Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1
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Tilbrook , which were declared to be unanimous in favour of their admission , ancl , being in attendance , were introduced separately , and initiated into ancient Freemasonry . Bros . J . and W . H . Truelove were passed to the Fellow Craft degree . Bro . H . A . Collington , P . M ., S . W ., was unanimously elected WM . ; J . Stevens , Sen ., re-elected Treas . ; S . Garret , P . M ., reelected Tyler . The lodge was closed , and tho brethren adjourned to refreshment .
SOUTH AVALES . S \(\ KSEJi .. —IndefaligaMe Lodge ( No . 237 ) . —The members of
this lodge met ou Tuesday evening , being the regular night . The following officers were present : —Bros . James Richardson , AV . M . ; Charles Bath , S . W . ; L . Tulloch , J . W . ; Thomas Powell , Treas . ; Richard Phillips , Sec ; F . A . Hopwood , S . D . ; David Williams , J . D . ; Jones-Hewson , Dir . of Cers . ; E , Flicker , Grg . ; George Richardson , I . G . ; and J . C . Manning and S . L . Jowett , Stewards . Bros . E . J . Morris , P . M ., and J . Michael , P . M ., together with a goodly number of the memberswere also present .
, The lodge having been opened , the ballot was taken for Mr . John Edwards ancl Mr . A . Terry , both of whom were duly accepted . A letter was then read from Bro . Probett , O . G ., Prov . G . T ., for permission to supply brethren officially with Masonic clothing , which was granted . Some other lodge business liaving been disposed of , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Craus CHATTER ( No . 21 ) . —A convocation was held on the 24 th ult ., at the London Coffee House , when , in the absence of Comp . Spratt , Comp . J . G . Wood , presided . The minutes liaving been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bros . AV . SIiakespo . il- Webster , of Lodge 231 , and Edwin Carton , of Lodge 969 ; also for Comp . Charles Allen , of Chapter S 20 , which were unanimous in their favour . Comp . J . How was then requested
to take the first chair , and Bros . Webster and Canton were admitted and exalted into this supreme degree . This being the chapter for the installation of the principals aud investment of officers , Comp . T . Harrison was installed into the chair of Z . by Comp . G . Lambert , and Comp . Churchill into the chair of J . by Comp . How , Comp . T . Yarwood , who had been elected to the chair of H . not being present . Comp . T . RWhite was invested
, , as Scribe E . ; Comps . Mohammed , N . ; Barringer , Treas . ; Williams , P . S . ; Strachan and Penny , Assistants ; Smith , Janitor . There was a goodly attendance of members Comp . Key , P . Z . of the Royal York Chapter , was also present . The usual agreeable banquet followed .
NORFOLK . SORWICB . —Perseverance Chapter ( No . 213 ) . —This chapter held a convocation on Friday , the 20 th inst ., at the Freemasons ' Hall . The business of the evening consisted of the installation of the Principals and officers for the ensuing year . The chapter having been opened in due form by Comps . J . Marshall , Z . ; F . Colsey , H . ; and R . AVhitwell , J . ; the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . CompHJ
. . . Mason , P . Z ., then proceeded , according to ancient usage , to instal the newly-elected Principals , viz ., F . Colsey , Z . ; R . Whitwell , H . ; and J . Bayn , J . The address , ___„ appertaining to each chair was most impressively given , and the signs and symbols to eacli were most lucidly explained by him . The new Principals have entered upon their several duties with a firm determination to restore the chapterif possibleto that proud
, , position it once held in the province . The sum of one guinea ¦ was voted towards the Girls' Masonic School , the quarterly meetings agreed to , and , after some discussion relative to the future working of the chapter , it was closed in solemn prayer , after which the companions passed a very pleasant evening .
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIA'ISION ) . SWANSEA . — Chapter Virtue and Hope ( No . 237 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this chapter was held on Monday , the 16 th ult , when were present Comps , I , G . Williams , P . Z . ; Edward J .
Royal Arch.
