Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article RED CROSS KNIGHTS OF CONSTANTINE. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. Page 1 of 1 Article MASONIC FETE CHAMPETRE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Arch.
Tre . is . ; A . Burns , 1 st Soj . ; J . Levack , 2 nd Soj . ; R . Gray , 3 rd Soj . ; J . Spence , S . B . ; and James Taylor , Janitor . This being the only business , the chapter was duly closed .
Mark Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . On Wednesday , Sept . 23 rd , this Prov . G . Lodge met at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Princess-place , Plymouth , at 1 p . m Present , tbe V . W . P . G . M . the Rev . J . Huyshe , M . A , ; the V . W . Dr . Dowse , D . P . G . M . ; tbe R . W . Dr . Hopkins , J . G . W ., acting as P . G . S . W . ; Bros . H . B . Kent , P . G . S . B ., acting as P . G . J . W . ; S .
Jew , M . C . ; P . Barrett , S . O . ; W . J . J . Sprv , J . O .,- J . W . Hawton , Treas . ; W , H . Maddock , Sec . ; E . A . Davis , J . D . ; W . Essery , A . D . C . ; . W . B . Clemens , Supt . of Works ; S . Willoughby , W . D . Thomas , M . Paull , Stewards ; Foxwell , Org . ; J . Masters , acting as Poursuivant ; J . Rogers , Tyler , and the representatives of lodges 16 , 23 , 26 , 35 , 48 , G 4 , 91 , 96 , 100 . The Prov G . Lodge having been opened , the minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and confirmed . The minutes of a special
meeting having also been read , Bro . Bird , P . G . M . O ., proposed that they be confirmed with the exception of the portion relating to a reduction in the dues payable by each Mark Mason in the Province to the Prov . G . M . Lodge . A lengthened discussion took place thereupon , and an amendment was proposed by Bro . Davies . Tbe matter terminated in a confirmation of the minutes , as the point in question could not be legally settled on this occasionand it was considered preferable to give notice of a
, distinct motion for disenssion at the next meeting . Tho Treasurer's accounts were read hy Bro . Hawton , aud passed , with a vote of thanks to him for his successful efforts in bringing them into so good a condition , and for the clearness of the statement . It appeared that there was a balance in hand of more than £ 18 . that there were no outstanding accounts unpaid , aud that all dues had been received . By a vote of the Prov . G . Lodge Bro . Hawton was
reappointed as Treas . for the next year . A motion was then made by Bro . V . Bird , of which due notice had been given , altering and clearly defining the manner in which the election of Treas . should in future be conducted ; it was seconded by Bro . Itae .
A long discussion took place upon it , in the course of which the Prov . G . M . stated his opinion that the proposed change was unconstitutional , and that therefore be could not put it to the meeting . Bro . Harvey , P . M ., brought forward an amendment , seconded by Bro . S . Jew , to the effect that the mode of electing the treasurer should remain as before . Although some modifications in the original motion were made to meet the objections ofthe Prov . G . M ., the amendment was carried by a
majority of one , and Bro . Bird's proposition was therefore negatived . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , G . J . W ., referred to the satisfactory state of tbe funds , to a remark made by tbe P . G . M ., in the course of one of the discussions that the anomalous position of the mark degree as being unrecognised in this country , would be best removed by active efforts in tbe mark lodges , to advocate the interests of the Masonic charitiesand to the lect of the
, neg schools in this province , no contributions being made to them by tbe Prov . G . Craft Lodge , tbe Prov . G . Mark Lodge , or tbe Prov . G . Chap . He concluded with a proposition that a grant of £ 10 10 s . be made to the Boys' school , thus creating a life governorship . This was seconded by Bro . Kent , put to the meeting , and carried unanimously . Tlie Prov . G . M . invested Bro . J . Brown with the rank of
P . Prov . G . Purst ,, in pursuance of a motion made and seconded . He also conferred past rank on all brethren who had served their term of office and paid tbe fees of honour . The V . W " . P . G . Master appointed his officers for the ensuing vear as follows : —Bros . Dr . Dowse , D . P . G . M . ; L . P . Metham , S . G . W . ; Captain Shanks , J . G . W . ; Rev . J . E . Risk , G . Chap . John Heath , G . Reg . ; J . J . Hambley , M . O . ; G . Men-ifield , S . O . ; S . KeysJ . O . ; J . W . HawtonTreas . ; W . II . Maddock
, , , Ssc ; F . Codd , S . D . ; J . Hiffley , J . D . ; W . Littleton , D . C ; Wiltshire , A . D . C : M . Paull , Supt . Works ; S . Willoughby , S . B . ; W . D . Thomas , Org . ; John Way , Samuel Jones , lloseveare , Stewards ; John Rogers , Tyler , The Prov , G , Lodge was then closed in due form , with solemn prayer , at 2 , 45 p . in ,
Red Cross Knights Of Constantine.
