Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Friday , lth . —Chapter . —Fidelity ( 3 ) , London Tavern . Monday , 10 /// . —Lodges , S ( . George's nnd Corner Stone ( No . 5 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Fortitude and Old Cumberland ( 12 ) , ditto ; St . Albans ( 32 ) , London Oolite House ; Domatic ( 20 ( 1 ) , Falcou TaA-eru ; Confidence ( 228 ) , Anderton's Hotel . Tuesday , lllh . —Lodges , Burlington ( 113 ) , Albion Tavern ; St . James ' s Union ( 211 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Percy ( 234- ) , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street ; Israel ' 217 ) , Seyd ' s Hotel , Finsbury ; St Michael ' s ( 255 ) , George and Blue Boar ; Nine Sluses ( 2 Sli ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; AVellington ( 805 ) , Lord Duncan , Deptford . Chapter— Jerusalem ( 2 IS ) , Dick ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . Rose Croix . —Metropolitan Chapter , Freemasons' Tavern .
IFednesday , 12 th . —Lodges , Fidelity ( No . 3 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Enoch ( 11 ) , ditto ; Union ol'AVaterloo ( 13 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , AA ' oohvich ; Kent ( 15 ) , Three Tuns , Southwark ; Koyal Athelsf an ( 19 ) , George and Blue Boar ; Eoyal Naval ( 70 ) , Freemasons'Tavern ; A'itruvian ( 103 ) , AA'hite Hart , College Street , Lambeth ; Eastern Star ( 112 ) , AVade's Hold , Poplar ; Jusliee ( 172 ) , " Royal Albert , New Cross Road , Deptlbvd ; Pilgrim ( 289 ) , Ship a-. id Turtle ; Belgrave ( 1051 ) , Gun Tavern , Pimlico . Thursday , Idth . —Lodges , Friendship ( 6 ) , Thatched House Tavern ; Regularity ( 108 ) , Freemasons'Tavern ; Friendship ( 248 ) , Ship and Turtle ; Bank of England ( 320 ) , Hartley ' s Hotel ; Polish ( 778 ) , Freemasons * Tavern ; Canonbury ( 955 ) , Canonbury Ta \ 'eru , Islington . Friday , lith . —Lodges , Bedford ( 183 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Union ( 195 ) , London Tavern ; High Cross ( 105 G ) , Railway Hotel , Northumberland Pork , Tottenham . Saturday , lotli— Lodge , Honour and Generosity ( 194 ) , London Tavern . [ Tlie appointments of Lodges of Instruction will appear in tlie last number of each mouth . ]
R OBKHT B URNS L OUGH ( No . 25 ) . —The animal meeting of this Lodge AA'as held at the Freemasons' Tavern , ou Monday last , the 3 rd instant , Bro . Chas . Bennett , AV . M . presiding . The Lodge having been duly opened , Bros . Sealey and Read Avere raised , and Bros . Lawrence , Murray , and Keyzor passed , to their respective degrees . The ceremony of installation AA'as next proceeded ivith , Bro . AVatson , P . M . presiding , supported by a board of installed Masters consisting of tAventy-one , amongst Avhom ive observed Bros . Bennett , Clements , Robinson , Byte , and LeGassick , P . Ms , of the Lodge ; Bros . Smyth , AV . M . No . 1044 ; Couleher , AV . M .
