Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE SUFFERING RIBBON WEAVERS AT COVENTRY. Page 1 of 1 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 3 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The lodges of Simla and Lahore arc in good ivorking order—brethren numerous , & c . I send you an extract from Tim Delhi Gazette * from which it AA'ill be observed that the brethren of Lucknow have their lodge in first-rate order . I am UOAV in charge of the Ferozepore Post Office , but am uncertain Avhen or whore my next fli ght Ai'ill be to . Howover , if anything particular occurs , I will let you know .
Until then , bciieve Tours fraternally , F . J . JORDAN . Ferozepore Post Office , 16 th Nov . 1860 .
The Suffering Ribbon Weavers At Coventry.
TO THE EDITOIl OJ THE EREEMASOXS JIAGAZISTE AST- MASONIC MIEBOK . DJSAII SIB AND BROTHER , —It occurs to me that , if every lodge in England and AVales ivere to subscribe one guinea toAvards the fund for the relief of the distressed operatives at Coventry , a very substantial amount might be raised Avithout impoA'erishnig the funds of any lodge . I am , dear Sir and Brotheryours fraternally
, , A YORKSHIRE PAST MASTEE . Middlesborougli , Dee . 31 si 5 , 1860 . [ With our knowledge of the Craft , we have but little hope that shillings will be obtained where our Bro . Past Master looks for guineas . ]
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows comes off on the 30 th of the present month , when , from the list of stewards , we shall bo much disappointed if a most magnificent subscription is not the result . At the last meeting of the Grand Stewards' Lodgeit ivas
re-, solved to recommend Bro . H . G . AVarren , W . M ., to the M . W . G . M . as Prestonian lecturer . We hear of great alterations in the management of the Girls ' School , but ive must make inquiries before expressing our opinion ivith regard to them .
DURHAM , DAEHNffTOi * -. —Restoration . Lodae ( So . 128 ) . —The annual lodge for the installation of AV . M . was held in the Town-hall , on Thursday , the 27 th December . There was a good attendance of the members , as also several visiting brethren , among whom were Bro . C . J . Bannister , P . M ., of Liverpool ; Bros . Henry Thompson , P . M ., rTcT TT 1 ' , ; TT ° Mi < w'esborough , & c . Bro . H . A . Hammerbom , ot St . Helen sHartlepool ( also a PMand member of the Restora
, .., - tion Lodge ) , officiated as Installing Master , assisted by the Rev . R J . Simpson , P . M ., and the retiring AV . M . The Master-elect was Bro . Richard Benson , Ensign of the Darlington Rifle Volunteers After the installation , the W . M . invested the Rev . R . J . Simpson with the Chaplain ' s . jewel . He then proceeded to the appointment of the following officers : —John E . WSey , S . AV . ; — Marshall , J . AV . ; G . J . AViison , P . M . ( re-elected ) Treasurer ; —Senior , Secretary Sergt
; . -Major Wells , Master of Ceremonies ; — Abbey , I i E * W ? y * J ' - ; George Allison , jun ., I . G . ; — Gargett , lyler . At the close of the business , the brethren adjourned to Bro . Turner ' s ( the King ' s Head Hotel ) , where a sumptuous bancraet was served up , and the evening ivas spent very harmoniously . A subscription was made towards the Masonic charities . HABTiEEOon . —St . Helen's Lodge ( So . 174 . ) . —The brethren of fctHelen Lod
. s ge , assembled in the Masonic Hall , Regent-square , on Wednesday , the 2 Gth December , at two o'clock , p . m ., for the purpose of installing Bro . James Groves , S . AA ., who had been unanimously elected to the office as W . M . for the ensuin" year , . there were present , to do honour to the occasion , a number of brethren from the neighbouring towns , including the Rev . R . J . £ impson , M . A ., W . M . of the Restoration Lodge , Darlington ; Bro . I- •>¦ Bannister , P . M . 5 G and 267 , and a past or present Grand
Officer in the three provinces of Durham , Xorthnmberlantl , and Lancashire ; Bro . Henry Thomson , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . AV . for the North and East Riding of Yorkshire ; Bro . AVilliam Doughty , AV . M . elect ; J . Storey , North York Lodge , ( 876 ) , Middlesborough ; Bro . Thomas Aylon , Tees Lodge , Stockton ; Bro . Hearon , Granby Lodge , Durham , & c . —Bro . H . A . Hammerbom , P . M ., officiated as Installing Master , anil Bro . George Moore , P . M ., as Director of CeremoniesAfter the which was
com-. ceremony , pleted in due form , the AA . M . appointed his officers for the ensuing year , as follows -. —S . Armstrong , P . M . and Treas . ; George Moore , P . M ., Director of Ceremonies ; John Gallon , S . AA \; B . R . Huntley , J . AV . ; David Cunningham ( re-appointed ) Sec . ; A . Kathan , S . D . ; AV . J . Sivenright , J . D . ; James Rogerson , I . G . ; James Mowbray , Tyler ; and AVm . Hall and A . G . Dalziel , Steivards . —At the conclusion of the business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren
adjourned to the King's Head Hotel , when the annual banquet , in celebration of St . John the Evangelist , was spread by the AA-orthy host , Bro . John Smith . Here they were joined by several others , united with them in the bond of Masonry , among whom were Bro . George Bottomley , Mayor of Middlesborougb , and Bro . John Sutcliffe , AV . M . of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( 1066 ) , West Hartlepool . After the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured ; after which others of a more to the
special nature were proposed and heartily responded . In course of the evening , which was spent most agreeably , a handsome subscription was made towards the funds of the splendid charities of the fraternity .
