Article MASONIC FACTS. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGES. Page 1 of 3 →
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Masonic Facts.
LOS D 02 r , SATUPDAS , lAS'VAPY 4 , 1862 .
The first number of Masonic Facts , promised last week , is imavoidly postponed owing to the non-completion of the engravings by which it was to be illustrated .
Provincial Grand Lodges.
We now conclude our notices of the meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodges , held in 1 S 61 , having in our MAGAZINE of October the Sth , closed with that of Gloucestershire , held on the 28 th of September . The Provincial Grand Lodge of "Worcestershire -was held on the 1 st October , but the notice we received of
the proceedings was ofthe briefest nature . The only noticeable event of the day appears to have been the granting of £ 5 5 s . to the Boy ' s School .
On the 2 nd the brethren of "West Yorkshire met at " Wakefield , where every preparation had been made to do honor to the first visit to that town , since his appointment , of the new Provincial Grand Master , the Earl de Grey and Eipon . There does not appear to have been any business of importance , if we except
the presenting a handsome testimonial , consisting of a tea and coffee service to Bro . Dixon , the Provincial Grand Treasurer , in acknowledgment of thirteen yeai's services . The E . "W . Provincial Grand Master and Bro . the Eev . A . P . A . Woodford , P . Prov . G .
Chaplain , both ably advocated the principles of the Craft , which his lordship described as true charity , whilst our Eev . brother illustrated the theme by reference to the various Charities . The noble Earl is
about to still further show the interest in those charities by presiding at the annual festival of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons' and their Widows , on the 29 th inst ., when we trust the brethren of West Yorkshire will show their appreciation of their Prov . G . Master , by their support . We
feel assured that it will be one of the best festivals for many years , it being his lordships first appearance as President of a charitable Masonic festival since his appointment as D . Grand Master . On the Sth , ; West Lancashire held its annual meeting in Liverpool , under the presidency of Bro . Sir
Thos . G . Hesketh , ( P . G . W . of England ) , D . Prov . G . M ., in the absence of the Prov . G . Master , Bro . Starkie . The Provincial Grand Lodge met under somewhat mournful circumstances , having to deplore the loss of Bro . Littledale , Prov . S . G . W ., and Bro . Walmsley , Prov . G . Treasurer , two brethren highly
honoured and respected , not only in Masonry but in private life . The place of Bro . Littledale was filled by the appointment of our noble brother Lord Skelmersdale , whilst Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . D . C , was elected as G . Treasurer . It was also announced that the
D . Prov . G . M . recommended the appointment of Bro . Brabner to the honorary rank of P . Prov . S . G . W ., in . consideration of his valuable services as Treasurer of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , the importance of which , we believe , cannot be
overrated . The recommendation of the D . Prov . G . M . was , we are informed , adopted , and we have to return our thanks on behalf of the Craft to Sir Thos . Hesketh for having raised by , the appointment or nomination , a very important question whether such a power existed in the Prov . G . Masters and D . Prov .
G . Masters , and which has since been decided by Grand Lodge in the negative . At the time we gave our opinion somewhat strongly against the assumption of the power , and we trust , though we have no wish to see Bro . Brabner deprived of any honours to which he is no doubt fairly entitled , that the question
has been now finally set at rest . If , however , there is one province where the power is less wanted than another , it would appear to be West Lancashire , where the Grand Officers are not , so far as we can learn , annually appointed as in Grand Lodge and
other Provincial Grand Lodges , but seem to hold their appointments for life . This , no doubt , is the way of rendering the purple more highly valued , but we would ask is it fair to a large number of brethren who have a right to a share of the honours which the
law legitimately gives them . The report of the West Lancashire Educational Institution showed that there were invested funds to the amount of - £ 3500 , the greater part producing interest at the rate of 5 per cent , per annum . £ 10 10 s . were voted to the Male Fund of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution , and £ 10 10 s . to the Widow's Fund .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Facts.
