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Masonic Notes And Queries.
TRIPLE CROSS OP SALEM . In the report of last Grand Conclave considerable stress seems to . have been laid on some one ' s using with his signature , Avhat is termed the "triple cross of Salem . " Why is it a triple cross , —what Salem does it belong to , — and who is entitled to use it ?—OXPORD .
SUPREME COMMANDER OP THE STARS . A brother tells me he is a Supreme Commander of the Stars ! AA'ho took him up there , and hoAv did he get so high?—AN EARTH-WORM . — [ Hebelongs to the Rite of Misraim . The degree is the 52 nd of that rite , the first of the 10 th class , falling iu the second series , which is philosophic . There are others quite as exalted under the same puissance , viz ., the 51 st degree , AA'hich is Knt . of tho Sun , and the 68 th , or Knt . of the RainbOAA ' . ]
ARK , MARK , LINK , AND WRESSEL DEGREES . Where are the Ark , Mark , Link , and Wressel degrees practised in , or near , London , and . are they all worked together , or separately ?—J . A .. CA . . T . BRO . TANCOIGNE . I haA"o in my possession the diploma of Bro . Tancoigne , formerly of Smyrna . Ifc states that Joseph Michel Tancoigne Avas born at Paris on Ajjril 81787 that he Avas
, , Government Interpreter for the Oriental languages , and that he Avas admitted in the Philadelphique Lodge at Paris under the jurisdiction of the G . 0 . of France . The date is 3 rd Nov ., 1810 , and the diploma is signed by Enghelberfc , R . C , W . M . ; Cousavier , Officier du G . 0 . ; Von Erberg , R . 0 . ; Tesson . M . M . ; AVideman , E . C . ; J . P . OollosDuvalGualetE . 0 . ; FustierBaillierS . W . ;
, , , , , Damiette , J . AV . ; Tancoigne ( a relative ) ; Maradao ? Baron du Mesnil , E . 0 . ; Carpe des Sceaux , AVabarfch , Godfrey , Orator ; Wideman , R . C . ; Roger , Sec . Many of the members Avere eAridently Germans . Tancoigne was in Paris in 1816 , and was affiliated in the Amis Incorruptibles on the 27 th August , 1816 , Houssenet ? W . M . ; Bourget , Sec . ; Dupres , Jacquet , first Expert ,
Oerbic , Xavier , Bianchi . He was still there on the 24 th Nov ., 1817 , when Bourget Avas Sec , and invited him to a meeting . Tancoigne resided at No . 35 , Rue cle POddon . —HYDE CLARKE .
S . CHAPTER OP GENEA'A . In 1802 , the S . Ghapt of H . R . D . M . of Kilwinning , at Geneva Avas in full vigour , but the names of tlie G . M ., G . S . W ., and G . J . AV . do not appear on the documents , as they signed Avith initials and by a name in cipher . The first names of the G . S . W . Avere Jno . Gabriel , of the G . 0 ., W . Abraham , Louis Meulme , and ofthe Grancl Sec , Daniel Benjamin [ Efctley ?]—M .
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
TAVO IISAV translations of Homer's Odyssey are in course of publication , the first volume of each , including the first tAvelve hooks of the poem , having appeared . One , entitled The Odyssey of Homer in English Hendecasyllable Verse , is by the A ery Itev . Henry Alford , Dean of Canterbury . The folloAving is the Dean ' s rendering of Homer ' s description of the cave of
Calypso : — "He Avalked , till avast cave he reached , AA'here sojourned The fair-haired goddess : her he found within it . Blazed on the hearth a fire , and far the odour Of fissile cedar and of pine the island Perfumed . AAlthin , the nymph , Avith clear voice singing , Speeding the loomAvork , Avove wifch golden shuttle .