Morris , P . Z . ; J . G . Hall , P . Z . ; F . D . Michael , P . Z . ; G . Allen , J . Mitchell , R . Phillips , J . Tulloch , H . Phipps , and others . In the absence of the M . E . Z ., Comp . I . Mansel Talbot , Comp . E . J . Morris , P . Z ., acted as Z . ; Comp . J . G . Hall , P . Z ., as H . ; and Comp . 0 „ G . A \ illiams , P . Z ., as J . After confirmation oftlie minutes of last meeting , tho ballot was taken for Bro . Edward Stevens , of the Indefatigable Lodge , which , resulting in his unanimous electionhe was dulelected to the degree
, y supreme hy Comp . Edward J . Morris , P . Z . The lectures were delivered , as usual , from the three chairs . During the last two years , the working of this chapter has steadily improved , and it has added carefully to its numbers . It is now one of the best worked and appointed chapters in the principality .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Hun . —Minerva Chapter ( No . 250 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , Prince-street , on Thursday evening , Jan . 19 th , at which were present—Comps . Thomas Walton , Z . ; A . O . Arden , P . Z ., as H . ; R . E . Harrison , J . ; John Malcolm , Scribe E . ; J . L . Jacobs , N . ; Walter Reynolds , Prin . Soj . ; G . W . Harrison and J . N . Scherling , Assist . Soj . ; F . B .
Groticum , S . B . ; W . Johnson , M . C . Peek , R . Goddard , & c . Visitors—Comps . Hewson , P . Z . ; Wangh , P . Z . ; Clark , J . ; \ V . Neidler , B . Gates , Martin Kemp , Humber Chapter , No . 57 , Hull . The chapter having been opened in ancient form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The M . C . Pock explaining the signs and clothing , and the Prin . Soj . giving the explanation of the sacred pedestal . The chapter was then closed in ancient form , and the companions adjourned to the banquet , and spent the remainder of the evening in harmony .
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVEEPOOI . —Jacques de Molai / Encampment . —A conclave of the above encampment was opened hy P . E . C . Sir Knt . C . J . Banister , iu the absence of Sir Thomas Hesketh Bart . M . P ., E . G ., at the Temple , Hope-street , on Friday , the 20 th ult ., at five o'clock , assisted by P . E . C . Sir Knts . H . S . Alpass and S . AVhite , as Captains ; E . Pierpoint , Prelate ; Fowler , as Capt . of Lines ; Hall and MelladewHeralds ; Captain Berry
, , & c . Comps . Dr . Barrow and E . Busher being properly prepared , were duly installed severally by the acting E . G ., with bis usual care , as Knights Templar , and they were proclaimed add saluted in ancient form . The election of E . G . resulted unanimously in favour of Sir Knt . Samuel AVhite , 1 st Capt . Sir Knight H . S . Alpass was unanimously elected Treus . The Almoner made his collection , which is never omitted in this encampment . Two candidates were proposed for installation .
The remainder of the business being over , the encampment was closed in solemn form . A conclave of emergency was held on the 30 th ult ., to instal Comp . Captain Sharpe , who was leaving the province , under the presidency of P . E . C . Sir Knt . C . J . Banister , assisted hy the officers of the encampment , P . E . C . Sir Knt . Edward Pierpoint acting as Expert .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST . ) llvix ,. —Antient , Torlc Conclave of Redemption . —A meeting of this encampment was held on Friday evening , Jan . 20 th , in the Masonic Hall , Prince-street , at which were present Sir Knt . Walter Reynolds , Prov . G . C . ; E . C . Sir Knt . M . C . Pecb , Prov . G . Chancellor , 1 st . Capt . ; Sir Knt . G . Wilkinson , 2 nd Capt . ; Rev . G . 0 . BrownPrelateSir Knt . John
Mal-, ; colm , as Expert ; Sir Knt . R . E . Harrison , Organist ; Frater Wm . Johnson , Equerry ; Sir Knts . Walton , Thos . Dale , & c The encampment liaving been opened in due form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , the ballot was then taken for Bro . F . Jackson , Minerva , No . 250 , who was unanimously accepted as a candidate for this beautiful degree . Bros . John Marshall and Francis Jackson were then
admitted and regularl y exalted to this degree by the M . E . Z . in his usually impressive manner . Comps . Hudson , Pearl , AVray , and Jackson were then severally admitted and installed by the E . C . The business of the evening having been concluded , the encampment was closed in ancient form , and the Sir Knights adjourned to the banquet-hall , where an agreeable evening wa spent .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Tilbrook , which were declared to be unanimous in favour of their admission , ancl , being in attendance , were introduced separately , and initiated into ancient Freemasonry . Bros . J . and W . H . Truelove were passed to the Fellow Craft degree . Bro . H . A . Collington , P . M ., S . W ., was unanimously elected WM . ; J . Stevens , Sen ., re-elected Treas . ; S . Garret , P . M ., reelected Tyler . The lodge was closed , and tho brethren adjourned to refreshment .
