Article MASONIC MEMS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Mems.
things before them , ive think the fraternity would display commendable wisdom by considering tho propriety of affecting an arrangement ivhich ivould do away ivith these diversified authorities and the conflicting interests ivhich arises from their maintenance , and of adopting some general plan for the better government of this time-honoured institution . If a suggestion of ours would not be considered amiss , we would propose that
there be organised , as speedily as circumstances will admit and the consent and co-operation of tho Parent Grand Lodges can be obtained , a Grand Lodgo of British North America , under the patronage of the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland . And to further this design , ive would commend the assembling in convention at some central or nearly central
place—say St . John—of delegates from the lodges in the various provinces , vested with authority to consider all matters relating to the government of the Craft within their respective jurisdictions , and frame schemes of amalgamation . THE GIEIS' SCHOOL—The Earl de Grey and Eipon will preside at the next annual festival of this school .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex will be held at Lewes , on Thursday , the 23 rd iust . Our contemporary the Irish Times states that his Excellency the Marquis of Abercorn is an old member and warm supporter of the Order , as is also Lord Naas , the new Chief Secretary .
INSTRUCTION . PAMUEE LODGE . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge held on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at the Loughborough Arms Hotel , Brixton , was attended by an unusual number of members , and was marked by a very pleasing circumstance , viz .: the presentation of a testimonial to the indefatigable Secretary , Bro . J . Stevens , P . M . After working the ceremony and lectures of the 2 nd degree , Bro . Hodges , W . M . of the Mother Lodge ,
addressing Bro . Perrot the W . M . of the evening , said he had been requested to entrust to him a very handsome gold pen holder , and one of Mordan's gold pencil cases contained in a morocco case bearing a suitable inscription—which had been subscribed for by a number of members in token of the esteem in which Bro . Stevens was held . Bro . Perrot in eulogistic language then presented the testimonial to that brother who replied thanking the brethren for this additional mark of their approbation . After
the closing of the lodge , about twenty-five of the brethren sat down to supper , under the presidency of Bro . Perrot , when several appropriate speeches were made in connection with the proposition of the healths of Bros , Stevens , Hodges , Thomas , Perrot , Unwin , & c . The testimonial was supplied by Bros . Loewenstark and Sons , and was highly approved .
EorAii OAK LODGE ( NO . 871 ) . —Tho usual July meeting of this prosperous lodge was held , as a summer festival , at tbe Greyhound Hotel , Dulwich , on Wednesday July 25 th , at two o ' clock . The lodge was duly opened by tho W . M . Bro . I-I . A . Collington , assisted by Bros . W . Andrews , S . W . ; J . Truelove , as J . W . ; J . Stevens , P . M . Treas . . 1 ? . Walters , P . M . Sec . J . Hawker , S . D . ; S , G . Cook , E , West , C . Wood , J . T . W . Barrett , D .
MassonMCoucdnonGPHoneyWDalzielWBilling-, . , . . , . , . ton , H . Whittle and others . Amongst a largo number of visitors . We noticed Bros . T . G . Dilke , P . G . Purst . ; J . Haslen , 79 ; C . Eagle , 167 , M . Burch , 180 ; and others whoso names we were unable to ascertain . The only candidates who presented themselves , were Bros . C . Wood , and J . W . T . Banett , who were in an able and efficient manner passed to the degree of Eellow Craft Freemasons . Tbe ceremony being rendered in the usual
superior style of the excellent working of the W . M ., which is now too well known to admit of any comment in its favour . Bro . C . G . C . Stahn , P . M ., tendered his resignation as a member of this lodge , which was duly accepted . Bros . W . Billington , ? 3 ; and W . Dalziel , 147 ; were unanimously admitted as joining members . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next lodge meeting-, which ivas agreed to bo held as an emergency , on Friday , August 3 rd , there being so much work to be
done before tho regular October meeting . The lodge was duly closed . The brethren then spent a very agreeable afternoon together at the various amusements which abound at the establishment . At six o'clock they partook of a splendid banquet which was followed by a first-class dessert . Tlie usual loyal toasts were given and received . After spending a few happy hours together over thc festive board , the brethren separated highly pleased with their first summer festival determining that it should not be the last one .
