would ask any one who had witnessed the manner in which he had that night gone through the third degree , whether they had ever seen that beautiful ceremony more correctly or more impressively performed . He ( Bro . Thompson ) had watched him most attentively , and he felt sure that there was not au
improper word used , or one improperly applied , and there was the still further merit due to Bvo . fulsford , for while he was proficient in the performance of the different ceremonies , he was equally good in his knowledge of the lectures in which those ceremonies were illustrated and explained , and he was the preceptor of a lodge of instruction by whom he was highly esteemed , not only for the excellence of ' his working , but for the readiness with which he imparted his knowledto others
ge . He wished him a prosperous year of office , and called upon the brethren to drink his health in bumpers . The toast was enthusiastically responded to . The W . M . in responding briefly to the toast , said that their P . M . Thompson had passed compliments upon him he did not deserve , but he would endeavour to follow in his steps , and do all in his power to promote the comfort of the brethren and the welfare of his lodge . He thanked the
brethren sincerely for the cordial manner in which his health had been drunk . The W . M . proposed "The Health of their Bro . Secretary , " and expressed his great regret that illness had kept him from them . Bro . H . Thompson , P . M ., returned thanks , and said be felt sure that nothing but the cause to which the W . M . bad referred , would have kept his son from among them , for he was always most attentive and indefatigable in the discharge of his duties as Secretary of the lodge . Bro . Hancock , by permission of the W . M .., proposed " The Health of the Officers of the Lodge , " and said as a visitor he was highly pleased at the excellence of their working , and
that evening had really been a great Masonic treat to him . He belonged to a lodge in Staffordshire , but if he remained in London he should like to become a joining member of the lodge of which he had the honour to be a visitor that evening . Bro . Clarke , S . W ., returned thanks . The Tyler's toast brought a very happy meeting to a close , which had beeng reatly assisted by some excellent songs by Bro . Mackway and others .
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —JRoyal Union Zodge ( No . 381 ) . —A meeting of this lodge took place at the new lodge room at the Masonic Hall , Uxbridge , on the 21 st ult . Tlie WM . Bro . J . Glaisher , supported by all his officers , viz .: —Bros . Magnus Ohren , S . W . ; . G . Fehrenbocb , J . W . ; Cloisen , P . M . Treas . ; W . Coombes , P . M . ; W . H . Coulton , S . D . ; Joquii ) , J . D .: Lonsdale , I . G . ; Saqui , P . M . Org . ; Bonner , Steward . There were also present , Bros .
J . Adams , P . G . P . ; William Smith , CIS ., P . G . S . ; Horsley , P . M . ; Weidon , P . M . ; Wirtzfield , P . M . ; aud many other members of tbe lodge . Visitors : —John Ohren , G . J . Mumford , No .. 14-8 ; H . F . Peng , No . 14-5 . The lodge having been opened iir ample form , and the gentlemen previously balloted for not being in attendance , the lodge was raised to the second degree , when Bros . Davis , French , Louville , Lucas and Lloyd , being questioned and found efficientwere accordingly passed . The
, lodge was then raised to the third degree , and Bros . Terry Lambert , Jennings , and Woodward , were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ' s . The whole of the ceremonies were ably performed by the W . M . Upon the lodge being lowered , the W . M . read a letter respecting the Zetland Commemoration Fund , and the Palestine Exploration Fund , also as to the c . ise of Theresa Mary Claison . daughter of the late Bro . Theodore Claison , who is a candidate for the next election for tbe
Girls' school . A vote of thanks was given to Bro . W . Smith , C . E ., P . G . S ., for his present to the lodge of a portrait of the Right Hon . the Earl of Dalhousie , K . T . and K . G ., the M . W ., the G . M . M . of Scotland , and six copies of Masonic lodge music for the three Craft degrees . Also to Bro . W . H . Coulton , S . D ., for the manner in which he re-decorated the lodge furniture at his own cost . Bros . T . Adams , P . G . S . P ., and W . SmithC . KP . G . S . were elected full members of the lodge
, , , Bro . Coulton proposed , and Bro . Horsley , P . M . seconded , that the lodge become annual subscribers to the FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE . Other business having been transacted , tbe lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to the banquet which wasv provided at the " Chequers " Hotel . A very enjoyable evening was spent , and the brethren separated at an early hour in peace , and harmony .
CHESHIRE . PEOVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . The Sight Hon . Lord de Tabley , R . W . Prov . G . Master o £ Cheshire , held a Prov . G . Lodge ou Wednesday , the 16 th ult ., in Macclesfield . The attendance of the brethren was more than usually numerous , and comprised members from every kdge in the province . The interest in the meeting was also enhanced by
the presence of officers holding high positions in the Grand Lodge , and tbe principal Provincial Grand Officers , W . Masters ,, Past Masters , and Wardens . It was admitted by all present that not only as regards the members present , but the distinguished position of the officers , that this was the most successful meeting that has ever been held in the province . The Prov . G . Lodge having been opened the minutes of the last Prov . G . Lodge were read and confirmed .
Bro . Latham , G . D . and P . Prov . G . Reg ., brought up a report of the committee appointed at the last lodge to revise the rules . The alterations made he said were but few , and he moved that copies be printed , which was agreed to . Bro . Cope , Prov . S . G . W ., in pursuance of notice wliich he had ghen , moved that the sum of twenty-five guineas be presented by this lodge to the Zetland Commemoration Fund . The present M . W . G . M .. the Earl of Zetland , had presided over
the Craft for upwards of a quarter of a century , and it was considered desirable that on such an occasion the various lodges should bear their testimony to his great personal worth . He therefore moved the resolution of which lw bad given notice *