Article THE GRAND MASTER OF CANADA. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CLASSICAL THEOLOGY.—XXXIX. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Grand Master Of Canada.
impossible . Facts have come to our knowledge , moreover , which would fully account for the disgust of the members of the Grand lodge of Canada , In July last , that Grand Lodge adopted the report of a committee Avhich had been appointed on the subject—AA'hich report expressly stated that they did not esteem it proper to
make any Masonic demonstration on H . B . H . ' s visit to Canada , because the Prince AA'as not a Freemason , and for other // rave reasons . The Grand Master , therefore , acted in direct opposition to the expressed Avish of tho brethren in Grand Lodge assembled , and the result was
—as it deserved to be—an egregious failure . Yet the W . M . brother A'ery comically tells us that " the course Grand Lodge had adopted met Avith his entire concurrence . " Grand Lodge in Canada must have been hig hly flattered by being thus approvingly patted on the back ,
and the fiat of the G-. M . must have eased their minds greatly . But really this is too bad—we are only puzzled Avhether to attribute such conduct to vanity or mere ignorance . Let Bro . Harington devote a little time to serious reading of the proceedings of the Grand
Lodge of England . He Avill there find that the Grand Master of England himself would not presume to use such language ; but , having proposed a certain course of action , would lay it before Grand Lodge in a dignified and respectful manner , in order that that body might confirm and approve his suggested policy , as is shoAvn by
his recent conduct with regard to Maine . However , Ave fear all the reading in the British Museum would fail to elevate Bro . Harington to our notion of the status of a Grand Master , and we shall , therefore , quit the question for ever , unless forced again to refer to it , Avith the expression of our deep regret that Ave haA'e learned from
a Avorthy brother , recently arrived in this country , that our former remarks have been supposed to east a reflection upon our Canadian brethren generally . Nothing could be further from our thoughts—no person can hold the Canadian brethren in higher respect than AVC
do ; but they must allow us to say that , viewing eveiything at a distance , they could not haA'e made a greater mistake than in electing Bro . Harington to the hi gh and distinguished position of Grand Master , for Avhich , in our opinion , he is altoget her unfitted .
A DELIGIT 1 . TTJL LEGEXD . —There is a charming tradition connecter ! with the site on ivhich the Temple of Solomon Avas erected . It is said to have been occupied in common by two "brothers , one of whom had a family ; the other had none . On the spot ivas a field of Avheat . On the evening succeeding' the harvest , tho wheat having ' been gathered in shocks , the elder brother said unto his Avife : "My younger brother is unable to bear the burden and heat of the day ; I will arisetake of my shocksand - lace with hisivithoufc liis
, , p , knoAA'ledge . " The younger brother , being actuated hy the same benevolent motives , said ivithin himself : " My elder brother lias a family , and I have none ; I Avill contribute to their support ; I will arise , take of my shocks , and place ivith his Avithout his knoAvledge . " Judge of their mutual astonishment AA'hen , on the following morning , they found their respective shocks undiminished . This course ot events transpired for several nihtsAllien each resolved in his OAVU
g , mind to stand guard and solve the mystery . They did so ; when on the folloAving night , they mot each other half-ivay between their respective shocks ivith their arms full . Upon ground halloived by such associations as this AA'as tho Temple of King Solomon erected —so spacious , so magnificent , the wonder and admiration of the world .
Classical Theology.—Xxxix.
