Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 3 Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
condition of Christianity correct . But are those notions correct ? I think not . My brother plainly belongs to the same school of philosophy as the late Monsieur Jonffroy . I therefore recommend to his consideration the ensuing passage , taken from that distinguished Professor ' s lecture , " Du Probleme de la Destinee Humaine : "—
" La mission sublime du Christianisme , elle est loin , bien loin d'etre accomplie sur la terre . Elle ne l ' est pas meme entierement dans ce pays , que sa civilization place a la tete de l'humanite ; elle est plus loiu encore de l ' etre dans les autres parties de l'Europe ; et elle est h peine commencee dans le
reste du inonde . Ceux-la , sont bien avengles qui s'imaginent que le Christianisme est fini , quand il lui rest tante de chosee a faire . Le Christianisme verra mourir bien des doctrines qui ont la pretention de lui succeder . Tout ce qui a ete preclit de lui s ' aecomplira . La conquete du monde lui est reservee , et il sera la derniere des religions . " - —From Bro . PUETON COOPEE ' Masonic Letter Book , June , 1866 .
MYSTIC NUMBERS . One is tlie number of Ereemasonry , and stands in all societies—ancient and modern—for the Creator . In the Pythagorian , Hebrew , and Rosicrucian mysteries , it—the Monad—represents the central fire-God , without beginning and without end—the point within
tlie circle . It also denotes piety , friendship , harmony , peace , and love . It symbolises identity , equality , existence , and universal preservation . I purpose Bending to the Magazine an article on this subject shortly . —A . ONEAL HAYE .
THE M . W . BEO . J . WHYTE MELVILLE , ESQ . Bro . C . ( Edinburgh ) is not quite correct as to dates . The Immediate Past Grand Master Mason of Scotland—the M . W . Bro . John Whyte Melville , of Bennochy and Strathkiness—was , as far back as the year 1819 a member of an English lodge . It is the
, "Royal Clarence Lodge" ( now No . 271 ) , Brighton , Sussex , that had the honour of enrolling him as an affiliated and joining member ; he was proposed Nov . 17 , 1819 , and balloted for and approved Dec . 15 , 1819 , and continued a member during his residence in Sussex in the years 1819-20 & 21 . —L . K .
PRICHABD . In consequence of S . ¥ . Bro . Purton Cooper ' s note on Prichard , I take the opportunity of repeating au observation that it is very questionable whether Prichard was a Mason , as he has mixed up the second and third degrees . His book has the appearance of being made up of a ritual of the first degree and of imperfect memoranda of the second aud third . —HYDE ' CLARKE .
SCOTCH . In England wo say Scotch- and Scotchmen , as French and Frenchmen . In Scotland , of late years , some have taken to saying Scottish , but still many natives of that distinguished country are not ashamed of calling themselvesand being stled Scotchmen
, y , Avhich has long been considered a title of honour , though W . P . B . now thinks differently . I very much fear it is rather late in the day to put down the word in England . —A SCOTCH MASON , BUT NOT A SCOTCHMAN .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
GLASGOW CATHEDRAL . Some years ago , while spending a few days in Glasgow , I paid a visit to its magnificent cathedral , and in a short time succeeded in obtaining copies of over a hundred different marks . It is a pity some brother in Glasgow does not devote himself to this subject . In Jocelin ' s crypt there are the following lines : —
" Our life ' s a flying shallow , God's tlie pole : The index pointing to him , is our soul : Death's the horizon , when onr sun is set AVhich will through Christ a resurrection get . " A . ONEAL HAYE
BRO . "ft . " Bro . "ft ., " in a letter entitled "The Creed of Ereemasonry" ( pago 190 of the present volume ) , evidently speaks of Speculative Masonry as a universal institution . Speculative masonry , as a universal institution , is a pure Theism . It is
philosophically incorrect to call it a pure Deism . See my communication , "Theism , Deism , " ante page 170 . Christian Speculative Masonry , Jewish Speculative Masonry , Parsee Speculative Masonry , and Mahommedan Speculative Masonry , when , as in our admirable English Speculative Masonry , there is superinducement and adoption of fitting toleration , becomes Universal Speculative Masonry , and may rightly beE considered a pure Theism . —0 . P . COOPEE .