LOS D 02 r , SATUPDAS , lAS'VAPY 4 , 1862 .
The first number of Masonic Facts , promised last week , is imavoidly postponed owing to the non-completion of the engravings by which it was to be illustrated .
Provincial Grand Lodges.
We now conclude our notices of the meetings of the Provincial Grand Lodges , held in 1 S 61 , having in our MAGAZINE of October the Sth , closed with that of Gloucestershire , held on the 28 th of September . The Provincial Grand Lodge of "Worcestershire -was held on the 1 st October , but the notice we received of
the proceedings was ofthe briefest nature . The only noticeable event of the day appears to have been the granting of £ 5 5 s . to the Boy ' s School .
On the 2 nd the brethren of "West Yorkshire met at " Wakefield , where every preparation had been made to do honor to the first visit to that town , since his appointment , of the new Provincial Grand Master , the Earl de Grey and Eipon . There does not appear to have been any business of importance , if we except
the presenting a handsome testimonial , consisting of a tea and coffee service to Bro . Dixon , the Provincial Grand Treasurer , in acknowledgment of thirteen yeai's services . The E . "W . Provincial Grand Master and Bro . the Eev . A . P . A . Woodford , P . Prov . G .
Chaplain , both ably advocated the principles of the Craft , which his lordship described as true charity , whilst our Eev . brother illustrated the theme by reference to the various Charities . The noble Earl is
about to still further show the interest in those charities by presiding at the annual festival of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons' and their Widows , on the 29 th inst ., when we trust the brethren of West Yorkshire will show their appreciation of their Prov . G . Master , by their support . We
feel assured that it will be one of the best festivals for many years , it being his lordships first appearance as President of a charitable Masonic festival since his appointment as D . Grand Master . On the Sth , ; West Lancashire held its annual meeting in Liverpool , under the presidency of Bro . Sir
Thos . G . Hesketh , ( P . G . W . of England ) , D . Prov . G . M ., in the absence of the Prov . G . Master , Bro . Starkie . The Provincial Grand Lodge met under somewhat mournful circumstances , having to deplore the loss of Bro . Littledale , Prov . S . G . W ., and Bro . Walmsley , Prov . G . Treasurer , two brethren highly
honoured and respected , not only in Masonry but in private life . The place of Bro . Littledale was filled by the appointment of our noble brother Lord Skelmersdale , whilst Bro . Hamer , Prov . G . D . C , was elected as G . Treasurer . It was also announced that the
D . Prov . G . M . recommended the appointment of Bro . Brabner to the honorary rank of P . Prov . S . G . W ., in . consideration of his valuable services as Treasurer of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , the importance of which , we believe , cannot be
overrated . The recommendation of the D . Prov . G . M . was , we are informed , adopted , and we have to return our thanks on behalf of the Craft to Sir Thos . Hesketh for having raised by , the appointment or nomination , a very important question whether such a power existed in the Prov . G . Masters and D . Prov .
G . Masters , and which has since been decided by Grand Lodge in the negative . At the time we gave our opinion somewhat strongly against the assumption of the power , and we trust , though we have no wish to see Bro . Brabner deprived of any honours to which he is no doubt fairly entitled , that the question
has been now finally set at rest . If , however , there is one province where the power is less wanted than another , it would appear to be West Lancashire , where the Grand Officers are not , so far as we can learn , annually appointed as in Grand Lodge and
other Provincial Grand Lodges , but seem to hold their appointments for life . This , no doubt , is the way of rendering the purple more highly valued , but we would ask is it fair to a large number of brethren who have a right to a share of the honours which the
law legitimately gives them . The report of the West Lancashire Educational Institution showed that there were invested funds to the amount of - £ 3500 , the greater part producing interest at the rate of 5 per cent , per annum . £ 10 10 s . were voted to the Male Fund of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution , and £ 10 10 s . to the Widow's Fund .