Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 7 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 4 →
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monthly Lodge , as follows : —April 1 , Masonry , as shown in its obligation and charges , by the W . M . of Lodge No . 827 ; May b ' , the First Tracing Board , by Bro . Henry Pearson , P . M . ; June 3 , the Second Tracing Board , by Bro . T . Motley Weddall , P . M . ; July I , the Third Tracing Board , by Bro . John Fothergill , P . M . ; August 5 , the Jewels and Furniture of the Lodge , by Bro . William Dobson , P . M . ; September 2 , the Banner , by Bro . T . M . Weddall , P . M . ; October 7 , the Symbolic Teaching , by Bro . Rev . W . Hutchinson , M . A ., Prov . G . Chaplain ; November 4 ,
the Ancient Charges , by Bro . John P . Bell , M . D ., P . M . No . 65 ; December 2 , the Catholicity of Masonry , by Bro . J . Hepton ; January 5 , the letter G : its signification , by tho W . M . of Lodge No . 827 . AVe are glad to hear that the course is being given with much spirit , and with general acceptance ainoug the Brethren .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN CHAPTERS . DOMATIC CnArTF . R ( No . 206 ) . — -A convocation was held on Thursday , April 28 th , at the Masonic Hall , Fetter Lane , the M . E . Z ., Comp . W . Carpenter , presiding , supported by Comp . Thompson , as H ., and Comp . Suter as J . There was scarcely any business to transact , and tho Companions sat down to an elegant banquet at eight o ' clock , the M . E . Z . presiding . The usual toasts were heartily drank , and the evening was spent in a most harmonious manner .
Ponsn NATIONAL CHAPTER ( NO . 77 S ) . —At a meeting oHhis Chapter , held at Freemasons ' Tavern , on Thursday , 28 th April , 1859 , six brethren were proposed for exaltation , and duly elected ; Comp . Cole was also admitted as a joining member . Five of the brethren , Bros . G . Motion , ( Nos . 3 and G 63 ) , G . States , ( No . 106 ) , R , B . Mac Entire , ( No . 202 ) , R . Harris , ( No . 33 ) , and R , Lublinski , ( No . 778 ) , being in attendance , were introduced in due form , and exalted to the supreme degree of Royal Arch by Comp . Watson , M . E . Z . This being the night for election of
Principals and Officers , the following Companions were elected : —Johnstone , M . E . Z . ; Webber , H . ; Sharman , J . ; Boyd , N . ; Blaekbume , E . ; aud Williams , Pr . Soj ., who appointed Comps . Smith and Panchaud to be his Assistants , and Comp . Lemanski was re-elected Treasurer , The visitors were Comps . Hewlett and Binckes .
The Week.
HER MAJESTY and the royal family are expected in town from Windsor , this morning . On Monday , the Prince Consort went to Saltash to open the Royal Albert Bridge over the Tamar , on the Cornwall Railway . The Queen and her children continue in good health . There appears now to be little doubt that a secret treaty has been concluded between France and Russia , a circumstance which may well give rise to gloomy forebodings as to the peace of Europe . As far as regards France and Austria , all hopes of the maintenance of peace have departed . The vast armies of both countries are now in motionand before many days an engagement will
, in all probability take place . Turin is the point to which the contending forces are directed . Paris correspondents inform us that the greatest activity is displayed to forward troops to the scene of action . The belligerent parties are issuing manifestoes to their subjects and circulars to foreign courts , with the view of proving that the onus of disturbing the peace of Europe does not vest with them . As men and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
monthly Lodge , as follows : —April 1 , Masonry , as shown in its obligation and charges , by the W . M . of Lodge No . 827 ; May b ' , the First Tracing Board , by Bro . Henry Pearson , P . M . ; June 3 , the Second Tracing Board , by Bro . T . Motley Weddall , P . M . ; July I , the Third Tracing Board , by Bro . John Fothergill , P . M . ; August 5 , the Jewels and Furniture of the Lodge , by Bro . William Dobson , P . M . ; September 2 , the Banner , by Bro . T . M . Weddall , P . M . ; October 7 , the Symbolic Teaching , by Bro . Rev . W . Hutchinson , M . A ., Prov . G . Chaplain ; November 4 ,
the Ancient Charges , by Bro . John P . Bell , M . D ., P . M . No . 65 ; December 2 , the Catholicity of Masonry , by Bro . J . Hepton ; January 5 , the letter G : its signification , by tho W . M . of Lodge No . 827 . AVe are glad to hear that the course is being given with much spirit , and with general acceptance ainoug the Brethren .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN CHAPTERS . DOMATIC CnArTF . R ( No . 206 ) . — -A convocation was held on Thursday , April 28 th , at the Masonic Hall , Fetter Lane , the M . E . Z ., Comp . W . Carpenter , presiding , supported by Comp . Thompson , as H ., and Comp . Suter as J . There was scarcely any business to transact , and tho Companions sat down to an elegant banquet at eight o ' clock , the M . E . Z . presiding . The usual toasts were heartily drank , and the evening was spent in a most harmonious manner .
Ponsn NATIONAL CHAPTER ( NO . 77 S ) . —At a meeting oHhis Chapter , held at Freemasons ' Tavern , on Thursday , 28 th April , 1859 , six brethren were proposed for exaltation , and duly elected ; Comp . Cole was also admitted as a joining member . Five of the brethren , Bros . G . Motion , ( Nos . 3 and G 63 ) , G . States , ( No . 106 ) , R , B . Mac Entire , ( No . 202 ) , R . Harris , ( No . 33 ) , and R , Lublinski , ( No . 778 ) , being in attendance , were introduced in due form , and exalted to the supreme degree of Royal Arch by Comp . Watson , M . E . Z . This being the night for election of
Principals and Officers , the following Companions were elected : —Johnstone , M . E . Z . ; Webber , H . ; Sharman , J . ; Boyd , N . ; Blaekbume , E . ; aud Williams , Pr . Soj ., who appointed Comps . Smith and Panchaud to be his Assistants , and Comp . Lemanski was re-elected Treasurer , The visitors were Comps . Hewlett and Binckes .
The Week.
HER MAJESTY and the royal family are expected in town from Windsor , this morning . On Monday , the Prince Consort went to Saltash to open the Royal Albert Bridge over the Tamar , on the Cornwall Railway . The Queen and her children continue in good health . There appears now to be little doubt that a secret treaty has been concluded between France and Russia , a circumstance which may well give rise to gloomy forebodings as to the peace of Europe . As far as regards France and Austria , all hopes of the maintenance of peace have departed . The vast armies of both countries are now in motionand before many days an engagement will
, in all probability take place . Turin is the point to which the contending forces are directed . Paris correspondents inform us that the greatest activity is displayed to forward troops to the scene of action . The belligerent parties are issuing manifestoes to their subjects and circulars to foreign courts , with the view of proving that the onus of disturbing the peace of Europe does not vest with them . As men and