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That a letter of condolence from this Distsiot Grand Lodge be addressed to the District Grand Lodge of British Burmah . " This was seconded by AV . Bro . Col . Ford , D . S . G . D ., and carried unanimously . The Right AVorshipful the District Grand Master then proceeded to address the brethren of District Grand Lodge , and said : — " Your attention this evening will be mainly directed to the which havo to be considered at
Committee reports , always our meetings . From tbe report of tbo Finance Committee it would appear that the state of our funds is somewhat improved since June , yet it must be remembered that iu addition to the sum exhibited as a balance against the Grand Lodge Fund , there is 3 debt of £ 250 , ivhich still remains unliquidated ; and which every effort must he made to clear off . I hope that during the next half » year wo may see this done , aud then wc may he able to work on in : i state of positive solvency . It will be a matter of regret to you to see the names of certain lodges reported as defaulters by tlie Finance Committee , who have
however done but their duty in the matter . 1 pass over the cases of "True Friendship' and ' Marine' as they have in part complied with thc laws of Grand Lodge in respect to tho payment of their dues , without' further comments than to remark upon the discredit which attaches to lodges remaining debtors to Grand Lodge , notwithstanding all that has Awen said from time to time by myself and others in Grand Lodge on the subject , and notwithstanding their knowledge of the urgent
necessity ivhich exists of relieving Grand Lodge from an embarrassment which is partly attributable to their negligence . In the other cases , upon the recommendation of tho Finance Committee , I directed the Masters to appear before a Committee which I appointed to investigate their oases , together with their Books and their AA ' arrants of Constitution . The Committee have reported to me in the case of the Lodge ' Temperance ' that the disregard to their instructions which issued from time
to time from the Grand Secretary ' s Office has resulted from ignorance and not from intentional motives of disrespect ; and they are of opinion that a reprimand which they administered to the Officer in charge of the lodge was sufficient to meet the case . I have of course supported their judgment and their action ,
I am sorry to be obliged to add that the lodge is very far from being in a satisfactory state , aud I am compelled , upon the appeal of one of its members , to interfere with the election of its Master for tha ensuing year . The Master of Lodge' Anchor and Hope' paid no attention to the orders communicated to him to appear before thc Committee , aud a peremptory summons was accordimgly issued ; upon this he appeared with his Secretary , but without his Warrant or Books , as he was desired to do . His
replies were considered by the Committee to be so unsatisfactory , and his statements regarding the lodge so [ suggestive of tbe fact that it was in a completely disorganised state , and they felt themselves bound to recommend a withdrawal of the Warrant . This I have directed to be done , and it will be for you to decide , upon hearing the circumstances of the case , which will be laid before you during the evening , whether it will be prudent again to entrust the AVarrant to the keeping of a Master who is
apparently unable to comprehend the responsible nature of his duties as a ruler in the Craft . The Master of the lodge is himself under suspension from his Masonic privileges , until such -time as he shall obey my order to deliver his AA ' arrant into the hands of the Grand Rigistrar .