ESSEX . COICHESTER . —United Lodge ( No . 998 . —The St . John ' s Festival of this lodge , founded for , and chiefly composed of , officers belonging to the Colchester Garrison , ivas celebrated on Thursday , Dec . 27 th , at the George Hotel . The lodge for the installation of the AV . M . elect for the ensuing year , Major Thos . Gore , was held in the afternoon , the rite of installation being impressively performed by Bro . Peter Matthews , Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies for
Essex ; after which the following officers ivere invested : —Bro . Col . Haddon , C . JE ., S . AV . ; Bro . Scott , Medical Staff ; Bro . Henry Joslin , Sec . ; Bro . Anderson , Treas . ; Bro . Thomas Hall , S . D . ; Bro . Lloyd , J . D . ; Bro . F . Early , I . G . ; Bro . AVitten , Tyler . In the evening the brethren sat doAA'n to an elegant and sumptuous banquet , served . in the lodge room by host Guiver . The newly-installed W . M . ( Major Gore ) presided ; supported by the Prov . G . M . for Essex , Bro . Robert J . Bagshaw ; Bro . Peter MattheivsG . D . C . ; Bro . John
, Pattison , W . M . of the Angel Lodge ; Bro . Captain Pender , P . M . ( for tAvo years ) of the United Lodge ; and Bro . Ames , W . M . Brightlingsea Lodge . There were also present Bros . G . E . Tompson , R . S . Nunn , Craster , Bennett , Vance , Drew , Scott , J . Mann , T . Hall , Anderson , AA ' aterivorth , Clarey ( Brightlingsea ) , H . Joslin , AA " . Williams , & c . —The first toast proposed bv the AV . M . was
" The Queen and the Craft ; " Avhich was followed by " The Health of the G . M . of England , the Earl of Zetland ; " and next by that of " The ProA' . G . M . of Essex , " who returned thanks , and expressed his pleasure in revisiting this flourishing lodge , after being unavoidably absent from the tivo previous festivals . Bro . Bagshaiv concluded by proposing , " The Health . of the AA . M . of the United Lodge . " —The AA . M . acknoivledged the compliment , and p > roposecl "The Deputy G . M . and Officers of the Provincial Lodge , " for
which Bro . Pattison returned thanks . The W . M . proposed , " The Health of Bro . Peter Matthews , with thanks for his attendance ;" to which Bro . Mattheivs responded . The other toasts Avere , "The Health of the P . M ., Capt . Pender , " proposed by Bro . Mann ; "The Alsiting Brethren , " acknoivledged by Bro . Ames ; "Bro . Thomas Hall , " proposed by Captain Pender , ivith a warm acknoAA-ledgment of his services in the working of the lodge ; AA'hich Avas supported by similar testimony from Bro . Pattison as regards the Angel
Lodge ; "Bro . Colonel Maydivell , the Founder of the United Lodge ; " " The Officers of the Lodge , " for ivhieh Bros . Anderson and Scott returned thanks ; "The Host of the George , " Bro . Guiver ; " "The Memory of Bro . Rowell , " late J . AA 7 . of this lodge , Avho died whilst serving with the China Expedition , proposed by Bro . Anderson ; " The Health of the Treasurer , " & c .
HAMPSHIRE . COAVES , ISLE OE AVIOHT . —Medina Lodge ( So . 41 ) . —The annual meeting of this ancient lodge ivas held at the lodge-rooms , "So . 85 , High-street , GWes , on Thursday , 27 th inst ., being St . Jolm ' s-day . The lodge Avas opened by the AV . M ., Bro . T . AV Faulkner , assisted by a full board of P . M . s , when the minutes of the last lodge ivere read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second degree and Bro . Deacon , the S . AV ., who had been duly elected as W . M . for the ensuing year , was presented for installation . The ancient charges having been read , the lodge was opened in the third degree ,, mil the W . M . proceeded with the ceremony of installation , ivhieh
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The lodges of Simla and Lahore arc in good ivorking order—brethren numerous , & c . I send you an extract from Tim Delhi Gazette * from which it AA'ill be observed that the brethren of Lucknow have their lodge in first-rate order . I am UOAV in charge of the Ferozepore Post Office , but am uncertain Avhen or whore my next fli ght Ai'ill be to . Howover , if anything particular occurs , I will let you know .
