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at the University , hut Masonry at that time was little known there ; in fact , although the first meeting of this Lodge had been held in his own college , he had never heard of its existence until after he had left residence . He congratulated the W . M . on his attaining the distinguished position which he occupied in succession to so many great masons , and assured him that he himself would prefer being AV . M . of the Apollo Lodge to holding thc highest office in Grand Lod . The Rev . Past Master Short
ge , Grand Chaplain , made some very kind and feeling remarks ou the loss the Lodge bad sustained by the decease of tbe I . P . M ., Bro . Lamert , and also upon the pleasure which he felt in seeing so many Provincial and City Lodges represented , ivhich for some years had been absent from the Festival .
YORKSHIRE , ( NORTH AND EAST . ; HiJHi . —Humber Lodge , ( No . 57 ) . —At a regular meeting of this lodge , held at Freemasons' Hall , Osborne Street , on Tuesday 21 st inst ., Bro . AA' . Tesseyman , AA ' . M . in the chair , two candidates having been ballotted for and accepted were initiated A report was read by the Secretary , showing tbat the Annual Charity Ball , in connection with this lodge , held 2 nd February last , bad in every respect been a great success , and that the net
balance arising therefrom amounted to £ 25 18 s . lOd . The Committee of Management after gratefully referring to the assistance and patronage received from their non-Masonic friends , recommended in acknowledgement thereof that a donation of £ 1 Is . he given to each of the following local charities , viz : — The General Sailor ' s Orphan Home , the Port of Hull Sailor ' s Home , and the Hull Branch of the Shipwrecked Fishermen , and the Mariners' Benevolent Society . It was also recommended
that in order to endow the two Deacon ' s Chairs , ( the Master's and Senior and Junior Warden ' s Chairs having already been endowed ) the sum of £ 10 10 a . be presented to the Masonic School for Boys . The sum of £ 2 2 s . to be paid to the Freemasons' Life Boat , and the balance , £ 10 3 s . lOd . to be paid to the credit of a special reserve fund for the Masonic Charities . Bro . Coatsworth , P . M ., in an eloquent speech , on behalf of the officers and members , presented to the I . P . M ., Bro . Hudler , an elegant
and chaste gold Past Master ' s Jewel with suitable inscription engraved thereon , as a mark of their high esteem of him as a man and a Mason , and also of their appreciation of the great exertions which he had used for the general good of the lodge during his year o £ office . After Bro . Hudler had , in a neat and fitting speech , thanked the brethren for their kind and beautiful gift , the lodge was closed in due form . Subsequently the brethren , numbering upwards of fifty , sat down to refreshments , and for a limited period enjoyed themselves iu the most fraternal manner .
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF BENGAL . A Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Tuesday , the 27 th December , 1870 ; the Right AA' orshipful Hugh David Sandeman , Dist . G . M ., in the chair ; supported by tho Right Worshipful G . H . DalyM . D ., Dep . Dist . Grand Master .
, and W . Bros . AV . J . Judge , Past Dep . D . G . M . ; John Mackintosh , D . S . G . W . ; J . H . DeSalis , D . J . G . AV . ; J . H . Linton , D . G . Treas . ; J . Pitt Kennedy , D . G . Reg . ; II . II . Locke , D . G . Sec ; Lt-Col . B . Ford , D . S . G . D . ; G . Keighly , Past D . G . D . ; W . JB . Parr , Past D . G . D . ; AV . G . Murray , D . G . Dir . of Cer . ; Bros . AV . B . MacTavish , D . G . Asst , Dir . of Cer . ; AV . G . Amos , Past D . G .
Asst . Dir . of Cer . ; G . Mack , D . G . Org . ; R . Harvey , D . G . Purs ; Wor . Bro . W . 0 . Allender , Bros . AV . E . Jellicoo , E . F . Longley , D . G . Stewards ; Bros . H . J . Frew , D . J . Daniel , and G . Alexander , D . G . Tylers . The following brethren were present as representatives of Lodges in the Bengal District : viz . —Lodge of Industry and Perseverance , ( No . 109 ) . —Bros . AV . K . AA ' aller , S . AV ., as AV . M . ; Lt-Col . J . F . Tennant , TR . TE ., S . W . ^ andJJ . C . McGregor , Bar-at-
Law , JAY . —Lodge of True Friendship , ( No . 218 . )—AV . Bros . G . J . Scott , AV . M . ; Dr . J . A . Ferris , S . AV . ; and P . Melville , J . W . —Lodge of Humility with Fortitude , ( No . 229 ) . —AV . Bros . D . J . Zemin , AA ' . M . ; AA ' . F . AVestfield , P . M . ; A . LeFranc , J . AV ., as S . AV . ; S . Lawry , Sec , as J . W . —Lodge of Marine , ( No . 232 ) —AA' . Bros . H . B . Lewis , P . M ., as AV . M . ; A . J . Rothschild , S . AA' . and J . H . Turner , J . AV . —Lodge Courage with Humanity , ( No .
