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Junior Grand Warden ; Rev . F . W . Robberds , B . A ., 109 and 1210 . Grand Chaplain ; Demetrius Z . Zemin , AV . M . 229 , Grand Registrar ; Captain William George Murray , AA ' . M . 109 P . M . 639 , Grand Secretary ; Lieut .-Col . H . R , AV . onghton , P . M . 836 , 1066 , and 1210 , Senior Grand Deacon ; Isaiah L . Taylor , P . M . 392 , Grand Superintendent of AA ' orks ; Capt . F . F . J . Toke , P . M . 486 and 552 , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; William O . Alleuder , AV . M . 67 and 232 , Assistant Grand Director ol
Ceremonies ; Major C . T . Hitchins , P . M ., Chota Nagpore L ., Grand Sword Hearer ; Joseph A ' an Geider , 67 , Grand Organist ; J . AV . Lay ( Lt ., 4 th Hus . ) , P . M ., 413 , Grond Pursuivant . Grand Stewards : Captain G . G . Nelson , S . AV , 486 ; AVilliam Henry McGowan , P . S . AV . 486 ; Thomas Can-itt , S . W . 825 ; Edmund Healey , Treasurer , 67 ; Thomas . H . Henty , P . Sec . 229 ; Wm . Joseph Curtoys , 109 . AA ' orshipful Bro . J . H . Linton , on the nomination of AV . Bro .
Keighley , Past D . G . Deacon , seconded by AA' . Bro . Locke , Dep . D . G'M ., was unanimously re-elected District Grand Treasurer , and was duly invested with the insignia of his office hy the District Grand Master . The District Grand Master remarked with reference to the eigluh item on tbe Agenda paper , that a Committee had been a ; p linted at tbe Quarterly Communication of June 1868 , to revise tbe bye-laws of the llistrict Grand Lodge , but that , owing to press of work and other causes , uothing had been done , He thought it very desirable that the bye-laws should be revised , as they contained some laws which were to his mind anomalous ,
while there might also be perhaps found some room for improvement . He remarked that no alteration could be made in the provisions of the bye-laws until agreed to by District Grand Lodge and approved by the Grand Master in England , but that he would be glad if a report could be submitted in time for consideration at the March Communication of District Grand Lodge . A collection was then made for the Fund of Benevolence . The
amount was announced by the District Grand Secretary to bo Rs . 274 . There being no further business to be brought forward , the District Grand Lodge was closed in due form at 7 . 45 p . m . Balance against the account of Rs ., £ 488 15 s . Sd . The Masonic Fund of Benevolence cash abstract of receipts and disbursements for the half-year ending 30 th November , 1870 , shewed a balance against the account of Ks . of £ 5 3 s . lOd . ;
total Rs . £ 1548 7 s . lOd . The Musical Instrument Fund , abstract of Receipts and disbursements for the . half-year ending 30 th November 1870 shewed a credit balance on the 30 th November 1878 of £ 586 15 s . The suspense account of Deposit receipts , cash Account deposit receipts and adjustment during the half-year ending 30 th November , 1870 , shewed a credit balance at close of
the half-year ending 30 th November 1870 , of £ 6 , 478 14 s . lid . The Masonic Hall rent establishment and Sustentation Fuud cash abstract for the half-year ending 30 th November , 1870 , shelved a balance against the account of £ 900 9 s .
