Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 14 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
being completed , the Brethren retiring to a ivell appointed banquet , and the evening passed most pleasantly , enhanced by some very excellent singing . The visitors were Bros . Dr . G . Epps , No . 118 ; AYhaley , No . 176 ; Thompson , No . 20 G ; Quick , 20 H ; Kean , No , 318 : and Roy , T . S . Knight , No . 411 ,
BRISTOL . APPOINTMENTS . —/ . orfi / cs . —Alonday , January 10 th , Royal Clarence ( 81 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 ; Tuesday , 11 th , Jerusalem ( 936 ) , ditto , at 7 ; AVednesday , 12 th , Hoyal Sussex ( 221 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Friday , 14 th . Instruction . —Ditto , nt 7 $ . Chapter . —Thursday , 13 th , Clarence ( 81 ) , ditto , at 7 . BRISTOL . —Royal Clarence Lodge ( No . 81 ) . —On Monday , 27 th December ( being the festival of St . John the Evangelist ) , the installation of AV . M . took place in this flourishing Lodge . The ordinary business ( ballot for two joining members & c . )
, having been transacted , the Lodge was opened in the second degree , when the AV . M ., Bro . Samuel Bryant , P . Prov . G . Supt . Bf AVorks ( Prov . G . Com . K . T . ) , & c ., & e ., delivered a most interesting and highly encouraging address , retrospective of the proceedings of the past year , which , among other interesting statements , announced that forty-five ceremonies had been performed , and that the Lodge numbered ninety-three , subscribing members . The AV . M . elect , Bro . Thos . Sainsbury , S . AV , ivas then presented , and the ceremony of installation most efficiently and impressively performed by the retiring AV . M . The neiv Master Avas proclaimed
Avith full musical accompaniments , and saluted in the three degrees . Tho board of installed Masters comprised the folloiving—Bros . Samuel Bryant , AA ' . AI ., No . SI ; R . J . AVeaver , P . M ., No . 81 ; Geo . Chick , P . M .. No . 81 ; Jas . Mill way , P . M ., No . 81 ; A . Dime-line , P . M ., No . 81 ; John Liuter , P . M . No . 408 ( R . AV . M .. No . 7 , Mark Masters ) , Prov . G . Sec . ; arid AA . H . Bowden , P . M ., No . 120 , Prov . G . Pure . The neiA-ly installed AV . M . having most eloquently returned thanks for the honour ' conferred upon him . ' proceeded to the appointment aud investiture of his officer's , as follow : —Bros . S . Bryant , P . M . ; . AY . 'H . Nicholls , S . W . ; J . C . Mitchell , J . W . G . Chick ( re-elected ) , Treas . ; Fredk . A . AVare ( reappointed ) , See . ; AV . J . Rogers , S . D ; J . P . Snell , J . D . ; Robt . Compton , I . G . ; R . J . AA'eaver , P . M ., Dir . Cer . ; Hawkins , Tyler ; Drew , Assist . Tyler . The Secretary was also named as Proi' . G . SteAvard ; and Bro . Jas . Hill , Lodge Steward . Tire Lodge Avas then closed doivn to the first
degree , ii'lien Bro . AA ' e . Tver , P . M ., ivith his usual taste and judgment , proposed in highly eulogistic terms a vote of thanks to the retiring AV . M ., to whose indefatigable zeal , aud miAvearied and unceasing attention to tho duties of his office during the past tivo years ( although having many years previously passed the chair of this and other Lodges ) , the Lodgo was placed under a debt of gratitude it could never repay . The proposition was seconded by Bro . Dimoline , P . M ., and carried amidst the acclamations of the Brethren ; and , at the suggestion of the Treasurer , in order to form some slight record and tangible memorial of his valuable and eniuient services to the Lodge , ordered to be properly engrossed upon vellum , and
presented to the AV . M . Pour gentlemen having been proposed for initiation at the nest Lodge , the Brethren ivere then called from labour to refreshment and a variety of Masonic toasts were ably given and most cordially responded to , more particularly those to the newly installed and the retiring AV . Ms ., the latter being sensibly affected by the enthusiastic recognition of his services . The Brethren were finally recalled to labour , and the Lodge closed in perfect harmony at ton o ' clock . The Brethren having determined , by an overwhelming majority , that whilst they Avould still recognize the Masorrio festival of St . John by installing upon that day , it AA'as , by its close proximity to Christinas fry . au unsuitable occasion upon ivhich to hold their annual banquet—swept
