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The German Masons And The Pope's Allocution.
many wise and honest men entertain an unfavourable opinion of this confederation . Forsooth , the Pope of Rome shonld be the last person in the world to base a condemnation on such a ground . No doubt there is many a wise and honest man who entertains an unfavouz-able
opmzozz of all religious oz-dez-s and monasteries , zzay , of the whole of the Romish hierarchy . Of all the counts of the charge quoted , t"he first alone is true and material ; but the same ground upon which the Pope curses us constitutes our highest glory in the eyes of the civilised world .
Now , referring to the latest papal ebullition , Pius IX . complains of the inactivity of the bishops who , he thinks , have proved forbearing and meek in carrying out the papal excommunication , and of the Catholic sovereigns who
refrained from suppressing the association b y force ; nay , he even accuses Heaven of having permitted such toleration on the part of the tempoz-al rulers . His strictures on Freemasonry are far more poignant than those of his predecessors . It is
true the Roman lrierarchs have at zzo time been at a loss for expressions of violent abuse ; but the present edict of Pius IX . surpasses all former maledictions by the passionate eruptions of bile ib denotes . This we must consider -as a further
proof of the baneful influence onr worst and most uncompromising enemies , the -Jesuits , have acquired over the mind and judgment of one whom Ave believe to be a good-natured Pope .
Our confederation he calls a criminal sect , although no other " crime " but humane toleration is proved against us , and an immoral sect , though the moral law is essentially the vital principle of Freemasonry . The kindling of revolutions and
desolating wars he lays at our door , though every one is fully aware that the commotions and wars in this quarter * of the globe ori ginated in forces far different from , and more powerful than , those we command , and though it is well known that
our association asks of every one of its adherents strict obedience to the laws of the State , that by virtue of our Constitutions lodges must abstain from all and every participation in the political struggles of the time , and puz * sue none but humane
and moral objects ; that our places of meeting are abodes of peace and neutz * al ground , the threshold of which the passions of parties are not allowed to cross . The Pope next chaz * g-es us wzth entertaining " glowing hatred " towards the
The German Masons And The Pope's Allocution.
Christian religion , although we expect on principle every sincere faith , the vast majority of the brethren profess the religion of Christ , and the moral ideal revealed to the world by Christ in His life as well as in His teachings cannot
possibly be beheld by a moz * al association but with admiration and . veneration . He goes so far as to call us hostile to God , though our prayers are addressed to God , and the whole of our moz * al strength drawn from the divine and eternal source of moral life .
Let us not follow , brethren , the example of the Roman Hierarch . Let us not return the unjust accusation . We will not oppose our malediction to the cuz * se of the church . Let us pity the sad blindness of a venerable old man whose mind is
imposed upon and misled . Let us pray Almighty azzd Omiscient God to destz * oy the phantom that has influenced the fury of the Pope , and allow his mind to see simple h * uth , that his curse may be turned into a blessing .
Bro . Franz Spiegelthal , the W . M . ofthe Lodge Zurfesten Burg an der Saalc , of Calbe , writes to the Frdmaurer Zeitung that the allocution of the Pope has induced him to secede from Roman Catholicism aud join the Protestant church ; and
he adds that many of his Catholic friends are likely to follow his example . The following lines are extracted from the Deutsche Allgemainc Zeihmg , a liberal organ , published by Brockhaus , of Leipzig : —
" The Pope has delivered himself of another rude pliilijspica , against Freemasonry , that' reprobate society' and ' criminal sect' that ' aims at nothing but reversion of religion and human society . ' It is evidently useless to reason with Rome who remains eternally tho same , and we only wish to remind the Pope that to this ' reprobate society ' and ' criminal sect' belongamongst othersseveral powerful
, , potentates , as , e . g ., the King of Prussia . At a time when the last remains of the temporal power of the Pope draw nearer and nearer their final elimination , every friend of intellectual liberty and human progress may hail with delight an allocution that is calculated , like the present , to accelerate and even secure such ' reversion . ' "
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE CHINESE PES' AND INK SKETCHES . 1 . Will not any brother learned in Buddhistic history or legends throw some light upon the meaning of the Indian characters in the drawings from the hand of the mysterious " Eaiig , " which are given in Nos . 32 G and 327 ? 2 . When will the promised
continuation of these illustrations appear?—CHANG . — [ As to the second query , wo are glad to he able to reply that our present issue will satisfy the cravings of our correspondent on this head . —ED . P . M . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The German Masons And The Pope's Allocution.
many wise and honest men entertain an unfavourable opinion of this confederation . Forsooth , the Pope of Rome shonld be the last person in the world to base a condemnation on such a ground . No doubt there is many a wise and honest man who entertains an unfavouz-able
opmzozz of all religious oz-dez-s and monasteries , zzay , of the whole of the Romish hierarchy . Of all the counts of the charge quoted , t"he first alone is true and material ; but the same ground upon which the Pope curses us constitutes our highest glory in the eyes of the civilised world .
