Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article Craft Masonry. Page 1 of 2 →
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United Grand Lodge.
The M . AA ' ., Bro . John Savage , P . G . D ., moved " That at page 10 of the Laws relating to tho Fund of Benevolence in law 16 after the words in the lines 9 , 10 , and 11 , ' shall not be effectual until confirmed at the next or a subsequent meeting of tho Lodge of Benevolence , ' be added the words , ' except in cases of recommendations to the Grand Lodge . "
The motion having been duly seconded , was opposed by Bros . Clabon , J . Nunn , and Joseph Smith , although no amendment resulted from the opposition ; their arguments rather tending to shew the desirability of deferring the alteration on the ground that the Law referred to had so recently come into operation . E . AA ' . Bros . Col . Cole , Horace Lloyd , and others on and below
the dais , supported the motion of Bro . Savage . The Acting Grand Master , before putting the motion , presented to Grand Lodge the arguments which had been used on both sides in the course of the discussion , and said although he ivould not express any opinion himself , Grand Lodge ivould judge for themselves . The motion having been put , was carried by an overwhelming majority . Grand Lodge was then closed with prayer .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
GLOBE LODGE ( No . 23 ) , —The regular meeting of this lodge ivas held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , February 16 th . Present Bros . J . M . Stedwell , AV . M . ; L . Warner , J . AV . ; H . Ricketts , S . D . ; G . Cannon , J . D . ; J . Webb , I . G . ; R . H . Hewlett , P . M ., Treasurer ; AVilliam Watson , P . M . ; S . May , P . M . ; AV . Piatt , P . M . Bro . Parkins , Louis Bonsa , G . R . Sherwell , George Johnstone . George Martin , and Matthew Cooke . Lodge was opened iu due form . The AV . M . then invested Bro . AVilliam
Piatt as Secretary of tlie Lodge for the ensuing year , Bro . Piatt having consented to act at tlie particular request of the AV . M . Bro . Mott then read tbe minutes of the last meeting , which were confirmed , as was also thc report of the Audit Committee , ivhich was satisfactory , and was entered to be entered on the minutes . Bro . Parkin , utter proper examination iu the second degrees gree , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . Jonathan Brandon , P . M ., was nominated lor the office of Grand Steward
for the year . It was proposed hy Bro . May , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Dicketts , and carried unanimously , that £ 5 be given to to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . The business over , the Lodge was closed in due lorni , and after a banquet tbe brethren separated .
MAXCIIESTI -H LODGE , ( No . 179 ) . —The brethren o _ the above Lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , on Thursday , 16 th ult . Present : Bros . Kew , W . M . ; Lelcllier , S . AV . ; Hayward , J . AA ' . The lodge having been opened , tbe minutes w _ re read and confirmed . Mr . T . D . Brewer , and Mr . Hawes were initiated into the order . Bios . A . hitt and Shaw were passed to t „ e degree of Fellow Craft , 'ihe lodgo was closed , and the brethren tat down to a very excellent banquet . The usual loyal
and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Berry , P . M ., in eulogistic terms , proposed the toast of the AV . M ., ivho appropriately responded , liro . Jas . Teiry , P . M . 238 , responded for tbe Masonic Churiiies . The toast" ol the Visitors , Officers , aud Tyler , concluded a very agreeable evening ' . Bros . AV . fc ' mecd , P . M . 946 , P . G . P . Middlesex ; E . Cotre ( Oiient of France ); ' L . Iloll ' onbach , 188 ; J . Hales , Egyptian , 27 ; Jas . Terry , P . M . United Strength , ' 2 SS , ivure present as visitors
LODGE oi ? IsiiAii , ( No . 205 ) . —This influential lodgo met at IiuUley ' s Hotel , on Tuesday , __ Sih ult ., when the new Master , The AV . Jjio . 1 ) . M . Harris-,, in a most correct and impressive manner , initii . U'd Mes _ rs . Henry Allen and Johnson Adams , and passed to the second degree Bros . Kirk and Gonipcrs . The AV . M . ivus well supported by Bros . M . Emanuel , S . AV .: Hogard ,
J . AA ' . ; Joel Emanuel , S . D . ; Avden , J . D . ; C . Coote , P . M ., Treas . ; A . M . Cohen , P . M ., Hon . Sec ; P . Phillips , D . C ; Morse , I . G . ; and Past Musters M . J . Emanuel , Chamberlain , S . JI . Harris , Littnur , and J . M . Harris , all of whom expressed their entire approbation and congratulated the AV . M . on the very superior style iu whicli he had conducted thc solemn ceremonies of the evening . A poor brother was assisted from the Benevolent Fund of the lodge , and the meeting was