ROSE AND LILY CONCLAVE ( NO . 3 ) . —An assenibly of this conclave was held at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , on Saturday , the 26 th ult . Tbe conclave was opened by Sir Kt . Little , G . R ., in the unavoidable absence of the M . P . S ., assisted by Sir Kts . R . Ord . V . E . ; J . Terry , P . Sov ., Recorder ; Capt . J . W . C . Whitbread , Insp . Gen . for Suffolk ; C . A . Cottebnme , S . G . ; A . Thompson , Prefect ; J . Dyer , S . B . ; J . McKiernan , Herald ; G .
S . Noyce , J . G . ; J . G . Marsh , P . Sov ., No . 1 , G . A ., & c . & c . After tho confirmation of tbe minutes , Colonel Francis Burdett 32 ° , of Ancaster House , Richmond , was installed as a Knight , and afterwards admitted to the priestly and princly orders , so as to qualify him for a seat in the grand council to which he is nominated . The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows : —Sir ; Kts . R . Ord . M . P . S . and Treas . ; C . A . Cottebrune V . E ., and Comp . Gilbert , Sentinel . The Chevaliers then
adjourned to the banqueting hall , and spent a most pleasant evening together . , Tho usual cbivralic and loyal toasts were duly honoured , and the health of Colonel Burdett , the newly installed knight , was received with applause , a compliment which the gallant ofHesr suitably acknowledged . We believe Colonel Burdett is likely to be elected a member of the Supreme Gram ! Council 33 ' for Ireland , in the room of tlie lamented Bro . T . Mostyn 33 ' , G . Treas ., just deceased .
Public Amusements.
Bro . "W . H . Edwards , the well-lcnown "American Wanderer , " is now exhibiting his mammoth panorama at the Beaumont Institution , Mile-end , illustrative of 9 , 000 miles of the magnificent scenery of Canada and the Far West . Bro . Edwards gives an excellent descriptive account of tho various scenes as they pass before the audience , and the attractiveness of the entertainment is
still further enhanced by the introduction of some Transatlantic ballads and choruses illustrating the several incident portrayed in the panorama . Mr . Palmyre , negro delineator , appears nightly in a new and exceedingly telling song , " Jemima Javgonell , " illustrative of a coloured fancy ball occurring upon the panorama . The majority of the ballads in tho entertainment are original , having been written expressly for ib by Bro . J . O . Manning , composer of some of the most popular songs of the day .
Masonic Fete Champetre.
A LIVELY DAY AT BOULEVARD GROVE . On the afternoon and evening of the Sth ult ., the members of the Ancient aud Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , under the jurisdiction of the Most Worthy United Grand Lodge of the State of New York , celebrated their annual reunion with a grand picnicor fete Ghampelreat Boulevard GroveBrookl
, , , yn , E . D . For the information of the " uninitiated " it will probably be well to state that this entertainment was conducted under the auspices of the coloured wing of the Masonic brotherhood , and that its patrons were solely pei-soiis of African lineage . Not more than half-a-dozen of the descendants of Jajjhefc were on the ground , and thesetogether with a trio of metropolitans attired in
, blue and bearing staves , appeared to be present on business . And perhaps 'twas well 'twas so " very select and exclusive , " for those for whoso pleasure and recreation the festival was gotten up appeared to enjoy themselves as well if not better than they could have done with a crowd of gaping Caucasians surrounding or mingling with them . Everything " went merry as a marriage
bell , " and a great many marriageable belles went merril y too and came away in a similar mood , and doubtless in some instances with the hymeneal contract fairl y open .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Tre . is . ; A . Burns , 1 st Soj . ; J . Levack , 2 nd Soj . ; R . Gray , 3 rd Soj . ; J . Spence , S . B . ; and James Taylor , Janitor . This being the only business , the chapter was duly closed .
