Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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United Grand Lodge.
Bro . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., said he had not conferred with Bro . Warren , but he had great pleasure in seconding the motion , and be thought other matters should be included in it . He believed it would be of great advantage to the brethren if the papers of Grand Lodge were more easily accessible to . membe ^ and who would feel a great interest in their proceedings . The
more they knew of them the greater would be the interest amongst the craft , and therefore he considered that members willing to pay their 2 s . 6 d . or 5 s . should not only have the notice papers but all the proceedings of Grand Lodge . For himself he had them all regularly bound , they were most interesting volumes , and were often referred to by members ofthe craft for
information upon particular questions . He was not aware of any other member having a copy of them . He hoped the present notice would commend itself to the good opinion of all , not only for the purpose of knowing what is to be done in the present but what has been done in the past , and he could safely say that there were no volumes in his library more interesting than those which contained the proceedings of Grand Lodge for the last 25 years . He therefore had great pleasure in seconding the motion .
Bro . Havers , P . G . W ., said when he first saw the notice of motion he thought it was only fair and reasonable , but he wished to move an amendment to it , so as to include all reports of the quarterly communications . He thought it was only fair to those members who took the trouble of attending Grand Lodge that they ought to have the facility afforded to them of
knowing what business had heen discussed and how it had been disposed of . He wished all that ought to be made public would be so as widely as possible , and therefore he moved to add the words " together with the reports of the quarterly communications , " and he hoped a large number of ths brethren would be willing to pay their 5 s . annually for them .
Bro . Bennoch seconded the amendment , but said he had no faith that a very large number of brethren would subscribe for these papers to know what had been done . Bro . Hopwood , P . G . D ., supported the amendment , and said he believed a iarge number would avail themselves of the privilege if it was granted to them . Bro . Warren said he was most happy to adopt the order proposed by Bro . Havers . The G . M . put the motion , which was carried unanimously .
ILLEGAL APPOINTMENT OF PROVINCIAL GEABD OSEICEBS . Bro . Warren rose , pursuant to notice , to move the repeal of Clause 4 . page 30 , of the Book of Constitutions , which is as follows : — "The G . M . may appoint brethren of eminence and ability to be members of Grand Lodge , with such rank and distinction as he may think proper , provided that nothing herein
contained shall empower Prov . G . M . 's to make similar appointments in their respective provinces . " He said that he found some difficulty in regard to his motion , as his object was to show how this law was carried out in the provinces , and not with a view in any way of interfering with his lordship ' s prerogative in the appointment of such persons . His Lordship had
told them on the occasion of the last quarterly commnnication that ignorance of a law was no excuse for the violation of it , and , therefore , as regarded the Provincial Grand Lodges , if the members of it were excluded from the privileges of the Craft , the ignorance of the Prov . G . M . was no excuse for it . He wished to call the attention ofhis Lordship and Grand Lodge to
the proceedings of the last Provincial Grand Lodge for Warwickshire , at which the Prov . G . M . ( Lord Leigh ) gave rank to no less than seven members as Prov . G . Officers in direct violation of the law . He ( Bro . Warren ) bad written to him and
United Grand Lodge.
told him that it was his intention to bring forward this motion , but he was informed in reply to io that he had given an explanation to the G . Sec , but , not knowing whether or not that had been done , he ( Bro . Warren ) had felt it to be his duty to call the attention of Grand Lodge to it . Lord Leigh had not only broken the law upon this occasion , but he had been in the habit
of breaking it ever since his appointment . He found , by a Birmingham paper , that he had been in the habit of investing the Master of every lodge in which the Prov , Q . Lodge was assembled with the purple ; but it appeared on the last occasion he could not do so because the Master of the lodge was not present . He ( Bro . Warren ) had looked over the list of Prov .
G . Officers , and he found the name of Joseph Bragg , of the lodge No . 739 , whom he appointed Prov . G . S . B ., although the law distinctly stated that no such officers should be appointed . They were not members of the Grand Lodge , and had no right whatever to wear the clothing of Grand Officers . He also found that another brother had been given the purple—a Bro .