adjourned . , _ NEIV COS - COED LODGE , ( NO . 813)—The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on Friday the 17 th ult . Present : —T . Bartlett , AA' . M . ; Atkins , S . AV . ; Salisbury , J . AV . ; Blyth , S . D . ; Denny , J . D . ; J . J . AVilson , P . M . and Treas . ; W . H . Main , P . M . and Sec . ; J . Emms , P . M . ; John Hart , P . M . ; Sinclair , D . C ; A . Hill , I . G . ; Han-is , Cheshire , HofbiiuerRandsTiggellBrushinHendleAVaguerPotter ,-
, , , , , , Cain , Vite , Cusivorth , Spratt , Taylor , Crabb , Mount-field , Hubbard , E . Walker , and C . J . Myers . The visitors were Bros . J . Winder , Viatoria Lodge , 1056 ; T . Sheppard , AA ' . M . Egypt-Ian Lodge , 827 . The lodge was opened in due form , Bro . Tiggell was passed . Bro . Atkins was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , J . J . Wilson unanimously Treasurer , Bro . Speight re-elected Tyler . A Past Master ' s Jewel voted to Bro . Bartlett . Five Pounds was voted from the Benevolent Fund to
a distressed Mason of the lodge . Tbe business being over , thelodge was closed in due form , and the brethren retired to an excellent banquet , prepared by Bro . Gabb . The usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were duly honoured , Bro . Wilson replying for the Masonic Charities , he having taken the office of Steward for the Girl ' s School at-the next Festival . Bro . Emms . P . G . P .,. replied for tho Grand Officers , both the visitors acknowledged the compliment , and expressad great satisfaction at the
admirable working of tbe lodge . Tbe W . M . Elect ; B . Hart , P . M . ; . P . M . ; W . H . Main , P . M . and Sec , severally replied upon their healths being drank , and a very pleasant evening was passed , enlivened by some capital singing by Bros . Mountford , Hubbard , Cusivorth , Vite , and Taylor .
FIKSBUHT LODGE ( NO . 861 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Jolly Anglers' Tavern , City Road , on the-24 th ult ., present Bros . J . Nicholls , AV . M . ; T . E . Purdy , P . M . and Sec ; J . Bond , P . M . ; E . Leach , P . M . . G . Leach / P . M . ; AV . Mackey , P . M . ; Hart , S . W . ; Benjamins , J . W . ; Stoke , S . D . ; Meauwell , J . D . ; Odell , I . G . ; Bilby " , Organist ; Thomas A . Greenland , AA . Greenland , Toivles , Hill , Hirsch , Grooine , Belsham ,. Tilley , AVilding , Gibbs , sen . ; Gardiner , Bass , Jordan , Legg ,
Tutill , Dagley , Tripp , Timlett , Green , and other members of the Lodge . Tho following visitors were present : —¦ ' ! . Sheppard ,. W . M ., 27 ; Curry , 754 ; Roberts , 193 ; Flack , 101 : Ear ) , 186 ; , Stile , 35 ; Freeman , 174 ; Terry , P . M ., 228 . Bros . Hill and Menhinick were passed to the degree of F . C , and Bro . Peaks ivas raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . Hirsch gave notice of motion for the removal of the Lodge to more eligible and commodious premises . This being all the business , the Lodge was
closed in due form , and a banquet followed . MosTEnoitE LODGE , ( NO . 1 , 017 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday , 2 nd inst ., at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen Street , Liucolu's Inn-fields , Bro S . A . ICisch , AV . M . in the chair , supported by Bros . J . Lazarus , P . M ., as S . W . ; Braham , J . W . ; Blum , S . D . ; Herman , I . G ., and P . M . ' s E . P . Albert , Sec . ; J . Lazarus , De Sella , Rev . M . B . Levy , S . N . Abrahams . The lodge was opened and the minutes were confirmed . Mr . Lionel i ' yke was initiated , and Bros . Klingensteiu and AA'heeler were passed . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated , there being no banquet .
CENTENARY OF JERUSALEM LODGE , ( No . 197 . ) Probably the most important event iu the history of any indivdiv . il English Lodge occurred on Friday , the 24 th February , on the occasion , always an interesting and notable one , of the Centenary Celebration of Jerusalem Lodge , No . 197 , at the Freemason's Hall , its ordinary place of meeting . Tlie brethren of " Jerusalem" which ( though bits bye-laws limited , in
num-, y bers ) occupies a prominent position among what are termed tbe "Red Apron Lodges" had elected to the W . M . ' s chair , for the second time in a quarter of a century , thoir Senior Past Miiater , Bro . Charles Button Gregory , P . G . D ., late President of the Institution of Civil Engineers , who , assisted as he was OD
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge.