CANON OE CRITICISM . It is very awkward to discuss a question about the immortality of the soul in the Freemasons' Magazine , and with a Bro . Eosa . Crucis , who finds out that Moses wrote the Book of Job . "When we have got as far as this , and which Eosa Crucis and many very respectable people believe , we are in danger of
discussing whether Moses wrote the books of Moses-—matters very clear to Rosa Crucis and his friends , but under discussion among scholars . Under these circumstances the time has perhaps come when , as in other scientific matters , we can cease to introduce the Bible as a scientific authority in matters of science , and reserve its sanctity for its proper domain . —ft . T .
EEEEMASONS AND FREESTONE . If " Freemasonry " is derived from Freestone , meaning Freestone-Mason , as Bro . Wyatt Papworth states , is "Freeborn" desived from Freestone born ? In my humble opinion , this is just as likely , but I should not like to be too positive about it till I see it in print . Please print this . —W . HARRIS , P . M .
PICTUS DEPICTAJS . As King Solomon ( p . 230 ) did not use the Grecian , Corinthian , or the five orders , Avhat are the " three '" Greek orders he did use ? If masonry be medieval in its form there can be no great harm in preserving a medieval legend of the five orders of architecture , and three cannot be better than five . It is these medieval touches of anachronism which are more truthful than a sham purism . —0 . M . D .
MIRACLES . See my communication , " Miracles " ( vol . 18 , page 66 of this periodical ) . A correspondent is right Change or modification caused by some unknown law of nature , such unknown laiv being the expression of the Will of the Great Architect of the Universe , is , in my apprehension , a miracle . —0 . P . COOPEE .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
condition of Christianity correct . But are those notions correct ? I think not . My brother plainly belongs to the same school of philosophy as the late Monsieur Jonffroy . I therefore recommend to his consideration the ensuing passage , taken from that distinguished Professor ' s lecture , " Du Probleme de la Destinee Humaine : "—
" La mission sublime du Christianisme , elle est loin , bien loin d'etre accomplie sur la terre . Elle ne l ' est pas meme entierement dans ce pays , que sa civilization place a la tete de l'humanite ; elle est plus loiu encore de l ' etre dans les autres parties de l'Europe ; et elle est h peine commencee dans le
reste du inonde . Ceux-la , sont bien avengles qui s'imaginent que le Christianisme est fini , quand il lui rest tante de chosee a faire . Le Christianisme verra mourir bien des doctrines qui ont la pretention de lui succeder . Tout ce qui a ete preclit de lui s ' aecomplira . La conquete du monde lui est reservee , et il sera la derniere des religions . " - —From Bro . PUETON COOPEE ' Masonic Letter Book , June , 1866 .
MYSTIC NUMBERS . One is tlie number of Ereemasonry , and stands in all societies—ancient and modern—for the Creator . In the Pythagorian , Hebrew , and Rosicrucian mysteries , it—the Monad—represents the central fire-God , without beginning and without end—the point within
tlie circle . It also denotes piety , friendship , harmony , peace , and love . It symbolises identity , equality , existence , and universal preservation . I purpose Bending to the Magazine an article on this subject shortly . —A . ONEAL HAYE .
THE M . W . BEO . J . WHYTE MELVILLE , ESQ . Bro . C . ( Edinburgh ) is not quite correct as to dates . The Immediate Past Grand Master Mason of Scotland—the M . W . Bro . John Whyte Melville , of Bennochy and Strathkiness—was , as far back as the year 1819 a member of an English lodge . It is the
, "Royal Clarence Lodge" ( now No . 271 ) , Brighton , Sussex , that had the honour of enrolling him as an affiliated and joining member ; he was proposed Nov . 17 , 1819 , and balloted for and approved Dec . 15 , 1819 , and continued a member during his residence in Sussex in the years 1819-20 & 21 . —L . K .