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
being completed , the Brethren retiring to a ivell appointed banquet , and the evening passed most pleasantly , enhanced by some very excellent singing . The visitors were Bros . Dr . G . Epps , No . 118 ; AYhaley , No . 176 ; Thompson , No . 20 G ; Quick , 20 H ; Kean , No , 318 : and Roy , T . S . Knight , No . 411 ,
BRISTOL . APPOINTMENTS . —/ . orfi / cs . —Alonday , January 10 th , Royal Clarence ( 81 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 ; Tuesday , 11 th , Jerusalem ( 936 ) , ditto , at 7 ; AVednesday , 12 th , Hoyal Sussex ( 221 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Friday , 14 th . Instruction . —Ditto , nt 7 $ . Chapter . —Thursday , 13 th , Clarence ( 81 ) , ditto , at 7 . BRISTOL . —Royal Clarence Lodge ( No . 81 ) . —On Monday , 27 th December ( being the festival of St . John the Evangelist ) , the installation of AV . M . took place in this flourishing Lodge . The ordinary business ( ballot for two joining members & c . )
, having been transacted , the Lodge was opened in the second degree , when the AV . M ., Bro . Samuel Bryant , P . Prov . G . Supt . Bf AVorks ( Prov . G . Com . K . T . ) , & c ., & e ., delivered a most interesting and highly encouraging address , retrospective of the proceedings of the past year , which , among other interesting statements , announced that forty-five ceremonies had been performed , and that the Lodge numbered ninety-three , subscribing members . The AV . M . elect , Bro . Thos . Sainsbury , S . AV , ivas then presented , and the ceremony of installation most efficiently and impressively performed by the retiring AV . M . The neiv Master Avas proclaimed
Avith full musical accompaniments , and saluted in the three degrees . Tho board of installed Masters comprised the folloiving—Bros . Samuel Bryant , AA ' . AI ., No . SI ; R . J . AVeaver , P . M ., No . 81 ; Geo . Chick , P . M .. No . 81 ; Jas . Mill way , P . M ., No . 81 ; A . Dime-line , P . M ., No . 81 ; John Liuter , P . M . No . 408 ( R . AV . M .. No . 7 , Mark Masters ) , Prov . G . Sec . ; arid AA . H . Bowden , P . M ., No . 120 , Prov . G . Pure . The neiA-ly installed AV . M . having most eloquently returned thanks for the honour ' conferred upon him . ' proceeded to the appointment aud investiture of his officer's , as follow : —Bros . S . Bryant , P . M . ; . AY . 'H . Nicholls , S . W . ; J . C . Mitchell , J . W . G . Chick ( re-elected ) , Treas . ; Fredk . A . AVare ( reappointed ) , See . ; AV . J . Rogers , S . D ; J . P . Snell , J . D . ; Robt . Compton , I . G . ; R . J . AA'eaver , P . M ., Dir . Cer . ; Hawkins , Tyler ; Drew , Assist . Tyler . The Secretary was also named as Proi' . G . SteAvard ; and Bro . Jas . Hill , Lodge Steward . Tire Lodge Avas then closed doivn to the first
degree , ii'lien Bro . AA ' e . Tver , P . M ., ivith his usual taste and judgment , proposed in highly eulogistic terms a vote of thanks to the retiring AV . M ., to whose indefatigable zeal , aud miAvearied and unceasing attention to tho duties of his office during the past tivo years ( although having many years previously passed the chair of this and other Lodges ) , the Lodgo was placed under a debt of gratitude it could never repay . The proposition was seconded by Bro . Dimoline , P . M ., and carried amidst the acclamations of the Brethren ; and , at the suggestion of the Treasurer , in order to form some slight record and tangible memorial of his valuable and eniuient services to the Lodge , ordered to be properly engrossed upon vellum , and
presented to the AV . M . Pour gentlemen having been proposed for initiation at the nest Lodge , the Brethren ivere then called from labour to refreshment and a variety of Masonic toasts were ably given and most cordially responded to , more particularly those to the newly installed and the retiring AV . Ms ., the latter being sensibly affected by the enthusiastic recognition of his services . The Brethren were finally recalled to labour , and the Lodge closed in perfect harmony at ton o ' clock . The Brethren having determined , by an overwhelming majority , that whilst they Avould still recognize the Masorrio festival of St . John by installing upon that day , it AA'as , by its close proximity to Christinas fry . au unsuitable occasion upon ivhich to hold their annual banquet—swept