Article MASONIC ORATION. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC ORATION. Page 2 of 2 Article CLASSICAL THEOLOGY.—LII. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Oration.
impress upon 3-011 the unabated necessity ol regular attendance , if you , too , would aim to excel in all that is good and great , and reach unto that Masonic knowledge , and that just appreciation of all the component parts of our well-arranged and compacted system , without which Masonry degenerates either into a mere convivial gathering or an unwholesome
opportunity of outward display . In the next place I would venture to remind you that this , your lodge-room , in all its decorations and emblems , is ever meant to impress indelibly upon every Masonic heart the dictates and the practice of every moral virtue , and that knowledge of your benign
Creator now in the days of youth , which alone gives true dignity to manhood , or availing comfort to old age . Every Mason ' s lodge-room , like yours to-night , full as it is of many a mystic emblem of signs and tokens , of working tools and jeAvelsis but intended to set
, forth those sacred truths of practical value and practical application which are veiled in allegory , and illustrated by symbols . Honour , justice , mercy , fidelity , [ reverence , and truth , living morality , aucl brotherly love are thus evermore inculcated from first to last , not only on every aspirant after Masonic
light , but on the old and proved members of the brotherhood . By the uniform practice of these and every other excellence , whether moral or Masonic , we hope to become excellent Masons , both within and without the lodge ; for Masomy looks at the internal , not the external qualifications of every brother , and the humblest as well as the highest , if only they are worthy , may fairly expect not only to reach the highest attainments , but to the most exalted position
in our Order . These moral and Masonic virtues form a breastplate for the Mason still warring in the Vale of Baca . They compose au armour of jrroof . which equall y repels the shaft of open calumny and the vile attacks of insidious slander . By theseand these alonedivinely strengthened
, , and supported , as 3 Iasons we are enabled to tread the dark valley of the shadow of death , looking ever upwards , in humble faith and holy hope , to that bright morning star , whose rising brought peace and salvation to the faithful and obedient of the human race . By these , and these alone ,, the DiAune goodness and
compassion , we trust , and not in vain , though life and friends have alike to pass away , one day to arise from the tomb of transgression , anel to shine as the stars for ever and ever . And , once more let me remind you . ere I sit down , though it is all but superfluous within these wallsto cultivate ever the blessed
sym-, pathies of brotherly kindness , and the practice of Masonic charity—the golden cement of our admirable fraternity , which binds together the most distant inhabitants of earth as with an adamantine chain , which looks beyond the narrow limits of political decisions , and regards mankind as members of one great
brotherhood—one in heart , one in interest , and one in affection . By thus seeking uniformly to combine , Worshipful Sir and Brethren , the true principles and the true practice of Freemasonry , you will , indeed , best carry out the grer- ' ad lasting objects of our great organisation ; y dl render your lodge meetings a source of menta / nt , as well as of personal improvement ; you will c-., oj ' , let us say it universally , even in this
Masonic Oration.
sublunary lodge , an anticipation of further happiness in the Grand Lodge above , and thus , by a gradual , yet steady progress in brotherly kindness and brotherl y sympathy , you will but be preparing , under supreme goodness , for that heavenly assembly where vice , and sorrow , and death shall be known no more ; and Avhere virtueand truthand affection shall reign for
, , ever without alloy . Let us , then , UOAV implore the Divine favour and protection upon Masonry in general , and this Lodge of Hope in particular . So long as it ministers to Masonic virtue and Masonic charity , may it flourish and abound more and moree \ -en from generation to generation . May
, nothing that can Aveaken the brotherhood nothing that can disunite its members ; nothing that can injure the Craft ; nothing that can dishojiour the great Lord of all , be permitted to enter or find a resting place within these happy and holy walls .
May the Great Architect of heaA en and earth look doAvn ever with his gracious approval upon this lodge assembled now and henceforth , iu His most holy name . May those Avho here congregate ever bear in mind that He is in the midst of them , and that His all-seeing eye is continually watching over them . May He teach them by his dirine Avord and A \ dsdoinso to
, measure , so to contrive , so to execute the work done for Him , or in His name ; that all their undertakings here may not only be begun with His blessing , but be continued to His glory , and evermore promote in all their hearts a clue obedience to His divine precepts ; that so when the toils and troubles of this life are
ended , and the Grand Master of us all has called together His Avorkmen to give them their Avages , beginning from the first even to the last , they and all true Freemasons may be admitted into those beatific mansions , not made with hands , Avhich are eternal in the heaA'ens .
Classical Theology.—Lii.
X . — -VESTA AND DECBJIBEE . The investigations winch we have now pursued through so long a series of papers in the FE - EEKASOK ' MA & AZGSE , may , perhaps , from the manner in which the subject has been handled , have laid us open somewhat to the charge of repetition . This isto some
, extent , true ; but we hope that our lucubrations have not been found wearisome , while by diversifying our illustrations we have endeavoured to bring oiu * thoughts and arguments more and more plainly , as Ave proceeded , before the intellectual circle for whom we write . As the subject which AA * e have undertaken to
discuss is one of surpassing interest and undeniable importance ; Ave are content if our poor thesis become the means of leading any inquiring mind to philosophical hiA-estigation or pious meditation . There is a conspicuous connection AA'ith the Holy Scriptures to be traced in all reli gionsin their
pri-, mitive purity , before they became perverted hy human folly from their divine origin . The Mosaic history informs us that the destructior of the antediluvian world , and the scattering of the peoples at the building of the city and tower of Babel were the results of the general Avickedness and
blasphemous presumption of the human race , which had reached the utmost pitch of degeneracy . But not-Avithstanding the mystery of these momentous events ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Oration.