The M . AA ' ., Bro . John Savage , P . G . D ., moved " That at page 10 of the Laws relating to tho Fund of Benevolence in law 16 after the words in the lines 9 , 10 , and 11 , ' shall not be effectual until confirmed at the next or a subsequent meeting of tho Lodge of Benevolence , ' be added the words , ' except in cases of recommendations to the Grand Lodge . "
The motion having been duly seconded , was opposed by Bros . Clabon , J . Nunn , and Joseph Smith , although no amendment resulted from the opposition ; their arguments rather tending to shew the desirability of deferring the alteration on the ground that the Law referred to had so recently come into operation . E . AA ' . Bros . Col . Cole , Horace Lloyd , and others on and below
the dais , supported the motion of Bro . Savage . The Acting Grand Master , before putting the motion , presented to Grand Lodge the arguments which had been used on both sides in the course of the discussion , and said although he ivould not express any opinion himself , Grand Lodge ivould judge for themselves . The motion having been put , was carried by an overwhelming majority . Grand Lodge was then closed with prayer .
Craft Masonry.
Craft Masonry .
GLOBE LODGE ( No . 23 ) , —The regular meeting of this lodge ivas held at the Freemasons' Hall , on Thursday , February 16 th . Present Bros . J . M . Stedwell , AV . M . ; L . Warner , J . AV . ; H . Ricketts , S . D . ; G . Cannon , J . D . ; J . Webb , I . G . ; R . H . Hewlett , P . M ., Treasurer ; AVilliam Watson , P . M . ; S . May , P . M . ; AV . Piatt , P . M . Bro . Parkins , Louis Bonsa , G . R . Sherwell , George Johnstone . George Martin , and Matthew Cooke . Lodge was opened iu due form . The AV . M . then invested Bro . AVilliam
Piatt as Secretary of tlie Lodge for the ensuing year , Bro . Piatt having consented to act at tlie particular request of the AV . M . Bro . Mott then read tbe minutes of the last meeting , which were confirmed , as was also thc report of the Audit Committee , ivhich was satisfactory , and was entered to be entered on the minutes . Bro . Parkin , utter proper examination iu the second degrees gree , was raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . Jonathan Brandon , P . M ., was nominated lor the office of Grand Steward
for the year . It was proposed hy Bro . May , P . M ., and seconded by Bro . Dicketts , and carried unanimously , that £ 5 be given to to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . The business over , the Lodge was closed in due lorni , and after a banquet tbe brethren separated .
MAXCIIESTI -H LODGE , ( No . 179 ) . —The brethren o _ the above Lodge met at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , on Thursday , 16 th ult . Present : Bros . Kew , W . M . ; Lelcllier , S . AV . ; Hayward , J . AA ' . The lodge having been opened , tbe minutes w _ re read and confirmed . Mr . T . D . Brewer , and Mr . Hawes were initiated into the order . Bios . A . hitt and Shaw were passed to t „ e degree of Fellow Craft , 'ihe lodgo was closed , and the brethren tat down to a very excellent banquet . The usual loyal
and Masonic toasts were given . Bro . Berry , P . M ., in eulogistic terms , proposed the toast of the AV . M ., ivho appropriately responded , liro . Jas . Teiry , P . M . 238 , responded for tbe Masonic Churiiies . The toast" ol the Visitors , Officers , aud Tyler , concluded a very agreeable evening ' . Bros . AV . fc ' mecd , P . M . 946 , P . G . P . Middlesex ; E . Cotre ( Oiient of France ); ' L . Iloll ' onbach , 188 ; J . Hales , Egyptian , 27 ; Jas . Terry , P . M . United Strength , ' 2 SS , ivure present as visitors
LODGE oi ? IsiiAii , ( No . 205 ) . —This influential lodgo met at IiuUley ' s Hotel , on Tuesday , __ Sih ult ., when the new Master , The AV . Jjio . 1 ) . M . Harris-,, in a most correct and impressive manner , initii . U'd Mes _ rs . Henry Allen and Johnson Adams , and passed to the second degree Bros . Kirk and Gonipcrs . The AV . M . ivus well supported by Bros . M . Emanuel , S . AV .: Hogard ,
J . AA ' . ; Joel Emanuel , S . D . ; Avden , J . D . ; C . Coote , P . M ., Treas . ; A . M . Cohen , P . M ., Hon . Sec ; P . Phillips , D . C ; Morse , I . G . ; and Past Musters M . J . Emanuel , Chamberlain , S . JI . Harris , Littnur , and J . M . Harris , all of whom expressed their entire approbation and congratulated the AV . M . on the very superior style iu whicli he had conducted thc solemn ceremonies of the evening . A poor brother was assisted from the Benevolent Fund of the lodge , and the meeting was