Mark Masonry.
DEVONSHIRE . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . On Wednesday , Sept . 23 rd , this Prov . G . Lodge met at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Princess-place , Plymouth , at 1 p . m Present , tbe V . W . P . G . M . the Rev . J . Huyshe , M . A , ; the V . W . Dr . Dowse , D . P . G . M . ; tbe R . W . Dr . Hopkins , J . G . W ., acting as P . G . S . W . ; Bros . H . B . Kent , P . G . S . B ., acting as P . G . J . W . ; S .
Jew , M . C . ; P . Barrett , S . O . ; W . J . J . Sprv , J . O .,- J . W . Hawton , Treas . ; W , H . Maddock , Sec . ; E . A . Davis , J . D . ; W . Essery , A . D . C . ; . W . B . Clemens , Supt . of Works ; S . Willoughby , W . D . Thomas , M . Paull , Stewards ; Foxwell , Org . ; J . Masters , acting as Poursuivant ; J . Rogers , Tyler , and the representatives of lodges 16 , 23 , 26 , 35 , 48 , G 4 , 91 , 96 , 100 . The Prov G . Lodge having been opened , the minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and confirmed . The minutes of a special
meeting having also been read , Bro . Bird , P . G . M . O ., proposed that they be confirmed with the exception of the portion relating to a reduction in the dues payable by each Mark Mason in the Province to the Prov . G . M . Lodge . A lengthened discussion took place thereupon , and an amendment was proposed by Bro . Davies . Tbe matter terminated in a confirmation of the minutes , as the point in question could not be legally settled on this occasionand it was considered preferable to give notice of a
, distinct motion for disenssion at the next meeting . Tho Treasurer's accounts were read hy Bro . Hawton , aud passed , with a vote of thanks to him for his successful efforts in bringing them into so good a condition , and for the clearness of the statement . It appeared that there was a balance in hand of more than £ 18 . that there were no outstanding accounts unpaid , aud that all dues had been received . By a vote of the Prov . G . Lodge Bro . Hawton was
reappointed as Treas . for the next year . A motion was then made by Bro . V . Bird , of which due notice had been given , altering and clearly defining the manner in which the election of Treas . should in future be conducted ; it was seconded by Bro . Itae .
A long discussion took place upon it , in the course of which the Prov . G . M . stated his opinion that the proposed change was unconstitutional , and that therefore be could not put it to the meeting . Bro . Harvey , P . M ., brought forward an amendment , seconded by Bro . S . Jew , to the effect that the mode of electing the treasurer should remain as before . Although some modifications in the original motion were made to meet the objections ofthe Prov . G . M ., the amendment was carried by a
majority of one , and Bro . Bird's proposition was therefore negatived . Bro . Dr . Hopkins , G . J . W ., referred to the satisfactory state of tbe funds , to a remark made by tbe P . G . M ., in the course of one of the discussions that the anomalous position of the mark degree as being unrecognised in this country , would be best removed by active efforts in tbe mark lodges , to advocate the interests of the Masonic charitiesand to the lect of the
, neg schools in this province , no contributions being made to them by tbe Prov . G . Craft Lodge , tbe Prov . G . Mark Lodge , or tbe Prov . G . Chap . He concluded with a proposition that a grant of £ 10 10 s . be made to the Boys' school , thus creating a life governorship . This was seconded by Bro . Kent , put to the meeting , and carried unanimously . Tlie Prov . G . M . invested Bro . J . Brown with the rank of
P . Prov . G . Purst ,, in pursuance of a motion made and seconded . He also conferred past rank on all brethren who had served their term of office and paid tbe fees of honour . The V . W " . P . G . Master appointed his officers for the ensuing vear as follows : —Bros . Dr . Dowse , D . P . G . M . ; L . P . Metham , S . G . W . ; Captain Shanks , J . G . W . ; Rev . J . E . Risk , G . Chap . John Heath , G . Reg . ; J . J . Hambley , M . O . ; G . Men-ifield , S . O . ; S . KeysJ . O . ; J . W . HawtonTreas . ; W . II . Maddock
, , , Ssc ; F . Codd , S . D . ; J . Hiffley , J . D . ; W . Littleton , D . C ; Wiltshire , A . D . C : M . Paull , Supt . Works ; S . Willoughby , S . B . ; W . D . Thomas , Org . ; John Way , Samuel Jones , lloseveare , Stewards ; John Rogers , Tyler , The Prov , G , Lodge was then closed in due form , with solemn prayer , at 2 , 45 p . in ,
Red Cross Knights Of Constantine.
