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of applications ivhich have been made lo the Master , the pntienc with which tbe return has been waited for , and the facilities ivhich have been afforded for Ins assistance in making it out , the Committee feel it their duty to recommend tho District Grand Master to call upon the Master and AVardens of Lodge Anchor and Hope to show cause why tiiis Lodge should not be erased . AV . Bro . Judge , Past Dep . D . G . M ., enquired whether the sum of Rs . 93330 entered in the abstract of accounts as " received
, during the half-year " consisted wholly of receipts from Lodges , and was informed that it included the amount of the Loan from the Fund of Benevolence , viz ., Rs . 2000 . It was proposed by AV . Bro- J . Pitt Kenntdy , D . G . Reg ., and seconded by Bro . Jl . Harvey , D . G . Pursuivant : "That the accounts as stated in the report be passed . " This was carried unanimously . With reference to that portion of the foregoing report
respecting Lodge Anchor and Hope , the District Grand Master directed the District Grand Secretary to read the folio wins ; report : — A report from the Committee appointed by the District Grand Master , to investigate the irregularities into which Lodge Anchor and Hope has fallen during the past year , as brought to notice by tbe Finance Committee in their report , dated Sth December , 1870 , was read . It was ordered by the D . G . M ., " That the warrant of this
Lodge is to be recalled and given into the custody of the District Grand Registrar . The Master of the Lodge is suspended from his Masouic privileges until this order is obeyed , aud the District Grand Secretary is requested to submit the ease to District Grand Lodge on the 27 th inst . for orders . AV . Bro . Judge , Past Dep . D . G . M ., proposed , and AV . Bro . Kennedy seconded : " That the action taken by the District Grand Master in withdrawing the warrant of Lodge Anchor and Hope
, No . 234 , be confirmed by this District Grand Lodge , and that AV . Bro . AA ' . A . Mitchell be considered under sentence of suspension till the said warrant be deposited with the District Grand Registrar . This was carried unanimously . The report of the Grand Committee of tlie Bengal Masonic Fund of Benevolence for the half-year ending 30 th November , 1870 , was read .
It was stated that au application had been received from the . Finance Committee of the District Grand Lodge for a temporary loan of Rs . 2000 , to enable them to meet the outlay incurred in the renovation of the Freemasons' Hull and furniture . The expenses attendant upon these quadrennial aud quinquennial repairs have on former occasions compelled the District Grand Lodge to seek temporary assistance from this Fund . Their present application is for a niueli lower sum than that borrowed last
• time , and they offer further to pay the same interest as the Fund now receives upon its Government paper , and to replace the amount in Government securities of the same value , whatever the market rate at the time may be . Under these circumstances the Grand Committee of this fund have acceded to the request made to them . The investments of the Fund now stand as follows : In 5 per cent , loan , Rs . 1 , 000 ; In 5 * per cent . lis . GOO ; lis . 1600
re-, , presenting at tbe market value of the day about Rs . 1 , 750 . The following memorandum , upon the working of the Fund during the half year , has been received from the Secretary to the Executive Sub-Committee : — Report of the Sub-Committee of the Fund of Benevolence for the six months ending 30 th November , 1870 . During the six months ivhich have elapsed since their last report , the Sub-Committee have received sixteen applications
for pecuniary assistance , the whole ot these , together with the two applications which were under consideration on the 31 st May last , have been disposed of , two of the cases by the full Committee and the remainder b y the Sub-Committee under the powers entrusted to them . Of the above eighteen applications seven were from poor widows , and one from a poor Lewis , soliciting a renewal of monthly allowances previously voted to them to the extent of
Rs . 20 per month in each case . The applications were granted . In addition to tho above , allowances of Rs . 20 per month for a period of six months , were granted to a widow residing in the north-west Provinces , and to a brother in indigent circumstances , to another brother au allowance of Rs . 30 per month for a similar period was voted . Three donations were granted during the half year , viz ., Rs . 30 to a brother in distress , Rs . 200 to a member of an up- '
