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nearly . £ 2 , 800 . AVhen the scheme of the institution ivas first mooted by myself to n Brother , he said so Utopian ivas the idea that we should not realize £ 50 in fifty years , but the result had proved iu ivhat light the Brethren had viewed the claims of the institution . It has been suggested to raise the sum of £ 1 . 000 as a sinking fund , in ivhich idea I cordially acquiesce . The claims on the institution AA-C shall find very heavy this year , for by the death of one of the members of Lodge No . 368 , eight children ivill be throivn on the funds . " Bro . AA'almisley concluded by
showing the advantages of this institution over that in London . Here the children ivould be educated under the supervision of the clergy to ivhich the child belonged , aud taught in tho tenets of its parents . The AVAL afterwards proposed the folloiving toasts , Avhich were well received— " The R . AA' . Prov . G . AL , Bro . Le Geudre Nicholas 'Starkie ; " "The R . AA' . D . Prov . G . AL , Sir Thos . Hesketh , Bart . ;" *• The immediate Past Master- ; " "The AVardens and other Officers of the Lodge ;" aud " The Visiting Brethren . " Bro . Blanchard , in a neat speech , proposed the health of "The AA ' orshipful Master , " ivhich ivas drunk AA'ith great enthusiasm . The Brethren retired shortly after ten o ' clock , haviug spent au agreeable evening . Bro . Caple ' s arrangements for the comfort of the Brethren were most satisfactory .
LINCOLNSHIRE . ArroraraESTs . —torff / ej .- 'L'uesday , January Uth , Harmony ( 330 ) , . Masonic Hall , Boston , at 7 ; Tnursday , 13 th , Shakspeare ( 817 ) , Toivn Hall , Spilsby , at 6 . NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NoRTiiAiit'TON . —Pow . f ret Lodge ( No . 163 ) . —The festival of St . John ivas celebrated on AlondayDec . 27 thin the Lod-rcom of the George Hoteland ivas
, , ge , Avell attended . The duties of the chair were ably sustained by the AV . AI . Bro . Brookes Gates . An interesting incident took place in the course ofthe day , by a superb ' and ^ substantial compliment being presented to Bro . M . A . Boeme . The nature of it will be better understood by furnishing a copy of the inscription , AA'hich runs thus : — " This salver , Avith four salts and a Past Master ' s jeivel , were presented by AV . Roberts , AA ' . AI , and mayor of tire toivn , from the Brethren of thc Pomfret Lod ( 103 ) to BroMABoemeas a tribute of their respect and esteem
ge , . . . , , Dec . 27 th , 1 S 5 S , Northampton . " Amongst the company ive noticed Bro . AA ' . Finlinson , AV . AI . ( 787 ) , and Bro . Riley , P . AI ., of the Stuart Lodge , Bedford , the latter of ivhom returned thanks for his reception , in well selected terms . The vocal arrangements ivere entrusted to Bro . James Bruton , from Loudon , ivho , with Bro . AVood Banks , contributed to the harmony of the evening . The Brethren broke up at a late hour , heartily pleased with "The feast of reason and thc flow of soul . "
NORTHUMBERLAND . ArroiSTSiEsis . —/ . oA / cs . —Monday , January 10 th , St . Peter ' s ( 700 ) , Catterick Buildings , Seivcastle , at 7 ; Tuesday , Uth , De Ogle ( 1 ) 19 ) , School Room , Morpeth , at 7 ; AA ' ednesday , 12 th , Blagden ( 957 ) , Eidley Arms , Blyth , at 0 . SOMERSETSHIRE . APPOINTMENTS . —Lodges . —Monday , January 10 th , Honour ( 528 ) , Mi ' som Street , Bath , at 8 ; Friday , 13 th , Kural Philanthropic ( 307 ) , Highbridgc Inn , H ' untspill , at 6 . Mark . —Thursday , 13 th , Eoyal Cumberland ( T . I . ) , Masonic HaU , Bath , at 8 . Chapter . —AVednesday , 12 th , Eoyal Sussex ( 01 ) , Amery's Hotel , Bath , at 7 J .
STAFFORDSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . —Lodge .-Ih-kUy , January 13 th , Honour ( 769 ) , Old Assembly Kooms , AVolverhampton , at 7 \ . BUI-SLUM — St . Martin ' s Lodge , ( No . 115 ) . —The Brethren of this , the oldest Lodge in Staffordshire , its AA'arrant being dated more than 900 years ago , celebrated tho festival of St . John the Evangelist , on Thursday , the 23 rd of December , at tlie Mason ' s Arms Inn , Burslem . The installation of Bro . John Ford , as AV . AI . for the ensuing year , took place under the auspices of Bro . C . T . Davenport , Bro . John Clark resigning the chair , ivhich he had ably filled . The appointment of officers for tho ensuing year was theu made by the AV . M . elect , as follows : —Bro . George
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
nearly . £ 2 , 800 . AVhen the scheme of the institution ivas first mooted by myself to n Brother , he said so Utopian ivas the idea that we should not realize £ 50 in fifty years , but the result had proved iu ivhat light the Brethren had viewed the claims of the institution . It has been suggested to raise the sum of £ 1 . 000 as a sinking fund , in ivhich idea I cordially acquiesce . The claims on the institution AA-C shall find very heavy this year , for by the death of one of the members of Lodge No . 368 , eight children ivill be throivn on the funds . " Bro . AA'almisley concluded by
showing the advantages of this institution over that in London . Here the children ivould be educated under the supervision of the clergy to ivhich the child belonged , aud taught in tho tenets of its parents . The AVAL afterwards proposed the folloiving toasts , Avhich were well received— " The R . AA' . Prov . G . AL , Bro . Le Geudre Nicholas 'Starkie ; " "The R . AA' . D . Prov . G . AL , Sir Thos . Hesketh , Bart . ;" *• The immediate Past Master- ; " "The AVardens and other Officers of the Lodge ;" aud " The Visiting Brethren . " Bro . Blanchard , in a neat speech , proposed the health of "The AA ' orshipful Master , " ivhich ivas drunk AA'ith great enthusiasm . The Brethren retired shortly after ten o ' clock , haviug spent au agreeable evening . Bro . Caple ' s arrangements for the comfort of the Brethren were most satisfactory .
LINCOLNSHIRE . ArroraraESTs . —torff / ej .- 'L'uesday , January Uth , Harmony ( 330 ) , . Masonic Hall , Boston , at 7 ; Tnursday , 13 th , Shakspeare ( 817 ) , Toivn Hall , Spilsby , at 6 . NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . NoRTiiAiit'TON . —Pow . f ret Lodge ( No . 163 ) . —The festival of St . John ivas celebrated on AlondayDec . 27 thin the Lod-rcom of the George Hoteland ivas
, , ge , Avell attended . The duties of the chair were ably sustained by the AV . AI . Bro . Brookes Gates . An interesting incident took place in the course ofthe day , by a superb ' and ^ substantial compliment being presented to Bro . M . A . Boeme . The nature of it will be better understood by furnishing a copy of the inscription , AA'hich runs thus : — " This salver , Avith four salts and a Past Master ' s jeivel , were presented by AV . Roberts , AA ' . AI , and mayor of tire toivn , from the Brethren of thc Pomfret Lod ( 103 ) to BroMABoemeas a tribute of their respect and esteem
ge , . . . , , Dec . 27 th , 1 S 5 S , Northampton . " Amongst the company ive noticed Bro . AA ' . Finlinson , AV . AI . ( 787 ) , and Bro . Riley , P . AI ., of the Stuart Lodge , Bedford , the latter of ivhom returned thanks for his reception , in well selected terms . The vocal arrangements ivere entrusted to Bro . James Bruton , from Loudon , ivho , with Bro . AVood Banks , contributed to the harmony of the evening . The Brethren broke up at a late hour , heartily pleased with "The feast of reason and thc flow of soul . "
NORTHUMBERLAND . ArroiSTSiEsis . —/ . oA / cs . —Monday , January 10 th , St . Peter ' s ( 700 ) , Catterick Buildings , Seivcastle , at 7 ; Tuesday , Uth , De Ogle ( 1 ) 19 ) , School Room , Morpeth , at 7 ; AA ' ednesday , 12 th , Blagden ( 957 ) , Eidley Arms , Blyth , at 0 . SOMERSETSHIRE . APPOINTMENTS . —Lodges . —Monday , January 10 th , Honour ( 528 ) , Mi ' som Street , Bath , at 8 ; Friday , 13 th , Kural Philanthropic ( 307 ) , Highbridgc Inn , H ' untspill , at 6 . Mark . —Thursday , 13 th , Eoyal Cumberland ( T . I . ) , Masonic HaU , Bath , at 8 . Chapter . —AVednesday , 12 th , Eoyal Sussex ( 01 ) , Amery's Hotel , Bath , at 7 J .
STAFFORDSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . —Lodge .-Ih-kUy , January 13 th , Honour ( 769 ) , Old Assembly Kooms , AVolverhampton , at 7 \ . BUI-SLUM — St . Martin ' s Lodge , ( No . 115 ) . —The Brethren of this , the oldest Lodge in Staffordshire , its AA'arrant being dated more than 900 years ago , celebrated tho festival of St . John the Evangelist , on Thursday , the 23 rd of December , at tlie Mason ' s Arms Inn , Burslem . The installation of Bro . John Ford , as AV . AI . for the ensuing year , took place under the auspices of Bro . C . T . Davenport , Bro . John Clark resigning the chair , ivhich he had ably filled . The appointment of officers for tho ensuing year was theu made by the AV . M . elect , as follows : —Bro . George