Article SCOTLAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Charter . Some remarks were also made relative to tbe builders of Kilwinning Abbey being a branch from those engaged at Glasgow Cathedral . A cordial vote of thanks was , upon the motion of Bro . Buchan , passed unanimously to Bro . Professor Cosmo Innes . It was also agreed that the lodge should endeavour to get a photograph of the 1190 William the Lion Charter . The lodge was shortly afterwards closed in due form .
NORTH CONNAUGHT . OPENING OE THE PROVINCIAL GRASD LODGE . In consequence of a certain portion of this province having been formed into a district for the establishment of a Masonic Provincial Grand Lodge , and his Grace the Duke of Leinster , G . M . of Ireland , having been pleased to appoint Bro . Hugh Lyons Montgomery , D . L ., late M . P . for Leitrim ,
as G . M . of the district , tbe latter brother convened a meeting of all the lodges in the province of North Connaught , in the Masonic Hall , Sligo , on Thursday evening , the 17 th ult ., for the purpose of formally opening the Prov . G . Lodge , and in making all other necessary arrangements . There was a very large attendance of the members of the Craft , several of whom came a long distance for the purpose . Shortly after seven o'clock the proceedings commenced by a lodge being opened in
the third degree , on the completion of which the R . W . G . M . for the province was conducted in the throne , on wliich he took his seat , when he received the usual Masonic salute . Bro . Montgomery thanked the brethren for assisting in placing him in the high and exalted position he then occupied—a position that any member of the Craft ought justly to feel proud oland assured the brethren that nothiug should be wanting on his part- to further extend the benefits of their ancient and
noble Order , whose influence was found of the greatest advantage in all parts of the earth . Tho U . W . G . M . next announced that he would appoint Bro . J . L . Woods , P . M . 20 , Sligo , as D . Provincial Grand Master , after which Bro . Robert Jenkins , P . M . 187 , Manorliamiltoii , was unanimously appointed Prov . G . S . W ., and Bro . Alex . Gillmor , P . M . 20 , Sligo , Prov . G . J . W . Bro . James Joynt , P . M . 217 , Bidlina , was next appointed Prov . G . S . D . and Bro . S . M . GlierryP . M . 20 Sli as
, , , go , Prov . G . Sec , tbe nomination of the other officers being postponed until tbe next night of meeting . The private business of the lodge was next gone through , after which the brethren retired for refreshment , when they partook of an excellent supper , the hospitality of the Prov . G . M ., after which they separated iu peace , lovo , and harmony .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . ROTAL JUBILEE CIIAPTEB ( NO . 72 ) . —A convocation of the above chapter was held at the Horns Tavern , ICennington , on Thursday , the 10 th ult ., for tbe purpose of electing the Principal and officers for tbe ensuing year . Comp . Webb was installed M . E . Z . ; aud C . Piatt and 0 . T . Foxall were respectively elected H . and J . The brethren then sat down to the banquet , and a and leasant
very enjoyable p evening was spenf , enlivened bv tbe singing of Comp . Webb and other musical brethren . DEVONSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER . The half yearly provincial meeting was held on Wednesday , 23 rdat the
Sept . , Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , at 3 p . m . Upwards of 20 present and past principals having assembled , tbe Prov . G . Supt ., the Rev . J . Huyshe , M . A ., M . E . Z ., accompanied by Comp . Metham H ., and Radford J ., entered and opened the Prov . G . Chapter , the Coinps . were then admitted . The chairs of E N ., Prince Soj ., and Assist . Soj . were respectively filled bCoinps . RogersElhinistoneNicbollsand Clemens
y , p , , . Tne minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The accounts of tbe Treasurer were then read and passed , showing a balance in hand of about £ 40 . On the proposition of Comp . Matthews , seconded by Comp . Watts , Comp , Hambley was elected Treas . for the next year . The M . E . Z . expressed tlie
Royal Arch.
pleasure he had in conferring the collar upon so excellent and well qualified a Comp ., since to him as Chairman of tbe committee of management of tbe Masonic Temple , tbe Prov . G . Chapter was mainly indebted for the ample aud kind accomodation of this meeting in the building . Comp . Metham II ., proposed and Comp Radford J ., seconded a grant of £ 10 10 stowards the testimonial fund in honour of the Earl of Zetland , the head of Masonry in England , explaining at some length the
intention to mark the appreciation of bis long and efficient services for 25 years , by raising a sum which it was hoped would amount to some thousands of pounds , not to be expended in paying him any personal compliment , which would be in direct opposition to his own wishes , but for tbe support of Masonic principles , probably by affording substantial aid to the charities . These views were endorsed by the M . E . Z ., and after some discussion the resolution was passed unanimously .
