Article IRELAND. ← Page 2 of 2 Article TURKEY. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH, Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH, Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 2 →
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sympathy with the Queen's heaA-y bereavement , in an address to the Throne . The Prince Consort was certainly not a member of the Craft , but her Majesty is the daughter of one Freemason , and the niece of two Freemasons . It would seem , therefore , that the suggestion of a loyal address to the Sovereign afc the present time would not be inappropriate on the part of a fraternity with which the Queen's father and uncles were so long and
30 intimately connected . —Northern , Whig . FREEIIASO * ' S AXD RIBEOSAIES . —AVe copy on our first page an able article from the Carlom Sentinel , on the subject of the Most Rev . Br . Cullen ' s recent pastoral , in which he classes together and couples in denunciation Fre emasons and Ribbonmen . The monstrosity of such a combina tion is . well exposed by our contemporary . Of a verity here in Kilkenny , Avhere the
leading part taken by the late lamented Marquis of Ormonde in eA-erything relating fco Freemasonry , is so well remembered , and where it is known that the Earl of Bysart , the Earl of Besborough , and so many other of the first noblemen and gentlemen of the district , are members of the Craft , the absurdity of classing Freemasons Ai-ith midnight assassins and cutthroats , must he glaring in the extreme , eA-en to the most devoted of the admirers of the ultramontane Archbishop . —Kilkenny Moderator .
SAIYESA . —At the meeting of the Homer Lodge ( No . 1108 ) , held in the Masonic Hall , on the first Tuesday in November , Bro . Hyde Clarke , AV . M ., in the chair , some Smyrna brethren were regularised . The lodge resolved to subscribe to the important work on Masonry , of their hon . member , Bro . Matthew Cooke . At the meeting on the 3 rd December , two Smyrna brethren were regularised , one F . C . was raised , and the election of
Bro . Paterson , as AA . M . for the ensuing year , confirmed . At an emergency on the 11 th December , tAA-o candidates AA-ere initiated , and one brother regularised in the third degree . A banquet was afterwards held afc the Hotel d'Europe , the AV . M . in . the chair . At an emergency on the 18 th December , IAVO candidates Avere initiated , and a banquet afterwards held . The AA . D . PrOA \ G . M ., Bro . Clarke , has presented to the lodge the portraits of the M . AV . G . M . and the R . W . P . D . G . M ., published in the FREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE .
Royal Arch,
HAMPSHIRE . SOUTHAMPTON . —Chapter of Concord ( No . 555 . )—This chapter met on Thursday evening , Nov . 28 th , Comp . Douglas , Z ., presiding , supported hy a large attendance of companions , among whom were many visitors from the other chapters of the province who had been invited to witness the installation of the three neiv Principals FPerkins of South
, Comps . . , Mayor - ampton ; G . AV . Passenger , and T . P . Payne . They " were installed in their chairs by Comp . J . R . Stebbing , P . Z ., and it ivas remarked as singular that while the new Z . was a twice elected Mayor of the town , the other two Principals were prominent members of the corporation , of ivhich the installing P . Z ., Comp . Stebbing , is an old and distinguished member . The ceremony was performed wifch Comp . Stebbing ' s usual admirable efficiency ,
after which Comp . Perkins , Z ., presented the retiring Z ., Comp . Douglas , with a P . M . jewel in gold , set with diamonds , subscribed for by the brethren of the Royal Gloster Lodge , aud companions of the Chapter of Concord , as a mark of their respect and appreciation of the services he rendered Craft and Royal Arch Masonry during a long Masonic career . Comp . Douglas thanked the companions and brethren in a speech both feeling and fluentwhen Comps . Booth as P . S . Collis as S . E . and G-
, , , Perkins as S . N ., were appointed . The other business of the chapter having been transacted , several brethren were proposed as candidates for exaltation . The chapter was then closed in due form , and the companions present sat down to a banquet , Several appropriate toasts were proposed and responded to in very eloquent terms , and the proceedings terminated with the most perfect harmony at an hour ratherlater than usual .