Now , referring to the latest papal ebullition , Pius IX . complains of the inactivity of the bishops who , he thinks , have proved forbearing and meek in carrying out the papal excommunication , and of the Catholic sovereigns who
refrained from suppressing the association b y force ; nay , he even accuses Heaven of having permitted such toleration on the part of the tempoz-al rulers . His strictures on Freemasonry are far more poignant than those of his predecessors . It is
true the Roman lrierarchs have at zzo time been at a loss for expressions of violent abuse ; but the present edict of Pius IX . surpasses all former maledictions by the passionate eruptions of bile ib denotes . This we must consider -as a further
proof of the baneful influence onr worst and most uncompromising enemies , the -Jesuits , have acquired over the mind and judgment of one whom Ave believe to be a good-natured Pope .
Our confederation he calls a criminal sect , although no other " crime " but humane toleration is proved against us , and an immoral sect , though the moral law is essentially the vital principle of Freemasonry . The kindling of revolutions and
desolating wars he lays at our door , though every one is fully aware that the commotions and wars in this quarter * of the globe ori ginated in forces far different from , and more powerful than , those we command , and though it is well known that
our association asks of every one of its adherents strict obedience to the laws of the State , that by virtue of our Constitutions lodges must abstain from all and every participation in the political struggles of the time , and puz * sue none but humane
and moral objects ; that our places of meeting are abodes of peace and neutz * al ground , the threshold of which the passions of parties are not allowed to cross . The Pope next chaz * g-es us wzth entertaining " glowing hatred " towards the
The German Masons And The Pope's Allocution.
Christian religion , although we expect on principle every sincere faith , the vast majority of the brethren profess the religion of Christ , and the moral ideal revealed to the world by Christ in His life as well as in His teachings cannot
possibly be beheld by a moz * al association but with admiration and . veneration . He goes so far as to call us hostile to God , though our prayers are addressed to God , and the whole of our moz * al strength drawn from the divine and eternal source of moral life .
Let us not follow , brethren , the example of the Roman Hierarch . Let us not return the unjust accusation . We will not oppose our malediction to the cuz * se of the church . Let us pity the sad blindness of a venerable old man whose mind is
imposed upon and misled . Let us pray Almighty azzd Omiscient God to destz * oy the phantom that has influenced the fury of the Pope , and allow his mind to see simple h * uth , that his curse may be turned into a blessing .
Bro . Franz Spiegelthal , the W . M . ofthe Lodge Zurfesten Burg an der Saalc , of Calbe , writes to the Frdmaurer Zeitung that the allocution of the Pope has induced him to secede from Roman Catholicism aud join the Protestant church ; and
he adds that many of his Catholic friends are likely to follow his example . The following lines are extracted from the Deutsche Allgemainc Zeihmg , a liberal organ , published by Brockhaus , of Leipzig : —
" The Pope has delivered himself of another rude pliilijspica , against Freemasonry , that' reprobate society' and ' criminal sect' that ' aims at nothing but reversion of religion and human society . ' It is evidently useless to reason with Rome who remains eternally tho same , and we only wish to remind the Pope that to this ' reprobate society ' and ' criminal sect' belongamongst othersseveral powerful
, , potentates , as , e . g ., the King of Prussia . At a time when the last remains of the temporal power of the Pope draw nearer and nearer their final elimination , every friend of intellectual liberty and human progress may hail with delight an allocution that is calculated , like the present , to accelerate and even secure such ' reversion . ' "
Masonic Notes And Queries.
THE CHINESE PES' AND INK SKETCHES . 1 . Will not any brother learned in Buddhistic history or legends throw some light upon the meaning of the Indian characters in the drawings from the hand of the mysterious " Eaiig , " which are given in Nos . 32 G and 327 ? 2 . When will the promised
continuation of these illustrations appear?—CHANG . — [ As to the second query , wo are glad to he able to reply that our present issue will satisfy the cravings of our correspondent on this head . —ED . P . M . ]