On the proposition of Coinps . Watts and Rae the sum of £ 10 10 s . was voted to tbe Fortescue Local Annuity Fund . The M . E . Z . took this opportunity of expressing his personal thanks to the companions in the southern part of the province for their kindness and forbearance in having placed on the list of annuitants a distressed but most worthy Mason in a distant portion of tbe district , when they were numerically strong enough to
carry the election of a candidate from their own neighbourhood , at the same time stating that their generosity would be rewarded , since they and the Craft generally would derive benefit from the course which bad been pursued , inasmuch as many companions in the locality indicated , who bad previously taken no interest in this fund , had been induced to become active supporters of it , and to work in its favour . Bro . Dr . Dowse introduced to the notice of the meeting the case of the widow
of a companion recently deceased , and who had been a most active labourer in the Craft , even to the sacrifice of the interests of his own family . On the proposition of Comps . Woolfand llae a grant of £ 5 5 s . was made in relief of this case . The same amount was voted to the Boys' School on the proposition of Comps . V Bird , and Dr . Hopkins . The M . E . Z . made the following appointments to office for the ensuing year : —Comps . MethamH ; RadfordJ . ; -Whit-chouseE . Philli N . ; Bird
, , , ; ps , , Prin . S-ij . ; Sadler and Bell , Assist . Soj . ' s ; Brewster , Reg . ; Stoneman , Sword Bearer ; Cox and Dr . Foster , Standard Bearers ; Wiltshire , Dir . of Cers . ; Browning , Org . ; Chaplin , Banner Bearer ; Rogers , J . ; Gregory , Assist . J . Considerable discussion , in which many took part , then arose on some minor matters of arrangement , and tbe Prov . G . Chapter was closed at about five o'clock .
SCOTLAND . ARDROSSAN . —Ardrossan Chapter ( No . 111 ) . — The hall belonging to the Lodge Neptune Kilwinning , Ardrossan ( No . 44-1 ) , was re-opened ou the 23 rd ult ., on the occasion of the annual election in connection with this chapter . The lodge room has for a short period been under the hand of Bro . Ii . C . Orr , painter , Saltcoats , whose well-known decorative taste is a sufficient guarantee for the chaste and appropriate stle in
y which the work has been executed . Tbe walls are done in oak pannels , which with those shown in the cove of the ceiling , contain some of tbe leading emblems in Craft and Royal Arch Masonry—the canopy being beautifully depicted on tbe ceiling . That the Lodge No . 412 should at this early stage of its existence possess such n hull redounds lo the credit of its sons and serves also as an index of its prosperity . The chapter having met on the evening in questionproceeded to elect the
following-, office-bearers for tbe ensuing year : —Comps . J . Robertson , Z . ; D , Goodwin , H . ; J . Macdonald , J . ; F . Goodwin , Treas . ; John-Robertson , Scribe B- ; J . Norris , F . ; 0 . Adair , R . Mathews , W .. Ross , Soj's . ; and H . Hamilton , Janitor . After the election ,, three brethren were exalted and added to the already long roll of Royal Arch Companions belonging to Neptune Kilwinning Chapter . His ve-eSection to tbe chief chair in the chapter , viewed in connection with his continued occupancy of the orient
in the lodge , shows tbe high respect in which Comp . James-Robertson is held by tbe brethren in Ardrossan . AIRDRIB . —Airdrie Chapter ( No . 78 ) . —This chapter held its annual meeting for the election of office-bearers on Tuesday evening , the 22 nd ult . The chapter having been opened , theminutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . The following companions were with perfect unanimity elected , viz ., Coinps . A . Bizzett , Z- ; P . Mackinnon , H . j J . Barr , J . ; Di-, Torrance , P . Z . ; A . Mackenzie , E . ; G . Ellis , VV . ; D . Anderson .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Charter . Some remarks were also made relative to tbe builders of Kilwinning Abbey being a branch from those engaged at Glasgow Cathedral . A cordial vote of thanks was , upon the motion of Bro . Buchan , passed unanimously to Bro . Professor Cosmo Innes . It was also agreed that the lodge should endeavour to get a photograph of the 1190 William the Lion Charter . The lodge was shortly afterwards closed in due form .
