Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article " JUSTITIA" AND THE "MASONIC OBSERVER." Page 1 of 4 →
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# [ THE EDITOR does not hold himself responsible ftrr cmy opinions entertained by Correspondents !]
TO THE EDITOR 01 ? THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR Sin . AND BROTHER , —Although it Avill surprise no one who was present at last Grand Lod ge to see a contradiction of the statement then made by the Rev . Bro . Portal , it will be a matter of grief to some AVIIO Avish to think ivell of Lord Carnarvon , to see in your last week ' s number his correspondence with Bro . Havers . I would hope that the letters bearing his Lordshi si not
p ' s gnature are really Ins own , but the production of the clerical Brother whose style they so much resemble . To adopt the noble Brother ' s own phrase , " his words , and still more his manner of . saying them , " stand in very unfavourable contrast to the courteous and straightforward letters of Bro . Havers ; whilst thc ringing the changes on undefined charges is not quite creditable , though very common of late with member of this
every party . I can only attribute to his youth and inexperience the unmasonic style ot the noble Brother's address , and recommend him to read the Antient Charges ( . No . VI 3 ) On behaviour out of Lodge , " where he will find , ana i trust profit by , the folloiving recommendation : - " You are to salute one another in a courteous manner , calling each other Brother , Avithout derogating from that respect which is due to
any Brother ; for though all Masons are , as Brethren , upon the same level , yet Masonry takes no honour from a man that he had before ; nay , rather ' it adds to his honour , especially rf he has deserved well of the Brotherhood , ivho must give honour to whom it is due , and avoid ill manners . " Recommending to his Lordship the stud y of these important principles of our Order , which I assure him are not beneath his notice , r , 7 i ,, , „ . „ i dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , December mh , I 808 . A PAST -A rJ' „
" Justitia" And The "Masonic Observer."
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . v , k ™ S Bl , 0 THEK —I appear to have had tivo misfortunes , one , that of uismg the extreme anger ofthe writers in the Observer , the other , that of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
# [ THE EDITOR does not hold himself responsible ftrr cmy opinions entertained by Correspondents !]
TO THE EDITOR 01 ? THE FREEMASONS * MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAR Sin . AND BROTHER , —Although it Avill surprise no one who was present at last Grand Lod ge to see a contradiction of the statement then made by the Rev . Bro . Portal , it will be a matter of grief to some AVIIO Avish to think ivell of Lord Carnarvon , to see in your last week ' s number his correspondence with Bro . Havers . I would hope that the letters bearing his Lordshi si not
p ' s gnature are really Ins own , but the production of the clerical Brother whose style they so much resemble . To adopt the noble Brother ' s own phrase , " his words , and still more his manner of . saying them , " stand in very unfavourable contrast to the courteous and straightforward letters of Bro . Havers ; whilst thc ringing the changes on undefined charges is not quite creditable , though very common of late with member of this
every party . I can only attribute to his youth and inexperience the unmasonic style ot the noble Brother's address , and recommend him to read the Antient Charges ( . No . VI 3 ) On behaviour out of Lodge , " where he will find , ana i trust profit by , the folloiving recommendation : - " You are to salute one another in a courteous manner , calling each other Brother , Avithout derogating from that respect which is due to
any Brother ; for though all Masons are , as Brethren , upon the same level , yet Masonry takes no honour from a man that he had before ; nay , rather ' it adds to his honour , especially rf he has deserved well of the Brotherhood , ivho must give honour to whom it is due , and avoid ill manners . " Recommending to his Lordship the stud y of these important principles of our Order , which I assure him are not beneath his notice , r , 7 i ,, , „ . „ i dear Sir and Brother , yours fraternally , December mh , I 808 . A PAST -A rJ' „
" Justitia" And The "Masonic Observer."
TO THE EDITOR OF THE FREEMASONS' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRROR . v , k ™ S Bl , 0 THEK —I appear to have had tivo misfortunes , one , that of uismg the extreme anger ofthe writers in the Observer , the other , that of