Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 3 of 3 Article RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE AND K.H.S. Page 1 of 1 Article RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE AND K.H.S. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1
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Mark Masonry.
Benevolent Fund : — Received from Grand Lodge ... £ 50 0 0 Grant to Bro . G . F . G 5 0 0 Balance to credit of fund £ 45 0 0 Bro . Nunn , P . S . G . D ., moved that the accounts of the Treasurer be printed in detailand circulatedwith the report of the day's
, , proceedings . Bro . John Udall , P . G . AV ., seconded the motion , which was carried nem . con . Letters were read by the Grand Secretary from the following brethren expressing of their regret at being unable to attend , viz .: —Bros . Earl Percy , S . G . AV . ; AV . J . Hughan , P . G . O . ; Rev . AV . J . ShortP . G . Chap . ; Rev . W . J . SkeltonP . G . Chap . ; John
, , Copley , G . S . B . ; Magnus Ohren , P . G . Steward ; and F . W . Hayward , P . G . D . Bro . Rev . D . Shaboe called the attention pf Grand Lodge to the numerous shades of colour of the ribbon which the manufacturers of Mark aprons employed , and endeavoured to obtain a declaration that but one tint should be adopted , for which purpose Bro . Sir E . Lechmere thought that the Grand Secretary
should have a roll of the authorised ribbon in his office as a pattern for any jeweller who was in need of guidance . This suggestion was adopted and the subject dropped . Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , with solemn prayer . The customary banquet was served at the conclusion of the business of the day , tbe quality of which gave entire satisfaction , and brought to a close one of the most successful meetings held since the establishment of the Grand Lodge .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine And K.H.S.
METROPOLITAN . ROMAN EAGLE CONCLAVE ( NO 6 ) . The second regular assembly of this conclave was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Saturday , the 27 th ult . Sir Knt . AV . F . N . Quilty , M . P . S ., duly opened the conclave , assisted by Sir Knts . H . C Levander , M . A ., V . E . ; AV . R . AA ' oodmanM . D . S . G . ; C H . R . HarrisonMDJG-RevWB
, , , .., . ; . . . Church , M . A ., H . P . ; H . Tanner , Treas . ; R . AV . Little , G . R . , as Recorder ; I . Read , Prefect ; H . Allman , Standard Bearer G . Powell , G . S . B ., as Herald ; AV . Hurlstone ; J . Brett ; W . C . Lacey , M . D . ; G . Smith ; W . H . Hubbard , G . Treas . ; A . Perrot , 3 . A . ; S . Foxall , etc . ; and Visiting Sir Knts . T . VVescombe , G . Herald , M . P . S . 2 ; I . G . Marsh , G . Architect , P . S . I ; Captain II . Barber , V . E . 5 ; AV . Holmavi , M . D ., P . S . 1 ; G . Kenning , 1 .-
D . R . Still , 2 ; R , Gurney , J . G . 3 ; and A . Thompson , Prefect , 3 . After the confirmation of the minutes and the usual ballot , Bro . W . Osmond Aliender , of the Lodge of Prudent Brethren , 145 , was duly admitted , received , constituted , and installed as a Knight of the Order . The decease of Sir Knt . A . H . Marton was announced by the Acting Recorder , and , on the proposition of Sir Knts . Hurlstone and Brett , an expression of regret was ordered to be laced the minutes
p on . The conclave was then closed , and a Grand College of Vlaeroys was opened by Sir Knt . Little , Vice-President , when Sir Knts . Still , Aliender , Kenning , and Foxall were duly consecrated as members of the Priestly Order . A Grand Senate was then held for the reception of Sir Knt . Aliender , who was regularly enthroned as a Sovereign , in order to qualify him to preside over a conclave proposed to be formed in Bengal .
