Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 4 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article CHANNEL ISLANDS. Page 1 of 1 Article SCOTLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND. Page 1 of 2 →
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J . 0 . Gill , P . M . 251 ; Benj . Gates , P . M . 251 ; Abram Brearly , AV . M . 322 ; AVordsworfch , AV . M . 568 ; and the other officers and visiting brethren . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , when Bro . Abraham AVilson , S . W . who had been duly elected W . M ., Avas called forward , and installed according to ancient custom in the chair of King Solomon , by Bro . R . R . Nelson , and tlie rest of the AV . M , ' s and P . M . ' s present . After which BroAbraham AVilsonAV . M . appointed and invested his
. , , officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros . John AA ilson , S . AV . ; JohnLobley , J . Vv \; Rev . AV . Appbyard , M . A ., Chap . ; Ephraim Fox , Treas . ; John Armitage , H . Sec . ; Jonathan Day , S . B . ; Edward Ellis , J . B . ; W . Richardson , I . G . ; AV . Thackrah , Dir . of Cers . ; Frank Aked , Tyler ; Tom Chadwick , " Steward . Each heing charged by Bro . R . R . Nelson , P . M ., to discharge his duties faithfully , the lodge AA-as closed in peace ant ! harmony .
After this fche brethren adjourned to refreshments , but OAving to the great national loss of the Prince Consort , the usual loyal toasts were given in solemn silence , after which folloived the Masonic toasts . The whole having been gone through , the brethren separated with true Masonic feeling . SIIEPPIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No . 162 . )—A lodge of emergency was held on Thursday , 26 th ult ., in the Freemason ' s
Hall , Surrey-street . Bro . Hay , AV . M ., presided , supported by Bro . AVhite , P . M ., and Prov . G . A . Bir . of Cers . ; Longden , P . M ., & c . The AV . M . opened his lodge in the various degrees , and raised Bros . Hannath and Glencross in a very dignified manner to the degree of M . M ., after they had given satisfactory proofs of their proficiency in the former degrees . Bro . AVhite , P . M ., gave the charge and lecture , and explained the tracingboard .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —The ordinary monthly meeting , held on Thursday , Bee 26 th , ivas presided over by Bro . Baudains , AVM ., supported hy his Wardens , Bros . Dickson Le Couteur , and Philip le Sueur . The lodge having been opened in the firstdegree , the minutes of fche previous meeting- -were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Dr . Emile Piscarfc , and , this being unanimous in his favour , after the declaration had been signed , the usual preparations for his
initiation were made . In the interval , the S . AV . brought before the members a notice of fche ehcumstances which had caused the symbols of mourning to be visible around , as Avell in the furniture of the lodge as in the outer world unconnected ivith Freemasonry , no less than the sudden and solemn death of the Prince Consort . In many private as ivell as public societies in England , a record had been made in the archives of the loss that had been sustainedwhichthough restricted Avithiu the
, , respective circles of membership , still marked a sen se of the estimation of the high moral and mental qualities , and also of the claims to general respect , and affection , ofthe late Princes . As distinguished by loyalty to the sovereign of England , Jerseymen would not be behind the inhabitants ofthe mother-country ; he therefore proposed that a suitable entry be made in tlie
minutes by the Secretary , expressive of deep regret and of sympathy with the Royal Family in their recent bereavement . Bro . Binet seconded the proposition , remarking , that thoughnofc aFreemason , the late Prince Avas nearly connected by ties of kindred with those who belonged to anel were held in honour hy the Craft , and that for this , as ivell as other reasons , it Avas suitable to pay respect to his memory . The AV . M ., in putting the motion , which Avas subsequentlcarried unanimouslobserved that
y y , , while differing in opinion from the jirevious speakers as to the claims to distinction in a masons' lodge on the grounds mentioned , he heartily supported the proposition , because by his active and energetic support of institutions for the advancement of art and science , by his prominence in aiding hy his influence and by his purse a great number of philanthropic and charitable objects , and also by tlie high standard of character and conduct which
, he had maintained , the late Prince had evinced that his feelings , his opinions , and his actions , were in accordance with the principles of our order . Dr . Piscart was then introduced and initiated as an entered apprentice freemason , with the usual rites , administered by the AV . M . Mention having been made of the very recent death of two members ofthe lodge , the one , Bro . Le Montais , by a sudden accident at a distance from his native country , and fche other , Bro , Boufcfcier , ivho had died
Channel Islands.