X . —VESTA AXD DECEMBEIi . Fourteen years before the death of Constantino , A . T » , 336 , Avhen Arius , for the third time , presented to that Emperor a manifestation of his faith , with a solemn asseveration that he Avould conform to the decision of the Convocation of Xiee , the extreme distinctions of the
Athanasian and Avian creeds Avere not understood by the multitude . In fact , the doctrine now known as Arianism originated in the Alexandrian academies of divinity , in AA'hich Origen was the most conspicuous luminary , more than half a century before the birth oi Arius , who was nevertheless tho cause of the first T
J \ iea \ in Council ( A . » . 325 ) , at AA'hich his doctrine was condemned as unorthodox by tho three hundred and eighteen bishops assembled , and unanimously decided to be heretical . Still the ri gid Avians , and those partisans ! also called Ariomanitie , rejected the doctrine both of the patriarchAlexanderof E tand of Athanasius
, , gyp , himself , Avhich asserted Christ to be 'O pc-wic-ios , " of the same element or essence ; " that is to say , co-eternally and co-equally of the same spiritual existence AA'ith God . They also insisted Avith the Buscbians , Avho opposed the synodal decision of Kicrea , that lie Avas frspo & nor , by Avhich they meant to propound that the Sonin being ,
, AA'as to be considered as of another substance than that of the Father . The promulgation of this belief gaA e rise to the second general synod , or Sirmian Council , A . D . 357 . During this intermission scA-eral convocations took place ; one at Tyre A . n . 335 , iu Avhich Athanasius Avas deprived of his diocese by Constantineand exiled to
, Gaul ; another Avas immediately convened at Jerusalem , in Ai'hieh Arias Avas re-admitted into the fellowship of the church . Lihowino at A . ntioch , . I . JX , 341 , an extensive assembly of bishops was held , when it was argued , " UOAV could theA , being bishops , be foiloAvers of the
founder of Arianism , - who AA'as only a presbyter ? " At this conclave , the forms of no less than four creeds were discussed ( De Si / nod-is Alhanas , 22—25 ) , in Avhich a middle course between the Kicrcan llomoiousios , and the Nicomediari Ilcferousios and IS . vouconionius ( out of nothing ) , beliefs ivere appiwed . The Ariomanites , or
Semiarians , of Avhom Avere the Goths , Burgundians ' , Lombards , and those others Avho adhered to Arius in his retracted opinions and recognition of the Kicfeau faith , having to contend Avith the condemnation of the ultra-Avians , fell back eventually into the more strict embrace of orthodoxy , . nevertheless , Eusebian Arianism , Avbieh
AA'as opposed to Sabellianism , aud had been re-established by the Councils of Aries , 351 . and at Milan , 355 , and meanwhile sustained by dint of arms against tho Athanasians , triumphed under Constantius in the East , as under his brother Consfrtns . In after years , the Alexandrine A . thanasiauism , though , persecuted Avith
violence by Constantius , became victorious in the "West ( Socrat . el Theodoret . Hist IJccles . ) . At the Convocations of Aries aud Milan , Constantius compelled all the bishops present to sign the excommunication of Athanasius . The last period of Arinn . .-= m . terminated in tho Soman empireby a laAV of Theodowus
, the Second , about A . B . 428 . Keither athanasius on the one side , nor Arius on the other , tolerated image adoration , or any kind of Sab . Tanism . The Arians Avere accused , nevertheless , by Athanasius of idolatry , as by their own showing they Avorshippcd a creature instead of the Creator .
It is stated by the scholiast Socrates ( Hist Hecks . ) , that Arius died , A . D . 33 ( 3 , of a fearful and rapid disorder , Avhich attacked him during the triumphal procession of his ovation , near the church appointed to re-admit hbffi
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The Grand Master Of Canada.
impossible . Facts have come to our knowledge , moreover , which would fully account for the disgust of the members of the Grand lodge of Canada , In July last , that Grand Lodge adopted the report of a committee Avhich had been appointed on the subject—AA'hich report expressly stated that they did not esteem it proper to
make any Masonic demonstration on H . B . H . ' s visit to Canada , because the Prince AA'as not a Freemason , and for other // rave reasons . The Grand Master , therefore , acted in direct opposition to the expressed Avish of tho brethren in Grand Lodge assembled , and the result was
—as it deserved to be—an egregious failure . Yet the W . M . brother A'ery comically tells us that " the course Grand Lodge had adopted met Avith his entire concurrence . " Grand Lodge in Canada must have been hig hly flattered by being thus approvingly patted on the back ,
and the fiat of the G-. M . must have eased their minds greatly . But really this is too bad—we are only puzzled Avhether to attribute such conduct to vanity or mere ignorance . Let Bro . Harington devote a little time to serious reading of the proceedings of the Grand
Lodge of England . He Avill there find that the Grand Master of England himself would not presume to use such language ; but , having proposed a certain course of action , would lay it before Grand Lodge in a dignified and respectful manner , in order that that body might confirm and approve his suggested policy , as is shoAvn by
his recent conduct with regard to Maine . However , Ave fear all the reading in the British Museum would fail to elevate Bro . Harington to our notion of the status of a Grand Master , and we shall , therefore , quit the question for ever , unless forced again to refer to it , Avith the expression of our deep regret that Ave haA'e learned from
a Avorthy brother , recently arrived in this country , that our former remarks have been supposed to east a reflection upon our Canadian brethren generally . Nothing could be further from our thoughts—no person can hold the Canadian brethren in higher respect than AVC
do ; but they must allow us to say that , viewing eveiything at a distance , they could not haA'e made a greater mistake than in electing Bro . Harington to the hi gh and distinguished position of Grand Master , for Avhich , in our opinion , he is altoget her unfitted .