THE USITED STBEKTH LODGE ( NO . 228 ) . —This lodge held its summer festival at the Crown , Broxbourne , Hertfordshire , on Tuesday , the 17 th ult . Upwards of forty brethren and ladies were present , and the banquet was served in the pavilion attached to the grounds . Bro . A . Colston , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Allen , Winsland , Terry , Dudley , P . M . 's ; Davies , S . W . ; Harris , J . W . ; and many other officers and brethren . On the removal of the cloth , and after the usual
loyal aud Masonic toasts , the W . M . proposed " The Health of the Ladies who had honoured them with their presence on the occasion , " and expressed the pleasure it afforded himself and the brethren in having them around on so festive an occasion . He reminded them that although the brethren appreciated the presence of the ladies at their summer festival , and the charm it added to their assembly , yet the causo and object of the noble institution of Ereemasonry , was to disseminate the grand
principle of universal charity , and while the brethren felt this in the midst of their own enjoyment , they did not forget the nobler aim they had in view that of assisting those amongst them whom adversity had compelled to seek that assistance the Institution was at all times so ready to give . The toast was drunk with all due honour . Bro . Vivian , on behalf of tbe ladies , responded , expressing the pleasure it afforded them in being presentand hoping that they miht frequently enjoy a similar
, g day of pleaeure . Bro . Allen , P . M ., then proposed " The Health of the Worshipful Master , " in complimentary terms and expressing his satisfaction at the arrangements for the summer festival . Tbe AV . Master in reply ! thanked them for the honour they had done him , and acknowledged the kind assistance he had received from the P . M . ' s and officers generally , in arranging for the success of tbe clay . It gave him tho greatest pleasure on being as warmly supported by the lodge , a pleasure still more enhanced
by seeing amongst the visitors so many old and respected members of the lodge , showing the interest they still took in the United Strength . " The Health of tho Visitors , " having been proposed by tlie W . M ,, and most ably responded to by Mr . Terry , Sen ., on their behalf , the brethren and ladies after enjoying the beauties of the gardens and grounds so admirably laid out by Bro . Bedingfield , returned to town after having spent most agreeable day .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . CABIiiSEE . —Union Lodge ( No . 310 . )—The regular monthly meeting of the above lodgo was held on Tuosdaj' evening , 31 st ult ., at half-past seven , at which the Eev . Bro . AV . Cockett , W . M . P . Prov . G . Chap ., occupied the chair of K . S ., assisted by Bros . G . G . Hayward , S . W . ; J . Slack , J . AV . ; J . B . Paisley , S . D . ; W . H . Pulford , J . D . ; G . T . Clark , Sec ; A AA oodhouse ,
I . G . ; J . Barnes , Tyler ; also the following brethren were present , viz .: Bros . !" . W . Hayward , P . M ., Div of Cers . and Treas ., P . Prov . J . G . D . ; AV . Murray , P . M . ; J . Brown , P . M . ; J . Howe , J . P ., P . M . ; G . Turnbull , J . Gibson , AV . Court , A . Johnson , W . Fisher , George Somerville , and visiting Bros . Thos . Gibson , 327 , Nigton , H . II . Southcott , 106 , Exmouth . The lodge was duly opened , tho minutes read and passed ; the only business brought forward was a petition to the Grand Lodge of
benevolence for Bro . Thomas Storey , one of the unsuccessful candidates at the last election of aged Freemasons , also reference to the Provincial Grand meeting that takes place at Workington , ou Wednesday , the 1 st of August ; a gentleman was proposed to become a member , after which tho lodge was duly closed by Bro . F . AV . Hayward , and the brethren retired to the refreshment room for an hour , and parted in harmony . HAMPSHIRE . BASINGSTOKE PBOVI > CA __ GKAXD LODGE . —This lodge held its annual meeting at Basingstoke , on the 31 st ult ., under the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Mems.