After the close of all business connected with the Order of Constantine , the chambers were prepared for the solemn and interesting ceremonial of the K . H . S . ( The K . H . S . Order is strictly limited to 99 members . ) The Mount Carmel Sanctuary of that distinguished Order , which is now appendant to the Red Cross fraternity , was impressively opened by Sir Knt , R . W . Little , Registrar-General , who presided as Prelateand the other eastern chairs were
, occupied by Sir Knt . Capt . Barber , as Seneschal ; W . H . Hubbard as Prior ; T . Wescombe , Sub-Prior , and J . Brett , Captain of the Guards , The following Eoyal Arch Masons , being also Knights of Constantine , were then entrusted , and received the first point of the Order , viz .: —H . C . Levander , W . R . Woodman , C . H . R . Harrison , J . G . Marsh , J . Read , Rev . AV . B .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine And K.H.S.
Church , H . Vanner , W . F . N . Quilty , A . Thompson , AV . Hoiman , S . Foxall , G . Kenning , aud D . R . Still . The theological and traditional orations were delivered by the Prelate , and the brethren were then admitted to the second and third points . Aftei the ceremony the officers ofthe Sanctuary were selected as follows , —R . W . Little , Prelate ; G . Powell , Seneschal ; Rev . W . B . ChurchPriorAV . F . NQuiltySub-PriorJBrett
, ; . , ; . , C . G . ; C . H . E . Harrisson , Chancellor ; H . C . Levander , Registrar ; AV . H . Hubbard , Treas . ; T . Wescombe , 1 st Lieut . ; S . Foxall , 2 nd Lieut . ; W . E . AVoodman , G . S . V . ; J . Read , S . B . ; H . Tanner , T . B . ; D . R . Still , A ' erger ; G . Kenning , Harbinger , and J . G . Marsh , Warder . The utmost satisfaction was expressed by the new K . H . S . at being permitted to take part in the re-organisation of this
noble order , and all the officers pledged themselves to fulfil their duties with zeal and fidelity , so as to do justice to its magnificent ritual . There being no banquet , the knights separated after the closing of the Sanctuary .
Obituary .
THE LATE BRO . HENRY BALL , P . M . 1051 . The Masonic fraternity in Lancaster has suffered a very great loss within the last few days , by the sudden death of the brother above-named , who was killed instantaneously by a fall from his horse on Tuesday morning last . Our deceased brother was one instance of tbe zeal and efficiency exhibited bsome of those who enter the
y Graft late in life . For , " though he had attained the age of forty-six when initiated in the year 1862 , he speedily achieved the honour of the Master ' s chair ; and after fulfilling very worthily that hononreble office he continued , as P . M . of his lodge , to manifest an unabated interest in its prosperity , being ever ready to render whatever assistance circumstances required to further
I the efficient working of the lodge . He was one of the founders of the'Eowley Lodge ( No . 1 , 051 ) , and succeeded to the chair as ibs second Master . He had previously been J . W . in the Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 281 ) , which lodge he joined on removing his residence from Preston to Lancaster , and was' subsequently S . W . of the Eon-ley Lodge . He was initiated in the Peace and Unity Lod
ge , Preston ( No . 393 ); exalted in the Chapter of Concord , Bolton ( No . 131 ); was first Assistant Sojourner in the Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . 129 ); and , up to tbe day ofhis untimely end , abated not his endeavours both by thouo-h . t-M study and by active co-operation , to maintain loeallv
and generally the prestige of the Craft . Bub a few days before his decease , on occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the Royal Albert Asylum with Masonic honours , by the M . W . the Grand Masber , the parb assigned to him in the procession , was to carry the mallet presented by Sir Christopher Wren to Charles II . for the purpose of laying the foundabion
stone of St . Paul ' s Cathedral . A goodly number of Masonic brethren unibed to pay the last tribute of respecb bo departed merit on bhe day of his burial ; and by the whole community of his fellowtownsmen he is sincerely regretbed . Ib is fervenbly to be hoped bhat the Eowley Lodge , with which his heart was bound upthough now deprived
, of the two first of its W . M . ' s by their sudden deaths , will still hold ibs high position among the Craft . And with confidence may we favourably augur as to its stability , and future pz-osperity , inasmuch as the successful issue of the holding of the late special Grand Lodge at Lancaster , depended so very much on the signal tact and indefatigable energy of the W . Bro . Dr . Moorewho