only tAvo days before under very lamentable circumstances from brain fever , accompanied with a total loss of reason , a suitable record thereof , ivith expressions of kindly sympathy Avith surviving relatives , Avas ordered to be entered on the minutes . At the request of the AV . M ., the Secretary read , for the information of the brethren , and as an appropriate supplement to the address of Bro . Rafcier tAi-o months previously , a long article on the
present condition and future prospects of the Grand Orient of France , extracted from a French newspaper . The lodge , which , was numerously attainted , vras closed about 9 o ' clock , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . —n . H-
LANARKSHIRE ( MIDDLE AVARD . ) ST . JAMS . —Old Monldand Lodge ( No . 177 ) . —A special general meeting of this lodge took place iu Bro . John Lindsay ' s hall , Coatbridge , on Friday , the 13 th ult ., for the purpose of interring the remains of Bro . Robert Pendor , their Chaplain , in compliance with a wish frequently expressed by him , that , if considered worthy of the honour , he might be interred with Masonic ceremonies . A deputation was present from the Airdrie
Sfc . John's Lodge ( So . 1 GG ) . The following lodges were represented by individual members , viz . —Kirkintilloch St . John's ( No . 28 ) ; St . Bryde ' s , Douglas ( No . 118 ); Caledonian St . John's Campsie ( No . 195 ); AVoodhall St . John ' s ( No . 305 ); and Caledonian Railway Lodge ( No . 354 ) . After the funeral service had been gone through in the lodge room , tlie brethren , ivith their banner , regalia , & c , in deep mourning , having been
arranged in funeral oreler , walked in procession to the residence of the deceased , and , with sincere feelings of regret , assumed the temporary guardianship of his remains , until " deposited in the final resting-place of frail humanity . From thence , headed hy the Drumpeller Instrumental Band , and keeping time to the solemn music of the "Dead March in Saul , " the procession wended its melancholy road to the cemetery selected by his friends the lace of his interment
as p . On arrival , and encircled by his sorrowing brethren and relations , and surrounded by numerous friends and neighbours , his remains were placed in the grave . The impressive Masonic funeral service was read by Bro . Peter Mackinnon , AV . M . of the lodge of ivhich the deceased was , for the long period of forty-eight years , a most efficient member . The apron and mystic offerings , according to ancient form , were deposited on the coffin . The last offices
were performed , and the grave soon hid from our sorrowing view the mortal remains of a kind friend , a good neighbour , and an honest man . All will miss his friendl y smile and cheerful recognition , and his " memory will long be green amongst us . "
MtraSTEE . —The following circular has been addressed to the different lodges in the province of Minister : — "Ballynamote , Cork , Dec . 16 , 1861 . —AVorshipful Sir and Brother , —In consequence of the heavy affliction with which it has pleased the Great Disposer of events to visit our beloved Queen and the nation , I beg respectfully to suggest and recommend that , as a dutiful tribute of respect to her Majesty , the usual festival
dinner on Sfc . John ' s Day be on this occasion dispensed with . I am happy to say that several lodges have already readily adopted this suggestion . I remain , yours faithfully and fraternally , GEORGE CIIATTERIOI- , D . Provincial Grand Master . The AV . Master of Lodge . " It is believed that the recommendation will he unanimously adopted . BELFAST . —A recommendation having been made bv BroW
. . S . Tracy , P . M ., the D . Prov . G . M . of the Order , that the festival of Sfc . John should nofc be celebrated on the present occasion , in consequence of the death of the late Prince Consort , we understand that the members generally of the several lodges in this town cordially concur in the propriety of their AVorshipful B . Grand Master's suggestion , and we believe thafc it will be universally followed . It lias been suggested to us that the and
numerous proverbially loyal body of Freemasons of this town should go even further than ivhat is recommended in fche letter referred to . It is thought that it would nofc be unfittingfor the Masons to express their sense of the national loss , and their
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
J . 0 . Gill , P . M . 251 ; Benj . Gates , P . M . 251 ; Abram Brearly , AV . M . 322 ; AVordsworfch , AV . M . 568 ; and the other officers and visiting brethren . The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , when Bro . Abraham AVilson , S . W . who had been duly elected W . M ., Avas called forward , and installed according to ancient custom in the chair of King Solomon , by Bro . R . R . Nelson , and tlie rest of the AV . M , ' s and P . M . ' s present . After which BroAbraham AVilsonAV . M . appointed and invested his
. , , officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros . John AA ilson , S . AV . ; JohnLobley , J . Vv \; Rev . AV . Appbyard , M . A ., Chap . ; Ephraim Fox , Treas . ; John Armitage , H . Sec . ; Jonathan Day , S . B . ; Edward Ellis , J . B . ; W . Richardson , I . G . ; AV . Thackrah , Dir . of Cers . ; Frank Aked , Tyler ; Tom Chadwick , " Steward . Each heing charged by Bro . R . R . Nelson , P . M ., to discharge his duties faithfully , the lodge AA-as closed in peace ant ! harmony .