things before them , ive think the fraternity would display commendable wisdom by considering tho propriety of affecting an arrangement ivhich ivould do away ivith these diversified authorities and the conflicting interests ivhich arises from their maintenance , and of adopting some general plan for the better government of this time-honoured institution . If a suggestion of ours would not be considered amiss , we would propose that
there be organised , as speedily as circumstances will admit and the consent and co-operation of tho Parent Grand Lodges can be obtained , a Grand Lodgo of British North America , under the patronage of the Grand Lodges of England , Ireland , and Scotland . And to further this design , ive would commend the assembling in convention at some central or nearly central
place—say St . John—of delegates from the lodges in the various provinces , vested with authority to consider all matters relating to the government of the Craft within their respective jurisdictions , and frame schemes of amalgamation . THE GIEIS' SCHOOL—The Earl de Grey and Eipon will preside at the next annual festival of this school .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Sussex will be held at Lewes , on Thursday , the 23 rd iust . Our contemporary the Irish Times states that his Excellency the Marquis of Abercorn is an old member and warm supporter of the Order , as is also Lord Naas , the new Chief Secretary .
INSTRUCTION . PAMUEE LODGE . —The usual weekly meeting of this lodge held on Thursday , the 26 th ult ., at the Loughborough Arms Hotel , Brixton , was attended by an unusual number of members , and was marked by a very pleasing circumstance , viz .: the presentation of a testimonial to the indefatigable Secretary , Bro . J . Stevens , P . M . After working the ceremony and lectures of the 2 nd degree , Bro . Hodges , W . M . of the Mother Lodge ,
addressing Bro . Perrot the W . M . of the evening , said he had been requested to entrust to him a very handsome gold pen holder , and one of Mordan's gold pencil cases contained in a morocco case bearing a suitable inscription—which had been subscribed for by a number of members in token of the esteem in which Bro . Stevens was held . Bro . Perrot in eulogistic language then presented the testimonial to that brother who replied thanking the brethren for this additional mark of their approbation . After
the closing of the lodge , about twenty-five of the brethren sat down to supper , under the presidency of Bro . Perrot , when several appropriate speeches were made in connection with the proposition of the healths of Bros , Stevens , Hodges , Thomas , Perrot , Unwin , & c . The testimonial was supplied by Bros . Loewenstark and Sons , and was highly approved .
EorAii OAK LODGE ( NO . 871 ) . —Tho usual July meeting of this prosperous lodge was held , as a summer festival , at tbe Greyhound Hotel , Dulwich , on Wednesday July 25 th , at two o ' clock . The lodge was duly opened by tho W . M . Bro . I-I . A . Collington , assisted by Bros . W . Andrews , S . W . ; J . Truelove , as J . W . ; J . Stevens , P . M . Treas . . 1 ? . Walters , P . M . Sec . J . Hawker , S . D . ; S , G . Cook , E , West , C . Wood , J . T . W . Barrett , D .
MassonMCoucdnonGPHoneyWDalzielWBilling-, . , . . , . , . ton , H . Whittle and others . Amongst a largo number of visitors . We noticed Bros . T . G . Dilke , P . G . Purst . ; J . Haslen , 79 ; C . Eagle , 167 , M . Burch , 180 ; and others whoso names we were unable to ascertain . The only candidates who presented themselves , were Bros . C . Wood , and J . W . T . Banett , who were in an able and efficient manner passed to the degree of Eellow Craft Freemasons . Tbe ceremony being rendered in the usual
superior style of the excellent working of the W . M ., which is now too well known to admit of any comment in its favour . Bro . C . G . C . Stahn , P . M ., tendered his resignation as a member of this lodge , which was duly accepted . Bros . W . Billington , ? 3 ; and W . Dalziel , 147 ; were unanimously admitted as joining members . Two gentlemen were proposed for initiation at the next lodge meeting-, which ivas agreed to bo held as an emergency , on Friday , August 3 rd , there being so much work to be
done before tho regular October meeting . The lodge was duly closed . The brethren then spent a very agreeable afternoon together at the various amusements which abound at the establishment . At six o'clock they partook of a splendid banquet which was followed by a first-class dessert . Tlie usual loyal toasts were given and received . After spending a few happy hours together over thc festive board , the brethren separated highly pleased with their first summer festival determining that it should not be the last one .