, now presides over the Kowley Lodge . Floreat semper . This obituary notice has beeu written ivith a heavy heart by the brother , who had the melancholy satisfaction of officiating at the burial of the deceased , and for whom he enterbains the very highest esteem .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
Benevolent Fund : — Received from Grand Lodge ... £ 50 0 0 Grant to Bro . G . F . G 5 0 0 Balance to credit of fund £ 45 0 0 Bro . Nunn , P . S . G . D ., moved that the accounts of the Treasurer be printed in detailand circulatedwith the report of the day's
, , proceedings . Bro . John Udall , P . G . AV ., seconded the motion , which was carried nem . con . Letters were read by the Grand Secretary from the following brethren expressing of their regret at being unable to attend , viz .: —Bros . Earl Percy , S . G . AV . ; AV . J . Hughan , P . G . O . ; Rev . AV . J . ShortP . G . Chap . ; Rev . W . J . SkeltonP . G . Chap . ; John
, , Copley , G . S . B . ; Magnus Ohren , P . G . Steward ; and F . W . Hayward , P . G . D . Bro . Rev . D . Shaboe called the attention pf Grand Lodge to the numerous shades of colour of the ribbon which the manufacturers of Mark aprons employed , and endeavoured to obtain a declaration that but one tint should be adopted , for which purpose Bro . Sir E . Lechmere thought that the Grand Secretary
should have a roll of the authorised ribbon in his office as a pattern for any jeweller who was in need of guidance . This suggestion was adopted and the subject dropped . Grand Lodge was closed in ample form , with solemn prayer . The customary banquet was served at the conclusion of the business of the day , tbe quality of which gave entire satisfaction , and brought to a close one of the most successful meetings held since the establishment of the Grand Lodge .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine And K.H.S.
METROPOLITAN . ROMAN EAGLE CONCLAVE ( NO 6 ) . The second regular assembly of this conclave was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Saturday , the 27 th ult . Sir Knt . AV . F . N . Quilty , M . P . S ., duly opened the conclave , assisted by Sir Knts . H . C Levander , M . A ., V . E . ; AV . R . AA ' oodmanM . D . S . G . ; C H . R . HarrisonMDJG-RevWB
, , , .., . ; . . . Church , M . A ., H . P . ; H . Tanner , Treas . ; R . AV . Little , G . R . , as Recorder ; I . Read , Prefect ; H . Allman , Standard Bearer G . Powell , G . S . B ., as Herald ; AV . Hurlstone ; J . Brett ; W . C . Lacey , M . D . ; G . Smith ; W . H . Hubbard , G . Treas . ; A . Perrot , 3 . A . ; S . Foxall , etc . ; and Visiting Sir Knts . T . VVescombe , G . Herald , M . P . S . 2 ; I . G . Marsh , G . Architect , P . S . I ; Captain II . Barber , V . E . 5 ; AV . Holmavi , M . D ., P . S . 1 ; G . Kenning , 1 .-
D . R . Still , 2 ; R , Gurney , J . G . 3 ; and A . Thompson , Prefect , 3 . After the confirmation of the minutes and the usual ballot , Bro . W . Osmond Aliender , of the Lodge of Prudent Brethren , 145 , was duly admitted , received , constituted , and installed as a Knight of the Order . The decease of Sir Knt . A . H . Marton was announced by the Acting Recorder , and , on the proposition of Sir Knts . Hurlstone and Brett , an expression of regret was ordered to be laced the minutes
p on . The conclave was then closed , and a Grand College of Vlaeroys was opened by Sir Knt . Little , Vice-President , when Sir Knts . Still , Aliender , Kenning , and Foxall were duly consecrated as members of the Priestly Order . A Grand Senate was then held for the reception of Sir Knt . Aliender , who was regularly enthroned as a Sovereign , in order to qualify him to preside over a conclave proposed to be formed in Bengal .
After the close of all business connected with the Order of Constantine , the chambers were prepared for the solemn and interesting ceremonial of the K . H . S . ( The K . H . S . Order is strictly limited to 99 members . ) The Mount Carmel Sanctuary of that distinguished Order , which is now appendant to the Red Cross fraternity , was impressively opened by Sir Knt , R . W . Little , Registrar-General , who presided as Prelateand the other eastern chairs were
, occupied by Sir Knt . Capt . Barber , as Seneschal ; W . H . Hubbard as Prior ; T . Wescombe , Sub-Prior , and J . Brett , Captain of the Guards , The following Eoyal Arch Masons , being also Knights of Constantine , were then entrusted , and received the first point of the Order , viz .: —H . C . Levander , W . R . Woodman , C . H . R . Harrison , J . G . Marsh , J . Read , Rev . AV . B .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine And K.H.S.