392 ) . —AV . Bros . I . L . Taylor , P . M ., as AV . M . ; J . E . Barnes . S . AV . . and E . II . Lloyd , J . AV . —Lodge St . John , ( No . 486 ) . — AA ' . Bro . Lt-Col . J . M . Campbell , AV . M . ; Capt . G . G . Nelson , S . AV ., and Capt . AV . S . Hunt , JAY . —Lodge Morning Star , ( No . 552 ) . —Bro . J , AA' . M . Cotton , ( Lt ., 21 st . Hus . ) J . AV ., as AV . M . —Lodge Fxcelsior , ( No . S 25 ) - —W . Bro . AV . B . Farr ,
AV . M . ; E . Carritt , S . AV . ; and AV . Hay , JAY . —Lodge Temperance and Benevolence , ( No . 1160 ) . —Bros . R . M . AA'ibrow , S . W ., as AV . M . ; and C . Barnard , J . AA ' ., as SAY . —Lodge Cliota Nagpore , ( No . 38 ) of Bengal . —Bro . D . .. S . Delpratt , S . AV ., ( and W . M . Elect ) , as W . M . The visiting brethren were AA ' . Bros . Major The Hon . E . R-
Bourke ; C . H . Harris , AV . M . 401 , ( S . C . ) ; A . B . Mitchell , AV . M 404 , ( S . C . ); Coliva , of Lodge " Washington " in Palermo ; Tournerie , of Lodge " Liguria Philanthropiqne " in Nice ; J . Vaugelder , 67 ; AA ' . Avery , 218 ; At . H . McGowan , 486 ; AV . P . Duff , 109 > AV . J . Curtoys , 109 ; T . H . Henty , 229 ; E . Healey , 67 ; Capt .
Sartorius , 438 ; W . Burroughs , AV . J . S . Beimet . . The District Grand Lodge was opened in due form at 6 . 30 The District Grand Secretary reported the receipts of apologies from the following brethren , for non-attendance tbat
evening : — AV . Bros . J . B . Roberts , Past Dep . D . G . M . ; R . Alexander C . S ., D . G . Supt . of AVorks ; Rev . F . AA' . Robberds . D . G . Chap . ; J . Bruce Gillon , Past D . G . Deacon ; Capt . T . Denneby , D . G . Sword Bearer ; T . H . Girling , D . G . Steward and AV . M . 1160 ; C Piffard , AV . M . 67 .
Tho minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 24 th Juue , 1870 , having been printed and circulated , were , on the motion of the District Grand Master , taken as read , ou being put to the vote , were confirmed . The Right AVorshipful the District Master then said . AVorshipful brethren , —Before addressing you on the general subject of business to be brought before Grand Lodge , I have to my great sorrow to make an announcement to you ivhich I am sure will
be received with very deep regret , and ivhich is the great loss that has been sustained by Masonry in India by the death , since wo last met , of the District Grand Master of British Burmah . It ivould be superfluous for me to recapitulate all that Colonel Greenlaw did for the good of Freemasonry up to the very time of his decease , how he laboured for its interests with his pen as well as with his personal support and countenance , or to tell you how dearly loved ho was by all with whom he came in
contact , whether as a Freemason or as a companion in ordinary life Personally I have had to deplore the loss of a very dear friend , with whom I was very intimately acquainted , and in close and constant correspondence for many years . The Craft had lost in him an honest supporter , a hard-working , conscientious aud upright brother , ivhose memory will long live in the annals of the Order , I propose that a letter be addressed to the District Grand Lodge of Burmahexpressing on behalf of
, this Grand Lodge , sincere condolence with them in the loss of this eminent brother . I bave further the painful task of announcing to yon thedemise of AVorshipful Bro . Conway , who was well known among the Masonic Fraternity in this province , and much esteemed by us as well for his private and social good qualities as for the interest which he manifested in all matters connected with omancient Craft . You will remember tbat be was especially
conspicuous for the manner in which he laboured for the advancement of our Masonic Charities . I have reason to know that his loss was acutely felt in his own lodge , and I am equally well assured that this feeling is not confined to Lodge "Excelsior . " ' The District Grand Master then moved : —
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at the University , hut Masonry at that time was little known there ; in fact , although the first meeting of this Lodge had been held in his own college , he had never heard of its existence until after he had left residence . He congratulated the W . M . on his attaining the distinguished position which he occupied in succession to so many great masons , and assured him that he himself would prefer being AV . M . of the Apollo Lodge to holding thc highest office in Grand Lod . The Rev . Past Master Short
ge , Grand Chaplain , made some very kind and feeling remarks ou the loss the Lodge bad sustained by the decease of tbe I . P . M ., Bro . Lamert , and also upon the pleasure which he felt in seeing so many Provincial and City Lodges represented , ivhich for some years had been absent from the Festival .