NORTH CONNAUGHT . OPENING OE THE PROVINCIAL GRASD LODGE . In consequence of a certain portion of this province having been formed into a district for the establishment of a Masonic Provincial Grand Lodge , and his Grace the Duke of Leinster , G . M . of Ireland , having been pleased to appoint Bro . Hugh Lyons Montgomery , D . L ., late M . P . for Leitrim ,
as G . M . of the district , tbe latter brother convened a meeting of all the lodges in the province of North Connaught , in the Masonic Hall , Sligo , on Thursday evening , the 17 th ult ., for the purpose of formally opening the Prov . G . Lodge , and in making all other necessary arrangements . There was a very large attendance of the members of the Craft , several of whom came a long distance for the purpose . Shortly after seven o'clock the proceedings commenced by a lodge being opened in
the third degree , on the completion of which the R . W . G . M . for the province was conducted in the throne , on wliich he took his seat , when he received the usual Masonic salute . Bro . Montgomery thanked the brethren for assisting in placing him in the high and exalted position he then occupied—a position that any member of the Craft ought justly to feel proud oland assured the brethren that nothiug should be wanting on his part- to further extend the benefits of their ancient and
noble Order , whose influence was found of the greatest advantage in all parts of the earth . Tho U . W . G . M . next announced that he would appoint Bro . J . L . Woods , P . M . 20 , Sligo , as D . Provincial Grand Master , after which Bro . Robert Jenkins , P . M . 187 , Manorliamiltoii , was unanimously appointed Prov . G . S . W ., and Bro . Alex . Gillmor , P . M . 20 , Sligo , Prov . G . J . W . Bro . James Joynt , P . M . 217 , Bidlina , was next appointed Prov . G . S . D . and Bro . S . M . GlierryP . M . 20 Sli as
, , , go , Prov . G . Sec , tbe nomination of the other officers being postponed until tbe next night of meeting . The private business of the lodge was next gone through , after which the brethren retired for refreshment , when they partook of an excellent supper , the hospitality of the Prov . G . M ., after which they separated iu peace , lovo , and harmony .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . ROTAL JUBILEE CIIAPTEB ( NO . 72 ) . —A convocation of the above chapter was held at the Horns Tavern , ICennington , on Thursday , the 10 th ult ., for tbe purpose of electing the Principal and officers for tbe ensuing year . Comp . Webb was installed M . E . Z . ; aud C . Piatt and 0 . T . Foxall were respectively elected H . and J . The brethren then sat down to the banquet , and a and leasant
very enjoyable p evening was spenf , enlivened bv tbe singing of Comp . Webb and other musical brethren . DEVONSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER . The half yearly provincial meeting was held on Wednesday , 23 rdat the
Sept . , Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , at 3 p . m . Upwards of 20 present and past principals having assembled , tbe Prov . G . Supt ., the Rev . J . Huyshe , M . A ., M . E . Z ., accompanied by Comp . Metham H ., and Radford J ., entered and opened the Prov . G . Chapter , the Coinps . were then admitted . The chairs of E N ., Prince Soj ., and Assist . Soj . were respectively filled bCoinps . RogersElhinistoneNicbollsand Clemens
y , p , , . Tne minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . The accounts of tbe Treasurer were then read and passed , showing a balance in hand of about £ 40 . On the proposition of Comp . Matthews , seconded by Comp . Watts , Comp , Hambley was elected Treas . for the next year . The M . E . Z . expressed tlie
Royal Arch.
pleasure he had in conferring the collar upon so excellent and well qualified a Comp ., since to him as Chairman of tbe committee of management of tbe Masonic Temple , tbe Prov . G . Chapter was mainly indebted for the ample aud kind accomodation of this meeting in the building . Comp . Metham II ., proposed and Comp Radford J ., seconded a grant of £ 10 10 stowards the testimonial fund in honour of the Earl of Zetland , the head of Masonry in England , explaining at some length the
intention to mark the appreciation of bis long and efficient services for 25 years , by raising a sum which it was hoped would amount to some thousands of pounds , not to be expended in paying him any personal compliment , which would be in direct opposition to his own wishes , but for tbe support of Masonic principles , probably by affording substantial aid to the charities . These views were endorsed by the M . E . Z ., and after some discussion the resolution was passed unanimously .