Until then , bciieve Tours fraternally , F . J . JORDAN . Ferozepore Post Office , 16 th Nov . 1860 .
The Suffering Ribbon Weavers At Coventry.
TO THE EDITOIl OJ THE EREEMASOXS JIAGAZISTE AST- MASONIC MIEBOK . DJSAII SIB AND BROTHER , —It occurs to me that , if every lodge in England and AVales ivere to subscribe one guinea toAvards the fund for the relief of the distressed operatives at Coventry , a very substantial amount might be raised Avithout impoA'erishnig the funds of any lodge . I am , dear Sir and Brotheryours fraternally
, , A YORKSHIRE PAST MASTEE . Middlesborougli , Dee . 31 si 5 , 1860 . [ With our knowledge of the Craft , we have but little hope that shillings will be obtained where our Bro . Past Master looks for guineas . ]
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The Festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows comes off on the 30 th of the present month , when , from the list of stewards , we shall bo much disappointed if a most magnificent subscription is not the result . At the last meeting of the Grand Stewards' Lodgeit ivas
re-, solved to recommend Bro . H . G . AVarren , W . M ., to the M . W . G . M . as Prestonian lecturer . We hear of great alterations in the management of the Girls ' School , but ive must make inquiries before expressing our opinion ivith regard to them .
DURHAM , DAEHNffTOi * -. —Restoration . Lodae ( So . 128 ) . —The annual lodge for the installation of AV . M . was held in the Town-hall , on Thursday , the 27 th December . There was a good attendance of the members , as also several visiting brethren , among whom were Bro . C . J . Bannister , P . M ., of Liverpool ; Bros . Henry Thompson , P . M ., rTcT TT 1 ' , ; TT ° Mi < w'esborough , & c . Bro . H . A . Hammerbom , ot St . Helen sHartlepool ( also a PMand member of the Restora
, .., - tion Lodge ) , officiated as Installing Master , assisted by the Rev . R J . Simpson , P . M ., and the retiring AV . M . The Master-elect was Bro . Richard Benson , Ensign of the Darlington Rifle Volunteers After the installation , the W . M . invested the Rev . R . J . Simpson with the Chaplain ' s . jewel . He then proceeded to the appointment of the following officers : —John E . WSey , S . AV . ; — Marshall , J . AV . ; G . J . AViison , P . M . ( re-elected ) Treasurer ; —Senior , Secretary Sergt
; . -Major Wells , Master of Ceremonies ; — Abbey , I i E * W ? y * J ' - ; George Allison , jun ., I . G . ; — Gargett , lyler . At the close of the business , the brethren adjourned to Bro . Turner ' s ( the King ' s Head Hotel ) , where a sumptuous bancraet was served up , and the evening ivas spent very harmoniously . A subscription was made towards the Masonic charities . HABTiEEOon . —St . Helen's Lodge ( So . 174 . ) . —The brethren of fctHelen Lod
. s ge , assembled in the Masonic Hall , Regent-square , on Wednesday , the 2 Gth December , at two o'clock , p . m ., for the purpose of installing Bro . James Groves , S . AA ., who had been unanimously elected to the office as W . M . for the ensuin" year , . there were present , to do honour to the occasion , a number of brethren from the neighbouring towns , including the Rev . R . J . £ impson , M . A ., W . M . of the Restoration Lodge , Darlington ; Bro . I- •>¦ Bannister , P . M . 5 G and 267 , and a past or present Grand
Officer in the three provinces of Durham , Xorthnmberlantl , and Lancashire ; Bro . Henry Thomson , P . M ., P . Prov . G . S . AV . for the North and East Riding of Yorkshire ; Bro . AVilliam Doughty , AV . M . elect ; J . Storey , North York Lodge , ( 876 ) , Middlesborough ; Bro . Thomas Aylon , Tees Lodge , Stockton ; Bro . Hearon , Granby Lodge , Durham , & c . —Bro . H . A . Hammerbom , P . M ., officiated as Installing Master , anil Bro . George Moore , P . M ., as Director of CeremoniesAfter the which was
com-. ceremony , pleted in due form , the AA . M . appointed his officers for the ensuing year , as follows -. —S . Armstrong , P . M . and Treas . ; George Moore , P . M ., Director of Ceremonies ; John Gallon , S . AA \; B . R . Huntley , J . AV . ; David Cunningham ( re-appointed ) Sec . ; A . Kathan , S . D . ; AV . J . Sivenright , J . D . ; James Rogerson , I . G . ; James Mowbray , Tyler ; and AVm . Hall and A . G . Dalziel , Steivards . —At the conclusion of the business , the lodge was closed , and the brethren
adjourned to the King's Head Hotel , when the annual banquet , in celebration of St . John the Evangelist , was spread by the AA-orthy host , Bro . John Smith . Here they were joined by several others , united with them in the bond of Masonry , among whom were Bro . George Bottomley , Mayor of Middlesborougb , and Bro . John Sutcliffe , AV . M . of the Harbour of Refuge Lodge ( 1066 ) , West Hartlepool . After the removal of the cloth , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured ; after which others of a more to the
special nature were proposed and heartily responded . In course of the evening , which was spent most agreeably , a handsome subscription was made towards the funds of the splendid charities of the fraternity .