High waved in air around the cave a forest , Alder , and poplar , and the scented cypress . There birds of ample Aving their eyries builded , Both OAVIS and kites and long-tongued daAvs , hy nature Marine , Avhose Avoi-k is in the ocean Avaters . Bound the smooth cavern ' s mouth its arms extended A vine luxuriant hung AA'ith goodly clusters ;
And four trim fountains gushed with limpid water , Each near the rest its devious way pursuing . Eich meads around , with violets rank , and parsley , Flourished : a god immortal , there arriving Might stand and gaze , and be in heart delighted . There stood and gazed the herald Argeiphontes . But Avhen he all things in his mind had pondered
In the broad cave he entered ; nor at meeting Did not Calypso , nymph divinesfc , knoAV bim : Por nofc unrecognised are gods immortal Each by the other , thoiAgb far distant dwelling . " Major-General Elers Napier , in his Life and Correspondence of Admiral Sir Charles Rapier , K . C . B ., relates the following characteristic anecdote of our late truly gallant and honest
brother -. —• " Vessels , that had been for many years upon the slips , Avere rotting in an unfinished state ; the docks Avere half filled with mud ; their gates , too feeble to resist the pressure of Avater against them , had been allowed to remain long in a di mantled state . The people employed Avere about 2000 snumber , 'including the lame , the blind , and the lazy , who formed the principal part of the establishment . ' The Admiral hoped soon to improve this state of tilings . He Avas , hoAvever , mistaken ; for every one—officers and workmen—combined to
evade his orders ; and at last they carried their hatred to such an extent that his life Avas in danger . He also met Avith further annoyance from an unexpected quarter : for , on returning from any temporary absence , he Avould frequently find that Don Pedro had been interfering wifch his arrangements ; and giving contradictory orders . After- hearing this for some time , his patience AA'as exhausted ; he went to the Palace , requested an intervieAV , and stated that he had a grave complaint to make
against a person of high position . On being pressed by Don ' Pedro for an explanation , Admiral Napier said he came to complain to the Begent of Portugal , of the Emperor of the Brazils , Avho Avas in the habit of unaccountably interfering Avith his duties , to the great detriment of the Regent . Don Pedro smiled , said , 'he knew the Emperor Avas sometimes a troublesome felloAA ' , but he AA-OUUI take care that he should give no further annoyance ; ' and they parted very good friends , although it is
not stated Avhether the Regent kept his promise or not . " Miss Clara Loud has lately published a volume , entitled The Woodbine Poems , from Avhich Ave extract the folloAving verses , " tin the Snowdrop " : — Gentle floAver so sAA-eetly blooming , Fresh and fair in beauty's pride—AA'hen the wintry winds are booming , Clouds obscure on ev'ry side .
When the snn no longer beaming , Shrouds his radiant loveliness ; Then thou comest in beauty gleaming , Iu the garden wilderness . Not one leaf the trees adorning . Earth ' s bereft of all her fiWers , — Then thou comest as smiles of morning ,
Cheering mid the Avint ' ry hours . Lovely bells of snoAvy whiteness , Leaves of brightest , richest dye , Sweetly shed their radiant brightness , Charming the admirer's eye . Say , why dost thou come so sweetly ,
Mid the gloom in fair array . And Avhy dost thou pass so fleetly , Quickly fading to decay . E ' en as hope with cheering gladness , Bids each dark cloud disappear ; Thus thou comest in hour of sadness , AVhen the sky is chill and drear .
Surely this thy SAveet endeavour , This the lesson thou'lt impart , Though life ' s clouds be dark , yet ever StriA'e to Avear a trusting heart . Never droop in pensive blindness , Mid the darkest hours of gloom , — Trust in Him , Avhose tender kindness Bids the gentle Snow-drop bloom .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
TRIPLE CROSS OP SALEM . In the report of last Grand Conclave considerable stress seems to . have been laid on some one ' s using with his signature , Avhat is termed the "triple cross of Salem . " Why is it a triple cross , —what Salem does it belong to , — and who is entitled to use it ?—OXPORD .
SUPREME COMMANDER OP THE STARS . A brother tells me he is a Supreme Commander of the Stars ! AA'ho took him up there , and hoAv did he get so high?—AN EARTH-WORM . — [ Hebelongs to the Rite of Misraim . The degree is the 52 nd of that rite , the first of the 10 th class , falling iu the second series , which is philosophic . There are others quite as exalted under the same puissance , viz ., the 51 st degree , AA'hich is Knt . of tho Sun , and the 68 th , or Knt . of the RainbOAA ' . ]
ARK , MARK , LINK , AND WRESSEL DEGREES . Where are the Ark , Mark , Link , and Wressel degrees practised in , or near , London , and . are they all worked together , or separately ?—J . A .. CA . . T . BRO . TANCOIGNE . I haA"o in my possession the diploma of Bro . Tancoigne , formerly of Smyrna . Ifc states that Joseph Michel Tancoigne Avas born at Paris on Ajjril 81787 that he Avas
, , Government Interpreter for the Oriental languages , and that he Avas admitted in the Philadelphique Lodge at Paris under the jurisdiction of the G . 0 . of France . The date is 3 rd Nov ., 1810 , and the diploma is signed by Enghelberfc , R . C , W . M . ; Cousavier , Officier du G . 0 . ; Von Erberg , R . 0 . ; Tesson . M . M . ; AVideman , E . C . ; J . P . OollosDuvalGualetE . 0 . ; FustierBaillierS . W . ;
, , , , , Damiette , J . AV . ; Tancoigne ( a relative ) ; Maradao ? Baron du Mesnil , E . 0 . ; Carpe des Sceaux , AVabarfch , Godfrey , Orator ; Wideman , R . C . ; Roger , Sec . Many of the members Avere eAridently Germans . Tancoigne was in Paris in 1816 , and was affiliated in the Amis Incorruptibles on the 27 th August , 1816 , Houssenet ? W . M . ; Bourget , Sec . ; Dupres , Jacquet , first Expert ,
Oerbic , Xavier , Bianchi . He was still there on the 24 th Nov ., 1817 , when Bourget Avas Sec , and invited him to a meeting . Tancoigne resided at No . 35 , Rue cle POddon . —HYDE CLARKE .