impress upon 3-011 the unabated necessity ol regular attendance , if you , too , would aim to excel in all that is good and great , and reach unto that Masonic knowledge , and that just appreciation of all the component parts of our well-arranged and compacted system , without which Masonry degenerates either into a mere convivial gathering or an unwholesome
opportunity of outward display . In the next place I would venture to remind you that this , your lodge-room , in all its decorations and emblems , is ever meant to impress indelibly upon every Masonic heart the dictates and the practice of every moral virtue , and that knowledge of your benign
Creator now in the days of youth , which alone gives true dignity to manhood , or availing comfort to old age . Every Mason ' s lodge-room , like yours to-night , full as it is of many a mystic emblem of signs and tokens , of working tools and jeAvelsis but intended to set
, forth those sacred truths of practical value and practical application which are veiled in allegory , and illustrated by symbols . Honour , justice , mercy , fidelity , [ reverence , and truth , living morality , aucl brotherly love are thus evermore inculcated from first to last , not only on every aspirant after Masonic
light , but on the old and proved members of the brotherhood . By the uniform practice of these and every other excellence , whether moral or Masonic , we hope to become excellent Masons , both within and without the lodge ; for Masomy looks at the internal , not the external qualifications of every brother , and the humblest as well as the highest , if only they are worthy , may fairly expect not only to reach the highest attainments , but to the most exalted position
in our Order . These moral and Masonic virtues form a breastplate for the Mason still warring in the Vale of Baca . They compose au armour of jrroof . which equall y repels the shaft of open calumny and the vile attacks of insidious slander . By theseand these alonedivinely strengthened
, , and supported , as 3 Iasons we are enabled to tread the dark valley of the shadow of death , looking ever upwards , in humble faith and holy hope , to that bright morning star , whose rising brought peace and salvation to the faithful and obedient of the human race . By these , and these alone ,, the DiAune goodness and
compassion , we trust , and not in vain , though life and friends have alike to pass away , one day to arise from the tomb of transgression , anel to shine as the stars for ever and ever . And , once more let me remind you . ere I sit down , though it is all but superfluous within these wallsto cultivate ever the blessed
sym-, pathies of brotherly kindness , and the practice of Masonic charity—the golden cement of our admirable fraternity , which binds together the most distant inhabitants of earth as with an adamantine chain , which looks beyond the narrow limits of political decisions , and regards mankind as members of one great
brotherhood—one in heart , one in interest , and one in affection . By thus seeking uniformly to combine , Worshipful Sir and Brethren , the true principles and the true practice of Freemasonry , you will , indeed , best carry out the grer- ' ad lasting objects of our great organisation ; y dl render your lodge meetings a source of menta / nt , as well as of personal improvement ; you will c-., oj ' , let us say it universally , even in this
Masonic Oration.
sublunary lodge , an anticipation of further happiness in the Grand Lodge above , and thus , by a gradual , yet steady progress in brotherly kindness and brotherl y sympathy , you will but be preparing , under supreme goodness , for that heavenly assembly where vice , and sorrow , and death shall be known no more ; and Avhere virtueand truthand affection shall reign for
, , ever without alloy . Let us , then , UOAV implore the Divine favour and protection upon Masonry in general , and this Lodge of Hope in particular . So long as it ministers to Masonic virtue and Masonic charity , may it flourish and abound more and moree \ -en from generation to generation . May
, nothing that can Aveaken the brotherhood nothing that can disunite its members ; nothing that can injure the Craft ; nothing that can dishojiour the great Lord of all , be permitted to enter or find a resting place within these happy and holy walls .
May the Great Architect of heaA en and earth look doAvn ever with his gracious approval upon this lodge assembled now and henceforth , iu His most holy name . May those Avho here congregate ever bear in mind that He is in the midst of them , and that His all-seeing eye is continually watching over them . May He teach them by his dirine Avord and A \ dsdoinso to
, measure , so to contrive , so to execute the work done for Him , or in His name ; that all their undertakings here may not only be begun with His blessing , but be continued to His glory , and evermore promote in all their hearts a clue obedience to His divine precepts ; that so when the toils and troubles of this life are
ended , and the Grand Master of us all has called together His Avorkmen to give them their Avages , beginning from the first even to the last , they and all true Freemasons may be admitted into those beatific mansions , not made with hands , Avhich are eternal in the heaA'ens .
Classical Theology.—Lii.
X . — -VESTA AND DECBJIBEE . The investigations winch we have now pursued through so long a series of papers in the FE - EEKASOK ' MA & AZGSE , may , perhaps , from the manner in which the subject has been handled , have laid us open somewhat to the charge of repetition . This isto some
, extent , true ; but we hope that our lucubrations have not been found wearisome , while by diversifying our illustrations we have endeavoured to bring oiu * thoughts and arguments more and more plainly , as Ave proceeded , before the intellectual circle for whom we write . As the subject which AA * e have undertaken to
discuss is one of surpassing interest and undeniable importance ; Ave are content if our poor thesis become the means of leading any inquiring mind to philosophical hiA-estigation or pious meditation . There is a conspicuous connection AA'ith the Holy Scriptures to be traced in all reli gionsin their
pri-, mitive purity , before they became perverted hy human folly from their divine origin . The Mosaic history informs us that the destructior of the antediluvian world , and the scattering of the peoples at the building of the city and tower of Babel were the results of the general Avickedness and
blasphemous presumption of the human race , which had reached the utmost pitch of degeneracy . But not-Avithstanding the mystery of these momentous events ,