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Classical Theology.—Xxxix.
into orthodox communion . This fatal illness Avas Avithout doubtjtheeffectjof poison ; the early ages of the Christian church being scarcely more redolent of brotherly love or charity than the times in AA-hich AVO live . To avoid scandal at that period , there were not Avanting those Avho should suggest that the great presbyter had perished from the effect of magical arts . His rival Athanasius
records that Arius expired on the eA'ening of the Sabbath affixed for his ceremonious reception , by order of Constantine , into the same official ecclesiastical rank at Constantinople to Avhich he had been appointed by the Church of Alexandria .
Athanasius and Anus AA'ere m mental endoAvments and accomplishments no ordinary men . After all their polemics , it appears that Arius accepted the opinions of Athanasius , and that they AA'ere both felloAA ' -exiles and sufferers for their opinions' sakes . Yet , by the admirable logic of the " religious Avorld , " one has been consigned to perdition as a hereticAAdiile the other has been
, assigned to a saintship—a distinction of AA'hich Athanasius , no less than his rival , had nobly proved himself Avorthy . But , when brought in comparison AA'ith the Ajiostles , Athanasius , in his mission , Avas an ordinary man . The Apostles' Creedso calledis our compendium of the
, , certain knoAA'ledge and evident truth of Christianity . Therefore , in comparing it Avith the concluding part of the Athanasian Creed , so called , there is a certain manfestation of AA'hat might fancifully be called incompatible reconciliation . It is Avritten ( in John xii . ) : — "I am come alight into thoAvorld , that Aihosoever believeth
on me should not abide hi darkness . If any man bear my Avords and belieA'e not , I judge him not : for I came not to judge the Avorld , but to save the world . . . . Tho word which . IliaA-c spoken , tho same shall judge In ' m in the last day . For I have not spoken of myself , but the Father that sent me . Ho gave me a commandment , AA'hat I should say , and Avhat I should speak . And I IOIOAV that his commandment is everlastiiip ' . "
Ko Gospel doctrine authorises any body of Christians to anathematise each other ; nor need any fear that , in disagreeing -with Athanasius , they rim any risk of being damned , or anything like it . The neAv covenant , consisting of salvation , is a neAv commandment , the most affectionbreathing and divine of all commandments , simply comprehensii'e , having no mortalised assumption of meanings .
Comprised in few words , it is immortalised by heavenl y grace in accordance Avith the language of the Master : — " Judge not , and ye shall not be judged : condemn not , and ye shall not bo condemned : forgive , and ye shall bo forgiven . " " A new commandment I give unto you , That ye loA'e one another : as I haA'e loA'cd 3 'ou , that yo also love one another . By this shall all mon know that ye are my disciples , if ye have love one to another . "
Popularity Of Freemasonry.
The . oinvard progress of Freemasonry Avithin the last ten years , is not only gratifying , but is an evidence that the intelligent portion of thc human family appreciate the heaA'on-born principles of the Institution , and the unselfish benevolence of its votaries . There aro but feAV men impressed AA'ith the Divine image so constituted as to recognise deeds of Mercy , Love , and Charity , performed by their ' fclloiv-men
from pure motives of humanity . There is something in the interior consciousness of all intelligent beings that recognises and acknowledges thc good AA'hich it sees in others , hoAvever trivial the manifestations may bo , so that they proceed from , a pure heart , and a sincere desire to do good —to bond-it their brother man . A kind word fitly spokena benevolent rk'ed in thc hour of needAvill most surcly
, act Avith a magnetic charm , and their influence bo impressed deeply and indelibly upon the human heart . Within the breast ; of every man , according to the sensibility of his preeoptioiis , there is a chord AY Inch attunes
Popularity Of Freemasonry.
in harmony with the humanising principles of Freemasonry , and tho obligations resting upon its membership , to promote the Aveffare of their felloAV beings . Men of intelligent and benevolent impulses , Avherever they have thc opportunity of acquiring a knoAi'ledge of the teachings of Freemasonry , and the quiet deeds of charity performed by its members , have never failed to desire to aid in
disseminating its pure precepts , and to assist in its Avorks of humanity ; and hence Ave find not only the Father of his Country , tho immortal Washington , but tho illustrious patriots of every age and nation hoAving at the altars of Masonry . Kb institution or association of men , from the beginning of thc world , eA-ev embraced so many good and true men their membershias Freemasonry
, among p , , and surely it could not bo from an } ' selfish motives that thc noblo , the virtuous , tho learned , and the beneA'olent sought admission into our mystic Order . What could , then , have prompted them , if not it pure principles — its high moral teachings , and its practical charities ? It does not change the character of Freemasonry , nor can it be chargeable to its principles , that some bad men are
admitted into the Order . Such necessarily must be the case Avith all institutions governed by imperfect man ; but in judging thc institution , tho excrescences should not be the criterion—by no means : these , once attached to the Order , fraternal sympathy demands that eA'ery exertion shall be made to purge them and make them clean . The Institution should alone be judged by the good and
virtuous of its membership , as those Avould not continue their attachment to it if its teachings and precepts wore not conformable to the strictest morality . That men of irreproachable character , of sterling integrity , and sound and pure morals , do continue their connection Avith the Institution — labour to promote its prosperity — bestoAV their time and attention in extending its principles , and
feel a pride in their association with the Order , is the strongest eA-idence of thc purity of its principals , its high moral teachings , and practical philanthropy . The popularity of Freemasonry is mainly OAving to the excellence of its teachings and its pure morality , Avhich accord Avith the internal perceptions of all good and true men ; and hence its Avide extension throughout the civilized Avorld American Mirror and Keystone .