After this fche brethren adjourned to refreshments , but OAving to the great national loss of the Prince Consort , the usual loyal toasts were given in solemn silence , after which folloived the Masonic toasts . The whole having been gone through , the brethren separated with true Masonic feeling . SIIEPPIELD . —Britannia Lodge ( No . 162 . )—A lodge of emergency was held on Thursday , 26 th ult ., in the Freemason ' s
Hall , Surrey-street . Bro . Hay , AV . M ., presided , supported by Bro . AVhite , P . M ., and Prov . G . A . Bir . of Cers . ; Longden , P . M ., & c . The AV . M . opened his lodge in the various degrees , and raised Bros . Hannath and Glencross in a very dignified manner to the degree of M . M ., after they had given satisfactory proofs of their proficiency in the former degrees . Bro . AVhite , P . M ., gave the charge and lecture , and explained the tracingboard .
Channel Islands.
JERSEY . —Lodge La Cesaree ( No . 860 ) . —The ordinary monthly meeting , held on Thursday , Bee 26 th , ivas presided over by Bro . Baudains , AVM ., supported hy his Wardens , Bros . Dickson Le Couteur , and Philip le Sueur . The lodge having been opened in the firstdegree , the minutes of fche previous meeting- -were read and confirmed . The ballot was taken for Dr . Emile Piscarfc , and , this being unanimous in his favour , after the declaration had been signed , the usual preparations for his
initiation were made . In the interval , the S . AV . brought before the members a notice of fche ehcumstances which had caused the symbols of mourning to be visible around , as Avell in the furniture of the lodge as in the outer world unconnected ivith Freemasonry , no less than the sudden and solemn death of the Prince Consort . In many private as ivell as public societies in England , a record had been made in the archives of the loss that had been sustainedwhichthough restricted Avithiu the
, , respective circles of membership , still marked a sen se of the estimation of the high moral and mental qualities , and also of the claims to general respect , and affection , ofthe late Princes . As distinguished by loyalty to the sovereign of England , Jerseymen would not be behind the inhabitants ofthe mother-country ; he therefore proposed that a suitable entry be made in tlie
minutes by the Secretary , expressive of deep regret and of sympathy with the Royal Family in their recent bereavement . Bro . Binet seconded the proposition , remarking , that thoughnofc aFreemason , the late Prince Avas nearly connected by ties of kindred with those who belonged to anel were held in honour hy the Craft , and that for this , as ivell as other reasons , it Avas suitable to pay respect to his memory . The AV . M ., in putting the motion , which Avas subsequentlcarried unanimouslobserved that
y y , , while differing in opinion from the jirevious speakers as to the claims to distinction in a masons' lodge on the grounds mentioned , he heartily supported the proposition , because by his active and energetic support of institutions for the advancement of art and science , by his prominence in aiding hy his influence and by his purse a great number of philanthropic and charitable objects , and also by tlie high standard of character and conduct which
, he had maintained , the late Prince had evinced that his feelings , his opinions , and his actions , were in accordance with the principles of our order . Dr . Piscart was then introduced and initiated as an entered apprentice freemason , with the usual rites , administered by the AV . M . Mention having been made of the very recent death of two members ofthe lodge , the one , Bro . Le Montais , by a sudden accident at a distance from his native country , and fche other , Bro , Boufcfcier , ivho had died
Channel Islands.