Church , H . Vanner , W . F . N . Quilty , A . Thompson , AV . Hoiman , S . Foxall , G . Kenning , aud D . R . Still . The theological and traditional orations were delivered by the Prelate , and the brethren were then admitted to the second and third points . Aftei the ceremony the officers ofthe Sanctuary were selected as follows , —R . W . Little , Prelate ; G . Powell , Seneschal ; Rev . W . B . ChurchPriorAV . F . NQuiltySub-PriorJBrett
, ; . , ; . , C . G . ; C . H . E . Harrisson , Chancellor ; H . C . Levander , Registrar ; AV . H . Hubbard , Treas . ; T . Wescombe , 1 st Lieut . ; S . Foxall , 2 nd Lieut . ; W . E . AVoodman , G . S . V . ; J . Read , S . B . ; H . Tanner , T . B . ; D . R . Still , A ' erger ; G . Kenning , Harbinger , and J . G . Marsh , Warder . The utmost satisfaction was expressed by the new K . H . S . at being permitted to take part in the re-organisation of this
noble order , and all the officers pledged themselves to fulfil their duties with zeal and fidelity , so as to do justice to its magnificent ritual . There being no banquet , the knights separated after the closing of the Sanctuary .
Obituary .
THE LATE BRO . HENRY BALL , P . M . 1051 . The Masonic fraternity in Lancaster has suffered a very great loss within the last few days , by the sudden death of the brother above-named , who was killed instantaneously by a fall from his horse on Tuesday morning last . Our deceased brother was one instance of tbe zeal and efficiency exhibited bsome of those who enter the
y Graft late in life . For , " though he had attained the age of forty-six when initiated in the year 1862 , he speedily achieved the honour of the Master ' s chair ; and after fulfilling very worthily that hononreble office he continued , as P . M . of his lodge , to manifest an unabated interest in its prosperity , being ever ready to render whatever assistance circumstances required to further
I the efficient working of the lodge . He was one of the founders of the'Eowley Lodge ( No . 1 , 051 ) , and succeeded to the chair as ibs second Master . He had previously been J . W . in the Lodge of Fortitude ( No . 281 ) , which lodge he joined on removing his residence from Preston to Lancaster , and was' subsequently S . W . of the Eon-ley Lodge . He was initiated in the Peace and Unity Lod
ge , Preston ( No . 393 ); exalted in the Chapter of Concord , Bolton ( No . 131 ); was first Assistant Sojourner in the Kendal Castle Chapter ( No . 129 ); and , up to tbe day ofhis untimely end , abated not his endeavours both by thouo-h . t-M study and by active co-operation , to maintain loeallv
and generally the prestige of the Craft . Bub a few days before his decease , on occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the Royal Albert Asylum with Masonic honours , by the M . W . the Grand Masber , the parb assigned to him in the procession , was to carry the mallet presented by Sir Christopher Wren to Charles II . for the purpose of laying the foundabion
stone of St . Paul ' s Cathedral . A goodly number of Masonic brethren unibed to pay the last tribute of respecb bo departed merit on bhe day of his burial ; and by the whole community of his fellowtownsmen he is sincerely regretbed . Ib is fervenbly to be hoped bhat the Eowley Lodge , with which his heart was bound upthough now deprived
, of the two first of its W . M . ' s by their sudden deaths , will still hold ibs high position among the Craft . And with confidence may we favourably augur as to its stability , and future pz-osperity , inasmuch as the successful issue of the holding of the late special Grand Lodge at Lancaster , depended so very much on the signal tact and indefatigable energy of the W . Bro . Dr . Moorewho
, now presides over the Kowley Lodge . Floreat semper . This obituary notice has beeu written ivith a heavy heart by the brother , who had the melancholy satisfaction of officiating at the burial of the deceased , and for whom he enterbains the very highest esteem .