Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGES. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Provincial Grand Lodges.
On the same clay the Prov . Grand Lodge oi Leicesershire was held , the Eight Hon . Earl Howe , G . O . H ., presiding . The business was not important , but the gratifying announcement was made that of the expenditure of £ 1700 on the building and furnishing of the new Masonic Hall , at Leicester , only
£ 2 i 0 remained to be paid . It was announced that in the course of the winter , lectures would be given on the history and symbolism of Freemasonry , or other subjects connected with the Order . This is making Freemasonry Avhat it should be , a source alike of
rational enjoyment and instruction . The Prov . Grancl Lodge of Northumberland was also held on the same day , when some discussion took place on a motion of Bro . Barker , Prov . G . Treas . and
Eeg ., to set aside a portion of the Prov . Grand Lodge funds for the purpose of gradually conferring on every lodge in the province a Perpetual Life Governorship of the various Masonic charities ; but it was not proceeded with , it being ruled that siifficient notice of the proposition had not been given to the various lodges
in the province—the resolution being shelved on a mere technicality . A discussion then arose as to the necessity of returning the Tylers of lodges to Grand Lodge and Prov . Grand Lodge as members , which we need not here discusshaving already given oni
, opinion that , excepting in certain cases provided for by the Boole of Constitutions , no such return is required . The Provincial Fund of Benevolence amounts to £ 550 , having augmented by £ 100 during the past
year . On the 16 th , the Prov . Grand Lodge of the North and East Eidings of Yorkshire was held , under the presidency of the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , but nothing worthy of notice took place . On the 21 st , the Prov . Grancl Lodge of
Herefordshire was held , in connection with the Eastnor Lodge ( No . 1053 ) , Ledbury , when everything appears to have passeel off most satisfactorily ; though our report did little more than give us the proceedings at the banquet table . In the com-se of the evening the
Prov . Grand Master , the Eev . Dr . Bowles , gave a gratifying account of the progress of Masonry in the province , as , whereas , in 1848 the principal lodge in the province , the Palladian , was in suchajrosition that its meetings -yyere suspended , it had now upwards of
sixty members ; the Vitruvlan nearly forty ; and the Eastnor upwards of thirty . And he had received a petition for the establishment of a lodge at Leominster . We trust that Masonry in Herefordshire may continue to prosperthough we doubt whether
, any province with so small a constituency as 130 or 140 brethren requires a Prov . G . M ., D . Prov . G . M ., and the various other Prov . G . Officers to rule it . On the 26 th November , the Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire was held , but there does not appear to
have been anything of general interest under consideration . The Prov . G . M ., the Marquis of Hartington , and several other members of the province , agreed to serve as Stewards at the approaching Festival of the Boys' School . We are sure the brethren of London , who as yet know but little of his lordship , would be gratified to meet him presiding over a festival of one of the Masonic Charities .
On the same day , there was a gathering of the brethren of the Isle of Wight at West Cowes , when a brother was suspended from his Masonic duties under circumstances which we have already referred to in our notice of the proceedings ofthe last Grand Lodge , and to which , therefore , we shall not further advert .
We are sure all will regret that the Provincial Grand Lodge was delayed beyond its usual time by domestic afflictions in the family of the Prov . G . M ., a brother highly respected by all who have the honour of his acquaintance .
On the following day , the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire took place , it having been delayed until this late period of the year by a severe domestic affliction sustained by our excellent Bro . Chas . Elkington , D . Prov . G . M . One of the first acts of the Provincial Grand Lodge was to take steps for
establishing a Provincial Benevolent Fund , in accordance with a resolution eome to some time since . After the usual routine business had been disposed of , a very handsome jewel was presented to Bro . Elkington , the D . Prov . G . M ., to mark the appreciation of the brethren of his valuable services for many years as Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Warwickshire ,
chiefly through the exertions of Bro . Elkington , has nobly supported the Charities , having , at the Festival of the Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows in 18 o 9 , andthat ofthe Girls ' School , last year , when the Prov . G . M ., Lord Leigh , presided , added something like £ 700 to the funds of
these institutions and they are now about to complete their good work , our right hon . brother having agreed to preside at the Festival of the Boys' School , in March next , when he will be supported by twenty-one Stewards from the province . On the 30 th , there was a special Provincial Grand
Lodge of Oxfordshire , for the purpose of laying the foundation-stone of a new Corn Exchange , by the Prov . G . M ., Capt . Bowyer , who was well supported by the civic authorities , the great majority of whom are distinguished Freemasons . The proceedings were
admirably carried out , and reflected the greatest credit on those conducting them . It is always gratifying to see the Masonic body taking part in public undertakings ; and never are they more appropriately employed than in assisting their fellow citizens in works of usefulness in the districts in which they reside .
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Provincial Grand Lodges.