Royal Arch,
NORFOLK . NORWICH . —Cabbell Chapter ( No . 1109 ) . —The consecration of this chapter took place on Thursday , Dec . 19 th , at the assembly rooms IIOAV used for masonic purposes by the kind permission of the R . AV . Prov . G . M . ofthe province , B . ' B . Cabbell Esq ., F . B . S . Ihe folloAA'ing companions were named in the Charter of Constitution as the three Principals : Henry Jno . Mason , ZJHoAvesHHenry UnderwoodJ . The companions
. ; . , . ; , assembled at one o'alock , among AA-IIOIU AA-ere the Hon . F . AValpole , Capt . Lestrange , Rev . F . W . Freeman , D . Prov . G . M . for Suffolk , J . Head , P . Z . E . ; Dorling , P . Z . of the Royal Sussex Chapter , Ipswich ; Rev . S . Titloiv , P . Z . ; B . C . Lamb , P . Z . ; W . L . Fox , Prov . G . Sec , for Norfolk ; A . F . Morgan , G . E . Simpson , G . AV . Minns , J . Marshall , J . Darken , F . Colsey , J . Leggett , and other Comps . At two o ' clock the R . W . D . Prov .
G . M . for Suffolk , Comp . the ReA ' . F . AA . Freeman , proceeded to the business of consecration , iu which he Avas assisted by the tAvo P . Z . ' s of the Royal Sussex Chapter , Ipswich , J . Head and E . Dorling . The ceremony of consecration and induction of the Three Principals into their respective chairs , Ave need not say , was beautifully aud impressively performed , for those Comps . And AA-IIO has ever had the leasure of meeting the Rev .
p F . AA . Freeman on such or any other Masonic occasions , ivill readily understand that from him nothing else could be expected . The chapter having been duly consecrated and constituted , H . J Mason , M . E . Z ., proceeded to appoint his officers , G . E . Simpson , E . ; G . AV . Minns , N . ; W . L . Fox , P . Soj . ; Cap . Lestrange , Asst . Soj . ; A . F . Morgan , Jun . Soj . Ten brethren of various lodges were then proposed for exaltation at the meeting of
the Chapter , in January . The most excellent Z . then closed the Chapter in solemn prayer . The Comps . assembled at 5 o'clock in the banquet-room , under the presidency of Comps . A . F . Morgan , and G . E . Simpson , AA'here the customary masonic toasts were given , and a very pleasant evening enjoyed by thirty of the Companions .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . The MoraT CALVARY , or Early GrandEncampment of England , R . R . D . M ., K . D . S . H ., assembled at their field of encampment , tbe Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on Friday , December 27 th , 1861 . Present : —Sir Knts . Brathwaite , E . C . elect ; Lemanski , P . E . C . ; Thompson , E . C . ; Elliot , 30 , P . E . C . andPGHJohn Mott ThearleGBBPurel 30 °
... ; , ... ; y , , P . E . C , and P . G . B . B . ; Shuttleworth , 30 , P . E . C . G . AsC , and A . ; Swan , 2 nd C , and G . ; Smith , G . E . The encampment was opened in due form , when Comp . Irwin , R . A ., having been duly elected , was introduced and installed by Sir Knt . Commander Lemanski , Companion of the Order . Sir Knt . Brathwaite was then installed as the Eminent Commander of the encampment , and nominated Sir Knts . Swan and Thearle his 1 st and 2 nd Captains .
The Almoner collected the alms , and the encampment AA-as closed in ancient form with solemn prayer . The Knts . then adjourned to the banquet , which AA-as provided by Bro . Painter with his usual taste . The customary toasts were given and responded to , and the Knts . separated at an early hour . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) .
