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The Earl Of Rosslyn, M.W.G.M. Of Scotland, On The Working Tools Question.
The following circular has been addressed to the "W . Master of Lodges in Glasgow , hy coinin and of the Grand Master of Scotland : — Masonic Hall , 98 , George Street , Edinburgh , February 7 fcli , 1871 . Dear Sir and Brother ,
I have no doubt that the proceedings- at the Quarterly Communication , held here last Wight , will be made known to you , and I wish therefore to express my regret to you , as the head of the Province of Glasgow , that those members of Grand Lodge who attended from Glasgow were unable , in consequence of the early hour
at -which their train left Edinburgh , to discuss Bro . Porteous' motion . Had I been aware of the length of the minutes , I ivould have desired the Grand Clerk to have postponed reading them until after the discussion on Bro . Porteous' motion had taken place , which would have afforded those brothers who came from Glasgow an opportunity of making their statements . I repeat that
I am sorry this was not done , for nothing can be farther from the wish of every member of Grand Lodge than any desire to stifle the expression of opinion of any of its members , from whatever quarter he may come . The motion of Bro . Porteous , in his absence , necessarily fell through ; but I wish to direct your attention to a motion of Bro . Hay ' s , which will come up for
discussion at the next Quarterly Communication . It is in these terms . "That Chapter 20 , section 3 , of Grand Lodge Laws shall read as follows . - —The Lodgo Journeymen , No . 8 , shall he entitled to carry the working tools and other paraphernalia of Grand Lodge at processions in the Metropolitan District . The Lodge " Glasgow St . John" shall have the same privilege in the Province of
¦ Glasgow , and when the Grand Lodge is officiating in any other place or province , the Grand Master or the brother acting for him , shall have the power oi * fixing on the Lodge of Lodges to carry the working tools , & o ., for the occasion , and his decision shall not be open to review . "
The contest that has been carried on on this subject , I have no hesitation in saying , has been unseemly and anmasonic ; so far from cultivating and increasing those feelings of brotherly love , which every good Mason ought to foster and cherish , this dispute has tended to engender animosity , embitter friendly communication and even make that society , which ought to be the centre
and wellspring of kindness and courtesy , into a fountainhead { of unkindness and discourtesy . May I entreat you to use your influence to put an end to this , and to induce the brethren of the Province of Glasgow ( since it gives all they ask ) to accept Bro . Hay ' s motion as it stands , not only without murmur , but with satisfaction and unanimity . Thus a happy termination may bo put
to what has been for some time a standing menace to propriety and good order , and thus our proceedings may be , as they ever should be , closed in harmony . I beg you to cause your Provincial Grand Secretary to forward a copy of this letter to tho Master of every lodge in your province . I amwith much respect
, , Dear Sir and Brother , Faithfully and fraternally yours , BOSdLYJNf , Grand Master . To the Provincial Grand Master of tho Province of Glasgow .
The Ancient And Accepted Rite In America.
[ Continued from page 128 ) . We continue our interesting extracts from the proceedings of the Supreme Grand Council of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors' General of the 33 rd and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States .
These proceedings show that more attention is being paid to the higher degrees by our American brethren than is the case in this country . Under the head of Domestic Affairs the Address of the M . P . Sov . Grand Commander contains the
following particulars -. — Neiv . Bodies . — -The dispensations ordered at the last session have been issued . In addition I have granted the following -. To George Babcock and others , at Troy , New York , upon tho recommendation of the Council of Deliberation of that State , for a Lodge of Perfection , called " Delta Lodge of Perfection . "
To Edwin J . Loomi . and others , Norwich , New York , upon the recommendation of 111 .: Bro . Orrin Welch , Deputy , for ' a'Lodgo of Perfection , called " Chenango Valley Lodge of Perfection . " I have good accounts from both those bodies , but as tho dispensations have been issued within six mouths , no charters can be issued to them at this session .
Old Records Sfc—In addition to the old records , of whicli I gave au account last year , Bro . W , _ . TE _ tA __ r has secured photographic copies of pen pictures illustrative of the ritual , executed by William Gamble in 1769 . I have also received , through the III . - . Deputy for New Jersey , from 111 .-. Bro . DAVID NiHH , to be deposit ed in tlie archives of
this Supreme Council , a document purporting to be an original * and to be signed by Count de Laurent . Eoyal and Select Masters Degrees . —I . was informed during the year , much to my surprise , that the Lodge of Perfection at
Newport , Rhode Island , was in the habit of conferring these degrees under the authority of an endorsement upon their charter . As there was a Grand Council of R . and S . Masters in that State , I at once directed that Lodge to suspend all action under that authority , until the Supreme Council should otherwise order .
Upon investigation it was found that tho Lodge was justified in its action by an endorsement upon its charter . It appears further , that a Grand Council was formed in that state in 1 SG 0 ; that various efforts have been mado to induce the Newport Brethren to give in their adhesion to it ; that these efforts failing the Brethren were not recognized as regular R- and S .
Masters , the Grand Council claiming exclusive jurisdiction in the State . I opened a correspondence with tho Grand Master of the Gr . Council , and I am informed that tho result has been that the Newport Brethren havo talc on and organized under a charter granted to them by the Grand Council , and that the whole matter has been arranged satisfactory to all concerned .
I recommend , however , that in order to prevent any possible trouble in the future , the authority of that endorsement bo absolutely revoked . The Carricls Case . —It will be remembered that iu 1868 a .