No . 1055 ; Knight , W . M . No . 411 ; Smith , P . M . No . 206 , G . Purs . ; Ireland , P . M . No . 805 ; AVard , P . M . No . 12 ; AVyatt , P . M . No . 166 ; Daly , No . 371 ; Bird , P . M . No . 11 ; AVilliams , P . M . No . 11 , & c , & e . Tho installation , having been completed , the neiv W . AI . appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . Gladwin , . S . AV . ; Caldivell , J . AY . ; Couleher-, W . M . No . 1055 , S . D . ; Br-aham , . 1 . 1 ) . ; Lyon , I . G ., aud Beckett , Tyler . Bros . Aptecl and Newton , P . Ms ., w-ere re-invested as Treas . and Hoc , and Bros . Watson , P . M ., Clements , P . M ., and Matthew's , as Stewards . The new AA . M . ( AA'ho , as a P . M . of No . 745 , is Avell known as thoroughly up to his AA-ork ) , next proceeded to initiate Mr . Chas . Smith and Mr . Benj . Chas . Jones into the Order ,
and concluded by presenting a P . M ' s . jeivel to Bro . Chas . Bennett , one of a long list of Masters who have tended to maintain tlie character of tho Lodge as one of the best in the Order . Bro . Bennett briefly acknoivledged the compliment , and other business having been disposed of , the Lodge was closed , and tire Brethren adjourned to a very elegant banquet at arr hour hoivever too late for- real enjoyment . The AV . M . most ably presided , and a variety of toasts AA-ere drunk aud duly responded to , the cause ofthe charities being most ably advocated by Bro . Watson . Many of the Brethren subscribed their names to the list of the AV . AI . ivho serves as one of the Steivni'ds at the approaching festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution . Bros . Hansford , Past G . Org ., and Donald King , added to the enjoyment of the evening .
LODGE OV INDUSTHY ( NO . 21 9 ) . —This Lodge held its regular meeting at Dick ' s Coffee House , Fleet Street , on Tuesday , the 28 th Dec . Bro . Suter , P . M ., presided , in place of the AV . AI ., Avho AA'as absent through a severe domestic affliction . Bro . Hind AA-as passed to the second degree , and Bro . Hollyer raised to the degree of a M . M . The Brethren then proceeded to the election of W . AI . for the ensuing year , ivhen the choice of tire members unanimously fell ou Bro . Cotterell , J . W . Bro . Lescombe , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer ; aud Bro . Young , Tyler . TAVO gentlemen ivere then proposed for initiation , and four Brethren for joining . The business
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Friday , lth . —Chapter . —Fidelity ( 3 ) , London Tavern . Monday , 10 /// . —Lodges , S ( . George's nnd Corner Stone ( No . 5 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Fortitude and Old Cumberland ( 12 ) , ditto ; St . Albans ( 32 ) , London Oolite House ; Domatic ( 20 ( 1 ) , Falcou TaA-eru ; Confidence ( 228 ) , Anderton's Hotel . Tuesday , lllh . —Lodges , Burlington ( 113 ) , Albion Tavern ; St . James ' s Union ( 211 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Percy ( 234- ) , Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Street ; Israel ' 217 ) , Seyd ' s Hotel , Finsbury ; St Michael ' s ( 255 ) , George and Blue Boar ; Nine Sluses ( 2 Sli ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; AVellington ( 805 ) , Lord Duncan , Deptford . Chapter— Jerusalem ( 2 IS ) , Dick ' s Hotel , Fleet Street . Rose Croix . —Metropolitan Chapter , Freemasons' Tavern .