On the same clay the Prov . Grand Lodge oi Leicesershire was held , the Eight Hon . Earl Howe , G . O . H ., presiding . The business was not important , but the gratifying announcement was made that of the expenditure of £ 1700 on the building and furnishing of the new Masonic Hall , at Leicester , only
£ 2 i 0 remained to be paid . It was announced that in the course of the winter , lectures would be given on the history and symbolism of Freemasonry , or other subjects connected with the Order . This is making Freemasonry Avhat it should be , a source alike of
rational enjoyment and instruction . The Prov . Grancl Lodge of Northumberland was also held on the same day , when some discussion took place on a motion of Bro . Barker , Prov . G . Treas . and
Eeg ., to set aside a portion of the Prov . Grand Lodge funds for the purpose of gradually conferring on every lodge in the province a Perpetual Life Governorship of the various Masonic charities ; but it was not proceeded with , it being ruled that siifficient notice of the proposition had not been given to the various lodges
in the province—the resolution being shelved on a mere technicality . A discussion then arose as to the necessity of returning the Tylers of lodges to Grand Lodge and Prov . Grand Lodge as members , which we need not here discusshaving already given oni
, opinion that , excepting in certain cases provided for by the Boole of Constitutions , no such return is required . The Provincial Fund of Benevolence amounts to £ 550 , having augmented by £ 100 during the past
year . On the 16 th , the Prov . Grand Lodge of the North and East Eidings of Yorkshire was held , under the presidency of the M . W . G . M . the Earl of Zetland , but nothing worthy of notice took place . On the 21 st , the Prov . Grancl Lodge of
Herefordshire was held , in connection with the Eastnor Lodge ( No . 1053 ) , Ledbury , when everything appears to have passeel off most satisfactorily ; though our report did little more than give us the proceedings at the banquet table . In the com-se of the evening the
Prov . Grand Master , the Eev . Dr . Bowles , gave a gratifying account of the progress of Masonry in the province , as , whereas , in 1848 the principal lodge in the province , the Palladian , was in suchajrosition that its meetings -yyere suspended , it had now upwards of
sixty members ; the Vitruvlan nearly forty ; and the Eastnor upwards of thirty . And he had received a petition for the establishment of a lodge at Leominster . We trust that Masonry in Herefordshire may continue to prosperthough we doubt whether
, any province with so small a constituency as 130 or 140 brethren requires a Prov . G . M ., D . Prov . G . M ., and the various other Prov . G . Officers to rule it . On the 26 th November , the Provincial Grand Lodge of Derbyshire was held , but there does not appear to
have been anything of general interest under consideration . The Prov . G . M ., the Marquis of Hartington , and several other members of the province , agreed to serve as Stewards at the approaching Festival of the Boys' School . We are sure the brethren of London , who as yet know but little of his lordship , would be gratified to meet him presiding over a festival of one of the Masonic Charities .
On the same day , there was a gathering of the brethren of the Isle of Wight at West Cowes , when a brother was suspended from his Masonic duties under circumstances which we have already referred to in our notice of the proceedings ofthe last Grand Lodge , and to which , therefore , we shall not further advert .
We are sure all will regret that the Provincial Grand Lodge was delayed beyond its usual time by domestic afflictions in the family of the Prov . G . M ., a brother highly respected by all who have the honour of his acquaintance .
On the following day , the Provincial Grand Lodge of Warwickshire took place , it having been delayed until this late period of the year by a severe domestic affliction sustained by our excellent Bro . Chas . Elkington , D . Prov . G . M . One of the first acts of the Provincial Grand Lodge was to take steps for
establishing a Provincial Benevolent Fund , in accordance with a resolution eome to some time since . After the usual routine business had been disposed of , a very handsome jewel was presented to Bro . Elkington , the D . Prov . G . M ., to mark the appreciation of the brethren of his valuable services for many years as Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Warwickshire ,
chiefly through the exertions of Bro . Elkington , has nobly supported the Charities , having , at the Festival of the Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows in 18 o 9 , andthat ofthe Girls ' School , last year , when the Prov . G . M ., Lord Leigh , presided , added something like £ 700 to the funds of
these institutions and they are now about to complete their good work , our right hon . brother having agreed to preside at the Festival of the Boys' School , in March next , when he will be supported by twenty-one Stewards from the province . On the 30 th , there was a special Provincial Grand
Lodge of Oxfordshire , for the purpose of laying the foundation-stone of a new Corn Exchange , by the Prov . G . M ., Capt . Bowyer , who was well supported by the civic authorities , the great majority of whom are distinguished Freemasons . The proceedings were
admirably carried out , and reflected the greatest credit on those conducting them . It is always gratifying to see the Masonic body taking part in public undertakings ; and never are they more appropriately employed than in assisting their fellow citizens in works of usefulness in the districts in which they reside .