A DELIGIT 1 . TTJL LEGEXD . —There is a charming tradition connecter ! with the site on ivhich the Temple of Solomon Avas erected . It is said to have been occupied in common by two "brothers , one of whom had a family ; the other had none . On the spot ivas a field of Avheat . On the evening succeeding' the harvest , tho wheat having ' been gathered in shocks , the elder brother said unto his Avife : "My younger brother is unable to bear the burden and heat of the day ; I will arisetake of my shocksand - lace with hisivithoufc liis
, , p , knoAA'ledge . " The younger brother , being actuated hy the same benevolent motives , said ivithin himself : " My elder brother lias a family , and I have none ; I Avill contribute to their support ; I will arise , take of my shocks , and place ivith his Avithout his knoAvledge . " Judge of their mutual astonishment AA'hen , on the following morning , they found their respective shocks undiminished . This course ot events transpired for several nihtsAllien each resolved in his OAVU
g , mind to stand guard and solve the mystery . They did so ; when on the folloAving night , they mot each other half-ivay between their respective shocks ivith their arms full . Upon ground halloived by such associations as this AA'as tho Temple of King Solomon erected —so spacious , so magnificent , the wonder and admiration of the world .
Classical Theology.—Xxxix.
X . —VESTA AXD DECEMBEIi . Fourteen years before the death of Constantino , A . T » , 336 , Avhen Arius , for the third time , presented to that Emperor a manifestation of his faith , with a solemn asseveration that he Avould conform to the decision of the Convocation of Xiee , the extreme distinctions of the
Athanasian and Avian creeds Avere not understood by the multitude . In fact , the doctrine now known as Arianism originated in the Alexandrian academies of divinity , in AA'hich Origen was the most conspicuous luminary , more than half a century before the birth oi Arius , who was nevertheless tho cause of the first T
J \ iea \ in Council ( A . » . 325 ) , at AA'hich his doctrine was condemned as unorthodox by tho three hundred and eighteen bishops assembled , and unanimously decided to be heretical . Still the ri gid Avians , and those partisans ! also called Ariomanitie , rejected the doctrine both of the patriarchAlexanderof E tand of Athanasius
, , gyp , himself , Avhich asserted Christ to be 'O pc-wic-ios , " of the same element or essence ; " that is to say , co-eternally and co-equally of the same spiritual existence AA'ith God . They also insisted Avith the Buscbians , Avho opposed the synodal decision of Kicrea , that lie Avas frspo & nor , by Avhich they meant to propound that the Sonin being ,
, AA'as to be considered as of another substance than that of the Father . The promulgation of this belief gaA e rise to the second general synod , or Sirmian Council , A . D . 357 . During this intermission scA-eral convocations took place ; one at Tyre A . n . 335 , iu Avhich Athanasius Avas deprived of his diocese by Constantineand exiled to
, Gaul ; another Avas immediately convened at Jerusalem , in Ai'hieh Arias Avas re-admitted into the fellowship of the church . Lihowino at A . ntioch , . I . JX , 341 , an extensive assembly of bishops was held , when it was argued , " UOAV could theA , being bishops , be foiloAvers of the
founder of Arianism , - who AA'as only a presbyter ? " At this conclave , the forms of no less than four creeds were discussed ( De Si / nod-is Alhanas , 22—25 ) , in Avhich a middle course between the Kicrcan llomoiousios , and the Nicomediari Ilcferousios and IS . vouconionius ( out of nothing ) , beliefs ivere appiwed . The Ariomanites , or
Semiarians , of Avhom Avere the Goths , Burgundians ' , Lombards , and those others Avho adhered to Arius in his retracted opinions and recognition of the Kicfeau faith , having to contend Avith the condemnation of the ultra-Avians , fell back eventually into the more strict embrace of orthodoxy , . nevertheless , Eusebian Arianism , Avbieh
AA'as opposed to Sabellianism , aud had been re-established by the Councils of Aries , 351 . and at Milan , 355 , and meanwhile sustained by dint of arms against tho Athanasians , triumphed under Constantius in the East , as under his brother Consfrtns . In after years , the Alexandrine A . thanasiauism , though , persecuted Avith
violence by Constantius , became victorious in the "West ( Socrat . el Theodoret . Hist IJccles . ) . At the Convocations of Aries aud Milan , Constantius compelled all the bishops present to sign the excommunication of Athanasius . The last period of Arinn . .-= m . terminated in tho Soman empireby a laAV of Theodowus
, the Second , about A . B . 428 . Keither athanasius on the one side , nor Arius on the other , tolerated image adoration , or any kind of Sab . Tanism . The Arians Avere accused , nevertheless , by Athanasius of idolatry , as by their own showing they Avorshippcd a creature instead of the Creator .
It is stated by the scholiast Socrates ( Hist Hecks . ) , that Arius died , A . D . 33 ( 3 , of a fearful and rapid disorder , Avhich attacked him during the triumphal procession of his ovation , near the church appointed to re-admit hbffi