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Association Of German Freemasons.†
by Bro . Von Selchow , W . M ., Ratibon Lodge . He advocated the adoption of the motion of the committee and the rejection of Bro . Von Selchow ' s proposal , which , in the reporter ' s opinion , had mot yet reached the proper stage of maturity .
The debate on both questions was joined in by Bros . Fromme , Taddel , Van Dalen , Bruno , and Schutz , and eventually the proposal of the committee relating to the prizes Avas carried in toto , and without a division ; whilst Bro . Von Selchow ' s motion was withdrawn from the
standing Orders . The meeting then proceeded to the question of the establishment of a General Masonic Relief Fund . Bro . Findel , though advocating the foundation of such a fund , holds that they ought to
await the results of the competition determined upon by their previous vote ; yet he was in favour of the proposal tacked to the original motion , to receive and give acknowledgements for contributions tendered as loans by individual brethren , and
thus create a kind of international Masonic currency . Bro . Richter opposed this proposal , but advocated the relief fund . Bro . Bruno preferred that the whole affair be adjourned . Bro . Kamp would have liked a nucleus of the relief fund to
be secured by voluntary donations to be collected seance tenante . After some further discussion , sustained by Bros . Fromme , Taddel , and Schutz , the meeting agreed to the " foundation of a general relief fund ( Centrallulsltafse ) , " for the purpose of
a kind " of charity in keeping with the ideas of the Masonic Craft , " and requested the committee to draw up a statute to that effect , which is to be published in the Bauhutte , and submitted at next year ' s meeting .
Bro . Van Dalen s motion relating to the support of new lodges to be founded in the Austrian Monarchy , was debated upon by Bros . Graff Findel , Bruno , and Schutz , and agreed to in its Original tenour . The meeting also resolved , without
a discussion , " to notify to Bro . Barthelmess , of Brooklyn , N . V . U . S . A ., that the Association is ready and willing to support him , as far as practicable , with iti funds , in the publication of a new and complete Masonic bibliography he has
undertaken , but to finally resolve thereon only at next years' meeting , upon Bro . Barthelmess sending in his manuscript . " The motion for an increase of the existing charity fund to the figure of 200 thalers , at the expense of the general fund , was withdrawn , but the meeting determined upon
Association Of German Freemasons.†
transferring the existing fund of benevolence , amounting to 95 thalers , to the account of the general relief fuud , after Bros . Richter , and Bruno opposing and Bros . Fromme and Flasche supporting the motion . A collection in favour of the
same fund , made on the spot by Bro . Kamp , yielded 43 thalers and 11 silbergroschen . The following motion , viz : —those relating to contributions to the fund of the life boat association and to a Avidow and orphan fuud ; to invest in shares for
the building of lodge houses ; to support by a donation the educational establishment started by the Hudson Lodge , No . 71 , of Hoboken , New York , Avere withdrawn by the committee without a discussion .
The Avhole of the standing orders being now disposed of , the assembly resolved to select Leipzig as the place in which next years' meeting is to be holden ; the time to be the latter part of the
summer , instead of Whitsuntide . Bro . Seydel having thanked the retiring committe members for the creditable mode in which they had discharged their duties , declared the meeting to be closed . A banquet , enlivened by speeches , songs , and
recitations , Avas held in the evening , Bro . Kamp , the venerable Albrneister , of Elberfeld , in the chair . Bro . Findel read an address from the Germano-American brethren , together with a spirited and Avell turned poem on " German Masonry , " by
Bro-Hentz , of Gleuvitz . The following day was devoted to an excursion , in company with the ladies , to Bro . Huckenholz's Gardens , at Welter , which having once been inhabited by Freiher von Stein , form a valuable relic of the party , and yet ,
though highly remarkable on account of the historical reminiscences connected Avith them , are fully in keeping Avith the character of the present day , surrounded , as they are , by modern habitations and extensive manufactories . A visit to Lohinann ' s
Park at Witten , brought the sequel of this years meeting to a conclusion , and the brethren separated in peace and harmony .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
CHBISTIANITY AND PEEEirASOIfET . In my communication to the Freemasons' Magazine ( vol . 14 s , p . 391 ) entitled " Christianity and English Freemasonry , " there is a statement that Christianity and Freemasonry united may civilize the whole human race . Upon this statement a brother at Paris has sent me some strictures , which the statement would perhaps deserve were his notions of the present
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Association Of German Freemasons.†
by Bro . Von Selchow , W . M ., Ratibon Lodge . He advocated the adoption of the motion of the committee and the rejection of Bro . Von Selchow ' s proposal , which , in the reporter ' s opinion , had mot yet reached the proper stage of maturity .
