Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTES AND QUERIES : — A " credo" and a " credo , " 147 A contrast , 429 A follower of Jacobi , 50 A maxim , 49 A theistic brother , 529 Abyssinian Knightly order , 52 S
Albert of Strasbourg , G 7 Ancient Gorman Froomasonry , Rosicrucianism , Modem English Freemasonry , 168 Mysteries of ancient nations , 108 Ancient memoranda , 308 Another prerogative of tho G . M ., 349 Antiquity of Masonry , 430
of tho Master's degree , 148 of tho third degree , 109 Architect of lieavou aud earth , tho glorious , 130 Arguments , 27 Atheism among Masons , 472 Atheists among Masons , 407 Austria , 50
Benefits of tho " Freemasons' Magazine , " 289 Boys' school , 407 Bro . D'Assiguy , 489 Bro . Dr . W . B . Herapath . 307 Bro . Findel ' s letter of Januarv , 1 SGS , 228 Bro . Harris , 330 , 367 and his compressed orders
, 309 and his now Masonic order , ( p . 370 ) , 389 Bro . Haye and Bro . Hughan on Royal Arch Masonry , 529 Bro . Hughan ' s analysis , 108 and Bro . . 1 . L . W ., 349
Bro . Hughan ancl Masonic personal recollections , 309 and O . B . of candidates , 530 Bro . J . Whyto Molvillo , 268 Bro . Manninghani , 348 , 429 Bro . Murray Lyon , 147 Bro . R ., 2 G 8 Bro . Viennet and the Grand Orient of
Franco , 209 Bro . Wollins Calcott , 27 Buzzwings , 50 Brown ' s Dervishes , or Oriental spiritualism , 147 Cable tow , 308 Can a P . M . bo a simpleton ? 308 Canon of criticism , 208 Captain Torckler , 308 Centenaries in 1809 , 448 , 489
NOTES AND QUERIES—contd . Dissertation by Miss Mary ... of North American States , 229 Duties of officers , 131 , 148 , 108 E . A ., 250 Early tracts on Freemasonry , 250 " Ecrivassiors "— " Bcrivains , " 89
English Freemasonry and Christianity , 209 Masonic periodical , 109 Epigonosis—Evolution , 109 Excerpts from Prov . G . Lodge minutes , 349 touching British Masonry , 26 Factproofopinionhypothesis 50
, , , , Five Media , val Masonries , 168 orders of architecture , 187 queries , 249 Fourth degree , 250 Freemasonry , prayers , epochs , 208 and Christianity , 471 , 489 Freemasons , tho , 90 , 109 and Freestone 268
, Magazine and Masonic Inquiry , 490 French constitutions , 188 G . O . Calendar , 188 Glasgow cathedral , 268 , 290 , 310 Good Templars , 529 Grand Lodgo , a , 109 librarian , 209
library , 229 , 269 , 308 officers , -529 Grand Orient of Franco , 528 secretaryship , 67 Growth of spurious legends—Tho throo black crows , 109 Guilds of Masons , 490 H . R . D . M . —K . D . S . H . Polostino 108
, , Habits desirable for Masons' sons , 528 Havers , 428 High degrees and Bro . Manninghani , 147 in Franco , 187 Hieroglyph , 429 Hint for Grand Lodgo , 209 History o £ Mother Kilwinning , 250 Holyrood chapel , 290
Horace , 90 How a candidate , who has been a Pagan , should bo " obligated , " 187 Hungary , 188 Immortality of tho soul , 109 , 209 , 229 , 251 Imperial Masonry , 528 Inspector general , 147 Italy , 528 Jewish charity , Christian charity , in