SOUTH AVALES . S \(\ KSEJi .. —IndefaligaMe Lodge ( No . 237 ) . —The members of
this lodge met ou Tuesday evening , being the regular night . The following officers were present : —Bros . James Richardson , AV . M . ; Charles Bath , S . W . ; L . Tulloch , J . W . ; Thomas Powell , Treas . ; Richard Phillips , Sec ; F . A . Hopwood , S . D . ; David Williams , J . D . ; Jones-Hewson , Dir . of Cers . ; E , Flicker , Grg . ; George Richardson , I . G . ; and J . C . Manning and S . L . Jowett , Stewards . Bros . E . J . Morris , P . M ., and J . Michael , P . M ., together with a goodly number of the memberswere also present .
, The lodge having been opened , the ballot was taken for Mr . John Edwards ancl Mr . A . Terry , both of whom were duly accepted . A letter was then read from Bro . Probett , O . G ., Prov . G . T ., for permission to supply brethren officially with Masonic clothing , which was granted . Some other lodge business liaving been disposed of , the lodge was closed in perfect harmony .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . Craus CHATTER ( No . 21 ) . —A convocation was held on the 24 th ult ., at the London Coffee House , when , in the absence of Comp . Spratt , Comp . J . G . Wood , presided . The minutes liaving been read and confirmed , the ballot was taken for Bros . AV . SIiakespo . il- Webster , of Lodge 231 , and Edwin Carton , of Lodge 969 ; also for Comp . Charles Allen , of Chapter S 20 , which were unanimous in their favour . Comp . J . How was then requested
to take the first chair , and Bros . Webster and Canton were admitted and exalted into this supreme degree . This being the chapter for the installation of the principals aud investment of officers , Comp . T . Harrison was installed into the chair of Z . by Comp . G . Lambert , and Comp . Churchill into the chair of J . by Comp . How , Comp . T . Yarwood , who had been elected to the chair of H . not being present . Comp . T . RWhite was invested
, , as Scribe E . ; Comps . Mohammed , N . ; Barringer , Treas . ; Williams , P . S . ; Strachan and Penny , Assistants ; Smith , Janitor . There was a goodly attendance of members Comp . Key , P . Z . of the Royal York Chapter , was also present . The usual agreeable banquet followed .
NORFOLK . SORWICB . —Perseverance Chapter ( No . 213 ) . —This chapter held a convocation on Friday , the 20 th inst ., at the Freemasons ' Hall . The business of the evening consisted of the installation of the Principals and officers for the ensuing year . The chapter having been opened in due form by Comps . J . Marshall , Z . ; F . Colsey , H . ; and R . AVhitwell , J . ; the minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed . CompHJ
. . . Mason , P . Z ., then proceeded , according to ancient usage , to instal the newly-elected Principals , viz ., F . Colsey , Z . ; R . Whitwell , H . ; and J . Bayn , J . The address , ___„ appertaining to each chair was most impressively given , and the signs and symbols to eacli were most lucidly explained by him . The new Principals have entered upon their several duties with a firm determination to restore the chapterif possibleto that proud
, , position it once held in the province . The sum of one guinea ¦ was voted towards the Girls' Masonic School , the quarterly meetings agreed to , and , after some discussion relative to the future working of the chapter , it was closed in solemn prayer , after which the companions passed a very pleasant evening .
SOUTH AVALES ( EASTERN DIA'ISION ) . SWANSEA . — Chapter Virtue and Hope ( No . 237 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this chapter was held on Monday , the 16 th ult , when were present Comps , I , G . Williams , P . Z . ; Edward J .
Royal Arch.