ESSEX . COICHESTER . —United Lodge ( No . 998 . —The St . John ' s Festival of this lodge , founded for , and chiefly composed of , officers belonging to the Colchester Garrison , ivas celebrated on Thursday , Dec . 27 th , at the George Hotel . The lodge for the installation of the AV . M . elect for the ensuing year , Major Thos . Gore , was held in the afternoon , the rite of installation being impressively performed by Bro . Peter Matthews , Prov . Grand Director of Ceremonies for
Essex ; after which the following officers ivere invested : —Bro . Col . Haddon , C . JE ., S . AV . ; Bro . Scott , Medical Staff ; Bro . Henry Joslin , Sec . ; Bro . Anderson , Treas . ; Bro . Thomas Hall , S . D . ; Bro . Lloyd , J . D . ; Bro . F . Early , I . G . ; Bro . AVitten , Tyler . In the evening the brethren sat doAA'n to an elegant and sumptuous banquet , served . in the lodge room by host Guiver . The newly-installed W . M . ( Major Gore ) presided ; supported by the Prov . G . M . for Essex , Bro . Robert J . Bagshaw ; Bro . Peter MattheivsG . D . C . ; Bro . John
, Pattison , W . M . of the Angel Lodge ; Bro . Captain Pender , P . M . ( for tAvo years ) of the United Lodge ; and Bro . Ames , W . M . Brightlingsea Lodge . There were also present Bros . G . E . Tompson , R . S . Nunn , Craster , Bennett , Vance , Drew , Scott , J . Mann , T . Hall , Anderson , AA ' aterivorth , Clarey ( Brightlingsea ) , H . Joslin , AA " . Williams , & c . —The first toast proposed bv the AV . M . was
" The Queen and the Craft ; " Avhich was followed by " The Health of the G . M . of England , the Earl of Zetland ; " and next by that of " The ProA' . G . M . of Essex , " who returned thanks , and expressed his pleasure in revisiting this flourishing lodge , after being unavoidably absent from the tivo previous festivals . Bro . Bagshaiv concluded by proposing , " The Health . of the AA . M . of the United Lodge . " —The AA . M . acknoivledged the compliment , and p > roposecl "The Deputy G . M . and Officers of the Provincial Lodge , " for
which Bro . Pattison returned thanks . The W . M . proposed , " The Health of Bro . Peter Matthews , with thanks for his attendance ;" to which Bro . Mattheivs responded . The other toasts Avere , "The Health of the P . M ., Capt . Pender , " proposed by Bro . Mann ; "The Alsiting Brethren , " acknoivledged by Bro . Ames ; "Bro . Thomas Hall , " proposed by Captain Pender , ivith a warm acknoAA-ledgment of his services in the working of the lodge ; AA'hich Avas supported by similar testimony from Bro . Pattison as regards the Angel
Lodge ; "Bro . Colonel Maydivell , the Founder of the United Lodge ; " " The Officers of the Lodge , " for ivhieh Bros . Anderson and Scott returned thanks ; "The Host of the George , " Bro . Guiver ; " "The Memory of Bro . Rowell , " late J . AA 7 . of this lodge , Avho died whilst serving with the China Expedition , proposed by Bro . Anderson ; " The Health of the Treasurer , " & c .
HAMPSHIRE . COAVES , ISLE OE AVIOHT . —Medina Lodge ( So . 41 ) . —The annual meeting of this ancient lodge ivas held at the lodge-rooms , "So . 85 , High-street , GWes , on Thursday , 27 th inst ., being St . Jolm ' s-day . The lodge Avas opened by the AV . M ., Bro . T . AV Faulkner , assisted by a full board of P . M . s , when the minutes of the last lodge ivere read and confirmed . The lodge was then opened in the second degree and Bro . Deacon , the S . AV ., who had been duly elected as W . M . for the ensuing year , was presented for installation . The ancient charges having been read , the lodge was opened in the third degree ,, mil the W . M . proceeded with the ceremony of installation , ivhieh