aud "Nota , " 473 Charter of Scotch Kings , 188 , 210 , 229 , 250 Chevalier Ruspini , 407 Christian , Jewish , Parsoo , and Mahommodan Freomasonrios , 148 Freemasonry , 209 Masonry , 170
Christianity and English Freemasonry , 1 SS and Freemasonry , 267 in England at tho present day , 27 Chronological excorpts , 188 Church of England—Bible histories , 187 Communication from Yorkshire , 49
Corinthian Order , tho , 209 , 228 , 250 , 251 . 269 , 289 , 291 , 309 , 329 , 471 , 489 Craft reunions , 108 D . G . M . Manuingham ' s letter , 188 Definition of tho true Freemasonry , 188 Deists , 170 Doistic Masonry , 211 Delusions of Rosa Crucis , tho , 230 Derivation of Freemason , 330 , 40 G , 449 , 472
Freemasonry , 209 Jews in lodges , 130 in Masonrv , 40 G K . H . S ., 20 , 49 " Kilwinning as a head lodgo , 251 Masonic legend , 36 G Law of miracles , 170 , 209 Liberality at Grand Lodge , 348
Literary Masonry , 528 Lodgo of Glasgow St . John , 1 . 69 Lord * * * , 188 Lord Brougham , 108 Magic numbers , 431 Mahommodan Order of Sincere Brethren . 67 Masonic authors , 308
charters , 289 , 329 , 389 , 407 , 429 , 431 , 489 and ancient documents , 310 Masonic history , 228 Masonic impostors , 330 Masonic Libraries and collections , 429 Masonic library , 188 "Masonic notes and queries , 170 Masonry dissected , 228
NOTES AND QUERIES—contd . Masonry in Corsica , 528 Masons by right , 209 , 229 Mason ' s marks and the Masonic Guilds , 488 Master Mason , 170 Master ' s degree—Proposition—Counter
proposition , 187 Matter—Force , 90 Maxims and axims of Bro . W . Harris , 169 Mon of science and grand officers , 280 Miracles , 50 , 268 , 529 Mother Kilwinning , 389 Mother Kilwinning ' s charters , 131 Mother Kilwinning ' s charters for the
establishment of lodges out of Scotland , 170 Mother lodges , 389 Motto , 291 Mr . Molynoaux and the Freemasons , 18 T Mystic numbers , 230 , 268 , 448 N . Now Governors of South Australia 168
, Noachian delugo , 131 No cause for anger , 211 Norwegian guilds , 469 Office of Master Mason , 209 Office of Master Mason—Dogreo of Master Mason , 168 Old English Operative Masonry , 148 Order of St . John of Jerusalem 529
, Order of tho Sacred Temple , 49 Ordinary Masonry and speculative Masonry , 49 Origin of tho Master ' s degree , 209 Origin of . tho word "Freemason , " 147 ,, 168 Our late Bro . tho Rev . Salem Town , 50 Our sisters iu America , 289
P . D . G . M ., 428 Pedestals , 250 Pictus depictus , 268 , 291 , 348 Position of tho two pillars , 290 Prayer , Natural Theism , 109 Prostonian Lecture , the , 250 Prichard , 268 Primordial Germs , 50
Prince of Wales , 309 Prince Masons , 407 Printed Rituals , 170 Progress , 109 , 389 Protestant opposition to Froomasonry , 89 Protestant intolerance of Froemasoury , 50 R . Y . and the G . L . of Scotland , 130 Ro-aunoxation 250
, Rod Cross , 407 Rod Cross of Constantino , 290 , 308 , 348 , 367 Relief , 307 Ridic . ulus mus , 309 Right of G . M . to lay foundation stonos ,.