IFednesday , 12 th . —Lodges , Fidelity ( No . 3 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Enoch ( 11 ) , ditto ; Union ol'AVaterloo ( 13 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , AA ' oohvich ; Kent ( 15 ) , Three Tuns , Southwark ; Koyal Athelsf an ( 19 ) , George and Blue Boar ; Eoyal Naval ( 70 ) , Freemasons'Tavern ; A'itruvian ( 103 ) , AA'hite Hart , College Street , Lambeth ; Eastern Star ( 112 ) , AVade's Hold , Poplar ; Jusliee ( 172 ) , " Royal Albert , New Cross Road , Deptlbvd ; Pilgrim ( 289 ) , Ship a-. id Turtle ; Belgrave ( 1051 ) , Gun Tavern , Pimlico . Thursday , Idth . —Lodges , Friendship ( 6 ) , Thatched House Tavern ; Regularity ( 108 ) , Freemasons'Tavern ; Friendship ( 248 ) , Ship and Turtle ; Bank of England ( 320 ) , Hartley ' s Hotel ; Polish ( 778 ) , Freemasons * Tavern ; Canonbury ( 955 ) , Canonbury Ta \ 'eru , Islington . Friday , lith . —Lodges , Bedford ( 183 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Union ( 195 ) , London Tavern ; High Cross ( 105 G ) , Railway Hotel , Northumberland Pork , Tottenham . Saturday , lotli— Lodge , Honour and Generosity ( 194 ) , London Tavern . [ Tlie appointments of Lodges of Instruction will appear in tlie last number of each mouth . ]
R OBKHT B URNS L OUGH ( No . 25 ) . —The animal meeting of this Lodge AA'as held at the Freemasons' Tavern , ou Monday last , the 3 rd instant , Bro . Chas . Bennett , AV . M . presiding . The Lodge having been duly opened , Bros . Sealey and Read Avere raised , and Bros . Lawrence , Murray , and Keyzor passed , to their respective degrees . The ceremony of installation AA'as next proceeded ivith , Bro . AVatson , P . M . presiding , supported by a board of installed Masters consisting of tAventy-one , amongst Avhom ive observed Bros . Bennett , Clements , Robinson , Byte , and LeGassick , P . Ms , of the Lodge ; Bros . Smyth , AV . M . No . 1044 ; Couleher , AV . M .
No . 1055 ; Knight , W . M . No . 411 ; Smith , P . M . No . 206 , G . Purs . ; Ireland , P . M . No . 805 ; AVard , P . M . No . 12 ; AVyatt , P . M . No . 166 ; Daly , No . 371 ; Bird , P . M . No . 11 ; AVilliams , P . M . No . 11 , & c , & e . Tho installation , having been completed , the neiv W . AI . appointed his officers as follows : —Bros . Gladwin , . S . AV . ; Caldivell , J . AY . ; Couleher-, W . M . No . 1055 , S . D . ; Br-aham , . 1 . 1 ) . ; Lyon , I . G ., aud Beckett , Tyler . Bros . Aptecl and Newton , P . Ms ., w-ere re-invested as Treas . and Hoc , and Bros . Watson , P . M ., Clements , P . M ., and Matthew's , as Stewards . The new AA . M . ( AA'ho , as a P . M . of No . 745 , is Avell known as thoroughly up to his AA-ork ) , next proceeded to initiate Mr . Chas . Smith and Mr . Benj . Chas . Jones into the Order ,
and concluded by presenting a P . M ' s . jeivel to Bro . Chas . Bennett , one of a long list of Masters who have tended to maintain tlie character of tho Lodge as one of the best in the Order . Bro . Bennett briefly acknoivledged the compliment , and other business having been disposed of , the Lodge was closed , and tire Brethren adjourned to a very elegant banquet at arr hour hoivever too late for- real enjoyment . The AV . M . most ably presided , and a variety of toasts AA-ere drunk aud duly responded to , the cause ofthe charities being most ably advocated by Bro . Watson . Many of the Brethren subscribed their names to the list of the AV . AI . ivho serves as one of the Steivni'ds at the approaching festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution . Bros . Hansford , Past G . Org ., and Donald King , added to the enjoyment of the evening .
LODGE OV INDUSTHY ( NO . 21 9 ) . —This Lodge held its regular meeting at Dick ' s Coffee House , Fleet Street , on Tuesday , the 28 th Dec . Bro . Suter , P . M ., presided , in place of the AV . AI ., Avho AA'as absent through a severe domestic affliction . Bro . Hind AA-as passed to the second degree , and Bro . Hollyer raised to the degree of a M . M . The Brethren then proceeded to the election of W . AI . for the ensuing year , ivhen the choice of tire members unanimously fell ou Bro . Cotterell , J . W . Bro . Lescombe , P . M ., was re-elected Treasurer ; aud Bro . Young , Tyler . TAVO gentlemen ivere then proposed for initiation , and four Brethren for joining . The business