ROSE AND LILY CONCLAVE ( NO . 3 ) . —An assenibly of this conclave was held at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond , on Saturday , the 26 th ult . Tbe conclave was opened by Sir Kt . Little , G . R ., in the unavoidable absence of the M . P . S ., assisted by Sir Kts . R . Ord . V . E . ; J . Terry , P . Sov ., Recorder ; Capt . J . W . C . Whitbread , Insp . Gen . for Suffolk ; C . A . Cottebnme , S . G . ; A . Thompson , Prefect ; J . Dyer , S . B . ; J . McKiernan , Herald ; G .
S . Noyce , J . G . ; J . G . Marsh , P . Sov ., No . 1 , G . A ., & c . & c . After tho confirmation of tbe minutes , Colonel Francis Burdett 32 ° , of Ancaster House , Richmond , was installed as a Knight , and afterwards admitted to the priestly and princly orders , so as to qualify him for a seat in the grand council to which he is nominated . The officers for the ensuing year were elected as follows : —Sir ; Kts . R . Ord . M . P . S . and Treas . ; C . A . Cottebrune V . E ., and Comp . Gilbert , Sentinel . The Chevaliers then
adjourned to the banqueting hall , and spent a most pleasant evening together . , Tho usual cbivralic and loyal toasts were duly honoured , and the health of Colonel Burdett , the newly installed knight , was received with applause , a compliment which the gallant ofHesr suitably acknowledged . We believe Colonel Burdett is likely to be elected a member of the Supreme Gram ! Council 33 ' for Ireland , in the room of tlie lamented Bro . T . Mostyn 33 ' , G . Treas ., just deceased .
Public Amusements.
Bro . "W . H . Edwards , the well-lcnown "American Wanderer , " is now exhibiting his mammoth panorama at the Beaumont Institution , Mile-end , illustrative of 9 , 000 miles of the magnificent scenery of Canada and the Far West . Bro . Edwards gives an excellent descriptive account of tho various scenes as they pass before the audience , and the attractiveness of the entertainment is
still further enhanced by the introduction of some Transatlantic ballads and choruses illustrating the several incident portrayed in the panorama . Mr . Palmyre , negro delineator , appears nightly in a new and exceedingly telling song , " Jemima Javgonell , " illustrative of a coloured fancy ball occurring upon the panorama . The majority of the ballads in tho entertainment are original , having been written expressly for ib by Bro . J . O . Manning , composer of some of the most popular songs of the day .
Masonic Fete Champetre.
A LIVELY DAY AT BOULEVARD GROVE . On the afternoon and evening of the Sth ult ., the members of the Ancient aud Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons , under the jurisdiction of the Most Worthy United Grand Lodge of the State of New York , celebrated their annual reunion with a grand picnicor fete Ghampelreat Boulevard GroveBrookl
, , , yn , E . D . For the information of the " uninitiated " it will probably be well to state that this entertainment was conducted under the auspices of the coloured wing of the Masonic brotherhood , and that its patrons were solely pei-soiis of African lineage . Not more than half-a-dozen of the descendants of Jajjhefc were on the ground , and thesetogether with a trio of metropolitans attired in
, blue and bearing staves , appeared to be present on business . And perhaps 'twas well 'twas so " very select and exclusive , " for those for whoso pleasure and recreation the festival was gotten up appeared to enjoy themselves as well if not better than they could have done with a crowd of gaping Caucasians surrounding or mingling with them . Everything " went merry as a marriage
bell , " and a great many marriageable belles went merril y too and came away in a similar mood , and doubtless in some instances with the hymeneal contract fairl y open .