Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 2 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article LORD PALMERSTON. Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
, , with a list of the chapters of the 1 S recognised by the S . G . C . 33 ° , we append a list up to date of those chapters that are recognised , commencing with the chapters in London : — London —Invicta ( Woolwich ) . Metropolitan—Mount Calvary and Observance .
The following are the chapters in the provinces and British colonies , & c .: — 1 . Alder-shot—Royal Military . 2 . Axmmster— -Coryton . 3 . Bath—St . Peter * and St . Paul . 4 i , Birmingham—Vernon .
5 . Devonport—St . Aubyn . 6 . Gibraltar—Europa . 7 . Liverpool—Liverpool . 8 . Manchester—Palatine . 9 . Melbourne—Metropolitan . 10 . Newcastle-on-Tyne—Royal Kent .
11 . Nottingham—Nottingham . 12 . Portsmouth—Royal Naval . 13 . Hyde , Isle of Wight—Vectis . 14 . Sheffield-Talbot . 15 . Taunton—Alfred . 1 G . Warwick—Shakspeare . 17 . Weymouth—All Soul's . IS . Worcester—St . Dunstan ' s .
The " Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed lit / Correspondents . XO THE EDITOR OS" THK PRHB 31 ASOX 3 ' jIAGAZIXl ! . VXD MASOXIC MniltOIE . DEAR SIE AND BEOTHEE , —I have just heard that the subject of Mark Masonry has been brought before the Grand Lodge , and I have a few words to say on the subjectwhichI trustmay be honoured with a
, , , place in your journal . At jiresent , in Scotland , Ireland , and America the Mark Degree is acknowledged as part of Masoniy , aud no doubt it is , aud closety connected with the second degree ; indeed , it seems a link between that and the third degreeas the R . A . is part of the third
, degree , and so much is Mark Masonry thought of iu those countries , that you are unable to be exalted iu the R . A . until you are "Marked . " This puts English Masonry very often in a particularly disagreeable position . There are many Mark Masters in England as well
as Mark lodges . To get this degree , a Mason must go out of the jurisdiction of England . This should not be . Englishmen feeling this , aud that their own Grand Lodge ignores the degree , have established a Grand Lodge of Mark Masters for England , it being decidedly preferable to being forced to go to
Scotland or anywhere else . To show how much this Grand Lodge is appreciated by English Masons , we have already a hundred or more lodges , and many daily joining ; indeed , the Mark Masters now of England are a very considerable body . Besides these we have several Provincial Lodges with Masons of high standing as rulers . Our
Grand Master is Provincial Grand Master for Kent . The Provincial Grand Master for Devon is also Provincial Grand Master for the Mark in that county . The Provincial Grand Mark Master for Bombay is Provincial Grand Superintendent of Arch Masons . Then the Provincial Grand Master of Mark for Madras and Burmah is P . G . S . W . of England . In
short , the degree has taken a great hold on Masons in England , and , sooner or later , must be acknowledged . It is all well for Scotland to object to the degree being under England . It is like other degrees . They wish to keep to themselves ; but that day is gone by , and Englishmen wish these things in their own
control , aud the Grand Lodge is now making a great mistake iu not supporting the Masons of England . The Masons of' Eugland should come forward to acknowledge the degree which is acknowledged by every other Grand Lodge as partfof Masonry ( and no one who has the degree can doubt it ) , and if they
do that it must be under Eugland—either under the Grand Lodge or the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters just established ; but let us be free from other countries . Why should Englishmen be forced to go to Scotland or anywhere else . The Grand Lodge refuses to acknowledge more than three degrees . It
acknowledges Eoyal Arch , which it calls part of the third degree , and so is the Mark part of the second degree . In India , to prevent English Masons going to Scotch lodges , the Grand Lodge have coolly broken through a landmarkand declared that a brother can
, be allowed to take the different degrees after eight clays instead of a month , and the Royal Arch after four weeks instead of twelve months , and yet it now would drive our Masons to Scotland for the Mark
Degree . The degree is making rapid strides in England , the British Isles , and India , and all that the Grand Lodges may do cannot stop its onward progress . The wisest thing would be for the Grand Lodge of England to acknowledge it with a good grace , and to take the degree under its own guidance . No doubt
the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters would gladly give in allegiance ; but let us be under the rulers of our own family . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Tours truly and fraternally . A . J . G . Mark Master of both E . and S . C
Lord Palmerston.
10 Tnll EDITOR OF THE EREEMEASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRBOB . DEAB SIE AND BEOTHEE , —I ain requested by the brethren present at a meeting of the New Concord Lodge of Instruction , held at Bro . Gabb's , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on the ISth ult ., to express their united regret and
deep sympathy at the death of our much-beloved Brother Henry John Temple , Viscount Palmerston , who departed this life October ISth , 1865 , his noble and distinguished character having endeared him to every class of society , and more especially to the Craft . The lodge was closed with that solemnity due to the occasion . I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , H . H . SPEATT , Hon . Sec .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
, , with a list of the chapters of the 1 S recognised by the S . G . C . 33 ° , we append a list up to date of those chapters that are recognised , commencing with the chapters in London : — London —Invicta ( Woolwich ) . Metropolitan—Mount Calvary and Observance .