BRADFORD . — Fncnmpment of Faith . —¦ On Monday even - ing , December 30 fch , the members of the above encampment met for the purpose of installing the E . C . There ivas an unusually small number of Sir Knights present , in consequence of unforseen circumstances Ai-hen the meeting was fixed . The minutes having been read and duly passed , the P . E . C . presented Sir Knight Henry Smith , AA-IIO hael been unanimously chosen to
fill the chair , having previously served for some years in various capacities in the encampment . Sir Knight Gatli took the chair at the request of Sir Knight Thomas Hill , and performed the ceremony of installation . On the re-admission of the Sir Knights , necessarily absent during this portion of the ceremony , Sir Knight iienry Smith rose to thank them for the high position in which they had placed him , expressing a hope that they would not regret their choice , and his determination to exert eA-ery effort to keep up and , if possible ,. advance the present prosperity
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
sympathy with the Queen's heaA-y bereavement , in an address to the Throne . The Prince Consort was certainly not a member of the Craft , but her Majesty is the daughter of one Freemason , and the niece of two Freemasons . It would seem , therefore , that the suggestion of a loyal address to the Sovereign afc the present time would not be inappropriate on the part of a fraternity with which the Queen's father and uncles were so long and
30 intimately connected . —Northern , Whig . FREEIIASO * ' S AXD RIBEOSAIES . —AVe copy on our first page an able article from the Carlom Sentinel , on the subject of the Most Rev . Br . Cullen ' s recent pastoral , in which he classes together and couples in denunciation Fre emasons and Ribbonmen . The monstrosity of such a combina tion is . well exposed by our contemporary . Of a verity here in Kilkenny , Avhere the
leading part taken by the late lamented Marquis of Ormonde in eA-erything relating fco Freemasonry , is so well remembered , and where it is known that the Earl of Bysart , the Earl of Besborough , and so many other of the first noblemen and gentlemen of the district , are members of the Craft , the absurdity of classing Freemasons Ai-ith midnight assassins and cutthroats , must he glaring in the extreme , eA-en to the most devoted of the admirers of the ultramontane Archbishop . —Kilkenny Moderator .
SAIYESA . —At the meeting of the Homer Lodge ( No . 1108 ) , held in the Masonic Hall , on the first Tuesday in November , Bro . Hyde Clarke , AV . M ., in the chair , some Smyrna brethren were regularised . The lodge resolved to subscribe to the important work on Masonry , of their hon . member , Bro . Matthew Cooke . At the meeting on the 3 rd December , two Smyrna brethren were regularised , one F . C . was raised , and the election of
Bro . Paterson , as AA . M . for the ensuing year , confirmed . At an emergency on the 11 th December , tAA-o candidates AA-ere initiated , and one brother regularised in the third degree . A banquet was afterwards held afc the Hotel d'Europe , the AV . M . in . the chair . At an emergency on the 18 th December , IAVO candidates Avere initiated , and a banquet afterwards held . The AA . D . PrOA \ G . M ., Bro . Clarke , has presented to the lodge the portraits of the M . AV . G . M . and the R . W . P . D . G . M ., published in the FREEMASONS ' MAGAZINE .
Royal Arch,
HAMPSHIRE . SOUTHAMPTON . —Chapter of Concord ( No . 555 . )—This chapter met on Thursday evening , Nov . 28 th , Comp . Douglas , Z ., presiding , supported hy a large attendance of companions , among whom were many visitors from the other chapters of the province who had been invited to witness the installation of the three neiv Principals FPerkins of South
, Comps . . , Mayor - ampton ; G . AV . Passenger , and T . P . Payne . They " were installed in their chairs by Comp . J . R . Stebbing , P . Z ., and it ivas remarked as singular that while the new Z . was a twice elected Mayor of the town , the other two Principals were prominent members of the corporation , of ivhich the installing P . Z ., Comp . Stebbing , is an old and distinguished member . The ceremony was performed wifch Comp . Stebbing ' s usual admirable efficiency ,
after which Comp . Perkins , Z ., presented the retiring Z ., Comp . Douglas , with a P . M . jewel in gold , set with diamonds , subscribed for by the brethren of the Royal Gloster Lodge , aud companions of the Chapter of Concord , as a mark of their respect and appreciation of the services he rendered Craft and Royal Arch Masonry during a long Masonic career . Comp . Douglas thanked the companions and brethren in a speech both feeling and fluentwhen Comps . Booth as P . S . Collis as S . E . and G-
, , , Perkins as S . N ., were appointed . The other business of the chapter having been transacted , several brethren were proposed as candidates for exaltation . The chapter was then closed in due form , and the companions present sat down to a banquet , Several appropriate toasts were proposed and responded to in very eloquent terms , and the proceedings terminated with the most perfect harmony at an hour ratherlater than usual .