S . CHAPTER OP GENEA'A . In 1802 , the S . Ghapt of H . R . D . M . of Kilwinning , at Geneva Avas in full vigour , but the names of tlie G . M ., G . S . W ., and G . J . AV . do not appear on the documents , as they signed Avith initials and by a name in cipher . The first names of the G . S . W . Avere Jno . Gabriel , of the G . 0 ., W . Abraham , Louis Meulme , and ofthe Grancl Sec , Daniel Benjamin [ Efctley ?]—M .
Notes On Literature, Science, And Art.
TAVO IISAV translations of Homer's Odyssey are in course of publication , the first volume of each , including the first tAvelve hooks of the poem , having appeared . One , entitled The Odyssey of Homer in English Hendecasyllable Verse , is by the A ery Itev . Henry Alford , Dean of Canterbury . The folloAving is the Dean ' s rendering of Homer ' s description of the cave of
Calypso : — "He Avalked , till avast cave he reached , AA'here sojourned The fair-haired goddess : her he found within it . Blazed on the hearth a fire , and far the odour Of fissile cedar and of pine the island Perfumed . AAlthin , the nymph , Avith clear voice singing , Speeding the loomAvork , Avove wifch golden shuttle .
High waved in air around the cave a forest , Alder , and poplar , and the scented cypress . There birds of ample Aving their eyries builded , Both OAVIS and kites and long-tongued daAvs , hy nature Marine , Avhose Avoi-k is in the ocean Avaters . Bound the smooth cavern ' s mouth its arms extended A vine luxuriant hung AA'ith goodly clusters ;
And four trim fountains gushed with limpid water , Each near the rest its devious way pursuing . Eich meads around , with violets rank , and parsley , Flourished : a god immortal , there arriving Might stand and gaze , and be in heart delighted . There stood and gazed the herald Argeiphontes . But Avhen he all things in his mind had pondered
In the broad cave he entered ; nor at meeting Did not Calypso , nymph divinesfc , knoAV bim : Por nofc unrecognised are gods immortal Each by the other , thoiAgb far distant dwelling . " Major-General Elers Napier , in his Life and Correspondence of Admiral Sir Charles Rapier , K . C . B ., relates the following characteristic anecdote of our late truly gallant and honest
brother -. —• " Vessels , that had been for many years upon the slips , Avere rotting in an unfinished state ; the docks Avere half filled with mud ; their gates , too feeble to resist the pressure of Avater against them , had been allowed to remain long in a di mantled state . The people employed Avere about 2000 snumber , 'including the lame , the blind , and the lazy , who formed the principal part of the establishment . ' The Admiral hoped soon to improve this state of tilings . He Avas , hoAvever , mistaken ; for every one—officers and workmen—combined to
evade his orders ; and at last they carried their hatred to such an extent that his life Avas in danger . He also met Avith further annoyance from an unexpected quarter : for , on returning from any temporary absence , he Avould frequently find that Don Pedro had been interfering wifch his arrangements ; and giving contradictory orders . After- hearing this for some time , his patience AA'as exhausted ; he went to the Palace , requested an intervieAV , and stated that he had a grave complaint to make
against a person of high position . On being pressed by Don ' Pedro for an explanation , Admiral Napier said he came to complain to the Begent of Portugal , of the Emperor of the Brazils , Avho Avas in the habit of unaccountably interfering Avith his duties , to the great detriment of the Regent . Don Pedro smiled , said , 'he knew the Emperor Avas sometimes a troublesome felloAA ' , but he AA-OUUI take care that he should give no further annoyance ; ' and they parted very good friends , although it is
not stated Avhether the Regent kept his promise or not . " Miss Clara Loud has lately published a volume , entitled The Woodbine Poems , from Avhich Ave extract the folloAving verses , " tin the Snowdrop " : — Gentle floAver so sAA-eetly blooming , Fresh and fair in beauty's pride—AA'hen the wintry winds are booming , Clouds obscure on ev'ry side .
When the snn no longer beaming , Shrouds his radiant loveliness ; Then thou comest in beauty gleaming , Iu the garden wilderness . Not one leaf the trees adorning . Earth ' s bereft of all her fiWers , — Then thou comest as smiles of morning ,
Cheering mid the Avint ' ry hours . Lovely bells of snoAvy whiteness , Leaves of brightest , richest dye , Sweetly shed their radiant brightness , Charming the admirer's eye . Say , why dost thou come so sweetly ,
Mid the gloom in fair array . And Avhy dost thou pass so fleetly , Quickly fading to decay . E ' en as hope with cheering gladness , Bids each dark cloud disappear ; Thus thou comest in hour of sadness , AVhen the sky is chill and drear .
Surely this thy SAveet endeavour , This the lesson thou'lt impart , Though life ' s clouds be dark , yet ever StriA'e to Avear a trusting heart . Never droop in pensive blindness , Mid the darkest hours of gloom , — Trust in Him , Avhose tender kindness Bids the gentle Snow-drop bloom .