adjourned . , _ NEIV COS - COED LODGE , ( NO . 813)—The regular meeting of this lodge was held at the Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on Friday the 17 th ult . Present : —T . Bartlett , AA' . M . ; Atkins , S . AV . ; Salisbury , J . AV . ; Blyth , S . D . ; Denny , J . D . ; J . J . AVilson , P . M . and Treas . ; W . H . Main , P . M . and Sec . ; J . Emms , P . M . ; John Hart , P . M . ; Sinclair , D . C ; A . Hill , I . G . ; Han-is , Cheshire , HofbiiuerRandsTiggellBrushinHendleAVaguerPotter ,-
, , , , , , Cain , Vite , Cusivorth , Spratt , Taylor , Crabb , Mount-field , Hubbard , E . Walker , and C . J . Myers . The visitors were Bros . J . Winder , Viatoria Lodge , 1056 ; T . Sheppard , AA ' . M . Egypt-Ian Lodge , 827 . The lodge was opened in due form , Bro . Tiggell was passed . Bro . Atkins was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year , J . J . Wilson unanimously Treasurer , Bro . Speight re-elected Tyler . A Past Master ' s Jewel voted to Bro . Bartlett . Five Pounds was voted from the Benevolent Fund to
a distressed Mason of the lodge . Tbe business being over , thelodge was closed in due form , and the brethren retired to an excellent banquet , prepared by Bro . Gabb . The usual loyal aud Masonic toasts were duly honoured , Bro . Wilson replying for the Masonic Charities , he having taken the office of Steward for the Girl ' s School at-the next Festival . Bro . Emms . P . G . P .,. replied for tho Grand Officers , both the visitors acknowledged the compliment , and expressad great satisfaction at the
admirable working of tbe lodge . Tbe W . M . Elect ; B . Hart , P . M . ; . P . M . ; W . H . Main , P . M . and Sec , severally replied upon their healths being drank , and a very pleasant evening was passed , enlivened by some capital singing by Bros . Mountford , Hubbard , Cusivorth , Vite , and Taylor .
FIKSBUHT LODGE ( NO . 861 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Jolly Anglers' Tavern , City Road , on the-24 th ult ., present Bros . J . Nicholls , AV . M . ; T . E . Purdy , P . M . and Sec ; J . Bond , P . M . ; E . Leach , P . M . . G . Leach / P . M . ; AV . Mackey , P . M . ; Hart , S . W . ; Benjamins , J . W . ; Stoke , S . D . ; Meauwell , J . D . ; Odell , I . G . ; Bilby " , Organist ; Thomas A . Greenland , AA . Greenland , Toivles , Hill , Hirsch , Grooine , Belsham ,. Tilley , AVilding , Gibbs , sen . ; Gardiner , Bass , Jordan , Legg ,
Tutill , Dagley , Tripp , Timlett , Green , and other members of the Lodge . Tho following visitors were present : —¦ ' ! . Sheppard ,. W . M ., 27 ; Curry , 754 ; Roberts , 193 ; Flack , 101 : Ear ) , 186 ; , Stile , 35 ; Freeman , 174 ; Terry , P . M ., 228 . Bros . Hill and Menhinick were passed to the degree of F . C , and Bro . Peaks ivas raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Bro . Hirsch gave notice of motion for the removal of the Lodge to more eligible and commodious premises . This being all the business , the Lodge was
closed in due form , and a banquet followed . MosTEnoitE LODGE , ( NO . 1 , 017 ) . —The regular meeting of this lodge was held on AVednesday , 2 nd inst ., at the Freemasons ' Hall , Great Queen Street , Liucolu's Inn-fields , Bro S . A . ICisch , AV . M . in the chair , supported by Bros . J . Lazarus , P . M ., as S . W . ; Braham , J . W . ; Blum , S . D . ; Herman , I . G ., and P . M . ' s E . P . Albert , Sec . ; J . Lazarus , De Sella , Rev . M . B . Levy , S . N . Abrahams . The lodge was opened and the minutes were confirmed . Mr . Lionel i ' yke was initiated , and Bros . Klingensteiu and AA'heeler were passed . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren separated , there being no banquet .
CENTENARY OF JERUSALEM LODGE , ( No . 197 . ) Probably the most important event iu the history of any indivdiv . il English Lodge occurred on Friday , the 24 th February , on the occasion , always an interesting and notable one , of the Centenary Celebration of Jerusalem Lodge , No . 197 , at the Freemason's Hall , its ordinary place of meeting . Tlie brethren of " Jerusalem" which ( though bits bye-laws limited , in
num-, y bers ) occupies a prominent position among what are termed tbe "Red Apron Lodges" had elected to the W . M . ' s chair , for the second time in a quarter of a century , thoir Senior Past Miiater , Bro . Charles Button Gregory , P . G . D ., late President of the Institution of Civil Engineers , who , assisted as he was OD