Royal Arch,
NORFOLK . NORWICH . —Cabbell Chapter ( No . 1109 ) . —The consecration of this chapter took place on Thursday , Dec . 19 th , at the assembly rooms IIOAV used for masonic purposes by the kind permission of the R . AV . Prov . G . M . ofthe province , B . ' B . Cabbell Esq ., F . B . S . Ihe folloAA'ing companions were named in the Charter of Constitution as the three Principals : Henry Jno . Mason , ZJHoAvesHHenry UnderwoodJ . The companions
. ; . , . ; , assembled at one o'alock , among AA-IIOIU AA-ere the Hon . F . AValpole , Capt . Lestrange , Rev . F . W . Freeman , D . Prov . G . M . for Suffolk , J . Head , P . Z . E . ; Dorling , P . Z . of the Royal Sussex Chapter , Ipswich ; Rev . S . Titloiv , P . Z . ; B . C . Lamb , P . Z . ; W . L . Fox , Prov . G . Sec , for Norfolk ; A . F . Morgan , G . E . Simpson , G . AV . Minns , J . Marshall , J . Darken , F . Colsey , J . Leggett , and other Comps . At two o ' clock the R . W . D . Prov .
G . M . for Suffolk , Comp . the ReA ' . F . AA . Freeman , proceeded to the business of consecration , iu which he Avas assisted by the tAvo P . Z . ' s of the Royal Sussex Chapter , Ipswich , J . Head and E . Dorling . The ceremony of consecration and induction of the Three Principals into their respective chairs , Ave need not say , was beautifully aud impressively performed , for those Comps . And AA-IIO has ever had the leasure of meeting the Rev .
p F . AA . Freeman on such or any other Masonic occasions , ivill readily understand that from him nothing else could be expected . The chapter having been duly consecrated and constituted , H . J Mason , M . E . Z ., proceeded to appoint his officers , G . E . Simpson , E . ; G . AV . Minns , N . ; W . L . Fox , P . Soj . ; Cap . Lestrange , Asst . Soj . ; A . F . Morgan , Jun . Soj . Ten brethren of various lodges were then proposed for exaltation at the meeting of
the Chapter , in January . The most excellent Z . then closed the Chapter in solemn prayer . The Comps . assembled at 5 o'clock in the banquet-room , under the presidency of Comps . A . F . Morgan , and G . E . Simpson , AA'here the customary masonic toasts were given , and a very pleasant evening enjoyed by thirty of the Companions .
Knights Templar.
METROPOLITAN . The MoraT CALVARY , or Early GrandEncampment of England , R . R . D . M ., K . D . S . H ., assembled at their field of encampment , tbe Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on Friday , December 27 th , 1861 . Present : —Sir Knts . Brathwaite , E . C . elect ; Lemanski , P . E . C . ; Thompson , E . C . ; Elliot , 30 , P . E . C . andPGHJohn Mott ThearleGBBPurel 30 °
... ; , ... ; y , , P . E . C , and P . G . B . B . ; Shuttleworth , 30 , P . E . C . G . AsC , and A . ; Swan , 2 nd C , and G . ; Smith , G . E . The encampment was opened in due form , when Comp . Irwin , R . A ., having been duly elected , was introduced and installed by Sir Knt . Commander Lemanski , Companion of the Order . Sir Knt . Brathwaite was then installed as the Eminent Commander of the encampment , and nominated Sir Knts . Swan and Thearle his 1 st and 2 nd Captains .
The Almoner collected the alms , and the encampment AA-as closed in ancient form with solemn prayer . The Knts . then adjourned to the banquet , which AA-as provided by Bro . Painter with his usual taste . The customary toasts were given and responded to , and the Knts . separated at an early hour . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) .
BRADFORD . — Fncnmpment of Faith . —¦ On Monday even - ing , December 30 fch , the members of the above encampment met for the purpose of installing the E . C . There ivas an unusually small number of Sir Knights present , in consequence of unforseen circumstances Ai-hen the meeting was fixed . The minutes having been read and duly passed , the P . E . C . presented Sir Knight Henry Smith , AA-IIO hael been unanimously chosen to
fill the chair , having previously served for some years in various capacities in the encampment . Sir Knight Gatli took the chair at the request of Sir Knight Thomas Hill , and performed the ceremony of installation . On the re-admission of the Sir Knights , necessarily absent during this portion of the ceremony , Sir Knight iienry Smith rose to thank them for the high position in which they had placed him , expressing a hope that they would not regret their choice , and his determination to exert eA-ery effort to keep up and , if possible ,. advance the present prosperity