Haynes , who had been appointed Prov . Assist . Sword Bearer . Looking back at these proceedings , it appeared that Lord Leigh had been in the habit of giving brethren this purple clothing , and appointing them as officers of the Grand Lodge in violation of the Book of Constitutions . He did not intend
to proceeed with his motion , being satisfied with having called his Lordship ' s attention to what had been going on in Warwickshire , where 20 or 30 brethren were wearing the purple who had no right whatever to it . The same thing had taken place in Bucks and Berks , but when the present Prov . G . M , came to the province that was put down .
Bro . Spiers rose to order . This was a matter for the consideration of the Board of General Purposes and not for the Grand Lodge . Bro . Warren said he had no power to go to the Board of General Purposes on the subject . He did not intend to proceed with his motion , but thought that the Grand Lodge should have
this subject brought before it . The Grand Master interposed and said—Some time ago irregularities in the province of Warwickshire were brought under my notice , and I directed a letter to be sent to the Provincial Grand Secretary , and I understood that those appointments were cancelled . I was not awaie that there have been any great
irregularities in that province , aud all I can say is , that if sufficient evidence is brought before me I will direct the Grand Secretary to bring the matter before the Board of General Purposes . ( This announcement of the M . W . G . M . was received with loud cheering . ) The motion was then withdrawn .
Some other interesting matters in reference to the demonstration to be made on the completion of the 25 years holding of the office ol Grand Master by the Earl of Zetland , and the disposal of the surplus fund of the Board of Benevolence took place , but in consequence of the crowded state of onr present number we must defer our report of them until next week .
WELLINGTON LODGE ( No . 548 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult ., at the White Swan , Deptford . The W . M ., Bro . J . Jones , presiding , well supported by his officers . Lodge being formed and the usual preliminaries disposed of . The three ceremonies were ably gone through , there being three candidates for initiation—two for passing and two for the M . M . degree , all of which were given . Among the members present we noticed Bros . Gale , P . M . ; Bagshaw , Simmons , Welsford , Wakefield , Bumsted , Owdensen . The
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United Grand Lodge.
Bro . Spiers , P . G . S . B ., said he had not conferred with Bro . Warren , but he had great pleasure in seconding the motion , and be thought other matters should be included in it . He believed it would be of great advantage to the brethren if the papers of Grand Lodge were more easily accessible to . membe ^ and who would feel a great interest in their proceedings . The
more they knew of them the greater would be the interest amongst the craft , and therefore he considered that members willing to pay their 2 s . 6 d . or 5 s . should not only have the notice papers but all the proceedings of Grand Lodge . For himself he had them all regularly bound , they were most interesting volumes , and were often referred to by members ofthe craft for
information upon particular questions . He was not aware of any other member having a copy of them . He hoped the present notice would commend itself to the good opinion of all , not only for the purpose of knowing what is to be done in the present but what has been done in the past , and he could safely say that there were no volumes in his library more interesting than those which contained the proceedings of Grand Lodge for the last 25 years . He therefore had great pleasure in seconding the motion .
Bro . Havers , P . G . W ., said when he first saw the notice of motion he thought it was only fair and reasonable , but he wished to move an amendment to it , so as to include all reports of the quarterly communications . He thought it was only fair to those members who took the trouble of attending Grand Lodge that they ought to have the facility afforded to them of
knowing what business had heen discussed and how it had been disposed of . He wished all that ought to be made public would be so as widely as possible , and therefore he moved to add the words " together with the reports of the quarterly communications , " and he hoped a large number of ths brethren would be willing to pay their 5 s . annually for them .
Bro . Bennoch seconded the amendment , but said he had no faith that a very large number of brethren would subscribe for these papers to know what had been done . Bro . Hopwood , P . G . D ., supported the amendment , and said he believed a iarge number would avail themselves of the privilege if it was granted to them . Bro . Warren said he was most happy to adopt the order proposed by Bro . Havers . The G . M . put the motion , which was carried unanimously .
