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Cagliostro And The Lodge Of Antiquity.
Egypt ivith the sage Athotas ; but , be this as it may , he turns " up at Borne , lod ging " at the sign of the Sun iu the Botonda , " and selling pen-and-ink dnnvings there . These pen-and-ink draivings are no more than outline engravings , filled in by hand Avith Indian ink ; aud it could not have been a very lucrative profession . While thus engaged he managed to get married to one Lorenza Felicianithe daughter of a '
, girdler , and Avas then and there taken to live in the house of her parents . Pen-and-ink drawing not being a very flourishing trade , domestic squabbles of mother-in-law , and sundry debts , forced our hero to emigrate from Borne ; but not before he had found out that in his wife ' s charms there was a mine of Ai'ealth in store for him , and French envoys , Spanish marquises , and other amorous men of high
degree , were , in many countries , ivell fleeced by this Avorthy couple ; and we find them visiting Venice , Marseilles , Madrid , Lisbon , Brussels , St , Germains , & c . In some of these he appeared as a count or a Marquis Pellegrini , and lastly as Count Alessandro Cagliostro , the latter name having really been in his family , for his grand uncle , a bell-founder at Messina , Avas thus named . Cagliostro and the Countess Serafina Avere IIOAV the talk of Europe ; their jeAvels , equipage , aucl unlimited supply of ready money procured them easy access to the best society of foreign states . Again visiting Palermo , he is seized and
imprisoned for the affair of the treasure digging goldsmith , but succeeds " } offing out by means of the connivance of one of the principal Sicilian princes , who , having formed an intimacy Avith Serafina , the countess , absolutel y proceeds to acts of violence so terrif ying to the prosecutor and judge , that Cagliostro is at once dismissed . Of his journeys nothing positive is kuoivn further than in Spain he is at
times seen riding in the coach-and-four—at other times he is acting as postillion , AA'hile enamoured noblemen are lolling on cushions Avith the lovely Serafina . A gain at other times he seems to be utterl y bereft of fortune , for in 1772 he is in . England , as Joseph Balsamo , AA'ith a reputation as a very excellent house decorator , but having smeared a residence of one Dr . Bennemorethe doctor refused to for it
, pay , Avhen Balsamo or Cagliostro entered an action against him , which he lost , and there Avas also some scandal about the beautiful Serafina and Dr . B ., and fche ugly Miss B . and Cagliostro . As the Countess ' s charms began to fade , Cagliostro , iu addition to his philtres , Avashes , itc , added the gift of prophecy , and foretold the lucky numbers ofthe lotteries ; there Avas a very curious case on this subject tried at
Westminster , Pry v . Balsamo , -which is well worthy of perusal—this turning against him , he quitted England . We now come to an important event to us , and here we shall quote Mr . Carlyle , who tells
- One good thing he has carried with him notAvithstaiuling : initiation into some primary arcana of Freemasonry . The quack of quacks , with his ' -i-. 'irriiive bias towards the supeniatural-niystificutorv , must long have had Ins eye on Masonry , which , with its blazonry , mummery , sashes , drawn sal-res , brothers terrible , brothers venerable ( the whole so imposing bv
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cagliostro And The Lodge Of Antiquity.
Egypt ivith the sage Athotas ; but , be this as it may , he turns " up at Borne , lod ging " at the sign of the Sun iu the Botonda , " and selling pen-and-ink dnnvings there . These pen-and-ink draivings are no more than outline engravings , filled in by hand Avith Indian ink ; aud it could not have been a very lucrative profession . While thus engaged he managed to get married to one Lorenza Felicianithe daughter of a '
, girdler , and Avas then and there taken to live in the house of her parents . Pen-and-ink drawing not being a very flourishing trade , domestic squabbles of mother-in-law , and sundry debts , forced our hero to emigrate from Borne ; but not before he had found out that in his wife ' s charms there was a mine of Ai'ealth in store for him , and French envoys , Spanish marquises , and other amorous men of high
degree , were , in many countries , ivell fleeced by this Avorthy couple ; and we find them visiting Venice , Marseilles , Madrid , Lisbon , Brussels , St , Germains , & c . In some of these he appeared as a count or a Marquis Pellegrini , and lastly as Count Alessandro Cagliostro , the latter name having really been in his family , for his grand uncle , a bell-founder at Messina , Avas thus named . Cagliostro and the Countess Serafina Avere IIOAV the talk of Europe ; their jeAvels , equipage , aucl unlimited supply of ready money procured them easy access to the best society of foreign states . Again visiting Palermo , he is seized and
imprisoned for the affair of the treasure digging goldsmith , but succeeds " } offing out by means of the connivance of one of the principal Sicilian princes , who , having formed an intimacy Avith Serafina , the countess , absolutel y proceeds to acts of violence so terrif ying to the prosecutor and judge , that Cagliostro is at once dismissed . Of his journeys nothing positive is kuoivn further than in Spain he is at
times seen riding in the coach-and-four—at other times he is acting as postillion , AA'hile enamoured noblemen are lolling on cushions Avith the lovely Serafina . A gain at other times he seems to be utterl y bereft of fortune , for in 1772 he is in . England , as Joseph Balsamo , AA'ith a reputation as a very excellent house decorator , but having smeared a residence of one Dr . Bennemorethe doctor refused to for it
, pay , Avhen Balsamo or Cagliostro entered an action against him , which he lost , and there Avas also some scandal about the beautiful Serafina and Dr . B ., and fche ugly Miss B . and Cagliostro . As the Countess ' s charms began to fade , Cagliostro , iu addition to his philtres , Avashes , itc , added the gift of prophecy , and foretold the lucky numbers ofthe lotteries ; there Avas a very curious case on this subject tried at
Westminster , Pry v . Balsamo , -which is well worthy of perusal—this turning against him , he quitted England . We now come to an important event to us , and here we shall quote Mr . Carlyle , who tells
- One good thing he has carried with him notAvithstaiuling : initiation into some primary arcana of Freemasonry . The quack of quacks , with his ' -i-. 'irriiive bias towards the supeniatural-niystificutorv , must long have had Ins eye on Masonry , which , with its blazonry , mummery , sashes , drawn sal-res , brothers terrible , brothers venerable ( the whole so imposing bv