Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article PROV. G. MASTER OF CAMBRIDGESHIRE. Page 1 of 1
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The Editor is not responsible for the opinio ? is expressed by Correspondents , THE BALDAVYN ENCAMPMENT AND GRAND CONCLAVE .
: ro THE EDITOR 03 ? THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAU SIB , KNIGHT , —In the report of the meeting of Grand Conclave , at page 477 of the lasfc volume of the EEEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , the signature of "David AVilliam Nash , M . E . and Supreme Grancl Master , " is stated to be ¦ attached to a draft of certain proposed articles of union . This being so , I should like to be informed at what period '
David AV . Nash assumed this style ? There can bo , I think , but little doubt that the Duke of Kent was M . E . and Sup . G . M ., and that he was succeeded by the Duke of Sussex , who was in turn followed by Colonel Kemys Tynto , and whose successor is our present M . E . and S . G . M ., Sir Knight Stuart . Now under Avhich of these S . G . M . ' s did the BaldA * .-yn schism originate ? It is eA'idenfc
that the Eminent Commander , aucl Prov . G . Master , of the BaldAvyn encampment took an oath of allegiance to the Duke of Sussex in 1813 , as a reference to " Notes and Queries , " in the EBEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE , of March 2 nd , 1861 ( page 167 ) clearly shoAvs , and Avhich is here again reproduced with a literal translation ; nofc very elegant in its rendering , but as close as possible . Tho latin is as follows : —¦
" Juramentum Fidelitafcis et Obedientia ? Eminentissimi Superintendentis Ordinum Sancti Johannes et Templariorum , sfcationum Bristolas et Gloucestri , prarstatum in Conventu nostro annual ! in Paracevi , Anno Domini , 1813 . " Ego Guilielmus Henricus GoldAvyer , Ordinum Hospitaliorum Sancti Johannes et Templariorum Superintendent et summus Magister provincialis in ha ; e nostra statione , juro in presentia Numinis altissimi , Equitumque recte eonstitutorum nostrorum ,
Fidelitatem et Obedientinm Principi Frederico , Filio Regis , Duci de Sussex , et nobilum horum ordinum totius Imperii Britanici Summo Magistro , Juro regere Equites curar mea ; ab Eminentissimo Magistro commissos , cum Justitia et sodali Amore ; et si unquam Magister summus noster ad Defentionem Religionis Christiana ; , Ordinis , aut Patria ? nos vocare causam putet , quod paratus in Statione qua situs , cum subditis Equiiibus meis ad arma fugere non tardem .
"Quumvero Dilectissimi Fratris ! Summo Magistro Ordinis nostri jurare Obedientiam meum esse pntaverim , eo quoque tempore et meum esse mihi occurrifc , jurare et vobis sub Sancti Evangelii Dietis me nmnquam deseratum fore vexilla Ordinum nostrorum nisi cum vita mea . Quod Dens Omnipotens mihi defc semper bonam voluntatem ad servandum omnia qua ; Summo Eminentissimo Magistro nostro , vobisque Dilectissimusfratribus
juravi serunt preces ferventissima ; mea > . Amen . " The English may be taken thus : " The Oath of Fealty and Obedience of the Most Eminent Commander of the Orders of Saint John and the Temple , of tho stations of Bristol and Gloucester , taken in our annual convocation in Holy-AA-eek , Anno Domini , 1813 . —I , AVilliam Henry GoldAvyer , of the Orders of Hospitallers , St . John , and the TempleSuperintendent and Provincial Grand Master for this
, _ , our _ station , sAvear , in the presence of Almighty God , and of our Knights regularly constituted , fealty and obedience to Prince Frederick , the King ' s son , Duke of Sussex and Grand Master of those noble orders for the -whole kingdom of Britain , to rule the Knights committed to my charge , by the most Eminent Grand Master , Avith justice and brotherl y love , and , if ever our Grand Master thinks Ave ought to be called out for the sake of defendthe
ing christian religion—the Order—or our country—and , being equipped on the station Avhere I am situated , to fly quickly to arms Aviththe knight under me . "But indeed , dearly beloved knights ! I have considered it my obligation to SAvear obedience to the Grand Master of our Order , at the same time , I deemed it my duty to swear to yourselves , on the Avords of the Holy Evangelists , that I -will Jiever desert the standard of our Order Avhilst I live , and thafc Almighty God ivill , at all times , give me his grace to observe all