ILLEGAL APPOINTMENT OF PROVINCIAL GEABD OSEICEBS . Bro . Warren rose , pursuant to notice , to move the repeal of Clause 4 . page 30 , of the Book of Constitutions , which is as follows : — "The G . M . may appoint brethren of eminence and ability to be members of Grand Lodge , with such rank and distinction as he may think proper , provided that nothing herein
contained shall empower Prov . G . M . 's to make similar appointments in their respective provinces . " He said that he found some difficulty in regard to his motion , as his object was to show how this law was carried out in the provinces , and not with a view in any way of interfering with his lordship ' s prerogative in the appointment of such persons . His Lordship had
told them on the occasion of the last quarterly commnnication that ignorance of a law was no excuse for the violation of it , and , therefore , as regarded the Provincial Grand Lodges , if the members of it were excluded from the privileges of the Craft , the ignorance of the Prov . G . M . was no excuse for it . He wished to call the attention ofhis Lordship and Grand Lodge to
the proceedings of the last Provincial Grand Lodge for Warwickshire , at which the Prov . G . M . ( Lord Leigh ) gave rank to no less than seven members as Prov . G . Officers in direct violation of the law . He ( Bro . Warren ) bad written to him and
United Grand Lodge.
told him that it was his intention to bring forward this motion , but he was informed in reply to io that he had given an explanation to the G . Sec , but , not knowing whether or not that had been done , he ( Bro . Warren ) had felt it to be his duty to call the attention of Grand Lodge to it . Lord Leigh had not only broken the law upon this occasion , but he had been in the habit
of breaking it ever since his appointment . He found , by a Birmingham paper , that he had been in the habit of investing the Master of every lodge in which the Prov , Q . Lodge was assembled with the purple ; but it appeared on the last occasion he could not do so because the Master of the lodge was not present . He ( Bro . Warren ) had looked over the list of Prov .
G . Officers , and he found the name of Joseph Bragg , of the lodge No . 739 , whom he appointed Prov . G . S . B ., although the law distinctly stated that no such officers should be appointed . They were not members of the Grand Lodge , and had no right whatever to wear the clothing of Grand Officers . He also found that another brother had been given the purple—a Bro .
Haynes , who had been appointed Prov . Assist . Sword Bearer . Looking back at these proceedings , it appeared that Lord Leigh had been in the habit of giving brethren this purple clothing , and appointing them as officers of the Grand Lodge in violation of the Book of Constitutions . He did not intend
to proceeed with his motion , being satisfied with having called his Lordship ' s attention to what had been going on in Warwickshire , where 20 or 30 brethren were wearing the purple who had no right whatever to it . The same thing had taken place in Bucks and Berks , but when the present Prov . G . M , came to the province that was put down .
Bro . Spiers rose to order . This was a matter for the consideration of the Board of General Purposes and not for the Grand Lodge . Bro . Warren said he had no power to go to the Board of General Purposes on the subject . He did not intend to proceed with his motion , but thought that the Grand Lodge should have
this subject brought before it . The Grand Master interposed and said—Some time ago irregularities in the province of Warwickshire were brought under my notice , and I directed a letter to be sent to the Provincial Grand Secretary , and I understood that those appointments were cancelled . I was not awaie that there have been any great
irregularities in that province , aud all I can say is , that if sufficient evidence is brought before me I will direct the Grand Secretary to bring the matter before the Board of General Purposes . ( This announcement of the M . W . G . M . was received with loud cheering . ) The motion was then withdrawn .
Some other interesting matters in reference to the demonstration to be made on the completion of the 25 years holding of the office ol Grand Master by the Earl of Zetland , and the disposal of the surplus fund of the Board of Benevolence took place , but in consequence of the crowded state of onr present number we must defer our report of them until next week .
WELLINGTON LODGE ( No . 548 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday , the 23 rd ult ., at the White Swan , Deptford . The W . M ., Bro . J . Jones , presiding , well supported by his officers . Lodge being formed and the usual preliminaries disposed of . The three ceremonies were ably gone through , there being three candidates for initiation—two for passing and two for the M . M . degree , all of which were given . Among the members present we noticed Bros . Gale , P . M . ; Bagshaw , Simmons , Welsford , Wakefield , Bumsted , Owdensen . The