YORKSHIRE , ( NORTH AND EAST . ; HiJHi . —Humber Lodge , ( No . 57 ) . —At a regular meeting of this lodge , held at Freemasons' Hall , Osborne Street , on Tuesday 21 st inst ., Bro . AA' . Tesseyman , AA ' . M . in the chair , two candidates having been ballotted for and accepted were initiated A report was read by the Secretary , showing tbat the Annual Charity Ball , in connection with this lodge , held 2 nd February last , bad in every respect been a great success , and that the net
balance arising therefrom amounted to £ 25 18 s . lOd . The Committee of Management after gratefully referring to the assistance and patronage received from their non-Masonic friends , recommended in acknowledgement thereof that a donation of £ 1 Is . he given to each of the following local charities , viz : — The General Sailor ' s Orphan Home , the Port of Hull Sailor ' s Home , and the Hull Branch of the Shipwrecked Fishermen , and the Mariners' Benevolent Society . It was also recommended
that in order to endow the two Deacon ' s Chairs , ( the Master's and Senior and Junior Warden ' s Chairs having already been endowed ) the sum of £ 10 10 a . be presented to the Masonic School for Boys . The sum of £ 2 2 s . to be paid to the Freemasons' Life Boat , and the balance , £ 10 3 s . lOd . to be paid to the credit of a special reserve fund for the Masonic Charities . Bro . Coatsworth , P . M ., in an eloquent speech , on behalf of the officers and members , presented to the I . P . M ., Bro . Hudler , an elegant
and chaste gold Past Master ' s Jewel with suitable inscription engraved thereon , as a mark of their high esteem of him as a man and a Mason , and also of their appreciation of the great exertions which he had used for the general good of the lodge during his year o £ office . After Bro . Hudler had , in a neat and fitting speech , thanked the brethren for their kind and beautiful gift , the lodge was closed in due form . Subsequently the brethren , numbering upwards of fifty , sat down to refreshments , and for a limited period enjoyed themselves iu the most fraternal manner .
DISTRICT GRAND LODGE OF BENGAL . A Quarterly Communication of the District Grand Lodge of Bengal was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Calcutta , on Tuesday , the 27 th December , 1870 ; the Right AA' orshipful Hugh David Sandeman , Dist . G . M ., in the chair ; supported by tho Right Worshipful G . H . DalyM . D ., Dep . Dist . Grand Master .
, and W . Bros . AV . J . Judge , Past Dep . D . G . M . ; John Mackintosh , D . S . G . W . ; J . H . DeSalis , D . J . G . AV . ; J . H . Linton , D . G . Treas . ; J . Pitt Kennedy , D . G . Reg . ; II . II . Locke , D . G . Sec ; Lt-Col . B . Ford , D . S . G . D . ; G . Keighly , Past D . G . D . ; W . JB . Parr , Past D . G . D . ; AV . G . Murray , D . G . Dir . of Cer . ; Bros . AV . B . MacTavish , D . G . Asst , Dir . of Cer . ; AV . G . Amos , Past D . G .
Asst . Dir . of Cer . ; G . Mack , D . G . Org . ; R . Harvey , D . G . Purs ; Wor . Bro . W . 0 . Allender , Bros . AV . E . Jellicoo , E . F . Longley , D . G . Stewards ; Bros . H . J . Frew , D . J . Daniel , and G . Alexander , D . G . Tylers . The following brethren were present as representatives of Lodges in the Bengal District : viz . —Lodge of Industry and Perseverance , ( No . 109 ) . —Bros . AV . K . AA ' aller , S . AV ., as AV . M . ; Lt-Col . J . F . Tennant , TR . TE ., S . W . ^ andJJ . C . McGregor , Bar-at-
Law , JAY . —Lodge of True Friendship , ( No . 218 . )—AV . Bros . G . J . Scott , AV . M . ; Dr . J . A . Ferris , S . AV . ; and P . Melville , J . W . —Lodge of Humility with Fortitude , ( No . 229 ) . —AV . Bros . D . J . Zemin , AA ' . M . ; AA ' . F . AVestfield , P . M . ; A . LeFranc , J . AV ., as S . AV . ; S . Lawry , Sec , as J . W . —Lodge of Marine , ( No . 232 ) —AA' . Bros . H . B . Lewis , P . M ., as AV . M . ; A . J . Rothschild , S . AA' . and J . H . Turner , J . AV . —Lodge Courage with Humanity , ( No .