that is ordered by our Most Eminent Grand Master ; and to you , beloved knights ! I have SAvorn this my fervent oath . Amen . " In the above document there is no such claim put forward as M . E . and S . G . M . for the chief of the BaldAvyn Encampment , but it is modestly confined , to " Superintendent aud Provincial Grand Master " onlybow then is
, the assumption of such a title by David AV . Nash to be reconciled with the oath of fidelity and obedience sworn , in very bad latin , by his predecessor ? We are told thafc the Committee of Grand Conclave had pretty well agreed to acquiesce in all the demands made by the members of fche BaldAvyn Encampment , bufc I have yet to learn that ifc is customary among
nations , creeds , or Masonic bodies , that those who have been seceders should seek to return to their allegiance and dictate to the undoubted rightful chiefs their OAVTI terms , and terms so faA'ourable as to gTve them precedence and indulgence OA'er those Avho haA-e never wavered in their fidelity . It must be evident that in 1813 the Baldwyn encampment , through its Prov . Grand Master , owned that the
knights Avere committed to his charge by the M . E . S . G . M ., and it is no less certain that they have never been released from that obedience , or submission , by any succeeding Grancl Master . On what grounds then do the Committee of Grand ConclaA'e advise the reception and high faA-our to be bestoAved upon the Baldwyn members ? This document is also corroborative of another point
in course of discussion , viz ., that the Duke of Sussex Avas Grand Master ofthe other orders mentioned in it , and which are still giA'en in some encampments and Avithheld in others , for AA'hy , no one seems prepared Avith a reason . Hoping that some frater AA'ill tell me when the Baldwyn Encampment disoivned that allegiance to which its E . C . had sworn : Avhen the Prov . G . M . Goldwyer died , or
gave up his office , AVIIO succeeded him and who first set up a claim of equal jurisdiction with the M . E . and S . G . M . of England , a claim acknowledged throughout the world , except by the BaldAvyn Encampment and its offspring , and that before the Committee of Grand Conclave are prepared to cede all to the Bristol Encampment they Avill earnestly enquire into the facts of the case . I am dear Sir Knt ., yours faternally , M . C ., G . O ., < % < .
Prov. G. Master Of Cambridgeshire.
TO THE EDITOR Or THE PREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Sin AND BROTIIEB , —Tour account of the position which the late Bro . George Adam Bowne held in the province of Cambridgeshire is perfectly correct . That esteemed brother took the lead in Masonry in Cambridge for many years , but he was never appointed ProA'incial Grand Master ; and , although from the year 1812 to the time of
his death his name appears in the Calendar amongst the Provincial Grand Masters , it has the word " Deputy " affixed to it , clearly shoAving that he was not appointed to the higher office , But I cannot claim the distinction of being the first Provincial Grand Master of that province , as , in the Calendars from 1797 to 1824 , the name of Lord Eardley appears as Provincial Grand Master of
Cambridgeshire . To what extent that nobleman exercised the functions of his office , I do not know , nor am I aware of any Provincial Grand Lodge having ever been held in the province prior to 1844 . I am , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , THHALL
. . . Lincoln ' s Inn , December 31 , 1661 . [ Our esteemed Bro . Hall will please recollect that we qualified our statement by adding the first regularly appointed Prov . Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge , as we take our present stand from 1813 . Lord Eardley , we believe , never acted after fche union . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Editor is not responsible for the opinio ? is expressed by Correspondents , THE BALDAVYN ENCAMPMENT AND GRAND CONCLAVE .