THE USITED STBEKTH LODGE ( NO . 228 ) . —This lodge held its summer festival at the Crown , Broxbourne , Hertfordshire , on Tuesday , the 17 th ult . Upwards of forty brethren and ladies were present , and the banquet was served in the pavilion attached to the grounds . Bro . A . Colston , W . M ., presided , supported by Bros . Allen , Winsland , Terry , Dudley , P . M . 's ; Davies , S . W . ; Harris , J . W . ; and many other officers and brethren . On the removal of the cloth , and after the usual
loyal aud Masonic toasts , the W . M . proposed " The Health of the Ladies who had honoured them with their presence on the occasion , " and expressed the pleasure it afforded himself and the brethren in having them around on so festive an occasion . He reminded them that although the brethren appreciated the presence of the ladies at their summer festival , and the charm it added to their assembly , yet the causo and object of the noble institution of Ereemasonry , was to disseminate the grand
principle of universal charity , and while the brethren felt this in the midst of their own enjoyment , they did not forget the nobler aim they had in view that of assisting those amongst them whom adversity had compelled to seek that assistance the Institution was at all times so ready to give . The toast was drunk with all due honour . Bro . Vivian , on behalf of tbe ladies , responded , expressing the pleasure it afforded them in being presentand hoping that they miht frequently enjoy a similar
, g day of pleaeure . Bro . Allen , P . M ., then proposed " The Health of the Worshipful Master , " in complimentary terms and expressing his satisfaction at the arrangements for the summer festival . Tbe AV . Master in reply ! thanked them for the honour they had done him , and acknowledged the kind assistance he had received from the P . M . ' s and officers generally , in arranging for the success of tbe clay . It gave him tho greatest pleasure on being as warmly supported by the lodge , a pleasure still more enhanced
by seeing amongst the visitors so many old and respected members of the lodge , showing the interest they still took in the United Strength . " The Health of tho Visitors , " having been proposed by tlie W . M ,, and most ably responded to by Mr . Terry , Sen ., on their behalf , the brethren and ladies after enjoying the beauties of the gardens and grounds so admirably laid out by Bro . Bedingfield , returned to town after having spent most agreeable day .
CUMBERLAND AND WESTMORELAND . CABIiiSEE . —Union Lodge ( No . 310 . )—The regular monthly meeting of the above lodgo was held on Tuosdaj' evening , 31 st ult ., at half-past seven , at which the Eev . Bro . AV . Cockett , W . M . P . Prov . G . Chap ., occupied the chair of K . S ., assisted by Bros . G . G . Hayward , S . W . ; J . Slack , J . AV . ; J . B . Paisley , S . D . ; W . H . Pulford , J . D . ; G . T . Clark , Sec ; A AA oodhouse ,
I . G . ; J . Barnes , Tyler ; also the following brethren were present , viz .: Bros . !" . W . Hayward , P . M ., Div of Cers . and Treas ., P . Prov . J . G . D . ; AV . Murray , P . M . ; J . Brown , P . M . ; J . Howe , J . P ., P . M . ; G . Turnbull , J . Gibson , AV . Court , A . Johnson , W . Fisher , George Somerville , and visiting Bros . Thos . Gibson , 327 , Nigton , H . II . Southcott , 106 , Exmouth . The lodge was duly opened , tho minutes read and passed ; the only business brought forward was a petition to the Grand Lodge of
benevolence for Bro . Thomas Storey , one of the unsuccessful candidates at the last election of aged Freemasons , also reference to the Provincial Grand meeting that takes place at Workington , ou Wednesday , the 1 st of August ; a gentleman was proposed to become a member , after which tho lodge was duly closed by Bro . F . AV . Hayward , and the brethren retired to the refreshment room for an hour , and parted in harmony . HAMPSHIRE . BASINGSTOKE PBOVI > CA __ GKAXD LODGE . —This lodge held its annual meeting at Basingstoke , on the 31 st ult ., under the