310 Robert Bruce , 90 , 170 , 1 SS Rosa Crucis , 131 Rose Croix dogreo , 188 Rosicrucian Society , tho , 471 Rosicrucians , 89 , 309 , 331 , 489 Rosicrucians and tho science of monoy making-. 291
Royal Arch Dogreo , G 7 , 209 , 490 Sacred signs , 170 Scotcli , 268 , 291 , 329 , 400 , 448 , 472 Scotch Masonic Traditions , 07 Scots not Scotch , 489 Scottish Froomasonry , 1 G 7 Scottish not " Scotch , " 251 Seven epochs of Froomasonry 230
, Social science—Physical science , 50 Solomon ' s Temple , 290 Somo Theists express considerable surprise , 147 Speculative Masonry , 109 Square and compasses , 208
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOTES AND QUERIES : — A " credo" and a " credo , " 147 A contrast , 429 A follower of Jacobi , 50 A maxim , 49 A theistic brother , 529 Abyssinian Knightly order , 52 S
Albert of Strasbourg , G 7 Ancient Gorman Froomasonry , Rosicrucianism , Modem English Freemasonry , 168 Mysteries of ancient nations , 108 Ancient memoranda , 308 Another prerogative of tho G . M ., 349 Antiquity of Masonry , 430
of tho Master's degree , 148 of tho third degree , 109 Architect of lieavou aud earth , tho glorious , 130 Arguments , 27 Atheism among Masons , 472 Atheists among Masons , 407 Austria , 50
Benefits of tho " Freemasons' Magazine , " 289 Boys' school , 407 Bro . D'Assiguy , 489 Bro . Dr . W . B . Herapath . 307 Bro . Findel ' s letter of Januarv , 1 SGS , 228 Bro . Harris , 330 , 367 and his compressed orders
, 309 and his now Masonic order , ( p . 370 ) , 389 Bro . Haye and Bro . Hughan on Royal Arch Masonry , 529 Bro . Hughan ' s analysis , 108 and Bro . . 1 . L . W ., 349
Bro . Hughan ancl Masonic personal recollections , 309 and O . B . of candidates , 530 Bro . J . Whyto Molvillo , 268 Bro . Manninghani , 348 , 429 Bro . Murray Lyon , 147 Bro . R ., 2 G 8 Bro . Viennet and the Grand Orient of
Franco , 209 Bro . Wollins Calcott , 27 Buzzwings , 50 Brown ' s Dervishes , or Oriental spiritualism , 147 Cable tow , 308 Can a P . M . bo a simpleton ? 308 Canon of criticism , 208 Captain Torckler , 308 Centenaries in 1809 , 448 , 489
NOTES AND QUERIES—contd . Dissertation by Miss Mary ... of North American States , 229 Duties of officers , 131 , 148 , 108 E . A ., 250 Early tracts on Freemasonry , 250 " Ecrivassiors "— " Bcrivains , " 89
English Freemasonry and Christianity , 209 Masonic periodical , 109 Epigonosis—Evolution , 109 Excerpts from Prov . G . Lodge minutes , 349 touching British Masonry , 26 Factproofopinionhypothesis 50
, , , , Five Media , val Masonries , 168 orders of architecture , 187 queries , 249 Fourth degree , 250 Freemasonry , prayers , epochs , 208 and Christianity , 471 , 489 Freemasons , tho , 90 , 109 and Freestone 268
, Magazine and Masonic Inquiry , 490 French constitutions , 188 G . O . Calendar , 188 Glasgow cathedral , 268 , 290 , 310 Good Templars , 529 Grand Lodgo , a , 109 librarian , 209
library , 229 , 269 , 308 officers , -529 Grand Orient of Franco , 528 secretaryship , 67 Growth of spurious legends—Tho throo black crows , 109 Guilds of Masons , 490 H . R . D . M . —K . D . S . H . Polostino 108
, , Habits desirable for Masons' sons , 528 Havers , 428 High degrees and Bro . Manninghani , 147 in Franco , 187 Hieroglyph , 429 Hint for Grand Lodgo , 209 History o £ Mother Kilwinning , 250 Holyrood chapel , 290
Horace , 90 How a candidate , who has been a Pagan , should bo " obligated , " 187 Hungary , 188 Immortality of tho soul , 109 , 209 , 229 , 251 Imperial Masonry , 528 Inspector general , 147 Italy , 528 Jewish charity , Christian charity , in