: ro THE EDITOR 03 ? THE FREEMASONS MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAU SIB , KNIGHT , —In the report of the meeting of Grand Conclave , at page 477 of the lasfc volume of the EEEEMASONS' MAGAZINE , the signature of "David AVilliam Nash , M . E . and Supreme Grancl Master , " is stated to be ¦ attached to a draft of certain proposed articles of union . This being so , I should like to be informed at what period '
David AV . Nash assumed this style ? There can bo , I think , but little doubt that the Duke of Kent was M . E . and Sup . G . M ., and that he was succeeded by the Duke of Sussex , who was in turn followed by Colonel Kemys Tynto , and whose successor is our present M . E . and S . G . M ., Sir Knight Stuart . Now under Avhich of these S . G . M . ' s did the BaldA * .-yn schism originate ? It is eA'idenfc
that the Eminent Commander , aucl Prov . G . Master , of the BaldAvyn encampment took an oath of allegiance to the Duke of Sussex in 1813 , as a reference to " Notes and Queries , " in the EBEEJIASONS' MAGAZINE , of March 2 nd , 1861 ( page 167 ) clearly shoAvs , and Avhich is here again reproduced with a literal translation ; nofc very elegant in its rendering , but as close as possible . Tho latin is as follows : —¦
" Juramentum Fidelitafcis et Obedientia ? Eminentissimi Superintendentis Ordinum Sancti Johannes et Templariorum , sfcationum Bristolas et Gloucestri , prarstatum in Conventu nostro annual ! in Paracevi , Anno Domini , 1813 . " Ego Guilielmus Henricus GoldAvyer , Ordinum Hospitaliorum Sancti Johannes et Templariorum Superintendent et summus Magister provincialis in ha ; e nostra statione , juro in presentia Numinis altissimi , Equitumque recte eonstitutorum nostrorum ,
Fidelitatem et Obedientinm Principi Frederico , Filio Regis , Duci de Sussex , et nobilum horum ordinum totius Imperii Britanici Summo Magistro , Juro regere Equites curar mea ; ab Eminentissimo Magistro commissos , cum Justitia et sodali Amore ; et si unquam Magister summus noster ad Defentionem Religionis Christiana ; , Ordinis , aut Patria ? nos vocare causam putet , quod paratus in Statione qua situs , cum subditis Equiiibus meis ad arma fugere non tardem .
"Quumvero Dilectissimi Fratris ! Summo Magistro Ordinis nostri jurare Obedientiam meum esse pntaverim , eo quoque tempore et meum esse mihi occurrifc , jurare et vobis sub Sancti Evangelii Dietis me nmnquam deseratum fore vexilla Ordinum nostrorum nisi cum vita mea . Quod Dens Omnipotens mihi defc semper bonam voluntatem ad servandum omnia qua ; Summo Eminentissimo Magistro nostro , vobisque Dilectissimusfratribus
juravi serunt preces ferventissima ; mea > . Amen . " The English may be taken thus : " The Oath of Fealty and Obedience of the Most Eminent Commander of the Orders of Saint John and the Temple , of tho stations of Bristol and Gloucester , taken in our annual convocation in Holy-AA-eek , Anno Domini , 1813 . —I , AVilliam Henry GoldAvyer , of the Orders of Hospitallers , St . John , and the TempleSuperintendent and Provincial Grand Master for this
, _ , our _ station , sAvear , in the presence of Almighty God , and of our Knights regularly constituted , fealty and obedience to Prince Frederick , the King ' s son , Duke of Sussex and Grand Master of those noble orders for the -whole kingdom of Britain , to rule the Knights committed to my charge , by the most Eminent Grand Master , Avith justice and brotherl y love , and , if ever our Grand Master thinks Ave ought to be called out for the sake of defendthe
ing christian religion—the Order—or our country—and , being equipped on the station Avhere I am situated , to fly quickly to arms Aviththe knight under me . "But indeed , dearly beloved knights ! I have considered it my obligation to SAvear obedience to the Grand Master of our Order , at the same time , I deemed it my duty to swear to yourselves , on the Avords of the Holy Evangelists , that I -will Jiever desert the standard of our Order Avhilst I live , and thafc Almighty God ivill , at all times , give me his grace to observe all