country lodge , to enable him to proceed to England , where be had been ordered under medical certificate , and Rs . 30 to the sou of a brother , himself in receipt of assistance from this Fund , to enable him to reach employment , nt a distance from his home , which had been offered to him . Tbo remaining four applications the sub-committee were reluctantly compelled to decline . The District Grand Secretary reportsd the receipt of the
report from the Bengal Masonic Association , which was ordered to be recorded . The total donations received to 30 th November , 1870 amounted to £ 11 , 752 4 s . Od . The subscriptions received during the year ending 30 th Nov ., veniber , 1870 , amounted to £ 912 . The abstract of the capital account of the Bengal Masonic Association for the year ending 30 th November 1870 shewed a
, , credit balance of £ 2222 14 s . 10 d . The abstract of the Revenue Account for tho year ending 30 th November , 1870 , shew ed credit balance carried to credit of capital account under provisions of bye-law amounting to £ 246 8 s . Gd . The District Grand Master then appointed tbo Officers of the District Grand Lodge for the year 1871 . Ho took the opportunity of thanking AV . Bro . Daly aud the Officers of the past
year for their general services , and for the siq . port ivhich they had given him during their tenure of office , and further expressed a hope that he might continue to receive the benefit of their future advice and counsel . He remarked that while it was absolutely necessary to ask some brethren to retire from office for a season , it ivas of course understood that they retained full possession of their privileges as Past Officers so long- as they continue to retain their names on the roll of some regular Lodgeand
, he hoped , alter the lapse of a twelvemonth , to be in a position again to recognize their merits and their claims , by promotion to higher office . He thought it advisable , as in previous years , to bestow some rewards upon deserving Masons in the Mofussil , who frequently had great difficulties to contend ivith in their endeavours to promote the interests of the Order , and who , by holding office iu Grand Lodge , would necessarily be led to a still deeper
interest in matters connected with the Craft , and he had endeavoured to tho best of his ability to apportion the remainder of the appointments fairly among the town lodges , selecting brethren whose real worth aud personal merit he believed to be aef knowledged and respected by their fellows . He thought it unadvisable to bestow any offices upon the members of those lodgewhich liad been unfavourably reported upon by the Finance Committee , as neglecting to comply with the rules and regulations
which they were bound as Masonic Bodies to respect . The District Grand Master then passed a very warm eulogium on tha brother whom he had selected for the high position of Deput y District Grand 3 Iaster , observing that he had served as District Grand Secretary for a period of five years , and that during that time be had placed his office on an efficient footing , which as far as his experience went , was unprecedented iu the province , that he had seen brethren promoted before him , consenting to
continue the good and useful work in which he was engaged , until a brother could be found to supply bis place , who was both equal to the work and possessed the confidence of the brethren at large . Such a brother had now been found , and tho acknowledgments of Grand Lodge were due to Bro . Captain Murray fur his kindness in undertaking the duties of what was a very arduous , difficult , and not un /' requontly an invidious position . He considered that the thanks ot Grand Lodge were eminently due to Bro . Locke
, who had for so long a time fulfilled those duties with such untiring energy and marked ability , and whose unflagging- zeal in the interest of Craft ivould still have full scope of action in his high office as Deputy District Grand Master . AV . Bro . Locke was then conducted to the East bv the Grand Director of Ceremonies , and invested with the insignia of his office by the District Grand Master , who congratulated him upon his advancement , and delivered to him his patent as Deputy
Grand Master of the province . The District Grand Master also made a few suitable remarks in investing with their collars the brethren whom he had selected for office during the coining year . The following is the list of Dist . G . officers : Henry IT . Locke , P . M ., 109 , Deputy District Grand Master ; John Pitt Kennedy ' , ( barrister-at-law ) P . M . 109 , District Senior Grand AA'ardeu ; AVilliam B . Farr , W . M . 825 , and P . M . 486 ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