" AVhile on the subject of irregularities 1 have to notice a case ivhich has occurred at Fyzahad in Lodge 'Light of Ajoodbya , ' where the Master , on being removed from the station prior to the expiration of his term of office , placed a now Master in the Chair instead of handing over the lodge , as he should have done , so the rule of his Senior AVarden . . As the irregularity in this instance arose entirely from ignorance on the part of the M-ister I have contented myself with reprimanding him for his want of
knowledge of ordinary Masonic law and procedure . The case is painfully illustrative of the fact that a Mason docs not always make himself sufficiently acquainted with the duties of a Master before taking upon himself that very responsible office . "As regards the reports from the Fund of Benevolence and the Bengal Masonic Association , I have nothing to say further than that , under the existing relations between the Fund of Benevolence and this District Grand Lodge , relations which I believe to be entirely founded upon error , no discussion can take place regarding a report which is sent to us for information and record onlv ; and that tho progress made in the affairs of tho
Bengal Masonic Association ought to bo a matter of congratulation . This report is sent to us for record and information only . " Fears were entertained for a short time that Lodge ' Bock of Gwalior , ' at Morar , might collapse , owing , partly to the transfer of its Master and some of its members to a distant stationand partlto resignations and deaths ; I am happy
, y , however , to add that AA ' . Bro . AVroughton , whose name has been for some time prominently associated with the Dinapore and Fyzabad Lodges , and who is now stationed at Morar , has taken the affairs of the lodge in band , and holds out every hope of its again working prosperously . "I wish to call attention to the handsome mural Tablet which has been placed in tbo monument-room of this building b
y brethren of Lodgo Excelsior , to the memory of our departed Bro . Abbott , and also to notice that the erection of the handsome monument in memory of the late Bro . J . J . L . Hoff has been delayed in consequence of repairs to St . Andrew's Kirk , in which it is destined to remain . Consent to its erection has been formall y obtained from the Church authorities .
Tho Committee reported that thc Lodges generally are clear of arrears in their returns and payments to District Grand Lodge . With the exception of True Friendship , Marine , and Temperance and Benevolence , all the Calcutta Lodges have made their returns and rendered all dues for tbe third quarter of the current year The two first of the above-named Lodges have rendered their returns and dues up to the second quarter only . Lodge Temperance and Benevolence his deposited certain sums on
account of dues for tbe first and second quarters of 1870 , but owing unfortunately to erroneous returns , these monies have to remain in the suspense account , and no registrations bave been effected since the close of last year . For a considerable time past there has been great difficulty in obtaining returns from this Lodge , and on the submission , in August last , of the return for the first quarter of 1870 , there appeared an entry , which without explanation , seemed to involve a serious irregularity . The District
Grand Secretary on the Sth September wrote to the Master of the Lodge aasking for the required explanation , but received no reply . Shortly after the AVorshipful Master left Calcutta ; beforo leaving be promised the District Grand Secretary
tary verbally that tbe matter would be attended to by the Senior AVarden , in ivhose charge ho was leaving the lodge , but no communication being made by that officer , he was written to on the 21 st September , and since that date he has been addressed three times , making in all five letters which have been written upon this subject , but up to the present date no explanation has been afforded , nor has even the receipt of the letters been acknowledged . The last letter was sent to the Senior
AVarden on tho 22 nd ult ., and contained an express warning from the District Grand Master that unless replied to , the matter ivould be laid before this Coinmittee . It is obvious , that such utter disregard of all communications from the District Grand Secretary's Office can only lead to very serious hindrance to tho proper transaction of tho business of District Grand Lodge , and the Committee feel compelled to recommend to the District Grand Master that the AVardens of Lod " Temperanee and
ge Benevolence " be summoned to appear before him , or any Committee whom he may appoint , and to produce the lodge books , in order that some information as to the apparent irregularity in the return referred to , may bo obtained . They would suggest that this be done at an early date in order that , if possible , the matter may be cleared up before the Communication of District Grand Lodge on St . John's Day .