that is ordered by our Most Eminent Grand Master ; and to you , beloved knights ! I have SAvorn this my fervent oath . Amen . " In the above document there is no such claim put forward as M . E . and S . G . M . for the chief of the BaldAvyn Encampment , but it is modestly confined , to " Superintendent aud Provincial Grand Master " onlybow then is
, the assumption of such a title by David AV . Nash to be reconciled with the oath of fidelity and obedience sworn , in very bad latin , by his predecessor ? We are told thafc the Committee of Grand Conclave had pretty well agreed to acquiesce in all the demands made by the members of fche BaldAvyn Encampment , bufc I have yet to learn that ifc is customary among
nations , creeds , or Masonic bodies , that those who have been seceders should seek to return to their allegiance and dictate to the undoubted rightful chiefs their OAVTI terms , and terms so faA'ourable as to gTve them precedence and indulgence OA'er those Avho haA-e never wavered in their fidelity . It must be evident that in 1813 the Baldwyn encampment , through its Prov . Grand Master , owned that the
knights Avere committed to his charge by the M . E . S . G . M ., and it is no less certain that they have never been released from that obedience , or submission , by any succeeding Grancl Master . On what grounds then do the Committee of Grand ConclaA'e advise the reception and high faA-our to be bestoAved upon the Baldwyn members ? This document is also corroborative of another point
in course of discussion , viz ., that the Duke of Sussex Avas Grand Master ofthe other orders mentioned in it , and which are still giA'en in some encampments and Avithheld in others , for AA'hy , no one seems prepared Avith a reason . Hoping that some frater AA'ill tell me when the Baldwyn Encampment disoivned that allegiance to which its E . C . had sworn : Avhen the Prov . G . M . Goldwyer died , or
gave up his office , AVIIO succeeded him and who first set up a claim of equal jurisdiction with the M . E . and S . G . M . of England , a claim acknowledged throughout the world , except by the BaldAvyn Encampment and its offspring , and that before the Committee of Grand Conclave are prepared to cede all to the Bristol Encampment they Avill earnestly enquire into the facts of the case . I am dear Sir Knt ., yours faternally , M . C ., G . O ., < % < .
Prov. G. Master Of Cambridgeshire.
TO THE EDITOR Or THE PREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . Sin AND BROTIIEB , —Tour account of the position which the late Bro . George Adam Bowne held in the province of Cambridgeshire is perfectly correct . That esteemed brother took the lead in Masonry in Cambridge for many years , but he was never appointed ProA'incial Grand Master ; and , although from the year 1812 to the time of
his death his name appears in the Calendar amongst the Provincial Grand Masters , it has the word " Deputy " affixed to it , clearly shoAving that he was not appointed to the higher office , But I cannot claim the distinction of being the first Provincial Grand Master of that province , as , in the Calendars from 1797 to 1824 , the name of Lord Eardley appears as Provincial Grand Master of
Cambridgeshire . To what extent that nobleman exercised the functions of his office , I do not know , nor am I aware of any Provincial Grand Lodge having ever been held in the province prior to 1844 . I am , Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , THHALL
. . . Lincoln ' s Inn , December 31 , 1661 . [ Our esteemed Bro . Hall will please recollect that we qualified our statement by adding the first regularly appointed Prov . Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge , as we take our present stand from 1813 . Lord Eardley , we believe , never acted after fche union . ]