392 ) . —AV . Bros . I . L . Taylor , P . M ., as AV . M . ; J . E . Barnes . S . AV . . and E . II . Lloyd , J . AV . —Lodge St . John , ( No . 486 ) . — AA ' . Bro . Lt-Col . J . M . Campbell , AV . M . ; Capt . G . G . Nelson , S . AV ., and Capt . AV . S . Hunt , JAY . —Lodge Morning Star , ( No . 552 ) . —Bro . J , AA' . M . Cotton , ( Lt ., 21 st . Hus . ) J . AV ., as AV . M . —Lodge Fxcelsior , ( No . S 25 ) - —W . Bro . AV . B . Farr ,
AV . M . ; E . Carritt , S . AV . ; and AV . Hay , JAY . —Lodge Temperance and Benevolence , ( No . 1160 ) . —Bros . R . M . AA'ibrow , S . W ., as AV . M . ; and C . Barnard , J . AA ' ., as SAY . —Lodge Cliota Nagpore , ( No . 38 ) of Bengal . —Bro . D . .. S . Delpratt , S . AV ., ( and W . M . Elect ) , as W . M . The visiting brethren were AA ' . Bros . Major The Hon . E . R-
Bourke ; C . H . Harris , AV . M . 401 , ( S . C . ) ; A . B . Mitchell , AV . M 404 , ( S . C . ); Coliva , of Lodge " Washington " in Palermo ; Tournerie , of Lodge " Liguria Philanthropiqne " in Nice ; J . Vaugelder , 67 ; AA ' . Avery , 218 ; At . H . McGowan , 486 ; AV . P . Duff , 109 > AV . J . Curtoys , 109 ; T . H . Henty , 229 ; E . Healey , 67 ; Capt .
Sartorius , 438 ; W . Burroughs , AV . J . S . Beimet . . The District Grand Lodge was opened in due form at 6 . 30 The District Grand Secretary reported the receipts of apologies from the following brethren , for non-attendance tbat
evening : — AV . Bros . J . B . Roberts , Past Dep . D . G . M . ; R . Alexander C . S ., D . G . Supt . of AVorks ; Rev . F . AA' . Robberds . D . G . Chap . ; J . Bruce Gillon , Past D . G . Deacon ; Capt . T . Denneby , D . G . Sword Bearer ; T . H . Girling , D . G . Steward and AV . M . 1160 ; C Piffard , AV . M . 67 .
Tho minutes of the Quarterly Communication of the 24 th Juue , 1870 , having been printed and circulated , were , on the motion of the District Grand Master , taken as read , ou being put to the vote , were confirmed . The Right AVorshipful the District Master then said . AVorshipful brethren , —Before addressing you on the general subject of business to be brought before Grand Lodge , I have to my great sorrow to make an announcement to you ivhich I am sure will
be received with very deep regret , and ivhich is the great loss that has been sustained by Masonry in India by the death , since wo last met , of the District Grand Master of British Burmah . It ivould be superfluous for me to recapitulate all that Colonel Greenlaw did for the good of Freemasonry up to the very time of his decease , how he laboured for its interests with his pen as well as with his personal support and countenance , or to tell you how dearly loved ho was by all with whom he came in
contact , whether as a Freemason or as a companion in ordinary life Personally I have had to deplore the loss of a very dear friend , with whom I was very intimately acquainted , and in close and constant correspondence for many years . The Craft had lost in him an honest supporter , a hard-working , conscientious aud upright brother , ivhose memory will long live in the annals of the Order , I propose that a letter be addressed to the District Grand Lodge of Burmahexpressing on behalf of
, this Grand Lodge , sincere condolence with them in the loss of this eminent brother . I bave further the painful task of announcing to yon thedemise of AVorshipful Bro . Conway , who was well known among the Masonic Fraternity in this province , and much esteemed by us as well for his private and social good qualities as for the interest which he manifested in all matters connected with omancient Craft . You will remember tbat be was especially
conspicuous for the manner in which he laboured for the advancement of our Masonic Charities . I have reason to know that his loss was acutely felt in his own lodge , and I am equally well assured that this feeling is not confined to Lodge "Excelsior . " ' The District Grand Master then moved : —