PRICHABD . In consequence of S . ¥ . Bro . Purton Cooper ' s note on Prichard , I take the opportunity of repeating au observation that it is very questionable whether Prichard was a Mason , as he has mixed up the second and third degrees . His book has the appearance of being made up of a ritual of the first degree and of imperfect memoranda of the second aud third . —HYDE ' CLARKE .
SCOTCH . In England wo say Scotch- and Scotchmen , as French and Frenchmen . In Scotland , of late years , some have taken to saying Scottish , but still many natives of that distinguished country are not ashamed of calling themselvesand being stled Scotchmen
, y , Avhich has long been considered a title of honour , though W . P . B . now thinks differently . I very much fear it is rather late in the day to put down the word in England . —A SCOTCH MASON , BUT NOT A SCOTCHMAN .
Masonic Notes And Queries.
GLASGOW CATHEDRAL . Some years ago , while spending a few days in Glasgow , I paid a visit to its magnificent cathedral , and in a short time succeeded in obtaining copies of over a hundred different marks . It is a pity some brother in Glasgow does not devote himself to this subject . In Jocelin ' s crypt there are the following lines : —
" Our life ' s a flying shallow , God's tlie pole : The index pointing to him , is our soul : Death's the horizon , when onr sun is set AVhich will through Christ a resurrection get . " A . ONEAL HAYE
BRO . "ft . " Bro . "ft ., " in a letter entitled "The Creed of Ereemasonry" ( pago 190 of the present volume ) , evidently speaks of Speculative Masonry as a universal institution . Speculative masonry , as a universal institution , is a pure Theism . It is
philosophically incorrect to call it a pure Deism . See my communication , "Theism , Deism , " ante page 170 . Christian Speculative Masonry , Jewish Speculative Masonry , Parsee Speculative Masonry , and Mahommedan Speculative Masonry , when , as in our admirable English Speculative Masonry , there is superinducement and adoption of fitting toleration , becomes Universal Speculative Masonry , and may rightly beE considered a pure Theism . —0 . P . COOPEE .
CANON OE CRITICISM . It is very awkward to discuss a question about the immortality of the soul in the Freemasons' Magazine , and with a Bro . Eosa . Crucis , who finds out that Moses wrote the Book of Job . "When we have got as far as this , and which Eosa Crucis and many very respectable people believe , we are in danger of
discussing whether Moses wrote the books of Moses-—matters very clear to Rosa Crucis and his friends , but under discussion among scholars . Under these circumstances the time has perhaps come when , as in other scientific matters , we can cease to introduce the Bible as a scientific authority in matters of science , and reserve its sanctity for its proper domain . —ft . T .
EEEEMASONS AND FREESTONE . If " Freemasonry " is derived from Freestone , meaning Freestone-Mason , as Bro . Wyatt Papworth states , is "Freeborn" desived from Freestone born ? In my humble opinion , this is just as likely , but I should not like to be too positive about it till I see it in print . Please print this . —W . HARRIS , P . M .
PICTUS DEPICTAJS . As King Solomon ( p . 230 ) did not use the Grecian , Corinthian , or the five orders , Avhat are the " three '" Greek orders he did use ? If masonry be medieval in its form there can be no great harm in preserving a medieval legend of the five orders of architecture , and three cannot be better than five . It is these medieval touches of anachronism which are more truthful than a sham purism . —0 . M . D .
MIRACLES . See my communication , " Miracles " ( vol . 18 , page 66 of this periodical ) . A correspondent is right Change or modification caused by some unknown law of nature , such unknown laiv being the expression of the Will of the Great Architect of the Universe , is , in my apprehension , a miracle . —0 . P . COOPEE .