The Committee regret that they have one other case of a similar nature to bring to notice : — The AA ' orshipful Master of Lodge " Anchor and Hope , " No . 234 , Ilowrah , having been repeatedly written to during the first half of the present your for tho returns and dues of his lodge for the year 1869 , without result , was summoned on the 13 th of July last to appear with his Wardens before the District Grand Master on the 25 th idem , and to produce tho books of the lodge . orshi
On that date the AA ' pful Master attended , and entered into an explanation of thc causes whicli had prevented the submission of the lodge returns and dues , and promised that they should be forthcoming within a week from that date , upon which the District Grand Master consented to stay any further proceedings . The return was sent in on the 17 th August , but was so full of errors that it was sent back for correction , since which it has never been re-submitted , notwithstanding that three letters have been addressed to tbe Master on this subject . Looking to thc number
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That a letter of condolence from this Distsiot Grand Lodge be addressed to the District Grand Lodge of British Burmah . " This was seconded by AV . Bro . Col . Ford , D . S . G . D ., and carried unanimously . The Right AVorshipful the District Grand Master then proceeded to address the brethren of District Grand Lodge , and said : — " Your attention this evening will be mainly directed to the which havo to be considered at
Committee reports , always our meetings . From tbe report of tbo Finance Committee it would appear that the state of our funds is somewhat improved since June , yet it must be remembered that iu addition to the sum exhibited as a balance against the Grand Lodge Fund , there is 3 debt of £ 250 , ivhich still remains unliquidated ; and which every effort must he made to clear off . I hope that during the next half » year wo may see this done , aud then wc may he able to work on in : i state of positive solvency . It will be a matter of regret to you to see the names of certain lodges reported as defaulters by tlie Finance Committee , who have
however done but their duty in the matter . 1 pass over the cases of "True Friendship' and ' Marine' as they have in part complied with thc laws of Grand Lodge in respect to tho payment of their dues , without' further comments than to remark upon the discredit which attaches to lodges remaining debtors to Grand Lodge , notwithstanding all that has Awen said from time to time by myself and others in Grand Lodge on the subject , and notwithstanding their knowledge of the urgent
necessity ivhich exists of relieving Grand Lodge from an embarrassment which is partly attributable to their negligence . In the other cases , upon the recommendation of tho Finance Committee , I directed the Masters to appear before a Committee which I appointed to investigate their oases , together with their Books and their AA ' arrants of Constitution . The Committee have reported to me in the case of the Lodge ' Temperance ' that the disregard to their instructions which issued from time
to time from the Grand Secretary ' s Office has resulted from ignorance and not from intentional motives of disrespect ; and they are of opinion that a reprimand which they administered to the Officer in charge of the lodge was sufficient to meet the case . I have of course supported their judgment and their action ,
I am sorry to be obliged to add that the lodge is very far from being in a satisfactory state , aud I am compelled , upon the appeal of one of its members , to interfere with the election of its Master for tha ensuing year . The Master of Lodge' Anchor and Hope' paid no attention to the orders communicated to him to appear before thc Committee , aud a peremptory summons was accordimgly issued ; upon this he appeared with his Secretary , but without his Warrant or Books , as he was desired to do . His
replies were considered by the Committee to be so unsatisfactory , and his statements regarding the lodge so [ suggestive of tbe fact that it was in a completely disorganised state , and they felt themselves bound to recommend a withdrawal of the Warrant . This I have directed to be done , and it will be for you to decide , upon hearing the circumstances of the case , which will be laid before you during the evening , whether it will be prudent again to entrust the AVarrant to the keeping of a Master who is
apparently unable to comprehend the responsible nature of his duties as a ruler in the Craft . The Master of the lodge is himself under suspension from his Masonic privileges , until such -time as he shall obey my order to deliver his AA ' arrant into the hands of the Grand Rigistrar .