aud "Nota , " 473 Charter of Scotch Kings , 188 , 210 , 229 , 250 Chevalier Ruspini , 407 Christian , Jewish , Parsoo , and Mahommodan Freomasonrios , 148 Freemasonry , 209 Masonry , 170
Christianity and English Freemasonry , 1 SS and Freemasonry , 267 in England at tho present day , 27 Chronological excorpts , 188 Church of England—Bible histories , 187 Communication from Yorkshire , 49
Corinthian Order , tho , 209 , 228 , 250 , 251 . 269 , 289 , 291 , 309 , 329 , 471 , 489 Craft reunions , 108 D . G . M . Manuingham ' s letter , 188 Definition of tho true Freemasonry , 188 Deists , 170 Doistic Masonry , 211 Delusions of Rosa Crucis , tho , 230 Derivation of Freemason , 330 , 40 G , 449 , 472
Freemasonry , 209 Jews in lodges , 130 in Masonrv , 40 G K . H . S ., 20 , 49 " Kilwinning as a head lodgo , 251 Masonic legend , 36 G Law of miracles , 170 , 209 Liberality at Grand Lodge , 348
Literary Masonry , 528 Lodgo of Glasgow St . John , 1 . 69 Lord * * * , 188 Lord Brougham , 108 Magic numbers , 431 Mahommodan Order of Sincere Brethren . 67 Masonic authors , 308
charters , 289 , 329 , 389 , 407 , 429 , 431 , 489 and ancient documents , 310 Masonic history , 228 Masonic impostors , 330 Masonic Libraries and collections , 429 Masonic library , 188 "Masonic notes and queries , 170 Masonry dissected , 228
NOTES AND QUERIES—contd . Masonry in Corsica , 528 Masons by right , 209 , 229 Mason ' s marks and the Masonic Guilds , 488 Master Mason , 170 Master ' s degree—Proposition—Counter
proposition , 187 Matter—Force , 90 Maxims and axims of Bro . W . Harris , 169 Mon of science and grand officers , 280 Miracles , 50 , 268 , 529 Mother Kilwinning , 389 Mother Kilwinning ' s charters , 131 Mother Kilwinning ' s charters for the
establishment of lodges out of Scotland , 170 Mother lodges , 389 Motto , 291 Mr . Molynoaux and the Freemasons , 18 T Mystic numbers , 230 , 268 , 448 N . Now Governors of South Australia 168
, Noachian delugo , 131 No cause for anger , 211 Norwegian guilds , 469 Office of Master Mason , 209 Office of Master Mason—Dogreo of Master Mason , 168 Old English Operative Masonry , 148 Order of St . John of Jerusalem 529
, Order of tho Sacred Temple , 49 Ordinary Masonry and speculative Masonry , 49 Origin of tho Master ' s degree , 209 Origin of . tho word "Freemason , " 147 ,, 168 Our late Bro . tho Rev . Salem Town , 50 Our sisters iu America , 289
P . D . G . M ., 428 Pedestals , 250 Pictus depictus , 268 , 291 , 348 Position of tho two pillars , 290 Prayer , Natural Theism , 109 Prostonian Lecture , the , 250 Prichard , 268 Primordial Germs , 50
Prince of Wales , 309 Prince Masons , 407 Printed Rituals , 170 Progress , 109 , 389 Protestant opposition to Froomasonry , 89 Protestant intolerance of Froemasoury , 50 R . Y . and the G . L . of Scotland , 130 Ro-aunoxation 250
, Rod Cross , 407 Rod Cross of Constantino , 290 , 308 , 348 , 367 Relief , 307 Ridic . ulus mus , 309 Right of G . M . to lay foundation stonos ,.
310 Robert Bruce , 90 , 170 , 1 SS Rosa Crucis , 131 Rose Croix dogreo , 188 Rosicrucian Society , tho , 471 Rosicrucians , 89 , 309 , 331 , 489 Rosicrucians and tho science of monoy making-. 291
Royal Arch Dogreo , G 7 , 209 , 490 Sacred signs , 170 Scotcli , 268 , 291 , 329 , 400 , 448 , 472 Scotch Masonic Traditions , 07 Scots not Scotch , 489 Scottish Froomasonry , 1 G 7 Scottish not " Scotch , " 251 Seven epochs of Froomasonry 230
, Social science—Physical science , 50 Solomon ' s Temple , 290 Somo Theists express considerable surprise , 147 Speculative Masonry , 109 Square and compasses , 208