On the proposition of Coinps . Watts and Rae the sum of £ 10 10 s . was voted to tbe Fortescue Local Annuity Fund . The M . E . Z . took this opportunity of expressing his personal thanks to the companions in the southern part of the province for their kindness and forbearance in having placed on the list of annuitants a distressed but most worthy Mason in a distant portion of tbe district , when they were numerically strong enough to
carry the election of a candidate from their own neighbourhood , at the same time stating that their generosity would be rewarded , since they and the Craft generally would derive benefit from the course which bad been pursued , inasmuch as many companions in the locality indicated , who bad previously taken no interest in this fund , had been induced to become active supporters of it , and to work in its favour . Bro . Dr . Dowse introduced to the notice of the meeting the case of the widow
of a companion recently deceased , and who had been a most active labourer in the Craft , even to the sacrifice of the interests of his own family . On the proposition of Comps . Woolfand llae a grant of £ 5 5 s . was made in relief of this case . The same amount was voted to the Boys' School on the proposition of Comps . V Bird , and Dr . Hopkins . The M . E . Z . made the following appointments to office for the ensuing year : —Comps . MethamH ; RadfordJ . ; -Whit-chouseE . Philli N . ; Bird
, , , ; ps , , Prin . S-ij . ; Sadler and Bell , Assist . Soj . ' s ; Brewster , Reg . ; Stoneman , Sword Bearer ; Cox and Dr . Foster , Standard Bearers ; Wiltshire , Dir . of Cers . ; Browning , Org . ; Chaplin , Banner Bearer ; Rogers , J . ; Gregory , Assist . J . Considerable discussion , in which many took part , then arose on some minor matters of arrangement , and tbe Prov . G . Chapter was closed at about five o'clock .
SCOTLAND . ARDROSSAN . —Ardrossan Chapter ( No . 111 ) . — The hall belonging to the Lodge Neptune Kilwinning , Ardrossan ( No . 44-1 ) , was re-opened ou the 23 rd ult ., on the occasion of the annual election in connection with this chapter . The lodge room has for a short period been under the hand of Bro . Ii . C . Orr , painter , Saltcoats , whose well-known decorative taste is a sufficient guarantee for the chaste and appropriate stle in
y which the work has been executed . Tbe walls are done in oak pannels , which with those shown in the cove of the ceiling , contain some of tbe leading emblems in Craft and Royal Arch Masonry—the canopy being beautifully depicted on tbe ceiling . That the Lodge No . 412 should at this early stage of its existence possess such n hull redounds lo the credit of its sons and serves also as an index of its prosperity . The chapter having met on the evening in questionproceeded to elect the
following-, office-bearers for tbe ensuing year : —Comps . J . Robertson , Z . ; D , Goodwin , H . ; J . Macdonald , J . ; F . Goodwin , Treas . ; John-Robertson , Scribe B- ; J . Norris , F . ; 0 . Adair , R . Mathews , W .. Ross , Soj's . ; and H . Hamilton , Janitor . After the election ,, three brethren were exalted and added to the already long roll of Royal Arch Companions belonging to Neptune Kilwinning Chapter . His ve-eSection to tbe chief chair in the chapter , viewed in connection with his continued occupancy of the orient
in the lodge , shows tbe high respect in which Comp . James-Robertson is held by tbe brethren in Ardrossan . AIRDRIB . —Airdrie Chapter ( No . 78 ) . —This chapter held its annual meeting for the election of office-bearers on Tuesday evening , the 22 nd ult . The chapter having been opened , theminutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . The following companions were with perfect unanimity elected , viz ., Coinps . A . Bizzett , Z- ; P . Mackinnon , H . j J . Barr , J . ; Di-, Torrance , P . Z . ; A . Mackenzie , E . ; G . Ellis , VV . ; D . Anderson .