" AVhile on the subject of irregularities 1 have to notice a case ivhich has occurred at Fyzahad in Lodge 'Light of Ajoodbya , ' where the Master , on being removed from the station prior to the expiration of his term of office , placed a now Master in the Chair instead of handing over the lodge , as he should have done , so the rule of his Senior AVarden . . As the irregularity in this instance arose entirely from ignorance on the part of the M-ister I have contented myself with reprimanding him for his want of
knowledge of ordinary Masonic law and procedure . The case is painfully illustrative of the fact that a Mason docs not always make himself sufficiently acquainted with the duties of a Master before taking upon himself that very responsible office . "As regards the reports from the Fund of Benevolence and the Bengal Masonic Association , I have nothing to say further than that , under the existing relations between the Fund of Benevolence and this District Grand Lodge , relations which I believe to be entirely founded upon error , no discussion can take place regarding a report which is sent to us for information and record onlv ; and that tho progress made in the affairs of tho
Bengal Masonic Association ought to bo a matter of congratulation . This report is sent to us for record and information only . " Fears were entertained for a short time that Lodge ' Bock of Gwalior , ' at Morar , might collapse , owing , partly to the transfer of its Master and some of its members to a distant stationand partlto resignations and deaths ; I am happy
, y , however , to add that AA ' . Bro . AVroughton , whose name has been for some time prominently associated with the Dinapore and Fyzabad Lodges , and who is now stationed at Morar , has taken the affairs of the lodge in band , and holds out every hope of its again working prosperously . "I wish to call attention to the handsome mural Tablet which has been placed in tbo monument-room of this building b
y brethren of Lodgo Excelsior , to the memory of our departed Bro . Abbott , and also to notice that the erection of the handsome monument in memory of the late Bro . J . J . L . Hoff has been delayed in consequence of repairs to St . Andrew's Kirk , in which it is destined to remain . Consent to its erection has been formall y obtained from the Church authorities .
Tho Committee reported that thc Lodges generally are clear of arrears in their returns and payments to District Grand Lodge . With the exception of True Friendship , Marine , and Temperance and Benevolence , all the Calcutta Lodges have made their returns and rendered all dues for tbe third quarter of the current year The two first of the above-named Lodges have rendered their returns and dues up to the second quarter only . Lodge Temperance and Benevolence his deposited certain sums on
account of dues for tbe first and second quarters of 1870 , but owing unfortunately to erroneous returns , these monies have to remain in the suspense account , and no registrations bave been effected since the close of last year . For a considerable time past there has been great difficulty in obtaining returns from this Lodge , and on the submission , in August last , of the return for the first quarter of 1870 , there appeared an entry , which without explanation , seemed to involve a serious irregularity . The District
Grand Secretary on the Sth September wrote to the Master of the Lodge aasking for the required explanation , but received no reply . Shortly after the AVorshipful Master left Calcutta ; beforo leaving be promised the District Grand Secretary
tary verbally that tbe matter would be attended to by the Senior AVarden , in ivhose charge ho was leaving the lodge , but no communication being made by that officer , he was written to on the 21 st September , and since that date he has been addressed three times , making in all five letters which have been written upon this subject , but up to the present date no explanation has been afforded , nor has even the receipt of the letters been acknowledged . The last letter was sent to the Senior
AVarden on tho 22 nd ult ., and contained an express warning from the District Grand Master that unless replied to , the matter ivould be laid before this Coinmittee . It is obvious , that such utter disregard of all communications from the District Grand Secretary's Office can only lead to very serious hindrance to tho proper transaction of tho business of District Grand Lodge , and the Committee feel compelled to recommend to the District Grand Master that the AVardens of Lod " Temperanee and
ge Benevolence " be summoned to appear before him , or any Committee whom he may appoint , and to produce the lodge books , in order that some information as to the apparent irregularity in the return referred to , may bo obtained . They would suggest that this be done at an early date in order that , if possible , the matter may be cleared up before the Communication of District Grand Lodge on St . John's Day .
The Committee regret that they have one other case of a similar nature to bring to notice : — The AA ' orshipful Master of Lodge " Anchor and Hope , " No . 234 , Ilowrah , having been repeatedly written to during the first half of the present your for tho returns and dues of his lodge for the year 1869 , without result , was summoned on the 13 th of July last to appear with his Wardens before the District Grand Master on the 25 th idem , and to produce tho books of the lodge . orshi
On that date the AA ' pful Master attended , and entered into an explanation of thc causes whicli had prevented the submission of the lodge returns and dues , and promised that they should be forthcoming within a week from that date , upon which the District Grand Master consented to stay any further proceedings . The return was sent in on the 17 th August , but was so full of errors that it was sent back for correction , since which it has never been re-submitted , notwithstanding that three letters have been addressed to tbe Master on this subject . Looking to thc number