The following are the chapters in the provinces and British colonies , & c .: — 1 . Alder-shot—Royal Military . 2 . Axmmster— -Coryton . 3 . Bath—St . Peter * and St . Paul . 4 i , Birmingham—Vernon .
5 . Devonport—St . Aubyn . 6 . Gibraltar—Europa . 7 . Liverpool—Liverpool . 8 . Manchester—Palatine . 9 . Melbourne—Metropolitan . 10 . Newcastle-on-Tyne—Royal Kent .
11 . Nottingham—Nottingham . 12 . Portsmouth—Royal Naval . 13 . Hyde , Isle of Wight—Vectis . 14 . Sheffield-Talbot . 15 . Taunton—Alfred . 1 G . Warwick—Shakspeare . 17 . Weymouth—All Soul's . IS . Worcester—St . Dunstan ' s .
The " Editor is not responsible for the opinions expressed lit / Correspondents . XO THE EDITOR OS" THK PRHB 31 ASOX 3 ' jIAGAZIXl ! . VXD MASOXIC MniltOIE . DEAR SIE AND BEOTHEE , —I have just heard that the subject of Mark Masonry has been brought before the Grand Lodge , and I have a few words to say on the subjectwhichI trustmay be honoured with a
, , , place in your journal . At jiresent , in Scotland , Ireland , and America the Mark Degree is acknowledged as part of Masoniy , aud no doubt it is , aud closety connected with the second degree ; indeed , it seems a link between that and the third degreeas the R . A . is part of the third
, degree , and so much is Mark Masonry thought of iu those countries , that you are unable to be exalted iu the R . A . until you are "Marked . " This puts English Masonry very often in a particularly disagreeable position . There are many Mark Masters in England as well
as Mark lodges . To get this degree , a Mason must go out of the jurisdiction of England . This should not be . Englishmen feeling this , aud that their own Grand Lodge ignores the degree , have established a Grand Lodge of Mark Masters for England , it being decidedly preferable to being forced to go to
Scotland or anywhere else . To show how much this Grand Lodge is appreciated by English Masons , we have already a hundred or more lodges , and many daily joining ; indeed , the Mark Masters now of England are a very considerable body . Besides these we have several Provincial Lodges with Masons of high standing as rulers . Our
Grand Master is Provincial Grand Master for Kent . The Provincial Grand Master for Devon is also Provincial Grand Master for the Mark in that county . The Provincial Grand Mark Master for Bombay is Provincial Grand Superintendent of Arch Masons . Then the Provincial Grand Master of Mark for Madras and Burmah is P . G . S . W . of England . In
short , the degree has taken a great hold on Masons in England , and , sooner or later , must be acknowledged . It is all well for Scotland to object to the degree being under England . It is like other degrees . They wish to keep to themselves ; but that day is gone by , and Englishmen wish these things in their own
control , aud the Grand Lodge is now making a great mistake iu not supporting the Masons of England . The Masons of' Eugland should come forward to acknowledge the degree which is acknowledged by every other Grand Lodge as partfof Masonry ( and no one who has the degree can doubt it ) , and if they
do that it must be under Eugland—either under the Grand Lodge or the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters just established ; but let us be free from other countries . Why should Englishmen be forced to go to Scotland or anywhere else . The Grand Lodge refuses to acknowledge more than three degrees . It
acknowledges Eoyal Arch , which it calls part of the third degree , and so is the Mark part of the second degree . In India , to prevent English Masons going to Scotch lodges , the Grand Lodge have coolly broken through a landmarkand declared that a brother can
, be allowed to take the different degrees after eight clays instead of a month , and the Royal Arch after four weeks instead of twelve months , and yet it now would drive our Masons to Scotland for the Mark
Degree . The degree is making rapid strides in England , the British Isles , and India , and all that the Grand Lodges may do cannot stop its onward progress . The wisest thing would be for the Grand Lodge of England to acknowledge it with a good grace , and to take the degree under its own guidance . No doubt
the Grand Lodge of Mark Masters would gladly give in allegiance ; but let us be under the rulers of our own family . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Tours truly and fraternally . A . J . G . Mark Master of both E . and S . C
Lord Palmerston.
10 Tnll EDITOR OF THE EREEMEASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRBOB . DEAB SIE AND BEOTHEE , —I ain requested by the brethren present at a meeting of the New Concord Lodge of Instruction , held at Bro . Gabb's , Rosemary Branch Tavern , Hoxton , on the ISth ult ., to express their united regret and
deep sympathy at the death of our much-beloved Brother Henry John Temple , Viscount Palmerston , who departed this life October ISth , 1865 , his noble and distinguished character having endeared him to every class of society , and more especially to the Craft . The lodge was closed with that solemnity due to the occasion . I am , dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , H . H . SPEATT , Hon . Sec .