only tAvo days before under very lamentable circumstances from brain fever , accompanied with a total loss of reason , a suitable record thereof , ivith expressions of kindly sympathy Avith surviving relatives , Avas ordered to be entered on the minutes . At the request of the AV . M ., the Secretary read , for the information of the brethren , and as an appropriate supplement to the address of Bro . Rafcier tAi-o months previously , a long article on the
present condition and future prospects of the Grand Orient of France , extracted from a French newspaper . The lodge , which , was numerously attainted , vras closed about 9 o ' clock , and the brethren adjourned for refreshment . —n . H-
LANARKSHIRE ( MIDDLE AVARD . ) ST . JAMS . —Old Monldand Lodge ( No . 177 ) . —A special general meeting of this lodge took place iu Bro . John Lindsay ' s hall , Coatbridge , on Friday , the 13 th ult ., for the purpose of interring the remains of Bro . Robert Pendor , their Chaplain , in compliance with a wish frequently expressed by him , that , if considered worthy of the honour , he might be interred with Masonic ceremonies . A deputation was present from the Airdrie
Sfc . John's Lodge ( So . 1 GG ) . The following lodges were represented by individual members , viz . —Kirkintilloch St . John's ( No . 28 ) ; St . Bryde ' s , Douglas ( No . 118 ); Caledonian St . John's Campsie ( No . 195 ); AVoodhall St . John ' s ( No . 305 ); and Caledonian Railway Lodge ( No . 354 ) . After the funeral service had been gone through in the lodge room , tlie brethren , ivith their banner , regalia , & c , in deep mourning , having been
arranged in funeral oreler , walked in procession to the residence of the deceased , and , with sincere feelings of regret , assumed the temporary guardianship of his remains , until " deposited in the final resting-place of frail humanity . From thence , headed hy the Drumpeller Instrumental Band , and keeping time to the solemn music of the "Dead March in Saul , " the procession wended its melancholy road to the cemetery selected by his friends the lace of his interment
as p . On arrival , and encircled by his sorrowing brethren and relations , and surrounded by numerous friends and neighbours , his remains were placed in the grave . The impressive Masonic funeral service was read by Bro . Peter Mackinnon , AV . M . of the lodge of ivhich the deceased was , for the long period of forty-eight years , a most efficient member . The apron and mystic offerings , according to ancient form , were deposited on the coffin . The last offices
were performed , and the grave soon hid from our sorrowing view the mortal remains of a kind friend , a good neighbour , and an honest man . All will miss his friendl y smile and cheerful recognition , and his " memory will long be green amongst us . "
MtraSTEE . —The following circular has been addressed to the different lodges in the province of Minister : — "Ballynamote , Cork , Dec . 16 , 1861 . —AVorshipful Sir and Brother , —In consequence of the heavy affliction with which it has pleased the Great Disposer of events to visit our beloved Queen and the nation , I beg respectfully to suggest and recommend that , as a dutiful tribute of respect to her Majesty , the usual festival
dinner on Sfc . John ' s Day be on this occasion dispensed with . I am happy to say that several lodges have already readily adopted this suggestion . I remain , yours faithfully and fraternally , GEORGE CIIATTERIOI- , D . Provincial Grand Master . The AV . Master of Lodge . " It is believed that the recommendation will he unanimously adopted . BELFAST . —A recommendation having been made bv BroW
. . S . Tracy , P . M ., the D . Prov . G . M . of the Order , that the festival of Sfc . John should nofc be celebrated on the present occasion , in consequence of the death of the late Prince Consort , we understand that the members generally of the several lodges in this town cordially concur in the propriety of their AVorshipful B . Grand Master's suggestion , and we believe thafc it will be universally followed . It lias been suggested to us that the and
numerous proverbially loyal body of Freemasons of this town should go even further than ivhat is recommended in fche letter referred to . It is thought that it would nofc be unfittingfor the Masons to express their sense of the national loss , and their