GLASGOAV . GLASGOW . —Si . John ' s Lodge ( No . 3 bis . ) . The regular meeting of this lodge was held iu their new hall , 213 Buchanan Street , on Tuesday , February 7 th , after 7 p . m . Bro . John Baird , R . AV . M ., on the throne , Bros . Kyle , S . AA' ., Fletcher , J . AV ., and a number of brethren present . The lodge being opened the minutes were read and passed . There being no other business the R . AV . M . an account of the proceedings at Grand Lod
gave ge the night before , and , inter alia , stated that he considered the Grand Lodge had acted unlawfully in sustaining the Proxy commissions after he had said they were illegal if not stamped , how-Grand Lodge was not done with that yet . He also observed that by so doing the Grand Lodge had thereby broken the laws of the land , and that , therefore , he considered that this lodge had sufficient reason for throwing overboard its allegiance to
Grand Lodge . He also found fault with the remarks made by Bro . Buchan in Grand Lodge the previous night . Bro . Buchan having remarked that there were two ways of tolling a story , said it was a pity some of the Edinburgh brethren were not
present to give their version of affairs , more especially as the fact remained that St . John's Lodge lost every motion it desired to carry ; not that Grand Lodge bad acted unjustly , hut because St . John's in this case was supporting what was wrong , as well as not going about what they had in hand in a proper businesslike manner , & c . After this tbe S . W . proposed , and J . W , seconded , that a special meeting of this lodge be called for this night three weeks , to which Bro . Buchan should be summoned
in order to consider the language used by him—Bro . Buchanto their R . AV . M ., Bro . Baird , at the meeting of the Grand Lodgeof Scotland on 6 th February , Bro . Buchan having there stated that he was atonished Bro . Baird ivould have the audacity tostand up in this Grand Lodge and make the false statements he had now made . Bro . Buchan denied having used the word " false , " and considered that he was perfectly entitled to speak iu an independent manner regarding whatever business was
going on before Grand Lodge , aud also that he , was quite justified , under the circumstances , in saying what he did say . After some further remarks the motion of the S . W . was agreed to .. The lodge was shorly after closed . A meeting of this lodge was also held on 21 st February ; Bro . Baird , R . AV . M . iu the chair . Bro . John Dick , S . D . acting as S . W ., Bro . Fletcher , JAY ., and a considerable number of brethren present . On the minutes being read , several corrections
were made , after which they were passed . The Secretary intimated that he had written Bro . Buchan , giving him notice of the lodge meeting to be held ou 2 Sth February , and that he had received a letter in reply stating tbat he , Bro . Buchan , considered their summons informal , in so far as that it did not contain a definite statement of the exact words objected to , as also that he was unaware that St . John ' s Lodge had any right or power to summon him before itfor what took place in Grand
, Lodge . Bro . J . B . AValker , P . M ., supported the objection as to the informality of a summons being issued without a definite statement being given of the supposed fault . The Secretary ivould therefore require to issue another summons . * The R . AV . M then read a copy of the Report of the Sub-Committee on the-St . John ' s Memorial , which liad been read at the late meeting
of Grand Lodge , after which be made some comments regarding it . Upon oue brother desiring to have the report again , read , the R . AA' . M . suggested the idea of publishing it , so that every member might have a copy , and be able to read it himself . The J . AA' . however objected to this , and the subject dropped . The R . AV . M . then read a copy of the motion tabled by Bro . Hay , and ivhich was to eome up at the next quarterly communication of Grand Lodge , to tbe effect that— -The Lodge
Journeymen , No . 8 shall be entitled to carry the working tools and other paraphernalia of Grand Lodge at processions in the Metropolitan , district . The Lodge Glasgow St . John shall have thesame privilege in the Province of Glasgow , and when the Grand Lodge is officiating in anyother place or province , the Grand Master , or thebrother acting for him shall have the power of fixing on the Lodge or Lodges to carry the AVorking Tools , & c , for the occasion , and his decision shall not be open to review . Having read this , the
R . AV . M . stated tbat this motion was not what they desired . What tbey wanted was equality in all the Provinces , whereas this motion was making certain most unmasonic and unfair distinctions-He also read certain remarks on the subject from Bro . AVylie , of Kilwinning , who , he stated , was a high authority upon masonic matters . Some further remarks having passed it was understood that St . John's lodge decidedly objected to the settlement of the Working Tools controversy in the way Bro . Hay ' s motion
intended . The Lodge was afterwards closed iu due form . GLASGOW . — Union Lodge ( No . 332 ) . —The fortieth anniversary of the Union Lodge , 332 , late tho Duutoclier and Fiafely Union , was celebrated in true , masonic spirit , on AA' ednesday evening , the-22 nd February , in the Assembly Rooms , Bath Street , Brother Robert Mitchell , R . W . M ., presiding , and on the platform were Bros . James BalfourPast Master ; William LindsayR . AV . M .