Architecture And Archæology.
THE GUILDHALL , ArlD ST . PAUL'S CATHEDEAL BLOTS IN HIE CITY . Several correspondents express their anxious desire that the year of office of thc Eight Hon . William Cubitt , the present first magistrate of tho Citj' of London , should be distinguished by some permanent memorial bearing on his
OAVII peculiar calling , —architectural construction , —and tending to the improvement of tho district over AA'hich he IIOAV reigns . The public , also , would doubtless view this AA'ich satisfaction . One such Avork , Wren's statue , was suggested a few Avoeks ago . Another presents itseif to our minds , Avhich , if AA ' CII executed , Avould reflect lasting credit on all parties concernedand a satisfactory
, prove memento of tho civic supremacy of one of the Craft . A popular head over municipal institutions AA'onderfully smoothes the Avay toAvards the accomplishment of works of utility and beauty , AA'hich otherwise linger on from the generation that proposes , to a remote succeeding one that carries out tho idea ; and , iu the interim , the originating benefactors are forgotten .
Let us , then , endeavour to induce all the parties concerned to assist in executing some good Avork so effectively and speedily , that it shall stand as a mark of this A'ery time . What AVC propose is briefly this , —that tho inappropriate coiling Avhich . noiv disfigures the otherivise noble Guildhall of London shall be sAvepb aivay into tho dusthoie , and be replaced by a handsome timber roofin accordance Avith the
, stylo and fine proportions of this municipal and national edifice . Do not let us quarrel as to the ago of the suggestion ; but , if it be desirable , as AVC believe , let us strive to have it carried out . Of its necessity , an inspection of tho Guildhall
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Classical Theology.—Xxxix.
into orthodox communion . This fatal illness Avas Avithout doubtjtheeffectjof poison ; the early ages of the Christian church being scarcely more redolent of brotherly love or charity than the times in AA-hich AVO live . To avoid scandal at that period , there were not Avanting those Avho should suggest that the great presbyter had perished from the effect of magical arts . His rival Athanasius
records that Arius expired on the eA'ening of the Sabbath affixed for his ceremonious reception , by order of Constantine , into the same official ecclesiastical rank at Constantinople to Avhich he had been appointed by the Church of Alexandria .
Athanasius and Anus AA'ere m mental endoAvments and accomplishments no ordinary men . After all their polemics , it appears that Arius accepted the opinions of Athanasius , and that they AA'ere both felloAA ' -exiles and sufferers for their opinions' sakes . Yet , by the admirable logic of the " religious Avorld , " one has been consigned to perdition as a hereticAAdiile the other has been
, assigned to a saintship—a distinction of AA'hich Athanasius , no less than his rival , had nobly proved himself Avorthy . But , when brought in comparison AA'ith the Ajiostles , Athanasius , in his mission , Avas an ordinary man . The Apostles' Creedso calledis our compendium of the
, , certain knoAA'ledge and evident truth of Christianity . Therefore , in comparing it Avith the concluding part of the Athanasian Creed , so called , there is a certain manfestation of AA'hat might fancifully be called incompatible reconciliation . It is Avritten ( in John xii . ) : — "I am come alight into thoAvorld , that Aihosoever believeth
on me should not abide hi darkness . If any man bear my Avords and belieA'e not , I judge him not : for I came not to judge the Avorld , but to save the world . . . . Tho word which . IliaA-c spoken , tho same shall judge In ' m in the last day . For I have not spoken of myself , but the Father that sent me . Ho gave me a commandment , AA'hat I should say , and Avhat I should speak . And I IOIOAV that his commandment is everlastiiip ' . "
Ko Gospel doctrine authorises any body of Christians to anathematise each other ; nor need any fear that , in disagreeing -with Athanasius , they rim any risk of being damned , or anything like it . The neAv covenant , consisting of salvation , is a neAv commandment , the most affectionbreathing and divine of all commandments , simply comprehensii'e , having no mortalised assumption of meanings .