of applications ivhich have been made lo the Master , the pntienc with which tbe return has been waited for , and the facilities ivhich have been afforded for Ins assistance in making it out , the Committee feel it their duty to recommend tho District Grand Master to call upon the Master and AVardens of Lodge Anchor and Hope to show cause why tiiis Lodge should not be erased . AV . Bro . Judge , Past Dep . D . G . M ., enquired whether the sum of Rs . 93330 entered in the abstract of accounts as " received
, during the half-year " consisted wholly of receipts from Lodges , and was informed that it included the amount of the Loan from the Fund of Benevolence , viz ., Rs . 2000 . It was proposed by AV . Bro- J . Pitt Kenntdy , D . G . Reg ., and seconded by Bro . Jl . Harvey , D . G . Pursuivant : "That the accounts as stated in the report be passed . " This was carried unanimously . With reference to that portion of the foregoing report
respecting Lodge Anchor and Hope , the District Grand Master directed the District Grand Secretary to read the folio wins ; report : — A report from the Committee appointed by the District Grand Master , to investigate the irregularities into which Lodge Anchor and Hope has fallen during the past year , as brought to notice by tbe Finance Committee in their report , dated Sth December , 1870 , was read . It was ordered by the D . G . M ., " That the warrant of this
Lodge is to be recalled and given into the custody of the District Grand Registrar . The Master of the Lodge is suspended from his Masouic privileges until this order is obeyed , aud the District Grand Secretary is requested to submit the ease to District Grand Lodge on the 27 th inst . for orders . AV . Bro . Judge , Past Dep . D . G . M ., proposed , and AV . Bro . Kennedy seconded : " That the action taken by the District Grand Master in withdrawing the warrant of Lodge Anchor and Hope
, No . 234 , be confirmed by this District Grand Lodge , and that AV . Bro . AA ' . A . Mitchell be considered under sentence of suspension till the said warrant be deposited with the District Grand Registrar . This was carried unanimously . The report of the Grand Committee of tlie Bengal Masonic Fund of Benevolence for the half-year ending 30 th November , 1870 , was read .
It was stated that au application had been received from the . Finance Committee of the District Grand Lodge for a temporary loan of Rs . 2000 , to enable them to meet the outlay incurred in the renovation of the Freemasons' Hull and furniture . The expenses attendant upon these quadrennial aud quinquennial repairs have on former occasions compelled the District Grand Lodge to seek temporary assistance from this Fund . Their present application is for a niueli lower sum than that borrowed last
• time , and they offer further to pay the same interest as the Fund now receives upon its Government paper , and to replace the amount in Government securities of the same value , whatever the market rate at the time may be . Under these circumstances the Grand Committee of this fund have acceded to the request made to them . The investments of the Fund now stand as follows : In 5 per cent , loan , Rs . 1 , 000 ; In 5 * per cent . lis . GOO ; lis . 1600
re-, , presenting at tbe market value of the day about Rs . 1 , 750 . The following memorandum , upon the working of the Fund during the half year , has been received from the Secretary to the Executive Sub-Committee : — Report of the Sub-Committee of the Fund of Benevolence for the six months ending 30 th November , 1870 . During the six months ivhich have elapsed since their last report , the Sub-Committee have received sixteen applications
for pecuniary assistance , the whole ot these , together with the two applications which were under consideration on the 31 st May last , have been disposed of , two of the cases by the full Committee and the remainder b y the Sub-Committee under the powers entrusted to them . Of the above eighteen applications seven were from poor widows , and one from a poor Lewis , soliciting a renewal of monthly allowances previously voted to them to the extent of
Rs . 20 per month in each case . The applications were granted . In addition to tho above , allowances of Rs . 20 per month for a period of six months , were granted to a widow residing in the north-west Provinces , and to a brother in indigent circumstances , to another brother au allowance of Rs . 30 per month for a similar period was voted . Three donations were granted during the half year , viz ., Rs . 30 to a brother in distress , Rs . 200 to a member of an up- '