, , , of Lodge Clyde , 408 ; James B . McNair , Senior Warden ; W . B . Johnson , Junior AVarden ; Robert Johnston , Secretary and P . G . S . ; AVilliam Dempster , Treasurer : Adams , Senior Warden of Lodge Commercial , 360 , & c . The following Lodges were also represented : —Kilwinning , No . 4 , Thistle of Rose , No . 73 ; St . Mungo , No . 27 ; Neptune , No . 419 ; Clyde , No . 408 , & c There was a good attendance of the brethren , their wives , sweethearts ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Junior Grand Warden ; Rev . F . W . Robberds , B . A ., 109 and 1210 . Grand Chaplain ; Demetrius Z . Zemin , AV . M . 229 , Grand Registrar ; Captain William George Murray , AA ' . M . 109 P . M . 639 , Grand Secretary ; Lieut .-Col . H . R , AV . onghton , P . M . 836 , 1066 , and 1210 , Senior Grand Deacon ; Isaiah L . Taylor , P . M . 392 , Grand Superintendent of AA ' orks ; Capt . F . F . J . Toke , P . M . 486 and 552 , Grand Director of Ceremonies ; William O . Alleuder , AV . M . 67 and 232 , Assistant Grand Director ol
Ceremonies ; Major C . T . Hitchins , P . M ., Chota Nagpore L ., Grand Sword Hearer ; Joseph A ' an Geider , 67 , Grand Organist ; J . AV . Lay ( Lt ., 4 th Hus . ) , P . M ., 413 , Grond Pursuivant . Grand Stewards : Captain G . G . Nelson , S . AV , 486 ; AVilliam Henry McGowan , P . S . AV . 486 ; Thomas Can-itt , S . W . 825 ; Edmund Healey , Treasurer , 67 ; Thomas . H . Henty , P . Sec . 229 ; Wm . Joseph Curtoys , 109 . AA ' orshipful Bro . J . H . Linton , on the nomination of AV . Bro .
Keighley , Past D . G . Deacon , seconded by AA' . Bro . Locke , Dep . D . G'M ., was unanimously re-elected District Grand Treasurer , and was duly invested with the insignia of his office hy the District Grand Master . The District Grand Master remarked with reference to the eigluh item on tbe Agenda paper , that a Committee had been a ; p linted at tbe Quarterly Communication of June 1868 , to revise tbe bye-laws of the llistrict Grand Lodge , but that , owing to press of work and other causes , uothing had been done , He thought it very desirable that the bye-laws should be revised , as they contained some laws which were to his mind anomalous ,
while there might also be perhaps found some room for improvement . He remarked that no alteration could be made in the provisions of the bye-laws until agreed to by District Grand Lodge and approved by the Grand Master in England , but that he would be glad if a report could be submitted in time for consideration at the March Communication of District Grand Lodge . A collection was then made for the Fund of Benevolence . The
amount was announced by the District Grand Secretary to bo Rs . 274 . There being no further business to be brought forward , the District Grand Lodge was closed in due form at 7 . 45 p . m . Balance against the account of Rs ., £ 488 15 s . Sd . The Masonic Fund of Benevolence cash abstract of receipts and disbursements for the half-year ending 30 th November , 1870 , shewed a balance against the account of Ks . of £ 5 3 s . lOd . ;
total Rs . £ 1548 7 s . lOd . The Musical Instrument Fund , abstract of Receipts and disbursements for the . half-year ending 30 th November 1870 shewed a credit balance on the 30 th November 1878 of £ 586 15 s . The suspense account of Deposit receipts , cash Account deposit receipts and adjustment during the half-year ending 30 th November , 1870 , shewed a credit balance at close of
the half-year ending 30 th November 1870 , of £ 6 , 478 14 s . lid . The Masonic Hall rent establishment and Sustentation Fuud cash abstract for the half-year ending 30 th November , 1870 , shelved a balance against the account of £ 900 9 s .