Comprised in few words , it is immortalised by heavenl y grace in accordance Avith the language of the Master : — " Judge not , and ye shall not be judged : condemn not , and ye shall not bo condemned : forgive , and ye shall bo forgiven . " " A new commandment I give unto you , That ye loA'e one another : as I haA'e loA'cd 3 'ou , that yo also love one another . By this shall all mon know that ye are my disciples , if ye have love one to another . "
Popularity Of Freemasonry.
The . oinvard progress of Freemasonry Avithin the last ten years , is not only gratifying , but is an evidence that the intelligent portion of thc human family appreciate the heaA'on-born principles of the Institution , and the unselfish benevolence of its votaries . There aro but feAV men impressed AA'ith the Divine image so constituted as to recognise deeds of Mercy , Love , and Charity , performed by their ' fclloiv-men
from pure motives of humanity . There is something in the interior consciousness of all intelligent beings that recognises and acknowledges thc good AA'hich it sees in others , hoAvever trivial the manifestations may bo , so that they proceed from , a pure heart , and a sincere desire to do good —to bond-it their brother man . A kind word fitly spokena benevolent rk'ed in thc hour of needAvill most surcly
, act Avith a magnetic charm , and their influence bo impressed deeply and indelibly upon the human heart . Within the breast ; of every man , according to the sensibility of his preeoptioiis , there is a chord AY Inch attunes
Popularity Of Freemasonry.
in harmony with the humanising principles of Freemasonry , and tho obligations resting upon its membership , to promote the Aveffare of their felloAV beings . Men of intelligent and benevolent impulses , Avherever they have thc opportunity of acquiring a knoAi'ledge of the teachings of Freemasonry , and the quiet deeds of charity performed by its members , have never failed to desire to aid in
disseminating its pure precepts , and to assist in its Avorks of humanity ; and hence Ave find not only the Father of his Country , tho immortal Washington , but tho illustrious patriots of every age and nation hoAving at the altars of Masonry . Kb institution or association of men , from the beginning of thc world , eA-ev embraced so many good and true men their membershias Freemasonry
, among p , , and surely it could not bo from an } ' selfish motives that thc noblo , the virtuous , tho learned , and the beneA'olent sought admission into our mystic Order . What could , then , have prompted them , if not it pure principles — its high moral teachings , and its practical charities ? It does not change the character of Freemasonry , nor can it be chargeable to its principles , that some bad men are
admitted into the Order . Such necessarily must be the case Avith all institutions governed by imperfect man ; but in judging thc institution , tho excrescences should not be the criterion—by no means : these , once attached to the Order , fraternal sympathy demands that eA'ery exertion shall be made to purge them and make them clean . The Institution should alone be judged by the good and
virtuous of its membership , as those Avould not continue their attachment to it if its teachings and precepts wore not conformable to the strictest morality . That men of irreproachable character , of sterling integrity , and sound and pure morals , do continue their connection Avith the Institution — labour to promote its prosperity — bestoAV their time and attention in extending its principles , and
feel a pride in their association with the Order , is the strongest eA-idence of thc purity of its principals , its high moral teachings , and practical philanthropy . The popularity of Freemasonry is mainly OAving to the excellence of its teachings and its pure morality , Avhich accord Avith the internal perceptions of all good and true men ; and hence its Avide extension throughout the civilized Avorld American Mirror and Keystone .
Architecture And Archæology.
THE GUILDHALL , ArlD ST . PAUL'S CATHEDEAL BLOTS IN HIE CITY . Several correspondents express their anxious desire that the year of office of thc Eight Hon . William Cubitt , the present first magistrate of tho Citj' of London , should be distinguished by some permanent memorial bearing on his
OAVII peculiar calling , —architectural construction , —and tending to the improvement of tho district over AA'hich he IIOAV reigns . The public , also , would doubtless view this AA'ich satisfaction . One such Avork , Wren's statue , was suggested a few Avoeks ago . Another presents itseif to our minds , Avhich , if AA ' CII executed , Avould reflect lasting credit on all parties concernedand a satisfactory
, prove memento of tho civic supremacy of one of the Craft . A popular head over municipal institutions AA'onderfully smoothes the Avay toAvards the accomplishment of works of utility and beauty , AA'hich otherwise linger on from the generation that proposes , to a remote succeeding one that carries out tho idea ; and , iu the interim , the originating benefactors are forgotten .
Let us , then , endeavour to induce all the parties concerned to assist in executing some good Avork so effectively and speedily , that it shall stand as a mark of this A'ery time . What AVC propose is briefly this , —that tho inappropriate coiling Avhich . noiv disfigures the otherivise noble Guildhall of London shall be sAvepb aivay into tho dusthoie , and be replaced by a handsome timber roofin accordance Avith the
, stylo and fine proportions of this municipal and national edifice . Do not let us quarrel as to the ago of the suggestion ; but , if it be desirable , as AVC believe , let us strive to have it carried out . Of its necessity , an inspection of tho Guildhall