Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR BOYS. Page 1 of 1 Article KNIGHT KADOSH—A. A. RITE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Contents . — PAGE FREEMASON ' S' MAGAZINE : — Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 161 Knight Kadosh , A . and A . Rite 161 Scottish Rite in California 163 The Earl Rosslon the Working Tools Question 105
yn The Ancient and Accepted Rite in America ; 165 Masonic Jottings—No . 50 167 Masonic Notes and Queries 168 Correspondence 169 Masonic Sayings and Doings Abroad 169 MASONIC MIREOE : — Masonic Mems l'l United Grand Lodge 171
Ci-APT LODGE MEETINGS : — Metropolitan 173 Centenarvof Jerusalem Lodge— Visit of Bro . H . R . H the Prince of AVales 173 Provincial 17 ' INDIA : — District Grand Lodge of Bengal 175 Scotland 178
Royal Arch 179 Mark Masonry 179 Knights Templar 179 List of Lodge , & C , Meetings for ensuing week 180 Notice to Correspondents 180
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys is announced to be held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday next , under the presidency of the E . W . Provincial Grand Master for North Wales and Shropshire , Bro . Sir Watkin
Williams , Bart ., M . P . This brother is so popular in his province , both as a man and a Mason , that we have no doubt that the brethren under his jurisdiction will come well to the front with their subscriptions to the funds so greatly needed by
this noble Institution . It can scarcely be expected that the total subscriptions will equal in amount the large sums of former years . Several causes combine to operate against such a consummation , amongst which
may be named the large sums drained from all available sources in aid of the various funds for the relief of the sufferers by the disastrous war , now happily brought to a conclusion ; and the depressed state of many branches of trade in this
country consequent on that war . It is to be hoped that the brethren will make some extra exertions to counteract , in some measure , the causes likely to operate iu a manner detrimental to our noble charities . The Boys ' School , especially , is in great need of funds ,
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
notwithstanding the large amounts that have been recently collected ; the institution is still in debt to the extent of £ 6 , 000 , and , unlike our other charities , it possesses no funded property , and has to be entirely maintained out of the annual income
from subscriptions ancl donations . If greater incentive to exertion were necessary , we need only mention the fact that , for the forthcoming election of inmates to the school there are no less than fifty-eight approved candidates on
the list , while there are only vacancies for fourteen , a most convincing proof of the necessity and the usefulness of the institution .
There is at present accommodation m the school for 120 inmates , which no doubt may be considered by many as a magnificent result of the labours of those who take so deep an interest in the success of the school , and the welfare of the pupils ; but the work of the Institution cannot be said
to be complete , while there exist even the necessity of going through the formulary of an election , the expenses of a canvass for ivhich often entails a serious inroad upon the already slender resources of the widowed parent .
Up then , brethren , and let the work of not only this , but our other noble charities be complete , by enabling their portals to be thrown open to every worthy applicant , an end which seems easy of accomplishment , ivhen it is considered that in the ranks of Masonry are enrolled many of the noblest and richest in the land .
Knight Kadosh—A. A. Rite.
Knight ¦ Kadosh , called also Knight of the White and Black Eagle , is the thirtieth degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Eite , and tho last to which any ceremonial or ritual is attached , and is acknoivledged to be very important ,
beingfound in many rites and in many countries . Previously to the adoption of the A . A . Eite , the thirtieth degree'formed , we believe , a part of the ceremonial of the Knights Templar . Bagon mentions the Kadosh as having been established
at Jerusalem in 1118 , in which case , of course , it must have belonged to the Templars . The work from which this degree takes its name ias been a considerable difficulty ivith all commentators . Its first appearance in the volume of the Sacred Law is where we read that " God
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Contents . — PAGE FREEMASON ' S' MAGAZINE : — Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 161 Knight Kadosh , A . and A . Rite 161 Scottish Rite in California 163 The Earl Rosslon the Working Tools Question 105
yn The Ancient and Accepted Rite in America ; 165 Masonic Jottings—No . 50 167 Masonic Notes and Queries 168 Correspondence 169 Masonic Sayings and Doings Abroad 169 MASONIC MIREOE : — Masonic Mems l'l United Grand Lodge 171
Ci-APT LODGE MEETINGS : — Metropolitan 173 Centenarvof Jerusalem Lodge— Visit of Bro . H . R . H the Prince of AVales 173 Provincial 17 ' INDIA : — District Grand Lodge of Bengal 175 Scotland 178
Royal Arch 179 Mark Masonry 179 Knights Templar 179 List of Lodge , & C , Meetings for ensuing week 180 Notice to Correspondents 180
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
The Anniversary Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys is announced to be held at Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday next , under the presidency of the E . W . Provincial Grand Master for North Wales and Shropshire , Bro . Sir Watkin
Williams , Bart ., M . P . This brother is so popular in his province , both as a man and a Mason , that we have no doubt that the brethren under his jurisdiction will come well to the front with their subscriptions to the funds so greatly needed by
this noble Institution . It can scarcely be expected that the total subscriptions will equal in amount the large sums of former years . Several causes combine to operate against such a consummation , amongst which
may be named the large sums drained from all available sources in aid of the various funds for the relief of the sufferers by the disastrous war , now happily brought to a conclusion ; and the depressed state of many branches of trade in this
country consequent on that war . It is to be hoped that the brethren will make some extra exertions to counteract , in some measure , the causes likely to operate iu a manner detrimental to our noble charities . The Boys ' School , especially , is in great need of funds ,
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
notwithstanding the large amounts that have been recently collected ; the institution is still in debt to the extent of £ 6 , 000 , and , unlike our other charities , it possesses no funded property , and has to be entirely maintained out of the annual income
from subscriptions ancl donations . If greater incentive to exertion were necessary , we need only mention the fact that , for the forthcoming election of inmates to the school there are no less than fifty-eight approved candidates on
the list , while there are only vacancies for fourteen , a most convincing proof of the necessity and the usefulness of the institution .
There is at present accommodation m the school for 120 inmates , which no doubt may be considered by many as a magnificent result of the labours of those who take so deep an interest in the success of the school , and the welfare of the pupils ; but the work of the Institution cannot be said
to be complete , while there exist even the necessity of going through the formulary of an election , the expenses of a canvass for ivhich often entails a serious inroad upon the already slender resources of the widowed parent .
Up then , brethren , and let the work of not only this , but our other noble charities be complete , by enabling their portals to be thrown open to every worthy applicant , an end which seems easy of accomplishment , ivhen it is considered that in the ranks of Masonry are enrolled many of the noblest and richest in the land .
Knight Kadosh—A. A. Rite.
Knight ¦ Kadosh , called also Knight of the White and Black Eagle , is the thirtieth degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Eite , and tho last to which any ceremonial or ritual is attached , and is acknoivledged to be very important ,
beingfound in many rites and in many countries . Previously to the adoption of the A . A . Eite , the thirtieth degree'formed , we believe , a part of the ceremonial of the Knights Templar . Bagon mentions the Kadosh as having been established
at Jerusalem in 1118 , in which case , of course , it must have belonged to the Templars . The work from which this degree takes its name ias been a considerable difficulty ivith all commentators . Its first appearance in the volume of the Sacred Law is where we read that " God