Morris , P . Z . ; J . G . Hall , P . Z . ; F . D . Michael , P . Z . ; G . Allen , J . Mitchell , R . Phillips , J . Tulloch , H . Phipps , and others . In the absence of the M . E . Z ., Comp . I . Mansel Talbot , Comp . E . J . Morris , P . Z ., acted as Z . ; Comp . J . G . Hall , P . Z ., as H . ; and Comp . 0 „ G . A \ illiams , P . Z ., as J . After confirmation oftlie minutes of last meeting , tho ballot was taken for Bro . Edward Stevens , of the Indefatigable Lodge , which , resulting in his unanimous electionhe was dulelected to the degree
, y supreme hy Comp . Edward J . Morris , P . Z . The lectures were delivered , as usual , from the three chairs . During the last two years , the working of this chapter has steadily improved , and it has added carefully to its numbers . It is now one of the best worked and appointed chapters in the principality .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . Hun . —Minerva Chapter ( No . 250 ) . —A meeting of this chapter was held in the Masonic Hall , Prince-street , on Thursday evening , Jan . 19 th , at which were present—Comps . Thomas Walton , Z . ; A . O . Arden , P . Z ., as H . ; R . E . Harrison , J . ; John Malcolm , Scribe E . ; J . L . Jacobs , N . ; Walter Reynolds , Prin . Soj . ; G . W . Harrison and J . N . Scherling , Assist . Soj . ; F . B .
Groticum , S . B . ; W . Johnson , M . C . Peek , R . Goddard , & c . Visitors—Comps . Hewson , P . Z . ; Wangh , P . Z . ; Clark , J . ; \ V . Neidler , B . Gates , Martin Kemp , Humber Chapter , No . 57 , Hull . The chapter having been opened in ancient form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The M . C . Pock explaining the signs and clothing , and the Prin . Soj . giving the explanation of the sacred pedestal . The chapter was then closed in ancient form , and the companions adjourned to the banquet , and spent the remainder of the evening in harmony .
Knights Templar.
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVEEPOOI . —Jacques de Molai / Encampment . —A conclave of the above encampment was opened hy P . E . C . Sir Knt . C . J . Banister , iu the absence of Sir Thomas Hesketh Bart . M . P ., E . G ., at the Temple , Hope-street , on Friday , the 20 th ult ., at five o'clock , assisted by P . E . C . Sir Knts . H . S . Alpass and S . AVhite , as Captains ; E . Pierpoint , Prelate ; Fowler , as Capt . of Lines ; Hall and MelladewHeralds ; Captain Berry
, , & c . Comps . Dr . Barrow and E . Busher being properly prepared , were duly installed severally by the acting E . G ., with bis usual care , as Knights Templar , and they were proclaimed add saluted in ancient form . The election of E . G . resulted unanimously in favour of Sir Knt . Samuel AVhite , 1 st Capt . Sir Knight H . S . Alpass was unanimously elected Treus . The Almoner made his collection , which is never omitted in this encampment . Two candidates were proposed for installation .
The remainder of the business being over , the encampment was closed in solemn form . A conclave of emergency was held on the 30 th ult ., to instal Comp . Captain Sharpe , who was leaving the province , under the presidency of P . E . C . Sir Knt . C . J . Banister , assisted hy the officers of the encampment , P . E . C . Sir Knt . Edward Pierpoint acting as Expert .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST . ) llvix ,. —Antient , Torlc Conclave of Redemption . —A meeting of this encampment was held on Friday evening , Jan . 20 th , in the Masonic Hall , Prince-street , at which were present Sir Knt . Walter Reynolds , Prov . G . C . ; E . C . Sir Knt . M . C . Pecb , Prov . G . Chancellor , 1 st . Capt . ; Sir Knt . G . Wilkinson , 2 nd Capt . ; Rev . G . 0 . BrownPrelateSir Knt . John
Mal-, ; colm , as Expert ; Sir Knt . R . E . Harrison , Organist ; Frater Wm . Johnson , Equerry ; Sir Knts . Walton , Thos . Dale , & c The encampment liaving been opened in due form , the minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed , the ballot was then taken for Bro . F . Jackson , Minerva , No . 250 , who was unanimously accepted as a candidate for this beautiful degree . Bros . John Marshall and Francis Jackson were then
admitted and regularl y exalted to this degree by the M . E . Z . in his usually impressive manner . Comps . Hudson , Pearl , AVray , and Jackson were then severally admitted and installed by the E . C . The business of the evening having been concluded , the encampment was closed in ancient form , and the Sir Knights adjourned to the banquet-hall , where an agreeable evening wa spent .