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The Earl Of Rosslyn, M.W.G.M. Of Scotland, On The Working Tools Question.
The following circular has been addressed to the "W . Master of Lodges in Glasgow , hy coinin and of the Grand Master of Scotland : — Masonic Hall , 98 , George Street , Edinburgh , February 7 fcli , 1871 . Dear Sir and Brother ,
I have no doubt that the proceedings- at the Quarterly Communication , held here last Wight , will be made known to you , and I wish therefore to express my regret to you , as the head of the Province of Glasgow , that those members of Grand Lodge who attended from Glasgow were unable , in consequence of the early hour
at -which their train left Edinburgh , to discuss Bro . Porteous' motion . Had I been aware of the length of the minutes , I ivould have desired the Grand Clerk to have postponed reading them until after the discussion on Bro . Porteous' motion had taken place , which would have afforded those brothers who came from Glasgow an opportunity of making their statements . I repeat that
I am sorry this was not done , for nothing can be farther from the wish of every member of Grand Lodge than any desire to stifle the expression of opinion of any of its members , from whatever quarter he may come . The motion of Bro . Porteous , in his absence , necessarily fell through ; but I wish to direct your attention to a motion of Bro . Hay ' s , which will come up for
discussion at the next Quarterly Communication . It is in these terms . "That Chapter 20 , section 3 , of Grand Lodge Laws shall read as follows . - —The Lodgo Journeymen , No . 8 , shall he entitled to carry the working tools and other paraphernalia of Grand Lodge at processions in the Metropolitan District . The Lodge " Glasgow St . John" shall have the same privilege in the Province of
¦ Glasgow , and when the Grand Lodge is officiating in any other place or province , the Grand Master or the brother acting for him , shall have the power oi * fixing on the Lodge of Lodges to carry the working tools , & o ., for the occasion , and his decision shall not be open to review . "
The contest that has been carried on on this subject , I have no hesitation in saying , has been unseemly and anmasonic ; so far from cultivating and increasing those feelings of brotherly love , which every good Mason ought to foster and cherish , this dispute has tended to engender animosity , embitter friendly communication and even make that society , which ought to be the centre
and wellspring of kindness and courtesy , into a fountainhead { of unkindness and discourtesy . May I entreat you to use your influence to put an end to this , and to induce the brethren of the Province of Glasgow ( since it gives all they ask ) to accept Bro . Hay ' s motion as it stands , not only without murmur , but with satisfaction and unanimity . Thus a happy termination may bo put
to what has been for some time a standing menace to propriety and good order , and thus our proceedings may be , as they ever should be , closed in harmony . I beg you to cause your Provincial Grand Secretary to forward a copy of this letter to tho Master of every lodge in your province . I amwith much respect
, , Dear Sir and Brother , Faithfully and fraternally yours , BOSdLYJNf , Grand Master . To the Provincial Grand Master of tho Province of Glasgow .
The Ancient And Accepted Rite In America.
[ Continued from page 128 ) . We continue our interesting extracts from the proceedings of the Supreme Grand Council of the Sovereign Grand Inspectors' General of the 33 rd and last degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for the Northern Jurisdiction of the United States .
These proceedings show that more attention is being paid to the higher degrees by our American brethren than is the case in this country . Under the head of Domestic Affairs the Address of the M . P . Sov . Grand Commander contains the
following particulars -. — Neiv . Bodies . — -The dispensations ordered at the last session have been issued . In addition I have granted the following -. To George Babcock and others , at Troy , New York , upon tho recommendation of the Council of Deliberation of that State , for a Lodge of Perfection , called " Delta Lodge of Perfection . "
To Edwin J . Loomi . and others , Norwich , New York , upon the recommendation of 111 .: Bro . Orrin Welch , Deputy , for ' a'Lodgo of Perfection , called " Chenango Valley Lodge of Perfection . " I have good accounts from both those bodies , but as tho dispensations have been issued within six mouths , no charters can be issued to them at this session .
Old Records Sfc—In addition to the old records , of whicli I gave au account last year , Bro . W , _ . TE _ tA __ r has secured photographic copies of pen pictures illustrative of the ritual , executed by William Gamble in 1769 . I have also received , through the III . - . Deputy for New Jersey , from 111 .-. Bro . DAVID NiHH , to be deposit ed in tlie archives of
this Supreme Council , a document purporting to be an original * and to be signed by Count de Laurent . Eoyal and Select Masters Degrees . —I . was informed during the year , much to my surprise , that the Lodge of Perfection at
Newport , Rhode Island , was in the habit of conferring these degrees under the authority of an endorsement upon their charter . As there was a Grand Council of R . and S . Masters in that State , I at once directed that Lodge to suspend all action under that authority , until the Supreme Council should otherwise order .
Upon investigation it was found that tho Lodge was justified in its action by an endorsement upon its charter . It appears further , that a Grand Council was formed in that state in 1 SG 0 ; that various efforts have been mado to induce the Newport Brethren to give in their adhesion to it ; that these efforts failing the Brethren were not recognized as regular R- and S .
Masters , the Grand Council claiming exclusive jurisdiction in the State . I opened a correspondence with tho Grand Master of the Gr . Council , and I am informed that tho result has been that the Newport Brethren havo talc on and organized under a charter granted to them by the Grand Council , and that the whole matter has been arranged satisfactory to all concerned .
I recommend , however , that in order to prevent any possible trouble in the future , the authority of that endorsement bo absolutely revoked . The Carricls Case . —It will be remembered that iu 1868 a .