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Cagliostro And The Lodge Of Antiquity.
PASSIKG by au old print shop some feiv evenings since , our attention was arrested by a plate in tiie Avindow , bearing some Masonic emblems ; and as Ave pride ourselves upon being inquiring Masons , though some ofthe fraternity might choose to call- ourluqulriiiodevelopment inquisiriveness , we nevertheless determined to possess ourselves ofthe plate in question , and entering the shop we demanded the amount it
. , paid , and left with our prize , a description of Avhich we shall endeavour to lay before our readers . The size of the impression is 21 inches in hei ght , by 20 inches in breadth ; but as there is descriptive matter both at the top and the bottom of tho plate , the engraving itself is 14 inches , in height by 17 | inches in breadth . As before stated , the descri ption of the scene is placed at the top of thc plate , both in French and English , and some verses are appended to the foot in the same languages . The English at the top runs thus : — ¦
A Masonic anecdote . The event recorded in this plate happened in London , on the 1 st of November , 1786 , to Bro . Balsamo , self callim * - Prince of Irebrsonde , Marquis of Harrat , Count Cagliostro , & c , & c . The nicknamed brother having payed a visit to the Lodge of Antiquity with so > ne foreigners , liro . Mash , au ingenious optician , performed , instead of mvino- a song the part of a travelling quack ; which Count Ciigliosfa-o taW as ° if flimed at him , he left thc Lodge in a dudgeon , highly displeased at the entertamment of the company . Mr . Barker , hair dresser , King-street , Moomsbuiy , Master of thc Lodge of Antiquity . Supper at three shilling per head , ivine and punch included . ' °
Ihe plate represents a room ornamented Avith pictures , bookcase Masonic emblems , and candles . In the centre is a hi gh easy chair on the hack of which is a level reversed . In the foreground stands Bro . Mash , clothed with an apron , on which are depicted the compasses crossing the square in the centre ; and on the side nearest the spectator a troAvel ; he is also holding a bottle in his ri ght hand , with label from his mouth Avhich
a , on are these words , "Are you shot through the heart I Take a drop of my Balsamo . " On the ' left side ol the hible , which has candles , a decanter , glasses , and a punch bowl on it , is seated Cagliostro , a very stout , short individual—aud iroiu fche other portraits AVO have seen , a capital likeness ; he wears an apron bearing a . large sun in the centre , a level , square , aud plumb rule at the sidesOut of his month
. proceeds a label with fche words '' Per Leo santo ! Son seoperto ! " - Next to him is another individual with an apron similar fco the Count , a collar , from which is dependent ajewel , such as i . s ivoni by the Most Worshi pful Grand Master- and on the label he is made Lo say to Cagliostro , « Que cela soit vrai ou laux , nimportc , ' The third individual is partly behind , but he B *)
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cagliostro And The Lodge Of Antiquity.
PASSIKG by au old print shop some feiv evenings since , our attention was arrested by a plate in tiie Avindow , bearing some Masonic emblems ; and as Ave pride ourselves upon being inquiring Masons , though some ofthe fraternity might choose to call- ourluqulriiiodevelopment inquisiriveness , we nevertheless determined to possess ourselves ofthe plate in question , and entering the shop we demanded the amount it
. , paid , and left with our prize , a description of Avhich we shall endeavour to lay before our readers . The size of the impression is 21 inches in hei ght , by 20 inches in breadth ; but as there is descriptive matter both at the top and the bottom of tho plate , the engraving itself is 14 inches , in height by 17 | inches in breadth . As before stated , the descri ption of the scene is placed at the top of thc plate , both in French and English , and some verses are appended to the foot in the same languages . The English at the top runs thus : — ¦
A Masonic anecdote . The event recorded in this plate happened in London , on the 1 st of November , 1786 , to Bro . Balsamo , self callim * - Prince of Irebrsonde , Marquis of Harrat , Count Cagliostro , & c , & c . The nicknamed brother having payed a visit to the Lodge of Antiquity with so > ne foreigners , liro . Mash , au ingenious optician , performed , instead of mvino- a song the part of a travelling quack ; which Count Ciigliosfa-o taW as ° if flimed at him , he left thc Lodge in a dudgeon , highly displeased at the entertamment of the company . Mr . Barker , hair dresser , King-street , Moomsbuiy , Master of thc Lodge of Antiquity . Supper at three shilling per head , ivine and punch included . ' °
Ihe plate represents a room ornamented Avith pictures , bookcase Masonic emblems , and candles . In the centre is a hi gh easy chair on the hack of which is a level reversed . In the foreground stands Bro . Mash , clothed with an apron , on which are depicted the compasses crossing the square in the centre ; and on the side nearest the spectator a troAvel ; he is also holding a bottle in his ri ght hand , with label from his mouth Avhich
a , on are these words , "Are you shot through the heart I Take a drop of my Balsamo . " On the ' left side ol the hible , which has candles , a decanter , glasses , and a punch bowl on it , is seated Cagliostro , a very stout , short individual—aud iroiu fche other portraits AVO have seen , a capital likeness ; he wears an apron bearing a . large sun in the centre , a level , square , aud plumb rule at the sidesOut of his month
. proceeds a label with fche words '' Per Leo santo ! Son seoperto ! " - Next to him is another individual with an apron similar fco the Count , a collar , from which is dependent ajewel , such as i . s ivoni by the Most Worshi pful Grand Master- and on the label he is made Lo say to Cagliostro , « Que cela soit vrai ou laux , nimportc , ' The third individual is partly behind , but he B *)