The debate on both questions was joined in by Bros . Fromme , Taddel , Van Dalen , Bruno , and Schutz , and eventually the proposal of the committee relating to the prizes Avas carried in toto , and without a division ; whilst Bro . Von Selchow ' s motion was withdrawn from the
standing Orders . The meeting then proceeded to the question of the establishment of a General Masonic Relief Fund . Bro . Findel , though advocating the foundation of such a fund , holds that they ought to
await the results of the competition determined upon by their previous vote ; yet he was in favour of the proposal tacked to the original motion , to receive and give acknowledgements for contributions tendered as loans by individual brethren , and
thus create a kind of international Masonic currency . Bro . Richter opposed this proposal , but advocated the relief fund . Bro . Bruno preferred that the whole affair be adjourned . Bro . Kamp would have liked a nucleus of the relief fund to
be secured by voluntary donations to be collected seance tenante . After some further discussion , sustained by Bros . Fromme , Taddel , and Schutz , the meeting agreed to the " foundation of a general relief fund ( Centrallulsltafse ) , " for the purpose of
a kind " of charity in keeping with the ideas of the Masonic Craft , " and requested the committee to draw up a statute to that effect , which is to be published in the Bauhutte , and submitted at next year ' s meeting .
Bro . Van Dalen s motion relating to the support of new lodges to be founded in the Austrian Monarchy , was debated upon by Bros . Graff Findel , Bruno , and Schutz , and agreed to in its Original tenour . The meeting also resolved , without
a discussion , " to notify to Bro . Barthelmess , of Brooklyn , N . V . U . S . A ., that the Association is ready and willing to support him , as far as practicable , with iti funds , in the publication of a new and complete Masonic bibliography he has
undertaken , but to finally resolve thereon only at next years' meeting , upon Bro . Barthelmess sending in his manuscript . " The motion for an increase of the existing charity fund to the figure of 200 thalers , at the expense of the general fund , was withdrawn , but the meeting determined upon
Association Of German Freemasons.†
transferring the existing fund of benevolence , amounting to 95 thalers , to the account of the general relief fuud , after Bros . Richter , and Bruno opposing and Bros . Fromme and Flasche supporting the motion . A collection in favour of the
same fund , made on the spot by Bro . Kamp , yielded 43 thalers and 11 silbergroschen . The following motion , viz : —those relating to contributions to the fund of the life boat association and to a Avidow and orphan fuud ; to invest in shares for
the building of lodge houses ; to support by a donation the educational establishment started by the Hudson Lodge , No . 71 , of Hoboken , New York , Avere withdrawn by the committee without a discussion .
The Avhole of the standing orders being now disposed of , the assembly resolved to select Leipzig as the place in which next years' meeting is to be holden ; the time to be the latter part of the
summer , instead of Whitsuntide . Bro . Seydel having thanked the retiring committe members for the creditable mode in which they had discharged their duties , declared the meeting to be closed . A banquet , enlivened by speeches , songs , and
recitations , Avas held in the evening , Bro . Kamp , the venerable Albrneister , of Elberfeld , in the chair . Bro . Findel read an address from the Germano-American brethren , together with a spirited and Avell turned poem on " German Masonry , " by
Bro-Hentz , of Gleuvitz . The following day was devoted to an excursion , in company with the ladies , to Bro . Huckenholz's Gardens , at Welter , which having once been inhabited by Freiher von Stein , form a valuable relic of the party , and yet ,
though highly remarkable on account of the historical reminiscences connected Avith them , are fully in keeping Avith the character of the present day , surrounded , as they are , by modern habitations and extensive manufactories . A visit to Lohinann ' s
Park at Witten , brought the sequel of this years meeting to a conclusion , and the brethren separated in peace and harmony .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
CHBISTIANITY AND PEEEirASOIfET . In my communication to the Freemasons' Magazine ( vol . 14 s , p . 391 ) entitled " Christianity and English Freemasonry , " there is a statement that Christianity and Freemasonry united may civilize the whole human race . Upon this statement a brother at Paris has sent me some strictures , which the statement would perhaps deserve were his notions of the present