country lodge , to enable him to proceed to England , where be had been ordered under medical certificate , and Rs . 30 to the sou of a brother , himself in receipt of assistance from this Fund , to enable him to reach employment , nt a distance from his home , which had been offered to him . Tbo remaining four applications the sub-committee were reluctantly compelled to decline . The District Grand Secretary reportsd the receipt of the
report from the Bengal Masonic Association , which was ordered to be recorded . The total donations received to 30 th November , 1870 amounted to £ 11 , 752 4 s . Od . The subscriptions received during the year ending 30 th Nov ., veniber , 1870 , amounted to £ 912 . The abstract of the capital account of the Bengal Masonic Association for the year ending 30 th November 1870 shewed a
, , credit balance of £ 2222 14 s . 10 d . The abstract of the Revenue Account for tho year ending 30 th November , 1870 , shew ed credit balance carried to credit of capital account under provisions of bye-law amounting to £ 246 8 s . Gd . The District Grand Master then appointed tbo Officers of the District Grand Lodge for the year 1871 . Ho took the opportunity of thanking AV . Bro . Daly aud the Officers of the past
year for their general services , and for the siq . port ivhich they had given him during their tenure of office , and further expressed a hope that he might continue to receive the benefit of their future advice and counsel . He remarked that while it was absolutely necessary to ask some brethren to retire from office for a season , it ivas of course understood that they retained full possession of their privileges as Past Officers so long- as they continue to retain their names on the roll of some regular Lodgeand
, he hoped , alter the lapse of a twelvemonth , to be in a position again to recognize their merits and their claims , by promotion to higher office . He thought it advisable , as in previous years , to bestow some rewards upon deserving Masons in the Mofussil , who frequently had great difficulties to contend ivith in their endeavours to promote the interests of the Order , and who , by holding office iu Grand Lodge , would necessarily be led to a still deeper
interest in matters connected with the Craft , and he had endeavoured to tho best of his ability to apportion the remainder of the appointments fairly among the town lodges , selecting brethren whose real worth aud personal merit he believed to be aef knowledged and respected by their fellows . He thought it unadvisable to bestow any offices upon the members of those lodgewhich liad been unfavourably reported upon by the Finance Committee , as neglecting to comply with the rules and regulations
which they were bound as Masonic Bodies to respect . The District Grand Master then passed a very warm eulogium on tha brother whom he had selected for the high position of Deput y District Grand 3 Iaster , observing that he had served as District Grand Secretary for a period of five years , and that during that time be had placed his office on an efficient footing , which as far as his experience went , was unprecedented iu the province , that he had seen brethren promoted before him , consenting to
continue the good and useful work in which he was engaged , until a brother could be found to supply bis place , who was both equal to the work and possessed the confidence of the brethren at large . Such a brother had now been found , and tho acknowledgments of Grand Lodge were due to Bro . Captain Murray fur his kindness in undertaking the duties of what was a very arduous , difficult , and not un /' requontly an invidious position . He considered that the thanks ot Grand Lodge were eminently due to Bro . Locke
, who had for so long a time fulfilled those duties with such untiring energy and marked ability , and whose unflagging- zeal in the interest of Craft ivould still have full scope of action in his high office as Deputy District Grand Master . AV . Bro . Locke was then conducted to the East bv the Grand Director of Ceremonies , and invested with the insignia of his office by the District Grand Master , who congratulated him upon his advancement , and delivered to him his patent as Deputy
Grand Master of the province . The District Grand Master also made a few suitable remarks in investing with their collars the brethren whom he had selected for office during the coining year . The following is the list of Dist . G . officers : Henry IT . Locke , P . M ., 109 , Deputy District Grand Master ; John Pitt Kennedy ' , ( barrister-at-law ) P . M . 109 , District Senior Grand AA'ardeu ; AVilliam B . Farr , W . M . 825 , and P . M . 486 ,