GLASGOAV . GLASGOW . —Si . John ' s Lodge ( No . 3 bis . ) . The regular meeting of this lodge was held iu their new hall , 213 Buchanan Street , on Tuesday , February 7 th , after 7 p . m . Bro . John Baird , R . AV . M ., on the throne , Bros . Kyle , S . AA' ., Fletcher , J . AV ., and a number of brethren present . The lodge being opened the minutes were read and passed . There being no other business the R . AV . M . an account of the proceedings at Grand Lod
gave ge the night before , and , inter alia , stated that he considered the Grand Lodge had acted unlawfully in sustaining the Proxy commissions after he had said they were illegal if not stamped , how-Grand Lodge was not done with that yet . He also observed that by so doing the Grand Lodge had thereby broken the laws of the land , and that , therefore , he considered that this lodge had sufficient reason for throwing overboard its allegiance to
Grand Lodge . He also found fault with the remarks made by Bro . Buchan in Grand Lodge the previous night . Bro . Buchan having remarked that there were two ways of tolling a story , said it was a pity some of the Edinburgh brethren were not
present to give their version of affairs , more especially as the fact remained that St . John's Lodge lost every motion it desired to carry ; not that Grand Lodge bad acted unjustly , hut because St . John's in this case was supporting what was wrong , as well as not going about what they had in hand in a proper businesslike manner , & c . After this tbe S . W . proposed , and J . W , seconded , that a special meeting of this lodge be called for this night three weeks , to which Bro . Buchan should be summoned
in order to consider the language used by him—Bro . Buchanto their R . AV . M ., Bro . Baird , at the meeting of the Grand Lodgeof Scotland on 6 th February , Bro . Buchan having there stated that he was atonished Bro . Baird ivould have the audacity tostand up in this Grand Lodge and make the false statements he had now made . Bro . Buchan denied having used the word " false , " and considered that he was perfectly entitled to speak iu an independent manner regarding whatever business was
going on before Grand Lodge , aud also that he , was quite justified , under the circumstances , in saying what he did say . After some further remarks the motion of the S . W . was agreed to .. The lodge was shorly after closed . A meeting of this lodge was also held on 21 st February ; Bro . Baird , R . AV . M . iu the chair . Bro . John Dick , S . D . acting as S . W ., Bro . Fletcher , JAY ., and a considerable number of brethren present . On the minutes being read , several corrections
were made , after which they were passed . The Secretary intimated that he had written Bro . Buchan , giving him notice of the lodge meeting to be held ou 2 Sth February , and that he had received a letter in reply stating tbat he , Bro . Buchan , considered their summons informal , in so far as that it did not contain a definite statement of the exact words objected to , as also that he was unaware that St . John ' s Lodge had any right or power to summon him before itfor what took place in Grand
, Lodge . Bro . J . B . AValker , P . M ., supported the objection as to the informality of a summons being issued without a definite statement being given of the supposed fault . The Secretary ivould therefore require to issue another summons . * The R . AV . M then read a copy of the Report of the Sub-Committee on the-St . John ' s Memorial , which liad been read at the late meeting
of Grand Lodge , after which be made some comments regarding it . Upon oue brother desiring to have the report again , read , the R . AA' . M . suggested the idea of publishing it , so that every member might have a copy , and be able to read it himself . The J . AA' . however objected to this , and the subject dropped . The R . AV . M . then read a copy of the motion tabled by Bro . Hay , and ivhich was to eome up at the next quarterly communication of Grand Lodge , to tbe effect that— -The Lodge
Journeymen , No . 8 shall be entitled to carry the working tools and other paraphernalia of Grand Lodge at processions in the Metropolitan , district . The Lodge Glasgow St . John shall have thesame privilege in the Province of Glasgow , and when the Grand Lodge is officiating in anyother place or province , the Grand Master , or thebrother acting for him shall have the power of fixing on the Lodge or Lodges to carry the AVorking Tools , & c , for the occasion , and his decision shall not be open to review . Having read this , the
R . AV . M . stated tbat this motion was not what they desired . What tbey wanted was equality in all the Provinces , whereas this motion was making certain most unmasonic and unfair distinctions-He also read certain remarks on the subject from Bro . AVylie , of Kilwinning , who , he stated , was a high authority upon masonic matters . Some further remarks having passed it was understood that St . John's lodge decidedly objected to the settlement of the Working Tools controversy in the way Bro . Hay ' s motion
intended . The Lodge was afterwards closed iu due form . GLASGOW . — Union Lodge ( No . 332 ) . —The fortieth anniversary of the Union Lodge , 332 , late tho Duutoclier and Fiafely Union , was celebrated in true , masonic spirit , on AA' ednesday evening , the-22 nd February , in the Assembly Rooms , Bath Street , Brother Robert Mitchell , R . W . M ., presiding , and on the platform were Bros . James BalfourPast Master ; William LindsayR . AV . M .
, , , of Lodge Clyde , 408 ; James B . McNair , Senior Warden ; W . B . Johnson , Junior AVarden ; Robert Johnston , Secretary and P . G . S . ; AVilliam Dempster , Treasurer : Adams , Senior Warden of Lodge Commercial , 360 , & c . The following Lodges were also represented : —Kilwinning , No . 4 , Thistle of Rose , No . 73 ; St . Mungo , No . 27 ; Neptune , No . 419 ; Clyde , No . 408 , & c There was a good attendance of the brethren , their wives , sweethearts ,